International reactions to the 2011 Norway attacks
Over 60 states, several supranational bodies, many individuals and other entities expressed their condolences and moral support in reaction to the 2011 Norway attacks. Notably, Libya mentioned the context of NATO attacks during the Libyan Civil War, of which Norway was a part; two Italian Lega Nord members of the European Parliament and a Freedom Party of Austria MP also expressed some sort of support for the ideology of Anders Breivik, resulting in the suspension of one of the Italian MEPs from the party and the expulsion of the Austrian MP.
In the initial hours after the attacks, the group Ansar al-Jihad al-Alami led by Abu Suleiman al-Naser claimed responsibility for the attacks.[1][2][3]
International bodies
Commonwealth of Nations: Queen Elizabeth II sent a letter to King Harald V of Norway describing how the thoughts of her and the Duke of Edinburgh were with the Norwegian people:
"I am deeply saddened and shocked by the tragic loss of life of so many people on the island of Utoeya and in Oslo. Prince Philip joins me in extending our heartfelt sympathy to Your Majesty and the people of Norway. Our prayers and thoughts are with everyone who has been affected by the dreadful atrocity."[4]
European Union: President of the European Council Herman Van Rompuy described the bomb that hit government buildings in Norway's capital as an act of:
…cowardice. I am deeply shocked by the bomb blasts this afternoon in Oslo which have killed a number of innocent people and left many others injured. I condemn in the strongest terms these acts of cowardice for which there is no justification.[5]
- President of the European Parliament Jerzy Buzek said:
I condemn with the strongest possible means these cowardly attacks on those innocent young people. I sincerely hope that all the perpetrators of are caught and brought to justice. On behalf of the European Parliament I would like to convey my solidarity and sympathy to the families, the authorities and all Norwegians. We are with you at this tragic hour.[6]
NATO: Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen said that NATO "condemn in the strongest possible terms the heinous acts of violence in Norway.[7] Our solidarity with Norway remains steadfast. NATO countries stand united in the battle against these acts of violence."[8]
United Nations: A spokesperson for Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon issued a statement that read:
"The Secretary-General was shocked to learn about the large explosion in central Oslo and the shooting that took place in Utøya today. He condemns this violence and expresses his condolences to the Government of Norway and the families of the victims. The United Nations stands together with the people of Norway at this terrible moment."[9]

Afghanistan: President Hamid Karzai issued his "strongest condemnation" for the attack and also said that "it has been years that people of Afghanistan are suffering from terrorism and they understand the pain of Norwegian people better than anyone else."[10]
Argentina: Foreign Minister Héctor Timerman issued his "strongest condemnation" for the attack and also said that "the people and government of Argentina, victim of similar crimes in the past, express their solidarity to the people and government of Norway in reaction of this painful act and unjustifiable loss of human lives."[11]
Armenia: President Serzh Sargsyan expressed his condolences to the King of Norway Harald V and said that the "Armenian people share the grief of the friendly Norwegian people."[12] Foreign Minister Eduard Nalbandyan condemned the attacks and called on the international community to "conduct an uncompromising fight in order to unroot the scourge of violence from our life."[13]
Australia: Prime Minister Julia Gillard stated that "our sorrow and concern are with the people of Norway and in particular with the families of those who have lost loved ones and those who have been injured."[14]
Austria: President Heinz Fischer expressed his "horror about the criminal terror in Norway, which extinguished so many human lives." He added that his sympathies are with the victims and their relatives, and beyond that to the whole Norwegian nation to whom Austria feels a special connection[15]
- The Freedom Party of Austria's Werner Koenigshofer equated the massacre with the death of millions of fetuses through abortion. He was consequently expelled from the party.[16]
Azerbaijan: President Ilham Aliyev extended condolences to King Harald V, families and relatives of those killed and all the people of Norway.[17] Aliyev wished recovery to the injured and wounded and strongly condemned all forms of terrorism.[17][18]
Bangladesh: Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina deplored the attacks and expressed "deep shock at the loss of lives in the attacks".[19]
