HP Reliable Transaction Router (RTR) is a transactional middleware and is simply referred to as RTR by its users. RTR is used to integrate with applications that require reliable transaction services. RTR is currently available on HP-UX, Linux, Windows and OpenVMS.
Reliable Transaction Support
RTR manages the messages sent between client-server to provide node and network fail-over for increased reliability, transactional integrity, and interoperability between dissimilar systems. RTR does this with a scalable, easy-to-use design.
Three-Tier Architecture
The RTR software has three logical entities and referred to as Front-End (FE), Back-End (BE) and Transaction-Router(TR). The router is a software component that provides the fail-over intelligence and manages connections to the Back-End. The client applications running on the Front-End combined with Router and Server applications running on Back-End interact to provide transaction integrity and reliability. The three logical entities can exist on the same node but are usually deployed on different nodes to achieve modularity, scalability and high availability.
The client application interacts with the Front-End which forwards the messages to the Router, the Router in turn routes the message to the intended Back-End where the appropriate Server application is available for processing the message.
Message Content Routing
The RTR routing capability is that it allows to partition data across multiple servers and nodes for increased performance. Within an application, the partition determines how messages are routed between the client and the servers.
Transactional Messaging
The message exchange happens between the client and server. Transactions start at the client and involve many messages that can go to a number of different servers.
Broadcast Messaging
Such method of messaging is used in situations where there are multiple recipients for a message, or where unsolicited messages need to be sent.
RTR can help survive the failures generally seen in distributed application environment which include complete site failure, node failure, network link failure and software process failure. RTR also provides continuous availability by using redundant resources in the distributed environment.
RTR Environment
RTR provides a Web Interface and a Command Line Interface(CLI) for managing the RTR environment. When RTR and its components are running along with the applications, then Client Application, Server Application, RTR services will be active.
RTR Features
RTR is widely used as both a product which is integrated with client applications and as well as integrated in an infrastructure developed and customized to suit various user needs. It is widely popular amongst its users for its seamless integration into the user’s solutions.
User and Management Applications can be written using RTR APIs. The C, C++, Java and .Net variants of APIs are available for creating applications to use RTR.
Compatibility Matrix
RTR is currently supported on the Linux, Windows and OpenVMS platforms.
See also
Further reading
External links
- http://h71000.www7.hp.com/doc/rtr.html
- Centre for Railway Information Systems
- http://www.indianmba.com/Faculty_Column/FC552/fc552.html