Convergence (comics)
Convergence | |
Cover of Convergence hardcover Art by Ethan Van Sciver. | |
Publication information | |
Publisher | DC Comics |
Schedule | Weekly |
Format | Limited series |
Genre | |
Publication date | April – May 2015 |
Number of issues | 8, plus a 0 issue |
Main character(s) |
Batman Superman Wonder Woman Brainiac Telos |
Creative team | |
Writer(s) | Jeff King |
Artist(s) |
Ethan Van Sciver Jason Paz Carlo Pagulayan |
"Convergence" is a 2015 comic book storyline published by DC Comics, that ran from April 2015 to May 2015. Consisting of an eponymous #0 issue, an eight-issue core miniseries, and 40 two-issue tie-in miniseries, "Convergence" spins out of the final issues of the weekly series Earth 2: World's End and The New 52: Futures End. The story involves Brainiac collecting cities and inhabitants from various timelines that have ended, trapping them in domes on a planet outside of time and space and opening them up to see what happens. Notable during this event is the return of DC characters and past timelines from before the 2011 "Flashpoint" storyline that led to the creation of The New 52 DC Universe.
Publication history
In April 2014, Dan Didio, co-publisher of DC Comics announced that the weekly comic series that were currently being published (or soon to be published in the case of The New 52: Futures End and Earth 2: World's End), would be ending in the last week of March 2015, with Batman Eternal going on an unspecified hiatus.[1]

On November 3, 2014, DC Comics announced the Convergence miniseries. The event would serve as a concluding event to The New 52: Futures End and Earth 2: World's End, and would involve characters from the pre-"Flashpoint" universe, including Brainiac, who had gained access to all of DC Comics' current and previous timelines and universes after torturing the location of Vanishing Point out of Booster Gold in Booster Gold: Future's End #1.[2] Conceived as a weekly series in April and May 2015, Convergence would begin with a #0 issue and run for an additional eight issues. Additionally, DC Comics announced that during the storyline, all regular comics would be put on hiatus and replaced with 40 different two-part tie-in miniseries, featuring a variety of characters from throughout DC's entire publishing history.[3]
Throughout November 2014, DC Comics began announcing each of these tie-ins in blocks of 10 in tandem with various websites. The list of titles includes a vast array of creators, many of whom have a previous association with the pre-New 52 versions of characters. Each comic will involve different DC characters under Brainiac's domes being forced to contend with the invasion of multiverse characters, such as those from pre-"Flashpoint",[4] "Zero Hour",[5] Tangent,[6] and pre-"Crisis on Infinite Earths" timelines.[7]
Over a number of decades in the 20th century, DC Comics reimagined its staple characters and concepts and acquired comic book properties from rival publishers. Classic characters which had been replaced were then brought back, and explained as residing on Earth-Two, while those of other publishers lived on fanciful worlds such as Earth-S and Earth-X. This storytelling device, positing an infinite "Multiverse" of worlds full of heroes and villains, fed many DC stories for some time. In 1985 however, DC chose to simplify its continuity with a crossover story called Crisis on Infinite Earths, in which all of the Multiverse was combined into a single world with one amalgamated history. Subsequent "crisis" storylines have seen reality threatened and reshaped again, often as a way of adjusting the fictional history of the setting of DC's stories. Stories like this include Zero Hour: Crisis in Time (1994); Infinite Crisis (2006), which brought back the Multiverse concept, this time with 52 Earths; Final Crisis (2008), in which the destruction of the Multiverse was narrowly averted; and Flashpoint (2011), which resulted in the 52-world Multiverse resetting, and bringing about the contemporary setting of DC Comics, published until Convergence under the branding "The New 52". The Grant Morrison comic book The Multiversity (2014–2015) also explored the complete meta-history of the Multiverse in further depth, and mapped out a majority of the 52 worlds which make it up since Flashpoint.
In the run-up to Convergence, DC published two weekly series, Earth 2: Worlds End and The New 52: Futures End, which led directly into the crossover story. Additionally, the 2014 Futures End Booster Gold one-off comic depicts the classic Superman villain Brainiac, having assimilated his parallel counterparts from across the Multiverse, extracting from time travelling hero Booster Gold the location of Vanishing Point, a moment at the end of the universe from which all of history, including prior to each of DC's crises, can be accessed. From there, he sets about collecting various cities on various worlds prior to those worlds' destruction; he attempts to do this to a possible future of DC's main New 52 setting in the narrative of Futures End, but is narrowly defeated by that world's combined heroes and imprisoned.
Main story
Spinning out of the events of Earth 2: Worlds End, the heroes of Earth 2—Batman (Thomas Wayne), Superman (Val-Zod), Green Lantern (Alan Scott), and the Flash (Jay Garrick)—find themselves thrust onto the desert landscape of the planet Telos, along with Yolanda Montez (a former host for the power of the Red, the collective animal life force of Earth 2) and reporter Dick Grayson. They encounter what appears to be the villain Brainiac, whose shape changes from panel to panel to reflect different incarnations of Brainiac; it is later revealed that this character is Telos, an envoy of Brainiac and living embodiment of the planet, who awaits his master's return. Just as their world was about to be destroyed by Darkseid, the Earth 2 heroes (known as the Wonders of the World) were transported to Telos, where Brainiac, who assimilated his incarnations from across the Multiverse, has captured and stored many cities from across the entire history of the Multiverse, spanning various eras of DC Comics' publishing history, along with the settings of many of its popular Elseworlds graphic novels. After a brief skirmish with the heroes, and wondering what purpose his master Brainiac envisioned for this world, Telos enacts a plan to make all the captive heroes and villains of the Multiverse fight each other for supremacy.
These battles are shown in various two-part issues during the two-month Convergence series of comic books. Meanwhile, the Earth 2 heroes investigate their setting, and Yolanda Montez discovers she has residual animal-like abilities, such as sharp claws and reflexes, from her time as an avatar. While investigating the planet, Batman partners with Dick and enters a version of Gotham City, surmising he will know his way to the Batcave. He enters the pre-Flashpoint Gotham on the former Earth 0 (the primary setting of DC stories prior to its New 52 relaunch) where Thomas Wayne (who became Batman following the death of his son) and pre-Flashpoint Batman, Bruce Wayne, share an emotional encounter with one another. Bruce lends Thomas his Batmobile, but they are pursued out of the city by some of Gotham's villains. Thomas Wayne kills himself with an explosive device, taking the villains with him. Recognising from what he has seen on Telos that on many worlds he is either Batman himself or closely connected with Batman, Dick Grayson picks up one of Thomas's Batarangs and decides to follow in his footsteps.
Alan Scott uses his powers as an Avatar of the Earth to learn that deep within the planet Telos is the preserved world of Skartaris (the setting of The Warlord comic books) where they encounter Warlord's nemesis Deimos, who promises the heroes he can defeat Telos. The Wonders soon learn that Deimos has systematically captured the Time Masters, as well as other powerful time travelers such as Monarch and Per Degaton. He absorbs their collective power and uses it to summon Brainiac (who was imprisoned in a T-sphere in The New 52: Futures End). Deimos banishes Brainiac, and then reveals to Telos that he is not the planet incarnate, but a mortal who was transformed into a Brainiac-like creature when Brainiac ravaged his homeworld to create a storage world for his captured cities. Telos, shocked, vanishes, and Deimos declares himself the planet's ruler. Using his near-infinite power, he tells the captives of the planet that he will protect their lives for a price.