Belarus: President Alexander Lukashenko said: "The tragedy in Norway, which has killed and injured large numbers of people responded to pain and sadness in the hearts of all Belarusians. Republic of Belarus resolutely condemns the violence, whose victims are innocent people, and shows solidarity with Norway against all forms and demonstrations of terrorism and extremism."[20]
Belgium: Prime Minister Yves Leterme expressed his "condolences to the Norwegian Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg, the victims of the deadly attacks and to the families of the victims." He strongly condemned the attacks and is "astonished that such a thing can happen to a country known as peace-loving and peace-seeking."[21]
- Vlaams Belang MP Tanguy Veys, who received a copy of Breivik's manifesto, wrote a letter to the Norwegian Ambassador, Jostein Helge Bernhardsen, expressing his shock, and condemning Breivik as "a psychopath, with whom I do not want to have anything to do".[22]
Bosnia and Herzegovina: Chairman of the Council of Ministers Nikola Špirić expressed his condolences and solidarity to Stoltenberg and to the people of Norway.[23]
Brazil: President Dilma Rousseff stated in a message to Stoltenberg that the news regarding the attacks have left her astonished, and she expressed her condolences and solidarity to the victims and their families in Norway on behalf of the Brazilian government and people.[24]
Bulgaria: Foreign Minister Nikolay Mladenov called the bombing "an unacceptable act", and expressed his "deep condolences to the relatives of the victims", saying that "Bulgaria supports its Norwegian partners and friends in this difficult moment."[25][26]
Canada: Prime Minister Stephen Harper has said he was "shocked and intensely saddened to learn of the attacks in Oslo and Utøya."[27] The Prime Minister also signed a book of condolences, at the Norwegian Embassy in Ottawa.[28]
Chile: In a communiqué released by the Foreign Affairs Ministry, the government of Chile lamented the events at Oslo, calling the attacks an "unacceptable expression of violence that Chile strongly condemns."[29]
China: Premier Wen Jiabao condemned the attacks in Norway as terrorism, sending condolences to Stoltenberg. A statement from the Foreign Ministry read that "China expresses condemnation of the terror attacks and condolences toward its victims."[30][31]
Colombia: The Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a statement in which it "condemns in the strongest terms the attack today in Oslo, near the government seat of the Norwegian Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg." Colombia also "wishes to convey its condolences to the families of the victims of this heinous act and the people and Government of Norway."[32]
Czech Republic: President Václav Klaus strongly condemned the attack and sent sincere condolences in the name of the Czech people to King Harald V, writing that "citizens of our country are at this moment with you."[33] Prime Minister Petr Nečas sent his sincere condolences on behalf of citizens of the Czech Republic to Prime Minister Stoltenberg.[34]
Denmark: Prime Minister Lars Løkke Rasmussen proclaimed that "We stand with Norway on this day" and offered his compassion, sympathy and solidarity on behalf of the Danish people.[35]
Dominican Republic: Dominican President Leonel Fernández said that the Dominican people and its government are outraged by the attack in which innocent lives were lost.[36]
Ecuador: The Ecuadorian government condemned these violent acts and affirmed the need for nations to continue working for world peace.[37]
Estonia: President Toomas Hendrik Ilves expressed his grief, sadness and bewilderment about the attacks. He said: "As the evil never really wins over the good, monstrous and incomprehensible crimes will never close our open societies, but they deepen our commitment to democracy."[38] Foreign Minister Urmas Paet expressed his condolences and said that the attacks deeply wound also Estonian society.[39]
Finland: President Tarja Halonen expressed her condolences to the state of Norway. Foreign Minister Erkki Tuomioja had also contacted and expressed his condolences to his Norwegian colleague Jonas Gahr Støre, saying he was gravely worried of the situation. He later stated that the explosion shakes all the Nordic countries and affects the entire assessment of the security situation in the region. He added that if the attack proves to be terrorism related it proves that any real reason for terrorists to attack is not needed as Norway has traditionally tried to be constructive in international conflicts.[40][41]
France: President Nicolas Sarkozy has called the deadly bombing in Oslo an "odious and unacceptable act [of violence]. At this dramatic time, I wish to pass on the profound sympathy of the entire French people for the Norwegian people."[42]
