List of Cyberchase minor characters
This is a list of minor characters that have appeared on the PBS Kids series Cyberchase.
- For a list of Main Protagonists and Main Antagonists, as well as the characters of the "For Real" segment, see Cyberchase#Characters.
Secondary antagonists
- Baskerville is a hunchback wolf-like cyborg with a British accent who has often been called up by Hacker to assist in his evil schemes. Hacker hired Baskerville because he wanted a henchman who was evil, cheap, and more reliable than Buzz and Delete. Baskerville took over the daily tasks of Buzz and Delete, earning him their disdain. Afterwards Buzz and Delete, out of jealousy, anonymously helped the cyber squad defeat Hacker. When Hacker went back to having bad luck, Baskerville quit his job with Hacker. Nevertheless, he has returned on many occasions to help Hacker – but he is constantly begrudged by Buzz and Delete in almost every case he is working on. Baskerville also made an appearance along with the Wicked Witch, who gathered some villains together to make a truce with Motherboard, in order to throw suspicion off of her own plots to take over Cyberspace. He is voiced by Juan Chioran. Baskerville is a reference to the Sherlock Holmes novel "The Hound of the Baskervilles".
- Ledge (Alex Karzis) made his first debut in the episode "Hackerized", where he was the true mastermind for the Hackerization in "Sensible Flats". His goal was to convince Hacker that they should work together. He used deception in an attempt to separate the Cybersquad and ultimately get rid of them. This was done by creating a false friendship with the Cybersquad and eliminating each member one by one. He nearly succeeded in doing so until he was foiled by Inez's successful tactics in disabling the machine within the 3-minute limit. After being defeated by Inez, Hacker promptly rejected him. Inez and Hacker both hold grudges against him. Unlike Hacker, Ledge thinks through his plans more.
- Wicked (Linda Ballantyne) is a witch who lives in Happily Ever After and appears in many adventures. She has bright red hair, likes spending money, and has a quick temper. She wants to take over Cyberspace just as much as Hacker. She often tries to convince Hacker to become her partner. She and Hacker sometimes have a love for each other. Hacker has several times reluctantly hired or even courted her, but always jilts her. In return, Wicked either casts a spell on him or wrecks his evil-doing plans. Wicked, tired of seeing everybody happy and joyful, asked Hacker for help creating misery in Happily-Ever-After. She and Hacker, for most of the series, were in love with each other, but often their interactions would end in arguments. The Wicked Witch has since made multiple attempts to conquer Cyberspace herself, much to Hacker's dismay. She and Hacker have since taken their turns loving and hating each other. Wicked call them Hacker as Hacky-Poo.
Minor antagonists
- Warren is a wayward genie who wants to rule Cyberspace. His full name is Warren Plotnick. His mother is a lunch lady from Nowhere who grounded him for twenty years after his last evil rampage. He's tough and intimidating when alone, but when his mother shows up, he's rather wimpy and overly-obedient. He also used to be Hacker's idol, but after their first encounter, they're never happy to see each other. He lives in a bottle in Nowhere but shows up in other cybersites. Digit can imitate Warren's mother's voice. He is voiced by James Rankin.
Ann Arki
- Ann Arki (a play on the word "Anarchy") is a villain, who is also known as the Queen of Chaos. She is able to appear like a genie and gives out an award for villains, called the Arki award. Hacker attempted to win the Arki, but became ineligible. She is voiced by Julie Lemieux.
Hacker's other assistants
- Olga was hired by Hacker to help drain the pond in EcoHaven in episode 504. She appears to be a mechanic. Olga also appeared in episode 804 when Hacker tried to find out who created the Hackerizer.
- Scratch is a vulture that helped Hacker out.
- Cyclops was first seen giving Hacker a massage in episode 409. He was later hired to help drain the pond in EcoHaven in episode 504.
- Trashinator (voiced by Philip Williams, also known as "Trash") is another cyborg who was seen helping Hacker. He appears to enjoy doughnuts. He is known for his skills in slugball.
- Tonga is a red mechanical gorilla.
- Gigabyte is a monster created by Hacker to help him take over all of Cyberspace. He first appeared in episode 102, where he was ordered to get Dr. Marbles's brain, but instead got Delete's brain, much to Hacker's frustration and embarrassment. He then appeared in episode 307, where Hacker tried to use the sun to bring him back to life. His last (and most brief) appearance was in episode 501, where he is seen trick-or-treating with a mummy. He is voiced by Rob Tinkler.
- Cool Starmaker (CS) is a borg whom Hacker turned to when he found that his fear rating was dropping fast. CS agreed to help Hacker figure out the perfect crime to regain the fear of the cyber citizens. CS gave Hacker the idea to break the antenna of a radio station and kept track of Hacker's fear rating. He is voiced by Norman Foote.