As this is happening, planet Telos manifests physically in DC's contemporary main setting of Earth 0, where Superman, Supergirl, Guy Gardner and the Red Lanterns, the space-faring Justice League United and the main Justice League all watch on with amazement. Even all-powerful beings such as Nix Uotan, the guardian of the Multiverse, the evil god Darkseid and the cosmic being known as Oracle do not fully fathom the events they are witnessing. Meanwhile, on Telos, the Earth 2 heroes encounter several pre-Flashpoint heroes (Superman, Red Arrow, Batgirl (Stephanie Brown), Donna Troy and the Flash (Wally West)), with whom they form a team. Superman tells Dick Grayson he heard his interactions with Telos, and knowing the Dick of his world, places faith in him that he can recruit Telos to their side to challenge Deimos. The two Flashes, Jay and Wally, begin to search Telos for other Flashes, and add the second Flash (Barry Allen) from the Silver Age of Comic Books to their team. They are soon joined by versions of heroes and villains from comics published in every decade of DC's history and plan to overpower Deimos.
Deimos reveals he has recruited various villainous and misguided DC characters to defend him in exchange for giving them their deepest desires. When Yolanda reveals to the villains that they are being used by Deimos who wants them to die to grant him "the magic of death" to remake the Multiverse in his own image, the two teams unite. Telos, convinced by Dick to fight for the heroes, battles with Deimos and weakens him. Deimos is finally destroyed by the Parallax version of Hal Jordan from the Zero Hour storyline. This inadvertently releases all the energy of the Time Masters into the world, creating an arc of lightning which escapes into space, striking the omniscient Oracle character, who breaks up. As he dies, Oracle explains that the whole of reality is coming apart, as in previous DC crises.
Seeing no other solution, the time traveler Waverider (a pre-Flashpoint future version of Booster Gold) summons Brainiac back. Brainiac reveals he was the pre-Flashpoint Brainiac who, surviving that event, sought to explore the history of the Multiverse, but became mutated by the effects of the previous crises. He realizes what a monster he has become and wishes to put things right. He prepares to send everyone back where they came from, but is prevented by the damaging effects of the original crisis in Crisis on Infinite Earths. The heroes resolve to change the outcome of that Crisis. As Brainiac sends the pre-Crisis Supergirl and Barry Allen back to meet their fates in the original Crisis story, pre-Flashpoint Superman and Zero Hour Parallax (seeking redemption) volunteer to go with them, changing the outcome of the crisis. Brainiac explains that this has brought changes to the Multiverse, causing everything to "return to what it was before I [Brainiac] brought you here." The old worlds of the classic Multiverse live on in both their original versions and the modernized forms depicted in The Multiversity.[8] All worlds and timelines now exist. The Earth 2 team are left behind on the planet, but Telos transports the planet into Earth 2's universe. He appears in the sky to tell the Wonders that he has remembered his real name and where his family is and that the planet will be their New Earth 2. Once again able to channel the power of the Green, Alan terraforms the planet and makes contact with the space fleet carrying the displaced Earth 2 refugees leading them to their new home.
Convergence: Action Comics
Though the dome came down some time ago, Metropolis is in a state of relative peace and the married Lois Lane of Earth-Two and the Superman of Earth-Two are looked up to by many. Even without his powers, Superman is still the hero of Metropolis and Lois is sure no one can take that away from him - not even this dome. Still, he feels a bit guilty that he can't do anything to get through the dome and free the city. He and his cousin Kara have been robbed of their identities in being robbed of their powers, and neither is feeling especially heroic as a result. Meanwhile, in Moscow of Earth-30, Joseph Stalin is concerned that his people are losing faith in the indestructibility of his regime after the dome has robbed his Superman of his powers. Lex Luthor of Earth-30 takes advantage of this as his genius-level intellect is not diminished by the dome where he claims that the dome is the alien's version of a zoo. Wonder Woman of Earth-30 states that the alien's intention is preservation and that there's a chance that every other city on their world was destroyed. Back in Metropolis of Earth-Two, Kara Zor-El of Earth-Two returns to her boyfriend Andrew Vinson where she complains that he is making pasta again and reminding that she hasn't got the Kryptonian metabolism anymore to protect her from gaining weight on all those carbs. Taking a shower after her gym workout, Kara Zor-El of Earth-Two becomes further disappointed with how her body is becoming more and more worn by being reduced to a human physiology. More than anything, she'd like things to go back to how they were, though she wouldn't like to tell Andrew so. Back in Moscow of Earth-30, Lex Luthor of Earth-30 and his wife Lois Lane of Earth-30 are walking by the Kremlin and she shouts at him again for becoming too involved in his work. He apologizes admitting that he's thinking very far ahead in the scheme of things. Despite that, Lex Luthor of Earth-30 still doesn't know how to bring down the dome. He has determined that it's not a dome, but a sphere. He hasn't yet given up on his allegiance to the United States, even after a year and wonders if Russia is hiding secrets in the hidden half of that sphere. Despite the fact that he is a secret CIA agent, Lex Luthor of Earth-30 has used his intellect to help the Russians perfect an invisible jet. Superman of Earth-30 grimly interrupts Lex Luthor of Earth 30's conversation with Lois Lane of Earth-30 to remind him that he is sure Lex Luthor of Earth-30 intended to steal the technology. He warns Lex to stop antagonizing Joseph Stalin. Lex Luthor of Earth-30 warns that Stalin should be more concerned about the machinations of his own son Pyotr. Even so, Superman informs him that Stalin will not tolerate any further disrespect, and he will not be able to intervene on his behalf. Back in Metropolis of Earth-Two, Lois Lane of Earth-Two gets frustrated that Superman of Earth-Two and Supergirl of Earth-Two are still focusing on the dome surrounding their Metropolis. Superman of Earth-Two agrees to take her home, but Andrew is concerned. Moments after Superman of Earth-Two and Lois of Earth-Two are gone, Kara Zor-El of Earth-Two and Andrew Vinson are startled by a voice coming from beyond the dome. It warns that the dome will soon fall and champions will be chosen from each of the cities on the planet Telos to fight for their city's survival. In Moscow, Wonder Woman of Earth-30 has heard the same message.[9]
Convergence: Adventures of Superman
While spending time in the WayneTech Labs in Pre-Crisis Gotham City, Supergirl of Earth-One notices a device which Lucius Fox of Earth-One explains is designed to read her subconscious physical reactions. With it, he hopes that she can help Superman of Earth-One rebuild the Phantom Zone Projector by sensing the correct placements of the parts that she subconsciously remembers from when her father Zor-El and uncle Jor-El built it when she was a girl. Superman of Earth-One hopes that by opening a way to the Phantom Zone, they'll be opening a way out of the dome that fell over Gotham City of Earth-One a year ago. However, the Phantom Zone is filled with Krypton's worst criminals. After the device that would provide a one-way trip to the Phantom Zone is created, Superman of Earth-One and Supergirl of Earth-One enter only to have the device blow up sealing them there. Suddenly from beyond the dome, Lucius Fox of Earth-One hears a voice warning that the dome will soon fall, and champions will be forced to rise from each of the cities on the planet Telos and to fight for the survival of their people. Superman of Earth-One and Supergirl of Earth-One wonder what the purpose of the dome was. Perhaps it was to protect Gotham City from a catastrophe. Perhaps it has made them features in a zoo or prisoners. Suddenly, they are overcome by shockwaves from nearby and