Feathery degeneration

Feathery degeneration - large cells with pale flocculant cytoplasm (left-bottom and right-top). H&E stain.
In histopathology, feathery degeneration, formally feathery degeneration of hepatocytes, is a form of liver parenchymal cell (i.e. hepatocyte) death associated with cholestasis.[1]
Cells undergoing this form of cell death have a flocculant appearing cytoplasm,[2] and are larger than normal hepatocytes.
Relation to ballooning degeneration
Feathery degeneration is somewhat similar in appearance to ballooning degeneration, which is due to other causes (e.g. alcohol, obesity); it also has cytoplasmic clearing and cell swelling.
See also
- Elevated alkaline phosphatase (ALP)
- Mallory body
- Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
- Steatohepatitis
- Primary sclerosing cholangitis
Additional images
Feathery degeneration. H&E stain.
External links
- Ballooning degeneration and feathery degeneration - what is the difference? - a T-shirt that asks the question - zcache.com.
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