Flag of Hezbollah

The flag of Hezbollah, while sometimes found in different colours, is usually composed of the green logo of the Shi'a political/military organization Hezbollah, upon a yellow background with text above and below the logo in red (or sometimes green).
The logo itself is a stylized representation of the Arabic words حزب الله (ḥizbu-llāh) or "Party of God" in Kufic script. The first letter of "Allah" reaches up to grasp a stylized assault rifle. The logo also incorporates several other objects, namely a globe, a book, a sword, and a seven-leafed branch. The text above the logo reads فإن حزب الله هم الغالبون (fāʾinna ḥizbu llāh hum al-ġālibūn) and means "Then surely the party of Allah are they that shall be triumphant" (Quran 5:56). Underneath the logo are the words المقاومة الإسلامية في لبنان (al-muqāwamah al-islāmīyah fī lubnān) or "The Islamic Resistance in Lebanon".
The flag was designed by Ali Salih, an artist from Brital, with the help of Abdul ar-Rahman Mazlūm from the same village. The flag has some similarity with the emblem of Iran's Revolutionary Guards.
Man waving Hezbollah flag after the 2006–2008 Lebanese political protests
Hezbolah flag waving in Syria
Hezbollah flag waving with Amal Movement, Palestinian and Lebanese flags during a demonstration in Stockholm, Sweden, 2006.
Hezbollah fighter memorial with flag
Hezbollah flag banners with the caption "Our blood has won" near Et Taibeh, South Lebanon, referring to the 2006 Lebanon War
Hezbollah flags waving in a street of Baalbek, Lebanon