decide to investigate the source. En route, Superman of Earth-One explains that he admires Supergirl of Earth-One for her proactive behavior. She uses her powers for good, but he always uses his to react. Without warning, the pair are attacked by Phantom Zone prisoners who are eager for revenge. Superman of Earth-One urges Kara of Earth-One to go on without him, but in so doing is overcome. Supergirl of Earth-One spots geysers of gas coming from the ground. In the gas, she sees visions of her own past, future, and inevitable death at the hands of the Anti-Monitor. Angrily, she dispels the gas as she doesn't want to see any further parts of her future. She worries that if she doesn't go back to Earth, her loved ones will die. If she does go back, she will die. Determinedly, she decides that if she is to die, it is necessary that she save others doing it. Supergirl of Earth-One gets lost in the gas, losing track of time. Eventually, Supergirl of Earth-One realizes that Superman of Earth-One should have been back by now, and searches for him. Supergirl of Earth-One discovers that Superman of Earth-One is surrounded by Phantom Zone prisoners. She takes out several of them leaving only two of them who are guarding Superman of Earth-One. After taking out the guards, Supergirl of Earth-One grabs Superman of Earth-One and they get away. While looking for a way out of the Phantom Zone and evading the gases, Superman of Earth-One and Supergirl of Earth-One are attacked by the Phantom Zone prisoners. Back at Gotham City of Earth-One, Lucius Fox of Earth-One is horrified when the dome goes down and the man-hating Apes from Earth-AD march into Gotham City of Earth-One.[10]
Convergence: Aquaman
Crime has dropped in Pre-Zero Hour Metropolis since the dome came down yet the crooks are still targeting people for fun. Fortunately for the people, Aquaman of New Earth has been trapped under the dome with them and protects the people from the crooks. His fish-out-of-water status has earned him unwanted media attention, and people are now aware of how mentally unstable he has become as a result of separation from his home....and his hand. Early after arriving, Aquaman of New-Earth fashioned a spike to replace that hand, and used it to defeat Chemo. In the process of this, he polluted the harbor, further isolating him from what little water there was left to him. He has since taken up residence in the Metropolis Aquarium and had a hook device attached to his wrist in place of the spike. At S.T.A.R. Labs, Dr. Dane Dorrance attempts to get Aquaman of New-Earth to open up about his mental state noting that many other metahumans lost their abilities under the dome, but he was able to retain his Atlantean biology. He has been cut off from a telepathic connection with the fish of the sea and Dorrance suspects that it's hurting him. Aquaman of Earth-One admits that it has taken a toll, but refuses to talk about it. Aquaman of New-Earth also knows that it won't help him get back to Mera. Upon not trusting Dr. Dane Dorrance, Aquaman of New-Earth then recognizes Dr. Dorrance as a member of the Sea Devils. Dr. Dance Dorrance talks Aquaman of New-Earth out of staying at the aquarium and gave him a home at S.T.A.R. Labs while allowing him to go out on patrol. After showering for hydration, Aquaman then notices the water suddenly turning off as a voice states that the dome will go down soon and that champions from different cities must fight for the fate of their cities. Other metahumans are beginning to regain their powers including Parallax of New-Earth. The D.E.O. worriedly begins tracking Parallax only to end up attacked by Deathblow of the Wildstorm Universe. When Deathblow finds Aquaman, he knows that he has found his target.[11]
The scientists at S.T.A.R. Labs in the Pre-Zero Hour Metropolis are attacked by a fighter from another city. Upon the scientists turning to Aquaman of New-Earth for insight, he recalls the Lava Men's siege of Atlantis and that the attacker would use the sewers to get in. At that moment, the soldiers in the sewers are slain by Deathblow. Aquaman of New-Earth then engages Deathblow in combat. After managing to injure Deathblow, Aquaman of New-Earth leads Deathblow to the power plant. Deathblow knew of S.T.A.R. Labs' Drydock contingency plan for Aquaman of New-Earth and activates it to dry him out. When Aquaman of New-Earth tries to turn on the sprinklers, no water comes out. Dr. Dorrance states over the intercom that he created the Drydock program in order to take out Aquaman of New-Earth. Deathblow prepares to kill a weakened Aquaman of New-Earth, taunting that the nearest ocean is a universe away. This sparks a realization in Dr. Dorrance who recalls that every cell in the human body evolved from cells that had once subsisted in the sea. The human body contains a large percentage of water. Hearing this, Aquaman of New-Earth thrusts his hook into Deathblow's throat, sending blood gushing forth. Coldly, he admits that if it had been anyone else, he wouldn't have done it. Since Deathblow can't die, he feels no guilt drawing strength from the blood pouring from his veins. Blood is the chemical equivalent to seawater. Due to Aquaman of New-Earth's victory, Wildstorm Universe's San Francisco and Deathblow start to vanish. An earthquake then happens as Aquaman of New-Earth sees the city still standing. Aquaman of New-Earth then goes on patrol to see if any other characters from the other cities will be attacking.[12]
Convergence: Batgirl
As champions from Gotham City, Batgirl of New-Earth, Blackbat of New-Earth, and Red Robin of New-Earth are waiting in the El Inferno desert for an opponent to come. After some waiting has happened, the three of them are attacked by Catman of the Flashpoint timeline who states that he was transported here while fighting General Grodd of the Flashpoint timeline. It was soon discovered that Batgirl was chosen to fight General Grodd. In a flashback when the dome first appeared, it was revealed that Cassandra had quit being Batgirl after telling Killer Moth to leave her and the doctor alone. Cassandra and Stephanie lived on the streets. While Cassandra was training Stephanie, they were interrupted by stampeding Gotham City citizens. This led up to Batgirl, Blackbat, and Red Robin being transported to the El Inferno desert.[13]
Back when the Flashpoint timeline's Gotham City was placed in a dome, General Grodd was locked up in a zoo and was prepared to take Catman down. When the dome went down, General Grodd started fighting Catman until they were transported to the El Inferno desert. Back in the present, Blackbat is losing to General Grodd as Batgirl begs for General Grodd to fight her instead. General Grodd states that he doesn't need to choose, he just needs to kill them all. Batgirl breaks free from General Grodd's grasp by ripping some hair from his head. As Red Robin is under General Grodd's control, Batgirl had to knock him out. Batgirl is able to defeat Catman who is taken away. Upon being taunted by Catman, General Grodd grabs onto him as they are transported back to their Gotham City. Soon, Batgirl, Blackbat, and Red Robin are transported back to their Gotham City.[14]
Convergence: Batman: Shadow of the Bat
Trapped underneath a dome in Metropolis, Bruce Wayne of Pre-Zero Hour is attempting to get through the criminal underworld where he even offers his fortune to Tobias Whale of New-Earth. In order to prove that Bruce Wayne is worthy, Tobias Whale sends one of his underlings to do the job. That underling is Jean-Paul Valley who warns Bruce to take it easy with his broken back. Bruce explains that he was drawn to Metropolis by the transformation of Green Lantern into Parallax. Unfortunately, he lingered too long, and ended up trapped beneath the dome. When Tobias Whale started getting too close to taking over food distribution, he couldn't let it slide. Obviously, Jean-Paul has the same idea of taking him down with an inside job. Jean-Paul is unsure he wants to ally with Bruce, given their disagreement on how best to handle crime, but goes along with it. For the sake of convincing Tobias Whale, though, he has to beat Bruce quite brutally. After making it look convincing, Jean-Paul brings Bruce to Tobias Whale. who is unconvinced though. Tobias Whakle suggests that Bruce can prove himself if he uses his political pull to learn the route by which the food is transported to distribution services, given that it changes with every transport. At Metropolis City Hall, Bruce and Jean-Paul pay a visit to councilman Erasmus Hall, leaning on him to give up the route. Jean-Paul's methods are cruel and Bruce does nothing to stop him. Before long though, they have delivered the route to Whale. Unfortunately, Whale has a further task for Bruce: kill Erasmus Hall and tie up that loose end. He grins though admitting that it was a joke. He already had his people kill Hall and make it look like a suicide. Bruce has to keep his cool as news coverage shows Hall's wife and children grieving him. Two days later, Bruce Wayne and Jean-Paul Valley are in their Batsuits awaiting the food distribution to come their way. When they both leap onto the truck, Tobias Whale's SUV pulls up in front of it. As Bruce prevents Jean-Paul from killing Tobias Whale's henchman Nikka, a voice is heard stating that the dome will fall as the champions from the other areas will need to fight for their survival. Jean-Paul knocks out Tobias Whale as some beings from another world are shown watching the action.[15]
