Ali-Mohammad Mirza

The Royal Neshan given to Ehteshami-ol-Mamalek by Mozaffar al-Din Shah
Ali-Mohammad Mirza, whose royal title was Ehtesham-ol-Mamalek, was the third son of Khanlar Mirza, known as Ehteshami ed-Dowleh, the commander of Nasser al-Din Shah's forces in Bushehr during the Anglo-Persian War, and the grandson of Abbas Mirza.
Ali-Mohammad Mirza was given a royal Neshan by Mozaffar al-Din Shah Qajar of 'Sardar 2nd class'.
- Mohammad Reza Mirza (royal title: Badi-ol-Mamalek)
- Husain Gohli Mirza (royal title: Ehteshami-Nezham)
- Mohammad Mirza(royal title: Aleh-Soltan)
- Mohammad Vali Mirza (royal title: Ehteshami-ed-Dowleh II)
General Manager (Grade-19) (Defence Ministry, Govt. of Pakistan)
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