Bible translations into Serbian

There are many translations of the Bible into Serbian and Serbo-Croatian language.
The first Serbian Bible of Atanasije Stojković (published by the Russian Bible Society at Saint Petersburg, 1824) was not written in the vernacular, but is a mixture of Church Slavonic and Serbian languages. Stojković later translated the New Testament to Serbian in 1830. More popular translation of the New Testament by Vuk Karadžić was published in Vienna in 1847, and completed by the Old Testament translation by Đuro Daničić in Belgrade in 1865.
Further, the Four Gospels were translated into Serbian language by prince Radiša Dmitrović, Trojan Gundulić and hieromonk Mardarije. Jehovah's Witnesses have translated their New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures into Serbian, in both Cyrillic and Latin scripts.
More recent translations are the following:
- Lujo Bakotić, 1933, complete
- Dimitrije Stefanović, 1934, New Testament
- Emilijan Čarnić, 1973, New Testament; Psalms, 1985.
- the Synod with the Bible Society, 1984, New Testament
- Aleksandar Birviš, 1987, four Gospels; Genesis, 2003; Hebrews 2003; Lament, 2005; Isaiah, 2006.
Translation | Genesis 1:1–3 | John 3:16 |
Đuro Daničić, Vuk Karadžić | U početku stvori Bog nebo i zemlju.
A zemlja bješe bez obličja i pusta, i bješe tama nad bezdanom; i duh Božji dizaše se nad vodom. I reče Bog: neka bude svjetlost. I bi svjetlost. |
Jer Bogu tako omilje svijet da je i sina svojega jedinorodnoga dao, da nijedan koji ga vjeruje ne pogine, nego da ima život vječni. |
Lujo Bakotić (1933) | Jer Bog toliko ljubi svet, da je Sina svoga jodinorođenoga dao, da ni jedan koji u njega veruje ne propadne, nego da ima život večni.[1] | |
Synod with the Bible Society (1984) | New Testament only | Jer Bog tako zavolje svijet da je Sina svojega Jednorodnoga dao, da svaki koji vjeruje u njega ne pogine, nego da ima život vječni. |
Emilijan Čarnić (1992) | New Testament only | Jer Bog je tako zavoleo svet da je svog jedinorodnog Sina dao, da svaki - ko veruje u njega - ne propadne, nego da ima večni život. |
See also
External links
Works related to Old Testament translation by Đuro Daničić and New Testament translation by Vuk Karadžić at Wikisource
Works related to Translation of the Traduction œcuménique de la Bible by Tomislav Dretar at Wikisource
- Complete Đuro daničić/Vuk Karadžić translation
- New Testament translation by Emilijan Čarnić, Belgrade, 1992