Campaign of Sucre in Upper Peru

Campaign of Sucre in Upper Peru was a set of military operations conducted by the Liberator United Army of Peru to dislodge the Spanish royalists in Upper Peru or Charcas. Were started after the Battle of Ayacucho and concluded with the surrender of the last groups of realistic after combat of Tumusla.
On February 6 Marshal Sucre at the head of the Liberation Army crossed the Desaguadero River (Bolivia) to occupy La Paz. General Jose Maria Cordova, with its Colombian division should dig in La Paz. Francisco Burdett O'Connor commanded the division of Peru to invade Upper Peru to Potosí.
Royalist general Pedro Antonio Olañeta, hearing of the defection half of his forces under Col Medinaceli, and passed to the patriots, Olañeta attack them on April 1, 1825. Olaneta wound in combat fell to the ground. His soldiers surrender. Olaneta died the following day, April 2. That same day Col.Medinaceli referred the part of the battle to Marshal Sucre, who ended the military campaign.
- Ni con Lima ni con Buenos Aires: la formación de un estado nacional en Charcas. José Luis Roca. 2007