Convergence: Batman and Robin
In Robinson Park in Pre-Flashpoint Gotham City, Poison Ivy is defending it from Penguin, Man-Bat, Mr. Freeze, Black Mask, and Killer Croc where they want control over Robinson Park as it was feeding the people of dome. When Penguin tries to have Man-Bat physically remove Poison Ivy from the park, Batman and Robin show up where Batman catches Poison Ivy upon Robin steering Man-Bat into a stone monument. Robin takes on Black Mask while Mr. Freeze doesn't feel like fighting Batman. When Killer Croc bites into Batman's shoulder, he is saved by Red Hood and Scarlet. Poison Ivy thanks Batman for helping to defend Robinson Park. Back at the Batcave, Robin is displeased with his father's welcoming attitude toward Jason Todd returning as a vigilante in Gotham....especially considering his history. Batman assures him that Jason is no replacement for Robin and certainly no replacement for his son. Angrily, Robin reminds that the two of them have been protecting Gotham alone for more than a year and as soon as Jason showed up, Bruce acted like he was part of the family. Grumpily, he removes his costume and suggests Bruce find a new partner or an old one. While in his study, Bruce Wayne talks with the portrait of his father Thomas Wayne where he wants guidance as Damian is acting like his mother Talia al Ghul. When Bruce Wayne sees the Bat-Signal in the sky, Bruce tells Alfred to find Damian. Alfred tells Bruce that Damian has left with one of the Batmobiles. Suddenly, a voice from beyond the dome rings out warning that the barrier around the city would soon recede, and champions from within the city must fight for its survival against the champions of other city. Hearing this, Batman warns the others that he won't be forced into combat like this. They will find another way. Unfortunately, they might not have a choice as the Extremists have already arrived to challenge them.[16]
Convergence: Blue Beetle
Since the dome came down around the Hub City of Earth-Four, the authorities have been taking weapons away from the common folk. Vic Sage of Earth-Four reports on this as a group of protesters called the Madmen face the National Guardsmen led by Captain Allen Adam. Upon changing into Question, Vic questions Adam to justify his actions. Grimly, Adam responds that by fooling people into thinking they have a choice, Question is responsible for what happened here today. Question ignores him explaining that he is not there to judge. He has a message: Ted Kord needs the Captain's help. As Adam takes his leave, Question looks at the corpses in the wreckage following the altercation and wonders if the people of Hub City regressed under the dome or if this was always their fate. Ted Kord has been working on another device that would break down the dome. When Allen Adam arrives in the building, Ted gets angry at him for his military chokehold on the city. When they activate the device that shoots through the hole in the dome, it does not bring it down. Ted considers putting on his Blue Beetle outfit, but Captain Atom warns that costumed superhero work is still illegal. Before he can argue, Ted spots some strange lights in the sky and Captain Atom realizes he recognizes their energy signature and flies up to investigate. Captain Atom finds Doctor Spectro investigating the incident that returned his powers as well. Before a fight can break out, they are interrupted by Booster Gold of New-Earth who Captain Atom attacks thinking that he is with Doctor Spectro. Ted becomes Blue Beetle and manages to catch up just in time to see Booster Gold of New-Earth disappear alongside everyone's powers. Unfortunately, Blue Beetle's choice to save Captain Atom results in Spectro falling with no one to catch him. Question arrives on the scene and suggests that if powers came back as a result of someone from outside the dome coming in, maybe that should be what they pursue instead of finding a way out. Suddenly, the building beneath them shudders and transforms into the form of a humanoid which speaks and warns that the dome will soon fall. When it does, champions from each of the many domed cities on the planet's surface will have to rise and fight for their home's survival. Only one city will survive. Within moments, the dome falls and the heroes of Hub City must wait to discover what that means for them.[17]
Convergence: Crime Syndicate
The Crime Syndicate of Earth-Three has a bad rap. While they are certainly criminals, they had never intended to hurt anybody. The death of Bruno Mannheim of Earth-Three was on their hands where they think it is a regrettable accident. When the dome came down around Earth-Three's Metropolis, Bruno Mannheim was one of the lives that were lost. Superwoman has been in prison for his death for one year. She then thinks back to the Crime Syndicate's encounter with the Justice League. As Ultraman, Owlman, Power Ring, and Johnny Quick don their costumes despite the lack of their powers, they plan to free Superwoman. Meanwhile, in the Metropolis of 853rd Century, Batman of the Justice Legion is angered about Owlwoman's death and urges Superman of the Justice Legion to put her photo up with their lost companions. The Luthorians have taken over the infrastructure of the entire city and the Justice Legion is running out of places to hide out. Grimly, Batman calls for a vote demanding to know how many more must die before they take real proactive measures. Superman reminds that they are not killers, but his words are cut short by an explosion. Unfortunately, Atom of the Justice Legion is killed in the blast and the Luthorian Elite Guard is coming. Worriedly, Superman looks around and sees that Batman is missing. Knowing that she's taking her final walk as they speak, the Crime Syndicate members hurry to death row, but are stopped mid-way by the Rogue Hunters. Rather than be taken alive, the men open gunfire and charge ahead. Unfortunately, the distraction is just enough to rob them of their chance to save Superwoman and the switch on the electric chair is thrown. Back in the 853rd Century Metropolis, Batman evades a group of Luthorians knowing that Lincoln Luthor can't be far behind which means Batman will finally have an opportunity to see him dead. On his way toward Lincoln, Superman grabs him trying to stop him and they fight. As Ultraman, Owlman, Power Ring, and Johnny Quick are shackled and led away by the Rogue Hunters, they are startled by a voice from beyond the dome. It warns that the dome will soon fall and champions from all of the cities across the planet Telos will have to rise and fight for the survival of their people and their home. As the dome falls around Earth-Three's Metropolis, the Crime Syndicate's powers return and they turn on their captors wishing to ensure they pay for killing Superwoman. Before they can have their revenge, they are mysteriously transported away. Despite being given the power to fight the Luthorians again, Batman of the Justice Legion warns Superman of the Justice Legion that they might have to wait. The voice from beyond had spoken of a battle and they likely have little chance of avoiding that fight. As if in answer, they two are transported away. They all materialize in different parts of 853rd Century Metropolis. Seeing what he is intended to do, Owlman shies away from it insisting this is not his fight. The Superman of the Justice Legion wonders how he's supposed to fight for the survival of one city if it means the death of another. He intends to find a way to avoid a battle altogether. Just then, the Superman of the Justice Legion finds himself taken by surprise when Ultraman attacks him.[18]
