Motion Picture |
Direction |
C.R.A.Z.Y., Pierre Even and Jean-Marc Vallée
- Familia, Luc Déry
- It's All Gone Pete Tong, Elizabeth Yake, Allan Niblo, James Richardson
- Saint Ralph, Michael Souther, Teza Lawrence, Andrea Mann, Seaton McLean
- Water, David Hamilton
Actor in a leading role |
Actress in a leading role |
Actor in a supporting role |
Actress in a supporting role |
Original Screenplay |
Adapted Screenplay |
Best Live Action Short Drama |
Best Animated Short |
David Ostry and Matthew Cervi, Milo 55160
- Carl Laudan, The Big Thing
- Simon Olivier Fecteau, Guillaume Lespérance and Jean-François Lord, Les Derniers jours
- Hélène Bélanger Martin and Antonello Cozzolino, Mardi Matin...quelque part
- Greg Spottiswood, Jason Charters and Liam Romalis, Noise
Chris Hinton and Michael Fukushima, cNote
- Patrick Bouchard and Michèle Bélanger, Dehors novembre
- Philippe Julien, Marcel Jean and Jean-Pierre Lemouland, Ruzz et Ben
Art Direction/Production Design |
Cinematography |
Costume Design |
Editing |
Overall Sound |
Sound Editing |
Yvon Benoît, Daniel Bisson, Luc Boudrias and Bernard Gariépy Strobl, C.R.A.Z.Y.
- Greg Stewart, Michael McCann and Michael Thomas, It's All Gone Pete Tong
- Daniel Pellerin, John Hazen, Jan Rudy and Bisa Skecic, Lie With Me
- Leon Johnson, Bruce Little and Howard Rissin, Seven Times Lucky
- Chris Munro, John Hazen, Daniel Pellerin and Jan Rudy, Where the Truth Lies
Martin Pinsonnault, Mira Mailhot, Simon Meilleur, Mireille Morin and Jean-François Sauvé, C.R.A.Z.Y.
- Olivier Calvert, Diane Boucher, Simon Meilleur, Francine Poirier and Jean-François Sauvé, L'Audition
- Michael McCann, Chester Bialowas, Tony Gort, Roger Morris and Michael Thomas, It's All Gone Pete Tong
- Bruce Little and Russ Dyck, Seven Times Lucky
- Alice Wright, Valéry Dufort-Boucher, Alexis Farand, Jacques Plante and Christian Rivest, Le Survenant
Achievement in Music: Original Score |
Achievement in Music: Original Song |
Documentary |
Special awards |