Georgia: The Ministry of Foreign Affairs expressed its "deep grief" following the attacks and condemned the violence against civilians.[43] On July 27, the Georgian government confirmed that a Georgian citizen, 23-year-old girl, was among the dead in Utøya.[44]
Germany: Chancellor Angela Merkel condemned the attacks by saying: "It's clear that we who believe in democracy and peaceful coexistence have to condemn in strong terms such terrorism, no matter how reasoned." She ensured the families of the victims and injured of her deep condolence and added: "The Norwegian Government and the Norwegian people shall know, that the federal government and the German people are with them."[45]
Greece: Prime Minister George Papandreou had a telephone conversation with his Norwegian counterpart immediately following the attacks in Oslo. He expressed his and the Greek people's solidarity to the government and people of Norway, while Stoltenberg thanked and briefed him on the situation.[46]
Guatemala: The government of Guatemala issued a statement that read: "The people and Government of Guatemala presents its condolences and solidarity to the Government and kind people of Norway, while expressing its strongest condemnation against the perpetrators and instigators of this attack on innocent people of that country and reiterates its confidence in the prompt actions of the Norwegian government agencies to punish to the fullest extent of the law, the perpetrators of such cowardly terrorist act."[47]
: Pope Benedict XVI said that: "Unfortunately, yet again comes news of death and violence. We all feel deep sorrow for the grave terrorist acts. I want to again repeat my grief-stricken appeal to all to abandon forever the way of hatred and to run away from the logic of evil."[48]
Hungary: Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, on behalf of the Hungarian government, expressed solidarity with Norway and extended condolences to the Norwegian people. Orbán also said Hungary condemns violence in all its forms regardless of its ideological background.[49]
Iceland: President Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson and Prime Minister Jóhanna Sigurðardóttir expressed solidarity with Norway in a statement that read: "We feel and share the pain of the Norwegian people during these difficult and turbulent times and have offered all the help Iceland can conceivably give."[50][51]
India: The spokesman for the External Affairs Ministry Vishnu Parekh said that: "We (Indian government) condemn it. We are shocked and outraged at the killings in Norway. We are pained at the loss of lives."[52]
Iran: Foreign Affairs Minister Ali Akbar Salehi sent his Norwegian counterpart, Jonas Gahr Støre, his condolences for the People of Norway and condemned the attacks.[53]
Ireland: President Mary McAleese and Tánaiste Eamon Gilmore expressed solidarity with Norway and extended condolences to the Norwegian people.[54]
Israel: President Shimon Peres offered his condolences.[55][56] Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called the attack "shocking murder" and has sent the condolences "of the state, government and people of Israel to the Norwegian people, state and government."[56] Minister of Defense and Deputy Prime Minister Ehud Barak also expressed Israeli condolences for the victims and solidarity to Norwegian people. He offered "all the help Israel can conceivably give."[57]
Italy: President Giorgio Napolitano addressed his message to King Harald V saying: "Having heard with utmost dismay news of the serious attack in Oslo city centre, causing innocent victims, in this terrible moment Italy stands as a friend by the Norwegian people, victim of a coward and bloody terrorist attack, and joins Norwegian country in the repudiation of any form of violence and in the commitment towards peace and communication." Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi sent a message to his Norwegian counterpart that read: "Dear Stoltenberg, on behalf of myself and of my government, I want to express our profound condolences. We are close to the Norwegian people in this difficult moment of our shared fight against every form of terrorism."[58]
- However, MEP Mario Borghezio, a member of the ruling coalition's Lega Nord party, said that Anders Breivik's ideology is "perhaps great". He was then suspended but not sacked by his party, amidst an uproar in which he was forced to apologise to Norway. Party MEP Francesco Speroni echoed the sentiment.[59]
Japan: Prime Minister Naoto Kan addressed a statement to his Norwegian counterpart saying: "I express my heartfelt condolences to the families of the victims of the attack. I also pray for the earliest possible recovery of those injured. Such violence which sacrifices the innocent is absolutely unforgivable, regardless of the reason. I wish to express solidarity with you, the government of [the] Kingdom of Norway, and the Norwegian people."[60]
