Cardinals created by Urban IV

Pope Urban IV (1261–1264) created fourteen new cardinals in two consistories. The exact dates of these consistories are not clear. Contemporary reports suggest that they were held on December 24, 1261 ("Saturday before Christmas") and in May 1262. However, some modern authors contest the accuracy of these reports as contradicting the established custom of that time, according to which the promotions of cardinals were celebrated on Saturdays of the Ember weeks, which fell on December 17, 1261 and June 3, 1262 respectively.[1]

Consistory of December 1261

Consistory of May 1262[2]


  1. Cf. Eubel, p. 8, notes 1 and 6.
  2. S. Miranda: The Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church, indicates that this consistory took place on May 22, 1262, but without providing any specific source for this date.


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