Aclan Bates

AFI graduate Aclan Bates is a Turkish-American film director, who divides his time between Los Angeles, California and Ankara, Turkey via various projects including an acting school and playhouse. Aclan is currently developing an incubator platform within the Performing Arts sector for emerging and established startups and entrepreneurs who work both in front of or behind the camera within the entertainment industry including film, television, screenwriting, theatre, dance, and music.
He is also a working actor/director in the National Theatre of Turkey and has an extensive stage and theater background, all of which provide the perfect backdrop for this new and exciting project.
The incubator will be based in London and will serve startups from throughout Europe and the United States, while serving as a bridge between Hollywood, London and Turkey.
Stage and Film work
- 2104 Directed Antikaci feature-length film starring Filmstar
- 2013 Directed The Swan Song /A Marriage Proposall by Anton Checkhov
- 2012 Performed in Unutma Beni as Cevher
- 2011 Performed in Taken 2 with Liam Neeson
- 2010 Directed Paolo Levi's Pinedus Affair
- 2009 Directed Jeanne Beckwith's A War Story at the Realto
- 2008 Directed Beth Henley's Crimes of the Heart
- 2007 Directed Melegin Sırları (Broken Angel) Feature-length film starring Nehir Erdogan, Los Angeles and was featured as "Hakan"
- 2006 A Taxi to Jannah, Fountain Theatre as "Yazeed" Los Angeles
- 2006 Josephine, Studio 52 as "Pepito" and "Juan Perón" Los Angeles
- 2006 Lincoln Heights ABC TV "lead" Los Angeles
- 2006 Directed Standing By for JLS Productions at the Matrix Theatre, Los Angeles
- 2005 Agır Roman, Turkish State Opera and Ballet, Los Angeles Production, Production Supervisor, Los Angeles
- 2005 Directed The Trial for Write Act Repertory Theatre: Los Angeles
- 2000–02 American Film Institute Hollywood, California Writer/Director
- 1991–2009 Turkish National Theatre, Ankara, Turkey
- 2003 Directed George Orwell's Animal Farm
- 1998–99 Jules Feiffer's Little Murders as "Kenny"
- 1996–98 Luigi Pirandello's Liola as "Liola"
- 1997–98 Directed Jean-Paul Sartre's The Flies
- 1996–98 David Hare's Skylight as "Edward"
- 1995–97 Anton Chekhov's The Seagull as "Treplev"
- 1994–95 Victor Haim's The Visitor as "Mataresco
- 1994–95 Directed Bertolt Brecht's The Good Person of Szechwan
- 1993–94 Georg Büchner's Woyzeck as Charlatan
- 1992–93 Necip Fazıl Kısakürek's Bir Adam Yaratmak (The Making of a Man) as "Mansur"
- 1991–92 One-man play, Kus by Coskun Irmak, Karalarin Memetleri as "Ali" by Cahit Atay, Ay Isiginda Samata as "Erol" by Haldun Taner, Genc Osman in various roles
- 1995–96 Turkish Radio and Television Ankara, Turkey
- Prime Time TV series Ferhunde Hanimlar as "Tayfun"
- 1991–99 TRT and Private Stations Ankara, Turkey
- 2000—2002 American Film Institute, Directing. Hollywood, California. Masters of Fine Arts. Thesis Film: Condemned
- 1995–1999 Ankara University, Education Sciences Faculty. Education Programs & Training. Ankara, Turkey Masters of Arts. Thesis: Problems of Training Actors in Theatre Education Institutions
- 1991–1995 Hacettepe University, Ankara National Conservatory Theatre Department Ankara, Turkey Masters of Fine Arts Emphasis in Theatre Education and Directing
- 1987–1991 Hacettepe University, Ankara National Conservatory Theatre Department Ankara, Turkey. Bachelor of Arts
- Beth Henley, Crimes of the Heart
- David Mamet, Sexual Perversity in Chicago
- George Orwell, Animal Farm (Nelson Bond's stage adaptation)
- Sarah Ruhl, Eurydice – The Clean House
- Joe Masteroff, Cabaret
- Alan Ball, Five Women Wearing the Same Dress