
Channighat | |
Village | |
Country |
![]() |
State | Assam |
District | Cachar |
Block | Narsingpur |
Population (2015) | |
• Total | 10,000 |
Time zone | IST (UTC+5:30) |
788120 | 788120 |
788120 | 03842 |
ISO 3166 code | IN-AS |
Channighat is a village in Narsingpur Tehsil in Cachar district of Assam State, India. It is located 39 km south of Silchar, 31 km from Narsingpur and 245 km from the state capital Dispur.
Channighat is a village panchayat located in the Cachar district of Assam state, India. The latitude 26.11 and longitude 91.83 are the geocoordinate of the Channighat.
The surrounding nearby villages and its distance from Channighat are Narsingpur, Bhagabazar, Chandpur, Cleverhouse, Derby, Dholai, Jamalpur, Jibangram, Kajidahar, Nagdirgram, Panibhora, Puthikhal, Rajnagar, Saptagram, and Shawrertal.
More details of Pincode 788120 are details pertaining to the population of 788120. The 788120 is located in, Cachar, Assam, India. The capital of India is New Delhi. The country India is situated in continent Asia. The ISO code for the country India in 2 char is IN and 3 char is IND. The population for the country India is 1173108018. The geographical area covered as land is 3287590 (Sq. km). The population density is 356.82917212912804. The current time for 788120/Channighat is .
Geographic details and Stats for Channighat
More details of Pincode 788120 are details pertaining to the population of 788120. The 788120 is located in, Cachar, Assam, India. The capital of India is New Delhi. The country India is situated in continent Asia. The ISO code for the country India in 2 char is IN and 3 char is IND. The population for the country India is 1173108018. The geographical area covered as land is 3287590 (Sq. km). The population density is 356.82917212912804. The current time for 788120/Channighat is .
Demographic details and Stats for Channighat
The economy of Channighat with 788120 largely depends on the nature of social movement, enclosed organizations and geographical factors of CacharAssam along with political leadership of India. Based upon the constituents like households, male to females ratio or children to adults ratio or demographic mixtures ration provide better understanding of the social make up of the population residing in Channighat.
Pincodes are useful tool to get more information. Relevant data pertaining to Pincode 788120 with size and people living is described below. For example, the percentage(%) of households within Channighat with code 788120 is X %
The demographic ratio for example between Male & Female, Married to Single, Houses with Kids and Without Kids, Number of Houses under Rental and Owner based, Median Age of population for 788120, Vacant Homes to occupied within Channighat locality, Cost of Living index can be known by querying information based on Pincode 788120. For each of these fields a comparison with respect to locality and country i.e. Channighat and average can be compared.
Other indicators like per capita income for Channighat, poverty line or real estate like number of houses sold, crime rate in Pincode 788120 or ratio of doctors to residents in Channighat can also be known. It is generally observed that the population below 18 years is less than adult population for 788120. Male employees in Channighat seem to earn more than female employees. The percentage of school going people for 788120 is more than when compared to college or university. Migrant population is lower than resident population for where Pincode 788120 falls under. If you are a resident of Channighat residing in 788120 you can also add to this details like mean travel time to commute from home to office, unemployment %, foreign born %, divorced % etc. and improve our information.
- Channighat M.V School
- Dr. Br Ambedkar Memorial High School
- Bam Bidya Pith High School
Neighbouring villages
- Narsingpur
- Chandpur
- Cleverhouse
- Derby
- Jamalpur
- Jibangram
- Kajidahar
- Nagdirgram
- Panibhora
- Puthikhal
- Rajnagar
- Saptagram
- Shawrertal
There is no railway station near Channighat within 35 km. However, Silchar Railway Station, a major railway station is 38 km from Channighat
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