Ion vibration current

The ion vibration current (IVI) and the associated ion vibration potential is an electric signal that arises when an acoustic wave propagates through a homogeneous fluid.

Historically, the IVI was the first known electroacoustic phenomenon. It was predicted by Peter Debye in 1933.[1] He pointed out that the difference in the effective mass or friction coefficient between anions and cations would result in different displacement amplitudes in a longitudinal wave. This difference creates an alternating electric potential between various points in a sound wave. This effect was extensively used in the 1950s and 1960s for characterizing ion solvation. These works are mostly associated with the names of Zana and Yaeger, who published a review of their studies in 1982.[2]


  1. Debye, P. "A method for the determination of the mass of electrolyte ions" J. Chem. Phys., 1, 13-16, 1933
  2. Zana, R. and Yeager, E. "Ultrasonic Vibration Potentials" Mod. Aspects of Electrochemistry, 14, 3-60, 1982

See also

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