Jules Alexandre Daveau
Jules Alexandre Daveau (1852-1929)
Jules Alexandre Daveau (29 February 1852, Argenteuil – 24 August 1929) was a French botanist known for his investigations of Portuguese flora.
As a teenager he began work as an apprentice gardener at the Muséum national d'histoire naturelle in Paris. In 1875 he was sent on a botanical expedition to Cyrenaica. He collected specimens for a Portugues botanist Julio Augusto Henriques[1] on Berlenga Grande Island, Portugal.[2]
From 1876 to 1893 he served as head gardener of the botanical gardens in Lisbon. Afterwards, he was curator in the herbarium and botanical garden in Montpellier.[3][4][5]
Plants with the specific epithet of daveauanus are named after Daveau, an example being: Erigeron daveauanus.[6][7]
Partial list of publications
- Aperçu sur la végétation de l'Alemtejo et de l'Algarve, 1882 - Overview on the vegetation of Alemtejo and the Algarve.
- Euphorbiacées du Portugal, 1885 - Euphorbiaceae of Portugal.
- Cistinées du Portugal, 1886 - Cistineae of Portugal.
- Plumbaginées du Portugal, 1889 - Plumbaginaceae of Portugal.
- Cypéracées du Portugal, 1892 - Cyperaceae of Portugal.[8]
- ↑ Guimarães, J. (January 2010). "Henriques, Júlio Augusto, 1838-1928". bibdigital.bot.uc.pt (Biblioteca Digital de Botânica). Retrieved 9 October 2014.
- ↑ https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=pt&u=http://almamater.uc.pt/referencias.asp%3Ff%3DBDUC8%26i%3D18080100%26t%3DDAVEAU%252C%2520JULES%2520ALEXANDRE%252C%25201852-1929&prev=/search%3Fq%3DJules%2BAlexandre%2BDaveau%2BHenriques%26safe%3Dactive%26biw%3D1600%26bih%3D732
- ↑ UZH - Zürich Herbaria - Collector Details (short biography)
- ↑ Jardin Formoso (translated biography)
- ↑ https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=pt&u=http://maisbotanico.blogspot.com/2013/07/os-homens-do-botanico-1-jules-daveau.html&prev=/search%3Fq%3DJules%2BAlexandre%2BDaveau%2BHenriques%26safe%3Dactive%26biw%3D1600%26bih%3D732
- ↑ Google Books The Names of Plants by D. Gledhill
- ↑ Plant List Erigeron daveauanus (Sennen) Greuter
- ↑ Google Search (published works)
- ↑ IPNI. Daveau.
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