Carmen Parra

Carmen Parra (Mexico City, 1944) was a Mexican painter. Her work was inspired in the New Spain iconography art: angels, archangel, eagles, butterflies and flowers.[1]

She was daughter of the architect Manuel Parra and María del Carmen Rodrìguez Peña. She studied in National High School no. 5 of UNAM and then she continued her social anthropology studies. She also studied graphic design for movies in Royal College of Art of London, painting in Rome and music in Rio de Janeiro. When she returns to Mexico, she finished her arts studies, and was Juan Soriano student. Her work and paintings has been exposed in several countries.[2]

Her techniques are oil, gouache, amate paper, serigraphy, among others.

Publications about her work

Expositions list


  1. «Carmen Parra». Carmen Parra (en español de España). Review 2016-06-10.
  2. Isabel Leñero (08/09/2011). «Carmen Parra expone en Casa del Lago». PROCESO magazine. Reviewl 10/06/2016.
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