Characters in other cybersites
- Binary is the mermaid gatekeeper of Aquari-Yum. She's green with long reddish, pinkish, purplish hair. She has a yellow shirt, a blue hat and purple lips.
- Icky is a large gastropod resembling a slug. He absorbs energy directly from his surroundings, understands several languages, and communicates through patterns of electric buzzes. If he doesn't absorb the natural energy of Aquari-yum, the site will boil over and he'll shrivel up to nothing. He can also camouflage himself.
- The Crab Prince of the kingdom is a crab that helps people. He protects Icky the Slug's energy pod. His job to keep Icky's secret hideaway a secret, but tells the Cybersquad about it. (Voiced by Jason Michas).
- Manny the Medium is a lazy cyber-manatee that usually sleeps, but knows everything. He is voiced by Harvey Atkin.
- Stringie and Bow are the prince's friends.
Big Bay
- Captain Ebenezer Skuttlebutt is the keeper of Mega Bays. He and his father both cared for the bays, while maintaining the wildlife that lives there. He is a pirate with one lost leg and keeps a little parrot called Ditto. He is voiced by Terry Kelly
- Ditto is a parrot that lives on Captain Skuttlebutt's shoulder. He has been around for two (or more) generations of Skuttlebutts and is the reason Digit did not return to Mega Bays. Ditto constantly repeats the sentences of others, annoying Digit, but because they are both birds they eventually become friends. Ditto literally means to agree.
- The Sams are a two-headed creature that often helped the Cybersquad. They are musicians. They appear in the "Lucky Star" game clip on the Cyberchase website.
- Erica Ram is a pretty, friendly, and inquisitive cyborg with pink hair and light blue skin who fell in love with Hacker. She hosts a TV show and interviews people. She almost always smiles, and doesn't like carolers.
- Gnome is found in castles and acts as a watchman. He is mean and annoyed by long speeches.
- Mayor Wolfman is the mayor of Castleblanca. Hacker once took over his castle and found out his secrets. He has a blue or black nose. He is seen in episode 1002 where he hosts the cookoff between Hacker and Digit. Voiced by Cal Dodd.
- Dracula is seen in many episodes. He has two spikes of hair and is mean and nasty. He wears a long, torn cape.
The Cybrary
- Ms. Fileshare, the head cybrarian of the Cybrary, is voiced by Jasmine Guy. She has four arms. She has high standards, and early in the series, is inflexible, but later learned to be open-minded.
- Abby (voiced by Emilie Barlow) is the mother of Ollie and a ranger of the Ecotopian preserve. She has dedicated her life to save the animals and to keep everything in order. Once, she saved her son Ollie who was stuck in a tree. She knows everything about the preserve and owns a Preservepad to communicate with others on the preserve.
- Ollie (voiced by Modern Family star Rico Rodriguez) is the son of Abby. He used to be a junior ranger but became a full-fledged ranger.
- Shari Spotter is a kind and responsible witch-like girl who uses her special powers to protect her school, Frogsnorts Sorcerer's Academy (a reference to Hogwarts from Harry Potter). Shari wears perfectly round and red glasses. She has a crush on Matt, which annoys Inez. She is voiced by Julie Lemieux.
- Professor Stumblesnore is the firm headmaster of Frogsnorts. His name is a reference to Dumbledore from the Harry Potter book series, but he looks similar to Gandalf from The Lord of the Rings. He is voiced by Ivan Sherry.
- Dodie (Voiced by Annika Walter) is a dodo bird that oftentimes speaks in rhymes. He is found in Stumblesnore's office.
- Gimme (Voiced by Sergio Mandez) is a friendly kilt-wearing Scotsman who is Digit's friend and runs a golf shop.
- Mister Zero is the compassionate king of 0 and he lives in Gollywood. He once temporarily left because Hacker was sending him hateful anonymous letters.
- Stormy Gale is a meteorologist and is voiced by Janice Huff, an actual meteorologist with New York's WNBC-TV. She appears in two episodes aired in April 2009. Janice Huff was also in some of the 'For Real' segments.
- Mayor - the Mayor (Voiced by Hunter Hayes) is the mayor of gollywood. He is see in episode 1004 where he was trying to figur out whether to give a piece of land to Hacker for a tower or to make it a park for the gollywood children to play on. He has a pet diedlebeast.
Ground Hoggia
- Punxie is a Ground Hoggian who helps the cybersquad, voiced by Julie Lemieux.
- The Grand Ground Hoggian is a Ground Hoggian who wakes up on Grand Ground Hoggian Day to see his shadow to determine when harvest time will arrive; if he doesn't see his shadow, that means the Ground Hoggians will wait for 6 more weeks. His grandfather was the previous Grand Ground Hoggian. Voiced by Phillip Williams.
- Mayor is voiced by Lisette St-Louis and she announces the Grand Ground Hoggian Day.
