List of Chad Vader: Day Shift Manager characters

This page is a comprehensive listing and detailing of the various characters in the web series Chad Vader: Day Shift Manager, divided sectionally as appropriate.

Main characters

Chad Vader, as portrayed by Aaron Yonda.

Chad Vader

Chad Vader (portrayed by Aaron Yonda and voiced by Matt Sloan) is the protagonist of the series, and day shift manager of Empire Market. Sometimes using lines lifted from the Star Wars films, Chad's original main goal was to crush the store's competition and help make it dominate the food retailing industry. However, this later changed into a desire to become general manager. While he has harsh relationships with some of his co-workers, most notably Clint, he has better ones with others, such as his "apprentice" Jeremy. Chad implies in "The Date" that his older brother is Darth Vader, and that he gave Chad a life support suit similar to his own when Chad accidentally rode his bicycle into a volcano;[1] Chad lost touch with his family when they moved to Tatooine without him. Though Chad's loyalty to the store is unquestionable, his habit of maiming customers and brandishing his lightsaber has led to trouble with management. He was devoted to his initial day shift manager position, and quit his job when he was demoted to the night shift; however, he later returned. At the conclusion of the third season, Chad is finally promoted to the general manager position. In season 4, he finds his "dark, soul half" and becomes a much harsher manager. He promotes Maggie to be his deputy and fired a popular stockboy for making a song called "Chad Vader Makes Me Cry". Later, Michelle breaks up with Chad for treating the employees poorly. Chad hires imperial troopers to make sure the employees are doing their jobs. He turns the employee lounge into his personal palace and makes Lloyd his pet and Jimmy his slave dancer. When he orders Michelle to be his girlfriend again, she shoots a stormtrooper and quits. When he and Maggie find Jeremy and Jimmy trying to fix the generator, Chad decides to fix it but gets electrocuted and almost dies. It is revealed that Maggie sabotaged the generator to kill Chad and become general manager again, but when Hal Thompson revives Chad, she tosses her helmet in the trash and escapes. Chad later demotes himself to day shift manager and promotes Jeremy to general manager.

Jeremy Wickstrom

Jeremy Wickstrom (Paul Guse) is an Empire Market employee who idolizes Chad and wears the headpiece of an Imperial Ground Officer (which is the back piece of the Hasbro Darth Vader Voice Changer mask). He is usually referred to by Vader as "Commander Wickstrom", and is treated as his "young apprentice". Jeremy eventually transfers to the Night Shift with Chad, until Chad went back to being a Day Shift Manager. In "Chad Fights Back", he is shown to have the power of the Force when he pulls a broom to his hand. Jeremy often sees Chad more as his leader than his boss. In the second season, Chad neglects Jeremy in favor of Robby Johnson, which leads to Jeremy being persuaded by Margaret McCall to betray Chad by spying on him with Libby. In "Bandito Beatdown", Jeremy is shown to be very upset with Chad's apparent betrayal and very confused about what he should do. He also regrets telling McCall about Chad dating Libby. After his fight with Chad in the episodes "Showdown" and "Somebody Dies", they eventually make amends. However, in "Somebody Dies", Jeremy accidentally delivers a fatal wound to Weird Jimmy with his lightsaber. In season 3, Jeremy is being trained in "expecting the unexpected". It is revealed that he is being haunted by Jimmy's spirit, who also informs him that Jeremy is "the key for stopping him" (referring to Randy). In "Six Ways to Die", after learning that the final Baby Cookie bomb is inside the Surveillance Assailant, he decides to sacrifice himself by taking it out of the store, but Damien Nightshayde stops him and instead does so in his place. Feeling responsible for the deaths of both Jimmy and Damien, Jeremy informs Chad that he is leaving to go on a journey of self-discovery. Michelle, however, assures Chad that he will be back. In "The Return of Weird Jimmy, Part 2", he stumbles into the store in tattered clothing, asking for help. The next episode explained that after Jeremy left the store, he went home and played Skyrim for 3 days straight with no food or water. After that, he walked near the homeless district to find some food when Ben the ghost appeared. Ben explains how Jeremy's fate lies back at the store by Chad's side forever. Chad then quickly rehires him but at the end of the episode, it is revealed that Chad bribed Ben to convince Jeremy to return to the store. It turns out that Jeremy's true destiny lies at the Michigan Institution of Technology. In "Chad Vader Dies", Jeremy and Jimmy try to fix the generator but get caught by Chad and Maggie. Chad decides to fix the generator but ends up getting electrocuted and almost dies. When Chad revives, he becomes the day shift manager and promotes Jeremy to general manager.