Libya: At a press conference in Tripoli, Moussa Ibrahim, a spokesman for the government, said that: "We never support any acts of terrorism whatsoever." He, however, added that "NATO is planting terrorism in the hearts of many. This is unfortunate and sad."[61] (Muammar Gaddafi had previously threatened to launch attacks on European "homes, offices, families" in response to the Libyan Civil War.[62][63])
Lithuania: President Dalia Grybauskaitė said: "On behalf of myself and Lithuania and its people, I express our heartfelt condolences to you, the victims’ relatives and all the Norwegian people in this difficult hour for your country. I wish the people of Norway strength and focus."[64]
Malaysia: The Foreign Ministry expressed shock and sadness at the incidents and said that Malaysia sent its deepest condolences to the Norwegian government in its hour of bereavement.[65]
Mexico: President Felipe Calderón Hinojosa offered his condolences to Stoltenberg via Twitter.[66]
Moldova: Prime Minister Vladimir Filat offered his condolences to Stoltenberg saying that "in these difficult times people of Moldova are standing by the Norwegian people. The government of the Republic of Moldova strongly condemns these criminal acts against civil population and reiterates its strong commitment to contribute to international efforts of combating violence and crimes against humanity."[67]
Morocco: In a message to his Norwegian counterpart, King Mohammed VI condemned the attacks in Norway. He has also indicated that these "acts of violence and hostility does not alter the commitment of your people and your country to universal values of democracy, freedom, brotherhood, balance, peace [and] justice."[68]
Nepal: President Ram Baran Yadav condemned the attacks and expressed his grief and support to the Norwegian people: "At this hour of grief, on behalf of the Government and the people of Nepal as well as on my own, I extend to Your Majesty our heartfelt condolences and deep sympathies. I also send our profound sympathies to the members of the bereaved families and the friendly people of Norway."[69]

Netherlands: Queen Beatrix expressed her condolences to the families of the victims.[70] Prime Minister Mark Rutte said the attack in Oslo demonstrates a "total lack of respect for human life." He wished his Norwegian counterpart Jens Stoltenberg and the Norwegian people "much strength".[71]
- MP Geert Wilders posted a message on Twitter that read: "Terrible attack in Oslo, so many innocent victims of a violent, sick mind. The PVV mourns together with the families of the victims and the Norwegian people."[72]
- The Norwegian Flag displayed alongside the Flag of New Zealand
New Zealand: Prime Minister John Key said in a "remarks to the press" briefing with President Barack Obama at the White House that he echoed President Obama's statement that extended "condolences to the people of Norway."[73]
- Bill English, acting Prime Minister during Key's international travels, condemned the twin attacks by saying: "I'm shocked and saddened at the news of the bombing and shootings, New Zealand joins with other countries in condemning these attacks on innocent people. Our thoughts and condolences are with the people of Norway at this time."[74]
Pakistan: President Asif Ali Zardari expressed his grief and shock over the loss of lives, following the attack, and conveyed his condolences to the people and government of Norway. He also said that Pakistan, "which has suffered the most in the fight against terrorism and militancy, will continue to fight this menace with full resolve."[75]
Panama: President Ricardo Martinelli issued a statement that the government of Panama "condemns all acts of violence that endanger the safety of the civilian population, considering them an aggression to human rights and the peaceful coexistence of peoples, which is particularly true for the Kingdom of Norway, country that has traditionally supported and promoted world peace. [The government manifests its] solidarity with the Norwegian government and people for the loss of human lives, the wounded" and extended its condolences to the families of the victims.[76]
Philippines: Secretary of Foreign Affairs Albert del Rosario stated that "the Philippines deplores the tragic twin attacks in Norway and extends his condolences to the Norwegian government and people."[77]
Poland: Prime Minister Donald Tusk sent his condolences to his Norwegian counterpart.[78] President of Poland, Bronisław Komorowski, condemned attacks and sent condolences in the name of the Polish people to King Harald V.[79]
Portugal: President Aníbal Cavaco Silva sent his condolences to King Harald V and to the victims of the attacks.[80] Additionally, Pedro Passos Coelho, the Prime Minister of Portugal, sent his condolences to Stoltenberg.
