Hieronymus Lauweryn van Watervliet

Count Hieronymus Lauweryn or Jerome Laurinus of Watervliet was a courtier at the courts of Philip the Handsome, to whom he was treasurer, Maximilian I, Holy Roman Emperor, and Margaret of Austria.[1] [2] Of common origins, the lordship of Watervliet was awarded to Hieronymus by Philip in 1507[3][4] He married twice[5] His son Matthias Lauweryn, or Matthias Laurinus (d.1540), the second lord of Watervliet, was well known to Erasmus. He was responsible for the construction of the Church of Our Lady's Ascension in Watervliet.[6]

He is primarily remembered for having commissioned the chansonnier which is named after him, British Library, Ms. Add. 35087, around 1505/6 in Bruges. His chansonnier contains works by Alexander Agricola, Loyset Compère, Jean Mouton and Josquin. The songs are mainly in French, 36, and Dutch, 25, with 2 Italian works and then 15 Latin works, one of them a Latin-French double-texted motet-chanson.[7]

An edition with an introduction by W. McMurtry was published by Alamire Music Publishers in 1989, and a selection of songs, including all Dutch songs, of the chansonnier recorded on 2 CDs by the Egidius Kwartet in 2007.


  1. L. Devliegher, "Het Graf van Hieronymus Lauweryn te Watervliet," Handelingen van het genootschap voor geschiedenis gesticht onder de benaming Sociiti d'Emulation to Brugge 97 (1960)
  2. Dumalin Nico, "Het testament van Jeronimus Lauwerein (21 juli 1509). Ambities en verwezenlijkingen van een parvenu", In: Handelingen der Maatschappij voor Geschiedenis en Oudheidkunde te Gent, 2011, nr. LXV
  3. Coutumes des pays et comté de Flandre: Quartier de Bruges Volume 5 Commission royale pour la publication des anciennes lois et ordonnances de la Belgique, Louis Gilliodts-Van Severen - 1892 "Maximilian... et Charles... A tous ceulx qui ces presentes lettres verront, salut. Comme au mois de novembre de l'an mil cincq cens et sept, messire Jeromme Lauweryn, chevalier, seigneur de Watervliet, lors vivant, et nostre conseillier "
  4. Opus epistolarum Desiderius Erasmus, Percy Stafford Allen, Helen Mary Allen Allen - 1992 "268, under the receipts from the ' domini intitulati ' in 1507, occurs the following entry : 'A nobilibus dominis ... Philip formed from this three lordships and presented them to Lauweryn, who took his title, Lord of Watervliet, .
  5. Geschiedenis van de gemeenten der provincie Oost-Vlaanderen Volume 3 Frans De Potter, Jan Broeckaert - 1872 "Hieronymus Lauwerijn trad tweemaal in den eeht, eerstens met Jaeoba Pedaert Peynerts, ...appelé en flamand sGravengoet, qui paravant l'inondation d'ieelle terre fut appelé la seigneurie de Watervliet, la quelle seigneurie se comprend ...
  6. O. Vandeputte Gids voor Vlaanderen 2007 Page 1067 "Hiëronymus Lauwerijn, heer van Watervliet, raadslid, kamerheer en schatbewaarder van Filips De Schone liet in 1505 een Onze-Lieve-Vrouw Hemelvaartkerk bouwen. Het interieur van de kerk is bijzonder mooi. Het koor is versierd met een...
  7. Francis Maes The Empire resounds: music in the days of Charles V 1999 chapter The Dutch song and the Chansonnier of Hieronymus Lauweryn van Watervliet
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