Barbara Freitag
[[File:Barbara Freitag-Rouan

Barbara Freitag-Rouanet (Obernzell, 26 November 1941) is a German-born Brazilian sociologist, author, and academic at Universidade de Brasília. Her family emigrated to Brazil in 1948 when she was 7.[1]
Graduated in Sociology, Psychology and Philosophy at the Universities of Frankfurt / M. and Berlin. Obtained her PhD at the Technical University of Berlin and made her Habilitation at the Free University of Berlin. Taught in these and other European universities. In Brazil, she worked at the University of Brasilia as a tenured professor and received the title of Professor Emeritus. Was also a visiting professor at USP, UNESP, UFPR, UFBa, among others. Unesco occupies the chair entitled "City and Environment". Coordinated integrated research project that studies the transfer of Brazilian capitals.
She is married to the Brazilian diplomat and writer Sérgio Rouanet and has a son and a daughter, both adults.
Published works
Books by Barbara Freitag include:
- Die brasilianische Bildungspolitik: Resultante oder Agens gesellschaftl. Wandlungsprozesse? (Beitrage zur Soziologie und Sozialkunde Lateinamerikas) (German Edition) (1975) ISBN 3-7705-1302-9
- Der Aufbau kindlicher Bewusstseinsstrukturen im gesellschaftlichen Kontext: Eine Untersuchung schulpflichtiger Kinder in Brasilien (Beitrage zur Soziologie ... Sozialkunde Lateinamerikas) (German Edition) (1983) ISBN 3-7705-2190-0
- A Teoria Crítica: Ontem e Hoje (Portuguese Edition) (1984) ISBN 85-11-14060-3
- O livro didatico em questao (Colecao Educacao contemporanea) (Portuguese Edition) (1989) ISBN 85-249-0166-7
- Itinerarios de Antigona: A questao da moralidade (Portuguese Edition) (1992) ISBN 85-308-0184-9
- Dialogando com Jürgen Habermas (Portuguese Edition) (2005) ISBN 85-282-0132-5
- Teorias da Cidade (2006) ISBN 85-308-0824-X
- Capitais migrantes e Poderes peregrinos: O caso do Rio de Janeiro (Portuguese Edition)(2009) ISBN 978-85-308-0892-1
- ↑ Sociedade e Estado - Perfil de Barbara Freitag MFP Coelho - 2005 "Freitag emigrou com a família da Alemanha para o Brasil em 1948, com sete anos, e constituiu sua formação acadêmica no trânsito entre os dois países."