Government of Nicaragua
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This article is part of a series on the politics and government of Nicaragua |
Nicaragua is a country in Central America with constitutional democracy with executive, legislative, judicial, and electoral branches of government. The President of Nicaragua is both head of state and head of government. Executive power is exercised by the government.
Legislative power is vested in the National Assembly. The judiciary and electoral powers are independent of the executive and the legislature. The magistrates of both the Supreme Court (CSJ) and the Supreme Electoral Council (CSE) are appointed by the President and ratified by the National Assembly.
Executive branch
The current composition of the Executive Branch includes President José Daniel Ortega Saavedra and the Vice-President Jaime Morales Carazo. The cabinet ministers and the directors of government agencies and autonomous entities are appointed by the President, then confirmed by the National Assembly.
- President of the Republic: José Daniel Ortega Saavedra
- Vice-President: Moisés Omar Halleslevens Acevedo
- Secretary of the Presidency: Vacant
- Minister of Agriculture and Forestry: Ariel Bucardo Rocha
- Minister of Defense: Martha Ruiz Sevilla
- Minister of Education, Culture and Sports: Miriam Raudez
- Minister of the Environment and Natural Resources: Juana Argenal
- Minister of Family: Marcia Ramirez Mercado
- Minister of Finance and Public Credit: Iván Acosta Montalván
- Minister of Foreign Affairs: Samuel Santos López (Chancellor)
- Minister of Governance: Ana Isabel Morales Mazún
- Minister of Health: Sonia Castro Gonzalez
- Minister of Industry, Development and Commerce: Orlando Delgadillo
- Minister of Labor: Jeannette Chávez Gómez
- Minister of Transport and Infrastructure: Pablo Fernández Martínez Espinoza
- Minister of Women: Arlen Patricia Vargas
- Minister of Youth: Bosco Castillo
Other entities of the Presidency
- Office of the President (Secretaria de la Presidencia)
- Communication and Citizenship Council (Consejo de Comunicación y Ciudadanía) website
- Special Commission for the Promotion of Private Investment, PRO-NICARAGUA (Comisión Especial para la Promoción de Inversiones Privadas, PRO-NICARAGUA) website
- Technical Secretariat of the Presidency of the Republic of Nicaragua, SETEC (Secretaría Técnica de la Presidencia de la República de Nicaragua, SETEC)
- Private Secretariat for International Relations (Secretaría Privada para Relaciones Internacionales)
- Administrative Secretariat (Secretaría Administrativa)
- Private Secretariat for National Policies (Secretaría Privada para Políticas Nacionales)
- Secretariat of Security and Food Sovereignty (Secretaría de Seguridad y Soberanía Alimentaria)
- Secretariat for the Development of the Atlantic Coast (Secretaría para el Desarrollo de la Costa Atlántica)
Ministries and dependent entities
- Nicaraguan Institute of sport (Instituto Nicaragüense de Deportes IND) before INJUDE website
- Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (Ministerio Agropecuario y Forestal, MAG-FOR) website
- Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports (Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deportes, MECD) website
- National Technological Institute (Instituto Nacional Tecnológico, INTECNA)
- Nicaraguan Institute of Culture (Instituto Nicaragüense de Cultura, INC)
- Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources (Ministerio del Ambiente y los Recursos Naturales, MARENA) website
- Ministry of Family (Ministerio de la Familia, MIFAMILIA) website
- Nicaraguan Institute for Women (Instituto Nicaragüense de la Mujer, INIM)
- Ministry of Finance and Public Credit (Ministerio de Hacienda y Crédito Público, MHCP) website
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, MINREX) website
- Ambassadors of Nicaragua (Embajadores de la Republica de Nicaragua) Cooperation .
- Ministry of Governance (Ministerio de Gobernación, MIGOB) website
- General Directorate of Migration and Alienage (Dirección General de Migración y Extranjería, DGME) website
- National Penitentiary System (Sistema Penitenciario Nacional, SPN)
- National Police (Policia Nacional, PN) website
- Social Security Institute and Human Development (Instituto de Seguridad Social y Desarrollo Humano, ISS-DHU)
- Ministry of Health (Ministerio de Salud, MINSA) website
- Institute Against Alcoholism and Drug Addiction (Instituto Contra el Alcoholismo y la Drogadicción, ICAD)
- Centro de Insumos para la Salud, CIPS, Government-owned corporation.
- Centro de Mantenimiento de Equipos Médicos, Government-owned corporation.
- Empresa de Insumos no Médicos, Government-owned corporation.
- Hospital Alemán, Government-owned hospital.