Convergence: Catwoman
Catwoman has arrived in Metropolis to find that the diamond necklace she'd intended on stealing has been targeted by another group of thieves - rather, the heiress wearing it has been targeted for kidnap. Annoyed, she thwarts the kidnapping, but fails to get the necklace before security arrives. Moments after making her escape, though, a dome appears around the city, effectively cutting it off from the rest of the world. A year later, Catwoman has taken to protecting the Suicide Slum territory, and when a gang of murderous mercenaries invades, she is there to stop them. Bruno Mannheim, meanwhile, has taken control of much of the city by gaining control of the distribution of medical supplies and food. He wanted more though, and raised prices, kidnapping scientists and chemists to maintain his monopoly on medicine. One of those he kidnapped, though, was a friend of Catwoman's. And so she's come to Intergang to get her friend back. Using an EMP grenade, Catwoman breaks in, and quickly locates her friend Sally. Attempting a desperate escape, they make it onto a nearby roof, only to hear a voice coming from beyond the dome. The voice warns that the dome will soon fall, and that challengers from all of the different domed cities will have to fight each other for the survival of their home and people. Not long after the announcement a Batman appears to challenge her - but not her Batman.[19]
The Batman come to challenge Catwoman is not her Batman. He wears a suit of armour, and appears older. She is not concerned so much about him as getting her friend Sally to safety before something bad happens, knowing that she's annoyed Intergang, and that she has to fight against her will. Inconveniently, Intergang soon catches up and spots Batman on the roof with her, assuming correctly that he's the one who was sent there to fight for the survival of his city over theirs. Letting him deal with the gunmen, Selina grabs Sally and leaps off the roof. Ushering Sally away, Catwoman turns back around to face the Batman, who now knows that he is not on Earth. Selina worries that she has never beaten Batman in combat before - certainly not in the way that she will need to if Metropolis is to survive. She hurls an EMP device at him, causing the electronics in his suit to shut down, and he crashes to the ground. Dodging out of his way, she lets him skid across the roof, and right over the edge, colliding with the pavement of the street. She leaps down onto his chest, pinning him, while he waits for his suit to boot up again. He explains that they are from different worlds, and demands to know what kind of person she is. Coyly, she chooses not to take the question seriously, so he accuses her of being a thief like his Catwoman. Selina responds that while she does enjoy thievery, since the dome, she has been acting as protector of Suicide Slum. Catwoman assumes, from what she knows of her own Batman, that this one won't simply take the words of their captor Telos at face value, and he admits that he does not take orders from anyone. Despite that, it may be optimistic to believe that they were paired together for a reason, and that they can unite in taking down their captor. At least, that's what Bruno Mannheim thinks. He and Intergang have come to ensure that Catwoman wins. Batman shields her from their bullets, and warns her to wait for his signal to bring the fight to them. With a blinding flash of light, he disorients the gang, and the two vigilantes run at them. Unfortunately, when Catwoman corners Mannheim, she discovers that he is wearing an indestructible Apokoliptian-made jacket. He knocks her aside, declaring himself the protector of Metropolis. With his superior strength, Mannheim pins Batman to the ground, and tears open his armour. This distraction allows Catwoman to kick the power-source for his jacket right off his back, destroying it and rendering him powerless against Batman's retaliation. Despite making a good team and taking out Intergang together, the people of Metropolis are no less convinced that the invader from another city has to die. They heard the voice too, and it told them that one of them must fall for the city to survive. A sudden earthquake startles one of the citizens, and he fires a shot at Batman's exposed chest. Rather than let him be killed, Catwoman leaps in front of the bullet in her own chest collapsing. Knowing she won't survive, she begs Batman to try to save both cities. He promises he will try.[20]
Convergence: Harley Quinn
Harley Quinn is at the Gotham Museum of Art to steal a bejewelled hyena skull, as the artist in question had failed to take into account that someone might be interested in that, as opposed to the bejewelled cat, or penguin he'd pulled from the show. Unfortunately, her mooks are less into it than she is, and things start to go awry quickly. The police soon arrive, and shoot one of her least helpful hirelings dead. As she tries to hurry the remainder of them along in getting the skull for her, Bud and Lou begin whining, signalling something's wrong. Looking up into the sky, Harley and the police see a dome forming over their city. Some time later, Harley visits her psychiatrist, Dr. Elstree, to discuss how she's been doing lately. He admits that he gave up his office to a Victims of the Dome support group, and they are now forced to meet in the atrium. She lies that she doesn't hallucinate the Joker's presence anymore, admitting that ever since the dome came down, she has been feeling somewhat optimistic - unlike most people. For her, the sudden rescue of Gotham City from some untold destruction proves that there is a higher power beyond the dome. Since the dome event, Harley has actually been reaching out to the community - specifically, Officer Louie D'Anna, whom she had nearly killed during her botched robbery. Dr. Elstree had arranged for her to meet him as a means of trying to make her develop some empathy for her victims, so she could confront the damage that Harley Quinn did. After that, though, she met him again in one of the support groups. Harley returns to the home she shares with Louie, still hallucinating the goldfish from Dr. Elstree's office, swimming between her fingers as she begins cutting vegetables for dinner. Suddenly, though, the Joker's face appears behind her, and she is so shaken that she crumples on the floor, screaming for Louie. He rushes to her side and comforts her, explaining that there's nobody there but them. Happily, she kisses him, and pins him to the couch. Elsewhere in Gotham, Poison Ivy is having difficulty fighting off a gang of thieves from one of her vegetable gardens. Ever since the dome, many of Gotham's freaks lost their abilities, and Ivy is no exception. Fortunately, Catwoman comes to her aid. After helping her take down the thugs, though, they are all startled by a rumbling voice from beyond the dome. The voice warns that the dome will soon fall, and champions from this world and those in the other domes will have to fight to determine which city will survive. Strangely, though, it appears he's selected Harley Quinn as this city's champion - to fight a cartoon rabbit from one of the other domes. Neither Catwoman nor Ivy feel this is bodes well for their continued existence. Hurriedly, the pair storm into her apartment, and despite Louie's adamant protestations, they both agree that there is only one way to make this work: they need to get the old Harley back; the crazy Harley. Ivy injects her with a toxin to counter-act the mood stabilizers in her body, but Louie warns that Harley had been off her meds for months already. Nervously, they wait to see which Harley will wake up for them. When she does come to, Harley Quinn is crazier than ever.[21]
