Awareness Cambodia

Awareness Cambodia is a not-for-profit overseas aid organisation working in partnership with Cambodian communities to directly assist some of the poorest and most underprivileged in rural Cambodia. Awareness Cambodia was founded by Perth dentist Dr Gary Hewett in 1995. Projects focus on three streams: education, health and childhood development programs.
Projects - Child Development
In the year 2000 Awareness Cambodia established its first project, Sunshine House. Awareness Cambodia has over the years built a small village on the site, housing Khmer staff and children.
The House of Progress was initiated to provide a pathway for the children of Sunshine House to finish upper high school.
This project provides young adults with a place to live independently whilst they attend university or VOC training within a supportive structure.
Health - Stream
Operation Nightingale is an initiative of Awareness Cambodia and works in close cooperation with the Cambodian Provincial Health Department. Awareness Cambodia has expanded from its initial solitary medical clinic to seven health centres. Accessing good health care for the Kompong Speu community has seen a stabilization of the community’s prevailing chronic conditions. The program has been instrumental in training up nursing and auxiliary staff to provide increasing standards of service at the Government Health Centres. Operation Nightingale continues to provide medical services free of charge to the poor in particular the elderly, women and children in the province of Kompong Speu.
A two-year pilot program is currently being run by Operation Nightingale that involves an initial group of 1,440 rural women (aged 17 to 65) being screened for the cancers and taking part in education sessions at existing Operation Nightingale 7 clinics. The aim of the program is to raise awareness about breast and cervical cancer, and increase early detection rates in order to reduce the death toll from these diseases.
Education Projects
Scholarship - program:
The Awareness Cambodia inaugural Scholarship program got underway in 2014 by identifying four gifted rural students. The scholarship program is a significant step forward in seeing Cambodia’s heart, dignity and opportunity effectively restored as Awareness Cambodia plays it part in filling the education vacuum left behind by civil war, invasion and AIDS.
The program is offered to underprivileged rural students who show academic excellence. Scholarships are on offer in both agriculture and medicine. Students receive a large portion of university fees and also a nurturing home within the Graduation House program. The successful Graduation House program is an important component in assisting rural children coming to Phnom Penh to study.
English Second Language - program:
Awareness Cambodia partners with the Cambodian Government to teach English Second Language in four Primary Government schools. Awareness Cambodia provides teachers with textbooks, resources and training. The program targets students in years 4, 5 and 6. The program operates as a partnership between Awareness Cambodia, The Kompong Speu Education Department and the community.
A Case for Change - program:
A Case for Change takes place in Cambodia each July. Since the program’s launch in 2008, close to 6500 backpacks have been distributed to local government Cambodian primary schools. Each school backpack is filled with school supplies.
These particular schools also participate in Awareness Cambodia’s English Second Language for Primary Schools (ESLPS) program as part of Awareness Cambodia’s holistic education strategy.
External links
- Official website