Ismo Hölttö

The cover of Hölttö's book People in the Lead Role.
Ismo Hölttö (born 1940) is a Finnish documentary photographer known for his monochrome portraits of Romani people and others living in the cities and countryside of Finland in the 1960s, a time of rapid societal change.
Hölttö shot the main body of his work during the ten years between 1962 and 1971 while working as a goldsmith. When he started documenting the Finnish people, he was only 22; when he ended this series he had turned 31.
His works have been exhibited in France, Denmark, and Lithuania, as well as in Finland.
Books of Hölttö's works
- Mikko Savolainen and Ismo Höltto (photographs)̈, Aku-Kimmo Ripatti (text). Suomea tämäkin. Jyväskylä: Gummerus, 1970. (Finnish)
- Kari Huttunen (text), Ismo Hölttö and Mikko Savolainen (photographs). Raportti suomen mustalaisista. Jyvaskylassa: K. J. Gummerus Osakeyhtion, 1972. ISBN 951-20-0089-X. (Finnish)
- Mikko Savolainen (text and photographs) and Ismo Hölttö (photographs). Vanhuksia. [Ilomantsi: M. Savolainen], 1982. ISBN 951-99418-6-X. (Finnish)
- Ismo Hölttö. Ihminen pääosassa. Kuvia suomalaisista. Helsinki: Ismo Hölttö, 1989. ISBN 951-99835-5-4. (Finnish)
- Ismo Hölttö. People in the Lead Role: Photographs of Finns. Helsinki: Ismo Hölttö, 1991. ISBN 952-90-2015-5. (English)
- Ismo Hölttö. Pieniä Ihmisiä. Helsinki: Erweko Painotuote, 2002. ISBN 952-91-4820-8. (Finnish)
- Ismo Hölttö. Valokuvia / Photographs. Helsinki: Suomen Valokuvataiteen Museo, 2008. (Finnish)(English)[1]
- ↑ Both this book and another quite distinct book share ISBN 978-951-9086-74-3. This number appears both within the copyright page and on the back cover of Valokuvia / Photographs, which is no. 25 in the series Suomen Vallokuvataiteen Museon Julkaisusarja (ISSN 1239-6141). No. 24 in the same series is Jukka Kukkonen and Elina Heikka, Punamustavalkea: 1918 Kuvat (2008). Both this page and this one of the museum that published both books list both books with this single ISBN. This page of the museum shows a photograph of Hölttö's book with this ISBN. Searches in OPACs for the ISBN usually bring no. 24; no. 25 does not seem to be present within WorldCat.
External links
- Hölttö's site at the Wayback Machine (archived July 25, 2011) (, with over 70 photographs online
- (Finnish) Article about Ihminen pääosassa for an exhibition in Helsinki
- "Ismo Hölttö - Ihminen Pääosassa" at the Wayback Machine (archived March 13, 2007), article about an exhibition held in Tampere in early 2006. (13 March 2007 version via Wayback: the browser's character set may need to be set to ISO-8859-1 for correct display.)
- (Danish) Exhibition notice
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