Fábio Caramuru

Fábio Caramuru (São Paulo Brazil, September 14, 1956) is a Brazilian pianist, composer and musical producer.
Caramuru was born in São Paulo in 1956 and, although he had some serious training and credentials as a young pianist, he began his professional career as an architect. It was not too long, however, before he exchanged the art of frozen music for that of liquid architecture. In 1980 he received a French government scholarship, enabling him to go to Paris where he studied with the Brazilian-French pianist Magda Tagliaferro. After his return to Brazil, he became director of the Magda Tagliaferro Foundation in São Paulo and Cultural Coordinator of the Brazil-United States Cultural Institute. He was involved with many musical projects including a festival of the music of Camargo Guarnieri, a Magda Tagliaferro Festival, a Brazilian music history project and, among his many recordings, an album of Brazilian composers and also his piano solo arrangements of Tom Jobim. In 2005, the French pianists Katia and Marielle Labèque performed the première of Tom Jobim’s Chovendo na Roseira, which led to the first of a series of new arrangements for two pianos written by Fábio Caramuru. With the bass player Pedro Baldanza, he formed the Duo Caramuru/Baldanza and the two musicians have also worked with the singer Magda Painno, using classical, jazz, popular and even folkloric. Among his most recent appearances are a Concert with Minas Gerais Philharmonic Orchestra (Stravinsky), Symphonic Brass Orchestra of São Paulo (Tom Jobim), São Paulo University Symphonic Orchestra(Poulenc) and Jazz Symphonic Orchestra, playing, with this last one, special arrangements of Nino Rota’s and Richard Rodgers movie soundtracks; the concerts with the singers Fernando Portari and Magda Painno; his double-CD Piano - Tom Jobim por Fábio Caramuru, to celebrate the 80th Tom Jobim’s anniversary and his innovative and acclaimed CD Bossa in the Shadows, with the remarkable contribution of the bass player Pedro Baldanza. In November 2010, Caramuru made a Brazilian Music Recital in Toronto (Victoria Chapel / Toronto University) and a Brazilian Jazz Show at Zinc Bar in New York City. In 2011, an European tour includes two concerts with Brussels Philharmonic Orchestra in Belgium and shows at JazzStation in Brussels and at Jazz Club Moods in Zurich.
- Jornal de Londrina, 4 de fevereiro de 2008 (matéria publicada sobre o CD Bossa in the Shadows) <http://portal.rpc.com.br/jl/colunas/conteudo.phtml?tl=1&id=734879&tit=Bossa-in-the-shadows>
- Estado de S. Paulo, 30 de dezembro de 2007, seção "Antologia Pessoal".
- "Poética entre o clássico e o popular", (matéria publicada sobre o CD Bossa in the Shadows) Estado de S. Paulo, Caderno 2, página 10, 11 de dezembro de 2007 <http://www.estadao.com.br/estadaodehoje/20071211/not_imp93779,0.php>
- Dicionário Cravo Albin da Música Popular Brasileira <http://www.dicionariompb.com.br/verbete.asp?tabela=T_FORM_A&nome=F%E1bio+Caramuru>
- Revista Concerto, outubro de 2007.
- Folha de S.Paulo, Ilustrada, 31 de maio de 2007 <http://www1.folha.uol.com.br/folha/ilustrada/ult90u301015.shtml>
- Souza, Tárik de. "Tons sobre Tom", Jornal do Brasil, 23 de janeiro de 2007 <http://jbonline.terra.com.br/editorias/cultura/papel/2007/01/23/cultura20070123000.html>; <http://ee.jornaldobrasil.com.br/reader/default.asp?ed=501&ca=7&num=32>
- Sampaio, Dafne. 23 de janeiro de 2007 <http://www.gafieiras.com.br/Display.php?Area=Noticias&SubArea=Noticias&ID=1086&Month=1&Year=2007&css=1>
- Portal Viva Música. 19 de janeiro de 2007 <http://www.vivamusica.com.br/noticia.php?id=247>
- Ziriguidum <http://www2.uol.com.br/ziriguidum/0701/070126-01.htm>
- Encarte do CD "Piano - Tom Jobim por Fábio Caramuru", fabricado pela MCD em 2007.
- Encarte do CD "Bossa in the Shadows", lançado em 2007, em Nova York pela Labor Records.
- Músicos do Brasil: uma enciclopédia instrumental <http://musicosdobrasil.com.br/fabio-caramuru>
- Instrumental SESC Brasil <>
- Jazz and Bossa <http://jazznbossa.ning.com/profile/FabioCaramuru>
- Jazz Sinfônica <http://www.apaacultural.org.br/jazzsinfonica/agenda_jazzmais_ibira.html>
- CD "Das Lied von der Erde" <http://www.estadao.com.br/estadaodehoje/20090910/not_imp432425,0.php>
- Fábio Caramuru + Jazz Sinfônica <http://www.auditorioibirapuera.com.br/detalhe_eventos.aspx?id=406>
- Fábio Caramuru + Jazz Sinfônica (2) <http://progshine.com/?p=13140>
- Fábio Caramuru + Jazz Sinfônica (3) <http://guia.folha.com.br/concertosedanca/ult10046u634907.shtml>
- TV Cultura - Poulenc - Concert for two pianos and orchestra - OSUSP <http://jazznbossa.ning.com/photo/album/show?id=2112018:Album:43288>
External links
- Official Fábio Caramuru's web page
- EPK Sonicbids do Duo Caramuru-Baldanza
- Musicians from Brasil
- Brazilian Wikipedia