Qatar: Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Hamad bin Jassim bin Jaber Al Thani denounced the attacks and expressed deep sympathy with the people of Norway and the families of the victims.[81]
Romania: The Foreign Affairs Ministry expressed the government's firm condemnation of the attacks and sent messages of condolences and support to the victims families and the wounded. It also expressed Romania's solidarity with Norway and affirmed that Norway is a primary promoter of peace in the world.[82]
- Former King Michael of Romania sent his condolences to King Harald and expressed his grief and solidarity with the Norwegian people.[83]
Russia: President Dmitry Medvedev has sent telegrams to Norway's King Harald V and Stoltenberg expressing condolences over the attacks. "Those who organised and carried out these merciless and senseless crime, I am sure, will be held accountable and will be punished"[84]
San Marino: Captains Regent of San Marino Maria Luisa Berti and Filippo Tamagnini sent a message of condolence to King Harald V that read: "With unanimous spirit of grieving, condemning the massacres which harshly struck Utoya and Oslo, the most representative city of peace and civilization, we wish to express to His Majesty and to the entire Norwegian people our profound closeness and that of Sammarinese people in this sad and difficult moment. With respect and friendship, Maria Luisa Berti and Filippo Tamagnini." [85]
Serbia: President Boris Tadić strongly condemned attack and offer to Norway any help that Serbia can provide.[86]
Singapore: The Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a statement that read it "strongly condemns the attacks and conveys its deepest condolences to the families of the victims and to the government and people of Norway."[87]
Slovakia: President Ivan Gašparovič sent sincere condolences in the name of the Slovak people to King Harald V. Prime Minister Iveta Radičová and Minister of Foreign Affairs Mikuláš Dzurinda also sent their condolences to their respective counterparts.[88][89]
Slovenia: The Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a statement saying it "is shocked by the loss of young lives in Norway, and shocked by the vehemence and extent of the terrorist attacks. Slovenia strongly condemns all acts of violence and any form of terrorism, and that it is the responsibility of all European policies to combat the phenomenon of extremism, which can run amok in such a tragic form, as experienced by Norway."[90]
South Africa: President Jacob Zuma expressed his condolences to the people of Norway stating that: "Our hearts and prayers are with you and most especially those who have lost loved ones during these callous attacks."[91]
South Korea: President Lee Myung-bak sent a letter to Stoltenberg on July 23 conveying his condolences to the victims and their families, as well as condemning the acts. The Deputy Minister for Public Relations at the Foreign Ministry also stated that: "The Government of the Republic of Korea denounces terrorist acts as crimes against civilization and humanity that cannot be justified on any grounds, and will continue to take part in international efforts to eradicate terrorism."[92]
Spain: King Juan Carlos expressed too his condolences and solidarity to the victims and their families. Prime Minister José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero expressed his grief and "deep shock" over the attacks and conveyed his condolences to the people and government of Norway, according to television channel RTVE. He expressed his solidarity and that of the people of Spain, "who often have lived [through] similar situations."[93]
Sweden: King Carl XVI Gustaf issued a statement expressing his and Queen Silvia's "dismay and disgust" over the attacks. He had also personally conveyed his sympathy to King Harald.[94] Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt said that "My deepest condolences for the Norwegian people in this tragedy that happened in Oslo and at the Norwegian Social Democrats' youth camp. My thoughts are with the families of victims and the injured.[95] Minister for Foreign Affairs Carl Bildt said that: "I immediately had contact with my Norwegian colleague Jonas Gahr Støre to express our deep sympathy to all those affected and to provide any assistance such as may be required." Bildt later posted on Twitter that "terrorism has struck. Police confirms bomb in Oslo. We are all Norwegians."[96]
Switzerland: President and head of the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs Micheline Calmy-Rey said that she was "deeply shocked by the tragic events" that took place in Norway and condemned the attacks. In the name of the Federal Council. She also expressed her sincere condolences to the families and friends of the victims.[97]
- Former Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva said that: "The Royal Thai government expresses its profound sympathies and condolences to the victims and the bereaved families, as well as to the Government and people of Norway."[98]
Turkey: At an unrelated conference on the day of the incident, Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said "No one knows where terror may go from now on" and offered condolences to the government and people of Norway.[99] The next day, in an official letter addressed to Jens Stoltenberg, Erdoğan further expressed the condolences of the Turkish people and government and strongly condemned the attacks.[100]
Turkmenistan: President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow said that: "Turkmenistan, the strongest condemnation of all acts of terrorism and extremism, and fully supports the efforts of the international community in combating this threat and to eradicate it."[101]
Ukraine: President Viktor Yanukovych offered condolences to the Norwegian king in an official statement, asking the monarch "on behalf of the Ukrainian people and himself personally to pass on his condolences to the families and close ones of those slain."[102] Hundreds of people laid candles and flowers in front of the Embassy of Norway in Kiev.
