Aatos Tapala

Aatos Abel Tapala (born May 5, 1940, Sauvo) is a Finnish actor, opera singer and, for a time, a soloist for the Finnish National Opera from 1965-1972.[1][2][3] Throughout the course of his lifetime Tapala has participated in various roles in operas and musicals such as Tamino in Taikahuilu, Basilio in Figaron häät, Perämies in Lentävä hollantilainen, Aegisthus in Elektra, Maalari in Lulu, Šemeikka in Juha and Tony in West Side Story.[2]


Aatos Abel Tapala was born in Sauvo, Finland in the year of 1940.[1][2]

Tapala spend a significant amount of time studying other artists such as Jorma Huttusen, Pekka Nuotion, Clemens Glettenbergin, Clemens Kaiser-Bremen and Gino Cittadini-Lauri. Tapala also spent time as an elementary schoolteacher.[2]

Tapala was married to Tamara Lund from the year of 1966 until 1985 when they divorced. The couple had one child together.[1]



  1. 1 2 3 "Aatos Tapala". IMDb. Retrieved 2016-06-27.
  2. 1 2 3 4 Suuri Musiikkitietosanakirja. p. 134. ISBN 951-35-4730-2.
  3. "Aatos Tapala : Curriculum vitae". www.aatostapala.net. Retrieved 2016-06-27.

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