Clint Shermer

Clint Shermer (Matt Sloan)(Season 1 and 3) is Chad's nemesis, former night shift manager of Empire Market and the main antagonist of Season 1. In the first season, Clint is a bully who constantly abuses Chad; the two had frequent altercations where Chad brandished his lightsaber at Clint. After Chad quit his job in season one, Clint - having been promoting to day shift manager in Chad's place - began abusing his subordinates. His treatment of Jeremy greatly angered Chad, who subsequently defeated Clint and forced him to quit.

In the third season, Clint returns at the behest of Maggie, who hires him back as a "manager-for-a-day". This time around, Clint has filed a restraining order against Chad, wearing a device that sounds an alarm if Chad comes within three feet of him (If the aforementioned alarm goes off for longer the five seconds, Chad would be arrested). As manager-for-a-day, he has Empire Market run as a "crazy store" to attract new customers. Tensions between him and Chad boil to a point where they have a lightsaber duel in the stockroom, though they stop when they learn that Randy has planted bombs around the store. Clint defuses most of the bombs. As a result of his actions, Clint is promoted as the general manager of a new Empire Market branch. In the Season 4 episode "The Return of Brian", former store employee-turned-actor Brian Krause tells everyone about when Chad first punched in, and how he broke the machine and tried to clean it up. The flashback reveals that back then, Clint was actually a nice guy who offered to help Chad clean up the clock. However, when Randy showed up, Chad told him that Clint attacked him from behind with a vacuum. Clint got in trouble and from that point forward, Chad and Clint became enemies.

Coincidentally, he resembles a general from Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope.

Randy Morgan

Randy Morgan (Brad Knight) (main Season 1-3) is Chad's boss as the general manager of Empire Market, but is later demoted to night shift manager and janitor. Chad, who takes his day manager job very seriously, practically worships Randy, kneeling before him and calling him "Emperor". Randy - as seen in the first Chad Vader episodes, as well as Chad's training videos - is often unsettled or annoyed by Chad's valorous treatment of him. Randy demotes Chad to managing the night shift during the first season for spying on him with a hologram, causing Chad to quit. However, he hires him back after Chad settles his score with Clint.

During the second season, Randy himself is put on the night shift by McCall after a demonstration of Empire Market's checkout system goes awry. The night shift drives Randy insane, making him believe he can talk to Baby Cookie, a doll belonging to a strange customer named Hal. Randy steals Baby Cookie and proceeds to have hallucinatory one-sided "conversations" with the doll. With Cookie's help, Randy tries to kill Chad with a sword; when he fails, he is appointed janitor in Weird Jimmy's place. In the third season, Randy claims to be cured, but relapses when Baby Cookie turns up in the store. After Hal retrieves Baby Cookie, Randy reveals his collection of Baby Cookie-like dolls, rigging them with time bombs and planting them throughout the store. However, his plan is thwarted by Chad and Clint, as well as Damien. In the fourth season episode "Surprise Inspection", it is revealed that, despite his attempt to destroy the market, Randy is still employed there, as Chad mentions him as one of the many employees he has to manage.

Weird Jimmy

"Weird" Jimmy (Craig Johnson) is the insane janitor of the store. He used to be the day shift manager, but later lost his position and was assigned to the night shift, which caused his instability. He has many bizarre quirks, such as talking to his mop, believing in the existence of elves, and having an obsession with firearms. In the second season finale "Somebody Dies", Jimmy was accidentally killed by Jeremy when he was trying to save Chad from an assassination attempt by a crazed Randy. He then reappears as a spirit and haunts Jeremy, calling him a murderer, out of a need to be avenged (though this seems to merely be his excuse, as he derives great pleasure from scaring Jeremy, but is a big help when it comes to getting him out of the cooler and later saving the store). In Season 4, when his brother Johnny came to the market to pick up his late sibling's belongings, Jimmy possessed him as a way of cleaning the store once again.

Yonda (left) plays Chad Vader and Hal Thompson. Sloan (right) voices Chad Vader and plays Clint Shermer and Champion J. Pepper

Recurring characters


  1. "Chad Vader : Day Shift Manager - The Date". YouTube. 2006-07-31. Retrieved 2013-08-16.
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