Johann Georg Haag-Rutenberg

Johann Georg Haag-Rutenberg (before 1879)
Johann Georg Haag-Rutenberg (10 October 1830 Frankfurt am Main – 20 November 1879 Frankfurt am Main) was a German entomologist, lawyer and farmer, who was also an authority on the Coleoptera. His acronym is Haag. [1]
His Coleoptera collections are kept at the following places -
- Melolonthidae 1878 via G. Metzler 1880 at Dt. Ent. Inst. Berlin
- Tenebrionidae and various Heteromera ex parte 1880 via Clemens Müller 1903 at Zool. Staatsslg. München
- Erotylidae and Languridae 1880 via E. Fleutiaux at Neervoort van de Poll
- Coccinellidae, Chrysomelidae, Cetoniidae and duplicate Heteromera 1880 via G. Kraatz 1909 at Dt. Ent. Inst. Berlin
- Buprestidae 1880 at F. Baden, 1934 via A. Théry at Mus. Nation. Hist. Nat. Paris
- Meloidae 1880 at Mus. Hist. Nat. Belg. Brüssel
- Cerambycidae at Witte/Breslau
- Tenebrionidae ex parte at Mus. civ. St. nat. Genova
- Anonymous 1879: [Haag-Ruthenberg, J. G.] Le Naturaliste Canadien, Quebec 1, p. 148
- Anonymous 1880: [Biogrphien] Zoologischer Anzeiger, Leipzig 3
- Dohrn, C. A. 1880: [Haag-Ruthenberg, J. G.] Stett. ent. Ztg., Stettin 41, p. 111-113
- Fitch, E. A. 1880: [Biographien] The Entomologist, London 13
- Harold, von 1880: [Haag-Ruthenberg, J. G.] Mitt. Münchn. ent. Ver. 4, p. 173-175
- Kraatz, G. 1880: [Haag-Ruthenberg, J. G.] Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift, Beiheft 24, p. 231-235
- Marseul, S. A. de 1880: [Haag-Ruthenberg, J. G.] L'Abeille, Nouvelles et faits divers, Deuxieme série, Paris (No. 31), p. 122-123
- Marseul, S. A. de] 1882: Les Entomologistes et leurs Écrits. L'Abeille. Journal d'entomologie. Quatrieme. série. Par. M. S.-A. de Marseul, Paris 20(=2), p. 1-60
- Marwinski, F. 1974 Beiträge zur Entomologie, Berlin 24, p. 372-373
- Musgrave, A. B. 1932: [Haag-Ruthenberg, J. G.] Bib. austr. Ent, p. 137
- Poggi, R.; Conci, C. 1996: [Haag-Rutenberg, G. J.] Memorie della Società Entomologica Italiana, Genova 75
- Scherer, G. 1992: Die Sektion Coleoptera der Zoologischen Staatssammlung München. Spixiana. Zeitschrift für Zoologie, Supplement, München 17, p. 61-71
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