
General information
Name Elevenplay
Website elevenplay.net
Senior staff
Director Mikiko

Elevenplay is a Japanese dance troupe noted for their incorporation of advanced technologies into their works.[1] It is headed by director and principal choreographer Mikiko.[2]


The collaborated with the Rhizomatics groups to produce a piece called Shadow, which also uses three drones as well as one spot light and one dancer.[3] Elevenplay teamed up with the Rhizomatiks again to produce the show Pulse, for the Festival Internacional Cervantino in Mexico. This piece relies on projection-mapping both on the background and on the dancers.[2]

They have also collaborated individually with Rhizomatics director Daito Manabo to create a technology-enhanced show called Drone-Augmented Amazingness, which uses three drones as well as a projection-mapped backdrop. At first, the dancers direct the drones, but by the end of the piece, the drones replace the dancers.[1][4]

External links


  1. 1 2 Ben Valentine (May 20, 2014). "Dancing with Drones". Hyperallergenic newsletter. Retrieved April 23, 2015.
  2. 1 2 "Rhizomatiks x elevenplay Pulse". Mexico: CONACULTA. Retrieved April 23, 2015.
  3. Filip Visnjic (March 12, 2015). "Shadow – Elevenplay x Rhizomatiks". Creative Applications. Retrieved April 23, 2015.
  4. "Daito Manabe and dance company Elevenplay". The Creators Project (Vice). Retrieved April 23, 2015.
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