Happily Ever After
- The King of Happily Ever After (voiced by Bruce Hunter) is a fictional fairy tale character. He is emotional and does not appreciate anyone speaking to him rudely. Digit nicknames him Kingy.
- The Town Crier is a sad man who worries a lot about Happily Ever After. He is responsible for spreading the news.
- Spider is a spider who wears glasses, six boots and a green shirt. Jackie is fond of him. He has a positive and hopeful personality, but he is usually an outcast because everyone was afraid of him. However, everyone began to warm up to him when he helped count the golden eggs for the king's ransom.
- Ziff (voiced by Adrian Egan) is a green pig who lives with his two brothers. Previously, his name was Pig 2. He once made a deal with Hacker, who promised to protect him and his brothers from the big, bad wolf (who would not stop bothering them). However, he has since helped the Cybersquad.
- Wanda (voiced by mathematician Danica McKellar) is Wicked's magic wand. She is very smart, but can only do magic if Wicked gives her a command. She's seen in every episode Wicked appears in, but is only anthropomorphized in episode #503.
- Little Red Riding Hood is seen in episode 1002, where she is one of the judges in the cookoff between Digit and Hacker. Her judgments in the contest are based upon whether or not her Grandma would cook the foods using those ingredients. She does not like being called little. Voiced by Lisette St. Louis
- Jam Master, the guardian of the Jimayan pyramid and the symball. He is a large stone face styled similar to Aztec art and has a tendency to blather.
- Jules, who was first seen as a cave guard in episode 507, is a good friend of the Cybersquad. He appears again in episode 607, where Hacker tricks him into pressing the nose of the Jam Master, causing Matt, Jackie, Creech and himself to get sucked into the chamber of Jimaya. After that, he appeared in episode 801 where he helped in Hacker's Challenge. He is often trying to find a job, but Hacker continuously tries to ruin it for him. He is timid, but does not let others push him around. He is voiced by Scott McCord.
- The Mayor of Memoryville promises that he will give the key to the town to whoever wins the Slugball Championship, but forbids the winner from opening the door to the memory banks. He is voiced by James Rankin.
- Stats (voiced by Ian James Corlett) is the commentator for the Slugball games.
Mount Olympus
- Zeus (voiced by Philip Bosco) is a stereotyped version of his mythological namesake and is ruler of Mount Olympus. He is also the ruler of the Gods and has a very boisterous laughter.
- Athena (voiced by Linda Ballantyne) is not as similar to her mythological namesake as Zeus.
- Poseidon is seen in episode 606 with Athena and Hermes atop Mt. Olympus when Zeus wants them to work as a team before calling Control Central. He is recognizable with his trident and merman-like features.
- Hermes is based on the Greek god Hermes. He has a caduceus, winged helmet, and winged sandals.
- Artemis (voiced by Julie Lemix) helps the cybersquad find the Bluebird of Zappiness by shooting an arrow to the point of the next clue. She has a slight New York accent.
- The Beast (voiced by Cal Dodd) is the drummer for the band that plays the Music of the Spheres and is much more humble than the rest of the band. He was treated by the rest of the band members like a stray dog because they were tired of hearing his drumming. However, after realizing the importance of his drum part, they turned around.
- Apollo (Voiced by Kim Mitchell) is the Greek god of music and also the gong player in the band that plays the music that keeps the site from being destroyed. He is slightly egotistical.
- Himaropa (voiced by Esme Martin) is a siren, and the horn player of her band. She is very egotistic and is obsessed with her hair.
- Calliope (voiced by Katie Griffin) is a muse, and a lyrist for the Music of the Spheres band. She is a poet in addition to being a passionate musician.
- Homer (voiced by John Stocker) is a poet, but has writer's block and asks Calliope for ideas.
- Warren's mom is a lunch lady. She can be kind, but had to ground her son because of an evil rampage. She collects action figures and has a whole stash of them. She speaks with a southern accent. She is voiced by Kathleen Laskey.
Outta Site
- Dj Groovy is the DJ that runs the Farout radio. He talks in a hip-hop style with words like "groovy" or "far out". He is voiced by Rory O'Shea.
- Hector is a bee that teams up with the Cybersquad. He can tell what the other bees want or how they feel. He is voiced by Carlos Diaz.
- Gordon is Hector's assistant at the computer chip factory. He fills in when Hector is away from the factory and keeps his boss informed of any situation.
Parallel Land
- TW (Teeny Weeny Parallini, voiced by Isabel de Carteret) is a small square girl. She is not scared of Hacker, and despite the fact that her mother would not let her help the Cybersquad, she does help them find Diamond Joe. She also helps in the Hacker's challenge.
