Lambda Pi Eta

Lambda Pi Eta is the official Communication Studies honor society of the National Communication Association (NCA). As a member of the Association of College Honor Societies (ACHS), Lambda Pi Eta has over 400 active chapters at four-year colleges and universities worldwide.
Lambda Pi Eta was founded in 1985 at the University of Arkansas. Lambda Pi Eta became a part of the National Communication Association in 1988, and the official honor society of the NCA in July 1995.
Lambda Pi Eta represents what Aristotle described in his book, Rhetoric, as the three artistic proofs of persuasion: Logos (Lambda) meaning logic, Pathos (Pi) relating to emotion, and Ethos (Eta) defined as character credibility and ethics.
LPH is a member of the Association of College Honor Societies (ACHS), whose mission is to build a visibly cohesive community of national and international honor societies, individually and collaboratively exhibiting excellence in scholarship, service, programs, and governance.
The Six Goals of Lambda Pi Eta:
- Recognize, foster, and reward outstanding scholastic achievement in communication studies;
- Stimulate interest in the field of communication;
- Promote and encourage professional development among communication majors;
- Provide an opportunity to discuss and exchange ideas in the field of communication;
- Establish and maintain closer relationships between faculty and students; and
- Explore options for graduate education in communication studies.
In order to become a member of Lambda Pi Eta, students must have a 3.0 cumulative GPA with 60 semester or 90 quarter credit hours completed and a 3.25 GPA for communication studies courses with 12 semester or 18 quarter credit hours completed. A few benefits that come with membership of Lambda Pi Eta include: Student members shall be eligible to:
- Vote at all chapter meetings of the Society
- Be elected to chapter offices
- Attend scholarly presentations and colloquia of the sponsoring academic department
- Represent the local chapter at state, regional, and national conventions
- Submit to the LPH research paper sessions at NCA’s annual convention (undergraduates only)
- Receive LPH electronic newsletter “Simply Speaking”
- Submit a paper for possible publication in LPH’s annual journal
- Utilize LPH’s online job service for honor students
- Participate in LPH social media efforts via Linked-In, Facebook and Twitter
- Participate in periodic teleconferences on topics ranging from career development to chapter management
- Compete for various LPH national awards.
"Lambda Pi Eta". NCA Web site. The National Communication Association. Retrieved 2007-10-28.