Jacqueline Hayden

Jacqueline Hayden
Born 1950
Cincinnati, Ohio
Education Yale
Known for Photography, video
Movement Feminist art
Website jacquelinehayden.net

Jacqueline Hayden; born 1950 is an American feminist artist. Hayden's work focuses primarily on the theme of women's bodies as the site for larger cultural discourse. The five series highlighted on her website,[1] Celestial Bodies (2011-ongoing), Passing Away (2010–2013), Voluminous (2003–2006), Ancient Statuary Series (1996–2000), and Figure Model Series (1991–1996) all photograph women with typically marginalized body types—i.e. the aging female body, or overweight women. By highlighting or allowing these women cultural space within her artwork she has placed attention on often silenced voices and bodies. Aside from Hayden's objective of bestowing marginalized females a newfound acknowledged subjectivity in the scope of physical female representation in the historical trajectory of art, she works within larger themes of equating bodies to celestial space.


Hayden is currently a professor of Film and Photography at Hampshire College[2] in Amherst, Massachusetts. Hayden works with Hampshire College's Study abroad program in Havana, Cuba, where she has worked to create a historical archive of the old city.


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