Chronomancer (accessory)


Cover of the first edition
Genre Role-playing game
Publisher TSR
Publication date
Media type Print

Chronomancer is a supplement to the 2nd edition of the Advanced Dungeons & Dragons fantasy role-playing game.


Chronomancer has rules for a wizard class that specializes in time-related magic, and presents new spells.[1]


Trenton Webb reviewed Chronomancer for Arcane magazine, rating it a 7 out of 10 overall.[1] Webb comments that "Chronomancer sets up a wizard class that specialises in leaping around in time and not being seen."[1] He noted that the chronomancer's spell list "seems underpowered at first, yet its true power (spookily in character, this) only becomes apparent after time. Far sooner than non-specialist mages, chronomancers get their hands on serious spells that, when used precisely, cause major carnage [...] Such spells are dangerous, and the referee is offered control over their impact by the manual's split player/ref structure. Secondary spell descriptions are provided for the referee's benefit and open up some truly entertaining roleplay possibilities: when a chronomancer tries a new spell, he has only a rough idea of its ramifications." Webb concludes his review by saying: "With such a complex idea as messing with time there are inevitably grey areas, and this may discourage some from dabbling; but those who dare will be rewarded with a game in which both the PCs and the referee can be truly surprised."[1]


  1. 1 2 3 4 Webb, Trenton (December 1995). "Games Reviews". Arcane. Future Publishing (1): 65.
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