Citadel Felbarr

Citadel Felbarr is a location in the Forgotten Realms campaign setting of the Dungeons & Dragons fantasy role-playing game.


It is located in the Silver Marches in Faerûn. This dwarven stronghold is currently headed by King Emerus Warcrown. Felbarr is connected to Mithral Hall through the Underdark, the subterrenian maze of tunnels under most of Faerûn. Felbarr has been overrun by orcs several times in the past. The most recent time was by King Obould Many-Arrows, but the Felbarr Dwarves, due to the orcs' inter-clan warfare, reclamed their home. Felbarr also came to the aid of Mithral Hall and helped them break out of their home and reclaim land outside of the Halls from Obould. The Felbarrian Dwarves lost almost 1000 of their kin in the short battle.


The Two Swords: R.A Salvatore

Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting

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