Not to be confused with Alla breve.
For other uses, see Double-time (disambiguation).

In music and dance, double-time is a type of meter and tempo or rhythmic feel. It is also associated with specific time signatures such as 2
2. Contrast with half time.
In jazz the term means using note values twice as fast as previously but without changing the pace of the chord progressions. It is often used during improvised solos.[1]
"Double time [is] doubling a rhythm pattern within its original bar structure.":[2]
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

Rhythm pattern characteristic of much popular music including rock, quarter-note (crotchet) or "regular" time

Double-time: notice the snare moves to the "&" beats while the hi-hat begins to subdivide sixteenth notes (semiquavers).
Play Note also, for example, that the eighth notes (quavers) 'sound like' quarter notes (crotchets) in two tiny measures (bars).

Double-, common, and half- time offbeats at the same tempo.

Double-, common, and half- time offbeats at equivalent tempos.

See also
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