Ganesha pancharatnam

Sri Maha Ganesha Pancharatnam was composed by Sri Adi Sankara Baghvad Pada in the 8th Century. It is a famous sloka addressing Lord Ganesha or Lord Ganapati who is the destroyer of obstacles. As the name suggests it is a sloka containing five passages(Pancha) which are gems(Ratnam). Lord Ganesha is also one of the six Gods - the worship of whom was popularized by Adi Shankaracharya; the other five being Vishnu, Shiva, Shakti, Skanda and Surya . Here's the original text -

                    ॥ śrī siddhivināyakāya namaha ॥

Mudākarātta modakaṃ sadāvimuktisādhakaṃ kalā dharāvataṃsakaṃ vilāsiloka rakshakaṃ । anāyakaika nāyakaṃ vināshite bhadaityakaṃ natāśubhāśu nāśakaṃ namāmi taṃ vināyakaṃ ॥ 1 ॥


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