Journal of Supply Chain Management

Journal of Supply Chain Management  
Abbreviated title (ISO 4)
Discipline Supply Chain Management
Language English
Edited by Craig Carter, Lisa Ellram
Publication details
Publication history
1965 to present
Frequency Quarterly
ISSN 1523-2409 (print)
1745-493X (web)
Not to be confused with Supply Chain Management (journal).

The Journal of Supply Chain Management (JSCM) is a scholarly, research journal which has been published since 1965. JSCM has been ranked third among 27 supply management journals in terms of overall journal evaluation (Zsidisin et al., 2007).[1] Since 2007, JSCM has been repositioned with the mission of being the journal of choice among supply chain management scholars, by attracting high-quality, high-impact behavioral research focusing on theory-building and empirical methodologies. More specifically, JSCM has an interdisciplinary focus which includes the engagement of scholars in the fields of supply chain management, operations management, marketing, strategic management, and social network analysis. It has published papers by major leaders in the field, such as Steve Borgatti, Tom Choi, Barb Flynn, Gary Frazier, Shelby Hunt, Tom Mentzer, Jack Meredith, Aleda Roth, Jack Wacker, and nobel prize laureate Oliver Williamson.

Lisa Ellram, (Miami University) and Craig Carter, (Arizona State University) are the co-Editors-in-Chef. Lutz Kaufmann, (WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management) and Thomas Callarman, (China Europe International Business School) are co-European editors and Xiande Zhao, (Chinese University of Hong Kong) is the Asian editor. JSCM’s Advisory, Associate Editor, and Review Board similarly consist of leading scholars in supply chain management and the closely aligned fields of marketing, strategic management, operations management, and social network analysis. Manuscripts that are sent out for review undergo a double-blind review process by an Associate Editor in addition to a minimum of two, and generally three to four, anonymous referees.

JSCM is published by Wiley-Blackwell on behalf of the Institute for Supply Management. According to the Journal Citation Reports, its 2010 impact factor is 5.853, ranking it 2nd out of 144 journals in the category "Management".[2]



  1. Zsidisin, Smith, McNally, Kull (2007), Journal of Operations Management, Evaluation criteria development and assessment of purchasing and supply management journals, 25: 165-183
  2. "Journals Ranked by Impact: Management". 2010 Journal Citation Reports. Web of Science (Social Sciences ed.). Thomson Reuters. 2011.
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