Chinchay Suyu

Chinchay Suyu Wiphala (banner)
Chinchasuyu was the northwestern provincial region of the Tawantin Suyu, or Inca Empire. The most populous suyu (or Quarter, the largest division of the Inca Empire), Chinchaysuyu encompassed the former lands of the Chimú empire and much of the northern Andes. At its largest extent, the suyu extended through much of modern Ecuador and just into modern Colombia.[1] Along with Antisuyu, it was part of the Hanan Suyukuna or "Upper Quarters" of the empire.[2][3]
The name is due to the Chincha culture, which was a trader kingdom in what is now the Ica Region. Chinchay in Quechua means jaguar and also means the cardinal point North.

The four suyus of the Inca empire. Chinchaysuyu appears in red.
Each suyu was divided into wamani, or provinces. Chinchaysuyu included the wamani of:
- Atavillo of Atawillu, in the modern province of Canta.
- Ayavaca or Ayawax’a
- Cajamarca or Q’asamarka
- Cajatambo or Q’asatampu
- Calva or Kalua
- Casma
- Chachapoya, including the Wanka tribe
- Chancay
- Chao or Suo
- Chicama
- Chicla or Chillqa
- Chimbote or Sancta
- Chimu, also called Moche.
- Chincha
- Chinchayqucha, also called in sources by the name of Junín.
- Conchuco
- Huacrachuco
- Huamachuco
- Huamali
- Huambo or Wampu
- Huancabamba or Wañkapampa
- Huancavilca or Wankawillka
- Huánuco
- Huarco, also called Runawana and Cañete
- Huarmey
- Huaura, also called Huacho or Supe
- Huayla or Waylla
- Lambayeque, whose people spoke Mochica.
- Lima or Rimaq, a large province of perhaps 150,000 inhabitants.
- Lurin, home of the Oracle at Pachacamac.
- Mala
- Moyobamba or Moyopampa
- Nepeña or Wampachu
- Ocro, including both the Ocro and Lampa tribes.
- Olmos or Olmo
- Pacasmayo
- Parmunca
- Pinco
- Pisco
- Piura
- Tarma or Tarama
- Tumbes or Tumpis
- Virú or Wanapu, likely the origin of the word Perú.
- Yauyo, including the Larao tribe.
See also
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