United Arab Emirates: Foreign Affairs Minister Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan condemned the attacks stating that: "The UAE condemns in the strongest possible terms these terrible, appalling crimes and expresses its full solidarity and standing with the Government of Norway in confronting these criminal acts."[103]
United Kingdom: Foreign Secretary William Hague said that the UK stood "shoulder to shoulder" with Norway following the attack. He also added that: "I send my deepest condolences to all those who have lost relatives or been injured."[104]
Scotland: First Minister Alex Salmond expressed his condolences, saying that "Scotland and Norway enjoy very strong bonds of friendship stretching back over many years. Our thoughts and sympathies are today with the Norwegian people, particularly the families of all those affected."[105]

United States: President Barack Obama said that: "Our hearts go out to the people of Norway" and offered American assistance in the investigation of the attacks. He also added that "[The attacks are] a reminder that the entire community has a stake in preventing this kind of terror from occurring" and adding that the events in Oslo are a reminder that the world has a role in stopping acts of terrorism.[42][106]
- Both Obama and Vice President Joe Biden visited the Norwegian embassy together on 26 July to offer their written condolences and signing the protocol placed at the embassy. Their message read: "To the people of Norway: We are all heartbroken by the tragic loss of so many people, particularly youth with the fullness of life ahead of them" and "No words can ease the sorrow but please know the thoughts and prayers of all Americans are with the people of Norway and we will stand beside you every step of the way."[107][108]
Uruguay: The Foreign Ministry condemned the attacks and "expressed its deep concern and solidarity with the people and the Government of the Kingdom of Norway."[109]
Uzbekistan: President Islam Karimov sent his condolences to King Harald V.[110]
Venezuela: President Hugo Chávez offered his condolences in an official statement that read: "[he] extends his message of solidarity and hope to all the relatives and friends of the victims, to the Norwegian people and their authorities in this painful moment." [111]
The Nordic countries of Denmark, Finland, Iceland and Sweden flew flags at half-mast on Sunday 24 July, along with Norway.[112] On 25 July, they also joined Norway in a minute of silence.[113]
Other entities
Kosovo: A statement by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs read that: "[it] organised an event in which all Kosovan citizens were invited to a memorial to honour the 93 (sic) dead and lit candles in their remembrance."[114]
Northern Cyprus: President Derviş Eroğlu sent a letter to King Harald V saying: "We are shocked and indignant because of the massacre. Whatever the source or purpose, I strongly condemn these heinous attacks." He also offered his condolences to the "bereaved people and government of Norway", as well as calling for unity to fight such "crime[s] against humanity."[115]
Other international bodies
- FIFA: FIFA president Joseph S. Blatter wrote to the President of the Norwegian Football Association in which he expressed his condolences upon hearing of the attacks: "On behalf of the worldwide football family, I extend my condolences and deepest sympathy to the people of Norway and its football family at this harrowing time."[116]
- YMCA: Secretary General Johan Vilhelm Eltvik expressed the condolences and support on behalf of YMCA President Ken Colloton and the Executive Committee of the World Alliance of YMCAs.[117]
- UCI : Before the start of the final ceremonial stage of the 2011 Tour de France a minutes silence was held, led by Norwegian riders Edvald Boasson Hagen and World Champion Thor Hushovd.
The Norwegian media reported great local anger against the United States-based Fox News and its commentator Glenn Beck for their coverage of the attacks.[118] Beck's comparison of the AUF to the Hitler Youth[119] created particular anger, leading Frank Aarebrot, a Norwegian professor, to call Beck a "fascist" and a "swine."[120]
English singer Morrissey drew heavy criticism after making comments comparing the attacks in Norway to meat production.[121][122] Morrissey remained unapologetic, later releasing a statement explaining his stance that horror from the death of people "surely naturally" follows horror for the murder of animals, "innocent beings" and that "you cannot ignore animal suffering simply because animals 'are not us'."[123]
Central Organisation of the Workers of Sweden sent condolences to the Labour Party of Norway and the Workers' Youth League.[124]
- ↑ Grenberg, Karen J. (22 July 2011). "The Norway Attacks: Who is Abu Suleiman Al Nasser?". The New Republic. Retrieved 24 July 2011.
- ↑ Mala, Eliza; Goodman, J. David (23 July 2011). "At Least 80 Are Dead in Norway Shooting". The New York Times. Retrieved 23 July 2011.
- ↑ Staff Reporters (23 July 2011). "Norway terror attacks: Claim of responsibility fuels suspicions co-ordinated attacks were the work of al-Qaeda".
- ↑ "Norway attacks: Queen expresses UK's sympathy". BBC News. 23 July 2011. Retrieved 23 July 2011.
- ↑ "Oslo bomb – latest updates". BBC News. UK. 22 July 2011. Retrieved 22 July 2011.