Captain Carrot has been selected as the champion for his city of Follywood, Califurnia. He has been transported to his opponent's home city, without any knowledge about who he is to face. For that reason, Alley-Kat-Abra sends Pig-Iron after him to warn that the opponent he will face is a loon. Unfortunately, Harley Quinn - the Captain's opponent - finds Pig-Iron first. Using the oil that had lubricated Pig-Iron's mechanical parts, she leaves a message for Captain Carrot: It's rabbit season. When he discovers it, Captain Carrot promises that his old friend will be avenged. An hour earlier, Captain Carrot had encountered Harley, who had got to the amusement park early. When he expressed no desire to fight her, she claimed that she had a great many super-powers, and swung her mallet at him, claiming it was magic. The force of her strike against the ground caused the explosives she'd hidden earlier to go off, knocking Captain Carrot off his paws. Sensing that he was in danger, Alley-Kat-Abra searched the minds of Gotham City for any clue that could help him. She homed in on a conversation between Catwoman, Poison Ivy, and Harley's boyfriend Louie, who admitted that he'd been feeling sick with fear ever since he saw Harley in her costume again. He'd forgotten what it was like to be in the field as a cop with costumes involved. The chances of fatality were always a hundred times higher, then. And Harley was the worst of them - insane. Worriedly, Alley-Kat-Abra knew she had to warn Captain Carrot. Louie went on to explain that when he saw Harley out of costume for the first time - when she had come to visit him in the hospital - he'd stopped being afraid of her, and became afraid for her. He believed in the power of rehabilitation - and the power of fighting for yourself. He hoped she would be able to beat whoever she was set against. When Harley had encountered Pig-Iron, she hadn't actually killed him. It was Brainiac's drones who discovered him as an intruder and spirited him away, leaving only a pool of oil behind. Grinning, Harley had a plan for a prank. Now, Captain Carrot is angry over what he believes is the death of his friend, and even more determined to defeat Harley, as she tries to out-pace him on one of the park's roller-coasters. Angrily, he smashes her mallet, and when it gives her a splinter, she claims her blood contains acid, and flicks it at him, causing him to recoil. He recovers in time to see that the ride is about to go off the rails. Worriedly, he begs her to use the teleportation abilities she'd claimed to have. Unfortunately, neither of them can fly or teleport, and they crash badly. Fortunately, both survive, and Harley admits that she had only been joking about killing Pig-Iron. She offers him a carrot as a snack, and he must admit they are very good. Harley explains that her friend the gardener had grown them - and given her an immunity to poisons. Hearing this, he spits out the carrot, as Harley continues rambling on, and he begins to feel more poorly. Harley has beaten him using her wits - limited though they may be. Sometime later, Louie receives a visitor at his apartment, where he now lives alone. Catwoman stands there, holding up the goldfish Harley had "won" at the amusement park before the battle, and admits that Harley wouldn't trust anyone else with it. Ivy had tried to flush it. He asks after Harley, and Selina softens, explaining that Harley is still a bit too manic to be around people, just now. As she leaves, he calls after her that he is not people. Selina reunites with Harley and Ivy, who are preparing to leave the city, given that the dome is down and the heroes are back. Not to mention, public feeling toward them is conflicted. As the van drives off, Louie remains behind in his apartment, staring at the goldfish, depressed, and knowing that he's probably lost Harley forever.[22]
Convergence: Speed Force
Having started out as sidekick to a Flash, Wally West now holds that role, and has two sidekicks of his own, in the form of his children Jai and Iris. They inherited his connection to the Speed Force, and it binds them together in a literal sense. Against his wife Linda's warnings, he has brought the kids along on a potential combat mission, knowing well that their powers are still unstable. He rationalizes it by knowing that if he left the kids at home his enemies would use them to strike out at him, and in any case, they need to learn how to master their abilities. Wally and the kids arrive at their destination - what the JLA alert calls a "chronal disturbance". They sped all the way to Gotham City from Keystone City to investigate it. There is something familiar about this disturbance, though. Wally senses the energy signature of Barry Allen coming from it - which shouldn't be possible. As soon as they get within a short distance of the disturbance, though, a dome forms around Gotham City, cutting it off from the rest of the planet. After nearly a year, every moment since being trapped, Wally has tried to get free, and every moment, he has regretted bringing Jai and Iris with him. Like every other super-human who was trapped under the dome, they lost their powers, and people are beginning to suspect that - like The Atom, the former flash is starting to lose his mind. To be fair, Wally hasn't had to get used to moving at a human's pace since before he got powers. He still jogs everywhere, though, trying to stay in shape for Linda's sake. He knows she's surely been wondering if he and the kids are alive for the past year. He'd gone to both Batman and the Atom for help in getting home, but they couldn't do any more than he could against the impenetrable dome. Eventually, they stopped trying, but Wally is fixated. After spending all night hammering away at the dome, Wally returns home to his kids, who are late for school. He'd lost track of time again. Jai senses why his father is so determined, and assures him that he misses Linda too. Sadly, Wally hugs him and mourns the fact that he didn't listen to them when they'd warned him not to take them on the mission. Suddenly, a voice from beyond the dome rings out over the city, warning that the dome would soon be removed, and champions from this and other cities would be forced to fight for the right to exist. As the dome recedes, Wally and his children are immediately re-empowered with their connection to the Speed Force intact. Hopefully, the children wonder if this means that they will be able to go home. Wally doesn't know, and he is more concerned with the likelihood that he will be forced into battle with champions from other worlds. Still, he doesn't want to die, and he doesn't want anyone else to die. For that reason, he determines first to go and provide aid to the people dressed like Old West Heroes, who are being ambushed by a Hawkman and Hawkwoman. In the meantime, he orders Jai and Iris to stay inside, and remain there until he comes back. They make him promise to come back. By the time he arrives in El Inferno, Wally is too late. The voice of the planet Telos warns that the Justice Riders have fallen to the Hawkmen, as they were weak. For that reason, their city no longer has a place on his surface. The voice warns that this should be a lesson to him, that if he refuses to fight, he and Gotham will face the same fate as El Inferno. Before Wally's eyes, the city begins to crumble to dust; its innocent citizens along with it. Horrified, he wonders if this is the fate that awaits his children. Unfortunately, thinking of them at all, brings them to him. Having lost track of where their Gotham is, Wally asks them to keep an eye out, as they run from city to city, looking for home. Unfortunately, every city they pass through appears to be at war with another city. It makes him worry, that maybe, in the end, they won't be the ones to survive - even if they do fight for it. As they speed along, they begin to sense an unfamiliar energy signature in the Speed Force, and its owner appears to be gaining on them. Hurriedly, Wally gets them to their Gotham - but stops once within city limits, assuring the children that they will stand and fight whoever has been chasing them. When he turns around, though, he doesn't see anyone he might have expected. Fastback - a turtle from Follywood, Califurnia, and a speedster catches up with them. He explains that he isn't looking for a fight - he's looking for help. When he saw Wally speed through his city, he realized that there might be other speedsters out there, and hoped that they could all team up to fight whoever forced them into this situation. Wally is interested, but they are prevented from talking further by the arrival of another time's Wonder Woman, who has brought an army of Amazons to fight for her city's survival.[23]
