Electrostatic Discharge Association

The Electrostatic Discharge Association(ESD) is an independent trade association in the United States. It is affiliated with the American National Standards Institute. The Electrostatic Discharge Association is a voluntary association founded in 1982.
The ESD Association has the responsibility of representing the interest of the United States at the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) in the area of electrostatics. With the increasing need for global harmonization in the area of standards, the international focus of the ESD Association is vitally important.
ESD standards[1]
Charged Device Model (CDM)
ANSI/ESD S5.3.1-2009 Electrostatic Discharge Sensitivity Testing - Charged Device Model (CDM) - Component Level Establishes the procedure for testing, evaluating, and classifying the ESD sensitivity of components to the defined CDM.
ESD Control Program
ANSI/ESD S20.20-2007 Protection of Electrical and Electronic Parts, Assemblies and Equipment (Excluding Electrically Initiated Explosive Devices) This standard provides administrative and technical requirements for establishing, implementing, and maintaining an ESD Control Program to protect electrical or electronic parts, assemblies, and equipment susceptible to ESD damage from Human Body Model (HBM) discharges greater than or equal to 100 volts.
ANSI/ESD S7.1-2005 Resistive Characterization of Materials – Floor Materials Covers measurement of the electrical resistance of various floor materials, such as floor coverings, mats, and floor finishes. It provides test methods for qualifying floor materials before installation or application, and for evaluating and monitoring materials after installation or application.
ANSI/ESD S6.1-2009 Grounding Specifies the parameters, materials, equipment, and test procedures necessary to choose, establish, vary, and maintain an Electrostatic Discharge Control grounding system for use within an ESD Protected Area for protection of ESD susceptible items, and specifies the criteria for establishing ESD Bonding.
Human Body Model (HBM)
ANSI/ESDA/JEDEC JS-001-2012 ESDA/JEDEC Joint Standard for Electrostatic Discharge Sensitivity Testing – Human Body Model (HBM) – Component Level Establishes the procedure for testing, evaluating, and classifying the electrostatic discharge sensitivity of components to the defined human body model (HBM).
Machine Model (MM)
ANSI/ESD S5.2-2009 Electrostatic Discharge Sensitivity Testing - Machine Model (MM) - Component Level Establishes the procedure for testing, evaluating, and classifying the ESD sensitivity of components to the defined MM.
ANSI/ESD S541-2008 Packaging Materials for ESD Sensitive Items This standard describes the packaging material properties needed to protect electrostatic discharge (ESD) sensitive electronic items, and references the testing methods for evaluating packaging and packaging materials for those properties. Where possible, performance limits are provided. Guidance for selecting the types of packaging with protective properties appropriate for specific applications is provided. Other considerations for protective packaging are also provided.
ANSI/ESD S8.1-2007 Symbols – ESD Awareness Three types of ESD awareness symbols are established by this document. The first one is to be used on a device or assembly to indicate that it is susceptible to electrostatic charge. The second is to be used on items and materials intended to provide electrostatic protection. The third symbol indicates the common point ground.
ANSI/ESD S4.1-2006 Worksurface - Resistance Measurements Provides test methods for evaluating and selecting worksurface materials, testing of new worksurface installations, and the testing of previously installed worksurfaces.
ANSI/ESD S1.1-2006 Wrist Straps A successor to EOS/ESD S1.0, this document establishes test methods for evaluating the electrical and mechanical characteristics of wrist straps. It includes improved test methods and performance limits for evaluation, acceptance, and functional testing of wrist straps.
Local Chapters[2]
- ASEMEP ESD Council[3]
- Asociación ESD de Mexico[4]
- Indian Chapter[5]
- Korea Chapter[6]
- North Central Chapter[7] - president is Kris Meacham
- Northeast Chapter[8] - president is Ted Dangelmayer
- Silicon Valley EOS/ESD Society[9]
- Texas Chapter[10]
External links
- ESD Association website.
- ↑ ESD Documents
- ↑ ESD Local Chapters
- ↑ ASEMEP ESD Council
- ↑ Asociación ESD de Mexico
- ↑ Indian Chapter
- ↑ Korea Chapter
- ↑ North Central Chapter
- ↑ Northeast Chapter
- ↑ Silicon Valley EOS/ESD Society
- ↑ Texas Chapter