- Policlínica Oriental, Government-owned health-care center.
- Ministry of Industry and Commercefont (Ministerio de Fomento, Industria y Comercio, MIFIC) website
- Nicaraguan Institute of Support for the Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (Instituto Nicaragüense de Apoyo a la Pequeña y Mediana Empresa, INPYME) website
- Nicaraguan Institute of Tourism (Nicaraguan Institute of Tourism, INTUR) website
- Corporation of Free Trade Zones (Corporación de Zonas Francas, CZF) website
- Empresa Nicaragüense de Alimentos Básicos, ENABAS, Government-owned enterprise devoted to internal trade, mostly grains.
- Ministry of Labor (Ministerio del Trabajo, MITRAB)
- National Technological Institute (Instituto Nacional Tecnológico, INATEC) website - Vocational education centers.
- Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure (Ministerio de Transporte e Infraestructura, MTI) website
- Corporation of Regional Constructor Companies (Corporación de Empresas Regionales de la Construcción, CREC)
- Ministry of Defense (Ministerio de Defensa, MIDEF) website
Decentralized entities
- Central Bank of Nicaragua - (Banco Central de Nicaragua, BCN) website
- National Institute of Statistics and Census (Instituto Nacional de Estadísticas y Censos, INEC) website
- Institute of Rural Development (Instituto de Desarrollo Rural, IDR) website
- National Energy Commission (Comisión Nacional de Energía, CNE) website
- Nicaraguan Institute of Aqueducts and Drains (Instituto Nicaragüense de Acueductos y Alcaltarillados, INAA) website - Regulatory entity of public services.
- Nicaraguan Institute of Municipal Development (Instituto Nicaragüense de Fomento Municipal, INIFOM) website
- Nicaraguan Institute of Telecommunications and Postal Services (Instituto Nicaragüense de Telecomunicaciones y Correos, TELCOR) website - Regulatory entity of public services.
- Nicaraguan Institute of Territorial Studies (Instituto Nicaragüense de Estudios Territoriales, INETER) website
- Nicaraguan Institute of the Urban and Rural Housing (Instituto de la Vivienda Urbana y Rural, INVUR) website
- Office of the Attorney General (Procuraduría General de Justicia)
- Social Emergency Investment Fund (Fondo de Inversión Social de Emergencia, FISE) website
Government-owned enterprises
- National Corporations of the Public Sector (Corporaciones Nacionales del Sector Público, CORNAP)
- National Lottery (Lotería Nacional) website
Dependencies of the Presidency
- Channel 6 (Canal 6 de Televisión), not in use.
- National Printing Works (Imprenta Nacional), in process of privatization.
- Olof Palme Convention Center (Centro de Convenciones Olof Palme), in process of privatization.
- Radio Nicaragua website
Financial services
- Nicaraguan Institute of Insurances and Reinsurances (Instituto Nicaragüense de Seguros y Reaseguros, INISER) website
- Nicaraguan Investment Fund (Financiera Nicaragüense de Inversiones, S.A. FNI) website - The Government holds a 51% share of the investment bank.
- Rural Credit Fund (Fondo de Crédito Rural, FCR)
Public services
- International Airport Administration Company (Empresa Administradora de Aeropuertos Internacionales, EAAI) website
- Nicaraguan Aqueducts and Sewer Company (Empresa Nacional de Acueductos y Alcantarillados, ENACAL) website - National water company.
- National Electric Transmission Company (Empresa Nacional de Transmisión Eléctrica, ENTRESA) website
- Nicaraguan Electricity Company (Empresa Nicaragüense de Electricidad, ENEL)
- National Port Authority (Empresa Nacional de Puertos, ENAP) website
- Nicaraguan Postal Service (Correos de Nicaragua) website
Legislative branch
National Assembly of Nicaragua
Judicial branch
Autonomous entities
- Comptroller General of the Republic (Contraloria General de la República) website
- Human Rights Prosecutor's Office (Procuraduría de los Derechos Humanos)
- Intendence of Property (Intendencia de la Propiedad)
- Nicaraguan Institute of Energy (Instituto Nicaragüense de Energía, INE) website - Regulatory entity of public services.
- Superintendence of Banks and other Financial Institutions - (Superintendencia de Bancos y Otras Instituciones Financieras, SIBOIF) website
- Superintendence of Pensions (Superintendencia de Pensiones, SIP) website
- Nicaraguan Social Security Institute (Instituto Nicaragüense de Seguridad Social, INSS) website
- Public Prosecutor's Office (Ministerio Público) website