- ↑ "Oslo bomb – latest updates". President of the European Parliament Press Releases. EU. 23 July 2011. Retrieved 24 July 2011.
- ↑ "'Cowardly' Norway attacks trigger widespread condemnation". Deccan Chronicle. 23 July 2011. Retrieved 22 July 2011.
- ↑ "Norway Attacks: World Reaction". BBC News. UK. 22 July 2011. Retrieved 22 July 2011.
- ↑ "Statement attributable to the Spokesperson for the Secretary-General on Attacks in Norway". United Nations. 22 July 2011. Retrieved 24 July 2011.
- ↑ Bakhtar News Agency - President Karzai Condemns Terrorist Attacks In Norway
- ↑ Gobierno argentino expresa "enérgico repudio" por atentado en Noruega (in Spanish), Univisión
- ↑ "Armenian President: Armenian people share grief of friendly Norwegian people". Retrieved 22 July 2011.
- ↑ "Armenian Foreign Ministry categorically condemns terrorist attacks in Norway". Retrieved 22 July 2011.
- ↑ "Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard condemns Norway twin terror". Courier Mail. AU. Retrieved 22 July 2011.
- ↑ Bundespräsident Heinz Fischer kondoliert dem norwegischen König (in German), Press Office of the Austrian President
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- ↑ "Hasina shocked at Norway attacks". BD: bdnews24. Retrieved 23 July 2011.
- ↑ Лукашенко выразил соболезнования в связи с трагедией в Норвегии (in Russian). moyby. Retrieved 23 July 2011.
- ↑ "Ook België betuigt zijn medeleven". Retrieved 4 June 2015.
- ↑ Letter to the Ambassador and People of Norway
- ↑ Predsjedavajući VM BiH izrazio saučešće premijeru Norveške, retrieved 25 July 2011
- ↑ Dilma envia mensagem de solidariedade a premiê da Noruega (in Portuguese), Brazil: Terra, 22 July 2011
- ↑ Official message on the bombings in Norway (in Bulgarian), Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Bulgaria
- ↑ "По повод терористичния акт в Осло министър Николай Младенов заяви" [In the terrorist act in Oslo Minister Nikolai Mladenov said] (in Bulgarian). BG. 22 July 2011. Retrieved 22 July 2011.
- ↑ "Oslo bomb - latest updates". BBC News. 22 July 2011. Retrieved 22 July 2011.
- ↑ "Norway PM forming commission into attacks". 27 July 2011. Retrieved 2011-07-27.
- ↑ Gobierno lamenta explosión ocurrida en Oslo y expresa sus condolencias (in Spanish), Chile: Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, 22 July 2011
- ↑ Deng, Shasha (23 July 2011). "Chinese premier extends condolences over deadly Norway attacks". Xinhuanet. Retrieved 23 July 2011.
- ↑ China condemns Norway attacks: News24: World: News
- ↑ "Comunicado Gobierno de Colombia condena atentado en Oslo" (in Spanish). CO: Cancillería. 22 July 2011. Retrieved 22 July 2011.
- ↑ Deng, Shasha (24 July 2011). "Kondolenční dopis prezidenta Václava Klause zaslaný norskému králi Haraldu V.". Mediafax. Retrieved 23 July 2011.
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- ↑ Presidente Fernández condena atentado terrorista contra Noruega -
- ↑ "Ecuador condena atentados ocurridos en Noruega".
- ↑ President Ilves avaldas Norrale kaastunnet
- ↑ Välisministrid Paet ja Tuomioja: koos Norraga on leinas ka Eesti ja Soome
- ↑ "Oslon pommi-isku 22.7.2011". Press Release (in Finnish). FI: Ministry for Foreign Affairs. 22 July 2011. Retrieved 22 July 2011.
- ↑ "Oslon räjähdys vaikuttaa koko Pohjolan turvallisuustilanteen arviointiin". News Release (in Finnish). FI: Yle. 22 July 2011. Retrieved 22 July 2011.
- 1 2 "Oslo bomb — latest updates". BBC News. UK. 22 July 2011. Retrieved 22 July 2011.
- ↑ Statement of the Georgian Foreign Ministry regarding the recent bomb blast and armed attack in Norway. Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Georgia. 23 July 2011.
- ↑ Georgian Girl Confirmed Dead in Norway Island Massacre. Civil Georgia. July 28, 2011.
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