Cantabrian Unity

Cantabrian Unity
Founded 2002
Dissolved 2011
Headquarters Torrelavega, Cantabria
Ideology Regionalism

Cantabrian Unity (Spanish: Unidad Cántabra) is a Cantabrian political party based in Torrelavega. It upholds the "Cantabrian Lábaru" as the legitimate flag of Cantabria, and advocates the linguistic integrity of the Cantabrian territory. The party has no defined ideological position. Cantabrian Unity was founded in early 2000 by breakaway members of the Regional Party of Cantabria and the defunct Union for Cantabrian Progress headed by Juan Hormaechea. It is limited to the area of the autonomous Cantabrian community. It has been registered with the Ministry of the Interior since 5 July, 2002.

The party participated in municipal elections in Cantabria in 2003, and received nearly 7,000 votes towards the Cantabrian Parliament.

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