Convergence: Superboy
Metropolis has spent a year under an impenetrable dome, and Dubbilex has spent that time trying to restore the powers of the clone called Superboy. He has, unfortunately, had no success with that or with breaking through the dome. After all his hard work, Dubbilex realizes that the problem in restoring Kon's power is not within him, but in the dome itself. Kon himself is not happy about it either, as he knows that the responsibility of protecting Metropolis will fall to him, in Superman's absence. Dubbilex has at least managed to determine that all of his experiments in augmenting and charging Kon's powers are working - there's just something blocking those powers from being expressed. Metropolis had only just begun to accept Superboy when the dome appeared. He had been arrogant at first, ego inflated by his powers and teenage hormones. When he started to accept the responsibility of the power he held, those powers were taken away from him. That loss has made him feel lost himself. Dejected after another failure at the lab, Kon visits the Superman statue in Centennial Park, where an elderly couple approaches him, explaining that they were saved by Superman from Parasite. Put down a bit by living in Superman's shadow, Kon is surprised when a voice rings out from beyond the dome warning that it will soon disappear, and champions from other cities on the planet Telos will be made to fight for the survival of their homes. As the Dome comes down, Kon feels his powers returning, and filled with joy, he tears open his shirt to reveal the Superboy uniform hidden beneath. However, he is unaware that he has been watched by the Red Robin of another world. While flying over Metropolis, Superboy spots a streak that resembles that left by the Flash, but when he looks, he doesn't recognize this Flash's costume. He follows the streak to Hell's Gate Island, which was cut in half by the dome and left largely uninhabitable. Monitoring from Cadmus, Dubbilex realizes too late that the only reason Kon would be led there was if it was a trap. Following the Flash into an abandoned building, Superboy finds himself caught in a blast of Kryptonite Gas, and attacked by Red Robin. Eventually, the gas wears off and Kon retaliates with his tactile telekinesis. When the Flash rescues Red Robin from his fall, Superboy is forced to ask just who they are. Running analysis from afar, Dubbilex determines that Red Robin is Dick Grayson - the former Robin. However, he appears to be fifteen years older, suggesting that both he and the flash Kon is up against are not the versions of themselves that he knows. They are the heroes of an alternate earth. These older heroes have an innate exhaustion, and instinctive mistrust of irresponsible young heroes. And a man who fears a boy like Kon-El the most has just intervened in the battle: the Superman of that other world. He warns Kon that if he intends to save two version of Metroplis, he'd best surrender. The time has come for him to decide if he is a superman or a boy pretending at the mantle.[24]
Convergence: Supergirl: Matrix
Since the dome came down, separating Metropolis from the rest of the Earth, Lex Luthor has been somewhat depressed about the fact that he was robbed of his pastime of plotting Superman's demise - by Superman's demise at someone else's hands. He has been carrying around a device for the whole year that he's been trapped, hoping that one day it would signal a change in the integrity of the dome. Today, sitting in Centennial Park with his reluctant friend Matrix, it finally reactivates, as a voice rings out above the dome, warning of the dome's imminent disappearance, and the challenge for all cities on Telos to present challengers to fight for their cities' survival. Excited, but nervous, Lex has Matrix fly him to his lab where he searches for a way to ensure that they can leave the planet they've been imprisoned on, and avoid being imprisoned again. He hopes to discover the technology that brought them to this planet. Handing Matrix a device, he orders her to use it to track the energy source of the teleportation technology that captured them, and bring it to him or bring him to it before one of these other cities' challengers defeats her. Meanwhile, in a place called The Verge, Lady Quark and Lord Volt observe the citizens of their opponent city, and feel unsympathetic toward them. Soon, they spot the Supergirl, and accost her, promising a thrashing. Their bickering, though, proves a useful distraction in allowing her to return to her mission of finding the energy source. Unfortunately, the device Lex gave her doesn't seem to be working. By the time it does start making noises, Quark and Volt are back, promising that they're ready for her - but she has to follow the signal. They warn that she'll have to go through them, and seeing no other way, she punches Lord Volt in the face. In response, Lady Quark damages the device, further frustrating Supergirl, who telekinetically knocks her across the city. Fortunately the device comes alive again, and Supergirl follows it until Lex's voice comes through it, berating her. Angrily, she drops the device, letting it smash - realizing too late that she's just destroyed the only hope of getting off the planet. Determined to get Lex off of her back, she wonders if other cities will give her sanctuary. A nearby voice warns that she shouldn't bet on it. Turning, Supergirl sees Ambush Bug, and admits that she's glad to see him.[25]
Convergence: Superman
Following one year without having his powers, Superman is patrolling the streets of Gotham City in a black outfit and his face covered, while his wife Lois Lane nears the cusp of giving birth to their child.[26]
Convergence: The Flash
Every morning, Barry Allen wakes to find that his wife Iris is not with him, and remembers, once again, that he has been trapped. All of Gotham City has been trapped within a dome for the better part of a year. Barry feels trapped in more ways than just that, robbed of his super-speed by the dome. He had come back to Gotham from his home in the 31st Century to appear at a paralympics event, and the dome appeared in the hour that he was there. He has been trying to find a way out every day, but with every metahuman's abilities gone, it seems impossible. It puzzles Barry a little how well the people of Gotham have adapted to their new state of affairs. He still runs, as ever, hoping that one day he'll run fast enough and hard enough to access the Speed Force. No such luck. A beeping of his pager prompts him to stop running and call in from a payphone. Some lab results are back at Gotham Central, and he has to be at work. He managed to get a job with his credentials from the Central City Police Department's crime lab, and he's been paired with Josie Leighton as his chief lab assistant for the last six months. Barry is fond of her - maybe too fond of her. She's fond of him, and he knows it, but Iris is never far from his mind. In another life, maybe he would take her up on her offers to go out for coffee together. Still, he can't help but worry that this is another life, and he might as well start living it. Barry joins Bruce Wayne for coffee in her place, expressing his worries about just how doomed their efforts to escape the dome are. Bruce suggests that he think on this challenge less as a sprint, and more like a marathon. As Barry cabs back to work, he and his driver sense a tension in the air that is unexpected and unusual. Receiving another page, he exits the cab to make a call back to Josie, who warns of an urgent crime scene investigation he's needed at. Seeing traffic piling up, he just pays off the driver and decides to walk the eight blocks to the scene. However, he is surprised when he looks up and sees that the dome has disappeared, and a voice rings out warning that with the dome gone, champions must rise up from all of the cities on the planet Telos's surface, and fight for the survival of their homes. Seeing his chance, Barry runs to find Bruce and tell him what he heard - but as he runs, he feels himself getting faster and faster. His connection with Speed Force is back. Gleefully, he opens his ring, and dons his uniform as The Flash. Climbing to a high vantage point on the edge of Gotham, Barry realizes with horror that this isn't Earth at all - and there are other cities out there. Worriedly, he calls out to the voice he heard earlier, begging to know who it was - and what he meant. Knowing that he is to be one of the champions, he calls out that he's ready. A challenger from another city answers him, admitting that while he is not eager to fight, they are supposed to. He too has only just got his powers back. Though he hasn't been sure for some time, Barry's prospective opponent believes that he is The Superman.[27]
