Australian Apple Review

Australian Apple Review
Editor Graeme Philipson, Gene Stephan, Gareth Powell
Categories Home computing
Frequency Monthly
First issue 1983
Final issue
— Number
Vol. 4, No. 5
Company Gareth Powell Pty Ltd, Saturday Magazine Pty Ltd
Country Australia
Language English
ISSN 0816-7184

Australian Apple Review was an Australian computer magazine (ISSN 0816-7184)[1] published by Gareth Powell Pty Ltd and Saturday Magazine Pty Ltd and initially printed by Offset Alpine and then by Ian Liddel Pty Ltd. The first issue was available in newsagents and dealerships in October 1983 (32 pages) at the recommended price of $3.00. The magazine was published roughly monthly with 10 issues per year. The final issue was Vol 4 No 5 1987. The first editor of the magazine was Graeme Philipson. Later issues were edited by Gene Stephan and Gareth Powell.[2]

The articles in Australian Apple Review catered for beginners to computing, through to highly technical programming techniques, industry updates and resources, with a focus on software, peripherals and computers available from Apple Computer. Articles were written by both full-time magazine staff and freelance contributors, including Paul Zabrs.


  1. "Australian Apple Review". National Library of Australia Trove. Retrieved 16 February 2015.
  2. "Australian Apple Review". Australian Apple Review Archive. Apple Pugetsound Program Library Exchange. Retrieved 16 February 2015.

External links

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