Candy apple red (color)

Candy apple red
    Color coordinates
Hex triplet #FF0800
sRGBB  (r, g, b) (255, 8, 0)
CMYKH   (c, m, y, k) (0, 97, 100, 0)
HSV       (h, s, v) (2°, 100%, 100%)
Source [Unsourced]
B: Normalized to [0–255] (byte)
H: Normalized to [0–100] (hundred)

Candy apple red (occasionally known as apple-candy red) is the name code used by manufacturing companies to define a shade of red similar to the red sugar coating on candied apples. The typical method for producing a candy apple finish is to apply a metallic base-coat, followed by a translucent color coat. A final clear coat adds additional gloss.

Variations of candy apple red

Candy pink

Candy Pink
    Color coordinates
Hex triplet #E4717A
sRGBB  (r, g, b) (228, 113, 122)
CMYKH   (c, m, y, k) (0, 50, 47, 11)
HSV       (h, s, v) (355°, 50%, 89[1]%)
B: Normalized to [0–255] (byte)
H: Normalized to [0–100] (hundred)

Displayed at right is the color candy pink.

The color candy apple red is not mentioned in the 1930 book A Dictionary of Color by Maerz and Paul. However, a color called candy pink is mentioned, the first recorded use of which as a color name is recorded as being in 1926.[2][3]

Candy apple red in culture

Airline colors

Virgin Atlantic began using candy apple red on the tails and engine nacelles of their fleet in July 2010.


Candy Apple Red was first officially used on a production car by Ford in 1966, but it was a bright, non-metallic red. It was not until 1996 that Chrysler, and GM in 2001, had a similarly named production paint.[4] An automotive paint search of "apple" shows that historically the name was associated with a green color going back to the early 1930s.[5]

Candy apple red is a popular color for car companies to manufacture automobiles in because "candy apple red" colored automobiles sell quickly.

The color medium candy apple red, applied with a metallic sheen, is popular among car owners who customize their cars. The "Candy Apple Red" metallic finish is produced, not only for cars but for other objects such as electric guitars, by covering a metallic gold undercoat with layers of translucent lacquer tinted candy apple red. (Metallic finishes can also be produced in this way by tinting with other colors such as green, etc.)[6]

Monster trucks

The Avenger Monster Truck use this color in the 2011 Monster Jam World Finals.


The song Candy Apple Red Impala was released on a 45 rpm record in 1962 by rock and roll musicians Little E and the Mello-Tone Three ("Little E"'s actual name was Emil O'Conner),[7][8][9] although the bright red offered in 1962 on an Impala had a promotional name of Roman Red.[10]

Minneapolis post punk trio Hüsker Dü entitled an album "Candy Apple Grey".

Fender introduced Candy Apple Red as a custom color for their Stratocaster and Telecaster range of guitars in 1963. The color quickly became one of Fender's most popular colors after Sunburst and Black. Pink Floyd's David Gilmour's main instrument of choice from 1984 to 2005 was a 1983 Candy Apple Red Fender American Vintage 57 Stratocaster.


CP locomotive 8760 in current Candy Apple Red/block lettering scheme

Since the late 1990s, the color has been used by Canadian Pacific Railway as part of the company's name change from CP Rail to Canadian Pacific. The color(usually dulled) is still being painted on the locomotive fleet, along with the 'block' style lettering, which was also introduced in the change. The CP Rail painted locomotives were in CP's 'Action Red' scheme.

See also


External links

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