The aftermath of "Convergence" would see an end to The New 52 branding, however the continuity established by The New 52 will continue.[28] After the storyline concludes, beginning on June 3, 2015 and lasting throughout June and July, the DC Comics line of comic books will consist of 24 new series that will begin at issue one. Alongside these new additions, the company will continue publishing 25 of their existing ongoing titles, all of which will maintain their current numbering and storylines.[29] After the announcement of the overhaul of DC Comic's publishing line, Dan DiDio compared the company's plans for post-"Convergence" stories to the "One Year Later" storylines that followed "Infinite Crisis" in 2006. Didio stated that "In terms of expectations and challenges, the lessons learned in the 'One Year Later jump' were applied to insure [sic] our June series (hopefully) don't experience some of the same pitfalls."[30]
Title | Writer(s) | Artist(s) |
Convergence #0–8 | Jeff King, Dan Jurgens and Scott Lobdell | Ethan Van Sciver, Carlo Pagulayan, Stephen Segovia, Andy Kubert, Sandra Hope, Ed Benes |
Week One (pre-Flashpoint characters) | ||
The Atom #1–2[4] | Tom Peyer | Steve Yeowell |
Batgirl #1–2[4] | Alisa Kwitney | Rick Leonardi and Mark Pennington |
Batman & Robin #1–2[4] | Ron Marz | Denys Cowan and Klaus Janson |
Harley Quinn #1–2[4] | Steve Pugh | Phil Winslade and John Dell |
Justice League #1–2[4] | Frank Tieri | Vicente Cifuentes |
Nightwing/Oracle #1–2[4] | Gail Simone | Jan Duursema and Dan Parsons |
The Question #1–2[4] | Greg Rucka | Cully Hamner |
Speed Force #1–2[4] | Tony Bedard | Tom Grummett and Sean Parsons |
Superman #1–2[4] | Dan Jurgens | Lee Weeks and Dan Jurgens |
Titans #1–2[4] | Fabian Nicieza | Ron Wagner and Jose Marzan |
Week Two (pre-Zero Hour characters) | ||
Aquaman #1–2[5] | Tony Bedard | Cliff Richards |
Batman: Shadow of the Bat #1–2[5] | Larry Hama | Philip Tan and Jason Paz |
Catwoman #1–2[5] | Justin Gray | Ron Randall |
Green Arrow #1–2[5] | Christy Marx | Rags Morales and Claude St-Aubin |
Green Lantern/Parallax #1–2[5] | Tony Bedard | Ron Wagner and Bill Reinhold |
Justice League International #1–2[5] | Ron Marz | Mike Manley |
Suicide Squad #1–2[5] | Frank Tieri | Tom Mandrake |
Superboy #1–2[5] | Fabian Nicieza | Karl Moline and Jose Marzan Jr |
Supergirl: Matrix #1–2[5] | Keith Giffen | Ramon Bachs |
Superman: The Man of Steel #1–2[5] | Louise Simonson | June Brigman and Roy Richardson |
Week Three (characters from the time of Crisis on Infinite Earths) | ||
The Adventures of Superman #1–2[6] | Marv Wolfman | Roberto Viacava and Andy Owens |
Batman and the Outsiders #1–2[6] | Marc Andreyko | Carlos D’anda |
The Flash #1–2[6] | Dan Abnett | Federico Dallocchio |
Green Lantern Corps #1–2[6] | David Gallaher | Steve Ellis and Ande Parks |
Hawkman #1–2[6] | Jeff Parker | Tim Truman and Enrique Alcatena |
Justice League America #1–2[6] | Fabian Nicieza | Chriscross |
New Teen Titans #1–2[6] | Marv Wolfman | Nicola Scott and Marc Deering |
Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes #1–2[6] | Stuart Moore | Gus Storms and Mark Farmer |
Swamp Thing #1–2[6] | Len Wein | Kelley Jones |
Wonder Woman #1–2[6] | Larry Hama | Josh Middleton |
Week Four (pre-Crisis on Infinite Earths characters) | ||
Action Comics #1–2[7] | Justin Gray | Claude St-Aubin and Sean Parsons |
Blue Beetle #1–2[7] | Scott Lobdell | Yishan Li |
Booster Gold #1–2[7] | Dan Jurgens | Alvaro Martinez and Raul Fernandez |
Crime Syndicate #1–2[7] | Brian Buccellato | Phil Winslade |
Detective Comics #1–2[7] | Len Wein | Denys Cowan and Bill Sienkiewicz |
Infinity Inc. #1–2[7] | Jerry Ordway | Ben Caldwell |
Justice Society of America #1–2[7] | Dan Abnett | Tom Derenick and Trevor Scott |
Plastic Man and the Freedom Fighters #1–2[7] | Simon Oliver | John Mccrea |
Shazam! #1–2[7] | Jeff Parker | Evan “Doc” Shaner |
World’s Finest Comics #1–2[7] | Paul Levitz | Jim Fern and Joe Rubinstein (with cartoons by Shannon Wheeler) |
Collected editions
In May 2015, online retailers began listing collections of Convergence and its miniseries to arrive in October 2015:[31]
- Convergence (320 pages, hardcover, October 13, 2015, ISBN 1-4012-5686-4)
- Convergence: Zero Hour Book One (272 pages, softcover, October 13, 2015, ISBN 1-4012-5839-5)
- Convergence: Zero Hour Book Two (272 pages, softcover, October 13, 2015, ISBN 1-4012-5840-9)
- Convergence: Crisis Book One (272 pages, softcover, October 20, 2015, ISBN 1-4012-5808-5)
- Convergence: Crisis Book Two (272 pages, softcover, October 20, 2015, ISBN 1-4012-5834-4)
- Convergence: Flashpoint Book One (272 pages, softcover, October 27, 2015, ISBN 1-4012-5835-2)
- Convergence: Flashpoint Book Two (272 pages, softcover, October 27, 2015, ISBN 1-4012-5836-0)
- Convergence: Infinite Earths Book One (272 pages, softcover, November 3, 2015, ISBN 1-4012-5837-9)
- Convergence: Infinite Earths Book Two (272 pages, softcover, November 3, 2015, ISBN 1-4012-5838-7)
- ↑ Ching, Albert (April 21, 2014). "DiDio Says All Three Weekly DC Series Will End in March 2015". Comic Book Resources. Retrieved February 11, 2015.
- ↑ Truitt, Brian (November 3, 2014). "New villain, old tales part of DC's 'Convergence'". USA Today. Retrieved February 9, 2015.
- ↑ Rivera, Joshua (2015-01-18). "DC reveals 'Convergence' #1 cover and official synopses for issues 1–4". Retrieved 2015-04-14.
- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Beedle, Tim (November 11, 2014). "Convergence Week One: Stephanie Brown, Wally West and Oracle Return to Comics!". Retrieved February 9, 2015.
- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Beedle, Tim (November 18, 2014). "Convergence Week Two: Steel, Azrael, Hal Jordan Parallax...and Kingdom Come?!". Retrieved February 9, 2015.
- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Beedle, Tim (November 25, 2014). "Convergence Week Three: A Little Pre-Crisis Coolness". Retrieved February 9, 2015.
- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Beedle, Tim (December 2, 2014). "Convergence Week Four: Batman, Beetle and Booster". Retrieved February 9, 2015.
- ↑ Writer Jeff King explains that the purpose of this scene was not to suggest that the Crisis had been straightforwardly undone; a new infinite Multiverse has been created, potentially with the New 52 Multiverse at its center and other worlds featuring classic characters there to be explored.Burlingame, Russ (27 May 2015). "Decoding Convergence With Jeff King: The Finale". Retrieved 29 May 2015.
- ↑ Convergence: Action Comics #1
- ↑ Convergence: Adventures of Superman #1
- ↑ Convergence: Aquaman #1
- ↑ Convergence: Aquaman #2
- ↑ Convergence: Batgirl #1
- ↑ Convergence: Batgirl #2
- ↑ Convergence: Batman: Shadow of the Bat #1
- ↑ Convergence: Batman and Robin #1
- ↑ Convergence: Blue Beetle #1
- ↑ Convergence: Crime Syndicate #1
- ↑ Convergence: Catwoman #1
- ↑ Convergence: Catwoman#2
- ↑ Convergence: Harley Quinn#1
- ↑ Convergence: Harley Quinn#2
- ↑ Convergence: Speed Force#1
- ↑ Convergence: Superboy#1
- ↑ Convergence: Supergirl: Martix #1
- ↑ Convergence: Superman #1
- ↑ Convergence: The Flash#1
- ↑ Yehl, Joshua (2015-02-06). "DC Comics Is Ending The New 52 – IGN". Retrieved 2015-04-14.
- ↑ Melrose, Kevin (February 9, 2015). "DiDio compares DC's post-'Convergence' plans to 'Infinite Crisis'". Comic Book Resources. Retrieved February 11, 2015.
- ↑ "DC Comics's Convergence collections solicited". Collected Editions. 2015-05-19. Retrieved 2015-05-19.
External links
- Johnston, Rich (July 18, 2014). "Is This What The DC Band-Aid Is All About? – Bottle Earths!". Bleeding Cool.
- Siegel, Lucas (April 5, 2014). "Update: DC Comics Teases FUTURES END, Releases July 2014 Solicitations". Newsarama.
- Rogers, Vaneta (September 14, 2014). "UPDATE: DC Co-Publishers Tease April 2015 Event, 'Break From Our Line'". Newsarama.