Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (English Edition)

Applied Mathematics and Mechanics(English Edition)  
Abbreviated title (ISO 4)
Appl. Math. Mech. -Engl. Ed.
Language English
Edited by Zhe-wei ZHOU
Publication details
Publication history
Frequency monthly
ISSN 0253-4827

Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (English Edition) is founded by the famous mechanical, mathematical, educational, and community leader Wei-zang Chien in 1980. This journal aims to carry original research papers on mechanics, mathematical methods in mechanics as well as applied mathematics relevant to neoteric mechanics. It is a good reference to the researchers and students who work in the mechanical research or related technology areas. Dr. Chien was the editor-in-chief during 1980 to the end of 2002. From then on, he turned to be honorary editor-in-chief. Dr. Zhe-wei Zhou, vice president and professor of Shanghai University, has succeeded editor-in-chief since 2003.[1] Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (English Edition) is an editor recommendation journal. It develops very quickly from its foundation. In 1980, it was quarterly, became bimonthly in 1981, and then monthly in 1985. The review period, publication period, and ratio of papers from foreign countries have also been much improved. In 2009, the average period between submission and first decision is about 3–5 months, and the ratio of published papers written by foreign authors increased to more than 39.5%.

Abstracting and indexing

The journal is abstracted and indexed in Science Citation Index Expand (SCI), Engineering Index Compendex (EI), World Translation Index (WTI), Applied Mathematics Reviews (AMR), Mathematics Reviews (MR), Abstracts of Astronomical Publications, Web of Science, and Current Mathematical Publications (CMP) and so on. According to the Journal Citation Reports, it has a 2012 impact factor of 0.647.


Due to the excellent work, Appl. Math. Mech. -Engl. Ed. has received many awards, such as One-hundred Key Journals in the 3rd National Journal Award, the 1st University Extractive Technical Journal in China, Excellent Editing Quality Award, the 2nd University Extractive Technical Journal in China, the 4th Excellent Journal Award in East China, the 3rd University Extractive Technical Journal in China, Outstanding Team of the University Extractive Technical Journal in China in 2011, the 4th University Extractive Technical Journal in China, Award for China's Most Influential International Academic Journals in 2012.


External links

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