- Diamond Joe Parallini (voiced by James Rankin) is an old man and used to be a member of the flying Parallinis, a group of parallelograms that would fly and make shapes in the air. He seems to be somewhat of a cowboy.
- Mother Parallini is TW's mother. She is strict but kind-hearted and wants the best for her fellow Parallinis. She is voiced by Danielle Jonas.
- Fluff (Voiced by Austin Dilulio) is a penguin that plays hockey, which is hard in Cyberia. He is a kind, logical penguin determined to follow in his father's footsteps and make him proud. Fluff got to lead the Starlight Night deliveries. He helped the Cybersquad with the Hacker's challenge. He is an ally of the Cybersquad and is called a "Cyberbrat" by Hacker.
- Coach (voiced by Roch Voisine) is a penguin who teaches the kids and penguins how to play ice hockey. He uses a monitor to track the puck and show the players what works and what doesn't.
- Ice is one of the best players of penguin hockey and the captain of the Penguin Village Voyagers. She is able to hit the pole with 100% accuracy, by shooting at a special "aiming spot". She is sister of Emma Penguin and is voiced by Lisette St. Louis.
- Fergie (voiced by Julie Lemieux) is known for her inventions. Her inventions include: The Polar Engine, the Ice-O-Nart, and the Meltmeister.
- PJ is Fluff's dad. Despite the fact he never met them, he proves to be an ally to the cyber squad. He is determined to stop the Hacker. He participated in the snowflake ceremonies and the Starlight Night Penguin March, then passed his place down to Fluff. He also scored the winning goal to get the Penguia Cup when he played the Titans when he was younger. He's very proud of his son. He is voiced by James Rankin.
- Rusty is the leader of the penguin march, and apparently Fluff's aunt. She is voiced by Stacey DePass.
- Berny (voiced by Adam Levine) is Fluff's best friend and a fellow member of the Penguin Village Voyagers. He cares about Fluff and appears to have Fluff's best interests at heart.
- Walter (voiced by Kim Mitchell) is a crafty cyber walrus who guards the bridge that leads to the Ice Palace. Every year on Starlight Night, he pulls the same old prank by stalling the penguin march. He lets the marchers pass only if they correctly answer a question. Rusty doesn't like him very much.
- Razz (voiced by Helen King) is a Perfectamundian who is famous for inventing the Digifizz toy. He is a partner of Digit.
- Mayor (voiced by Julie Lemieux) is the leader of Perfectamundo.
- Waldo (voiced by Rob Tinkler) is the Mayor's assistant.
- The Grand Pasha is the ruler of Pompadouria. He was briefly made a pawn of the Hacker, who tried to exchange the Wicked Witch for the Shah's absent daughter. He was voiced by Len Carlson in season 2 and Brad Adamson in season 7.
- Petra (voiced by Bryn McAuley) is a Hedgehopper. She helps the group to break the love cast by Wicked.
- Keesha is a green Hedgehopper that was only mentioned once.
- Mikey is a blue Hedgehopper that was only mentioned once.
- Annie is a young Poddle. She helped the Cybersquad escape from jail in Poddleville after they were arrested by mistake. She is apparently good friends with Jackie. She is voiced by Elizabeth Jones.
- The Mayor (voiced by Len Carlson) is the mayor of Poddleville and has a 1 on his chest. He is a caring Poddle who at first thinks the cybersquad is ruining the town, but then warms up to them when he sees them save Poddleville. Later, he saves Dr. Marbles. He accepted an offer of peace from Hacker, although it was later revealed that Hacker was plotting to steal Poddleville's energy.
- Irma (voiced by Denise Oliver) is a Poddle who helps with a crime scene investigation. The night Hacker's recharger key was stolen, she witnessed a square leaving the town hall, which suggested that Sleight O. Hand stole the key. She is the mayor's daughter.
- Sleight O. Hand is a Poddle with an Irish accent that acts as a magician. He has been nicknamed the "best pickpocket in all of cyberspace." He was accused of stealing Hacker's recharger key. He has a dog named Presto (A commonly used magic word) whom he gets to do tricks for his acts. Also, he is Dr. Marbles's nephew. He is voiced by James Rankin.
- Chief is the police chief in Poddleville. Like the other citizens of Poddleville, Hacker convinces him that Sleight O. Hand stole his recharger key. He is voiced by singer Kim Mitchell.
- Lily is a poddle seen in episode 805, where the Poddles and cybersquad throw a birthday party for her. While the poddles are comparing their shadows, Lilly gets upset that her shadow isn't long, and Jackie explains to her that the length of one's shadow is determined by one's height. She is voiced by Katie Griffin.
- Pug is a chef seen in episode 1002, where he judges the contest between Digit and Hacker. He is referred to as the "Palate pleasing poddle" by Mayor Wolfman. He is voiced by Xenophilius Fistergraff.
- Binky is a smart-mouthed, anthropomorphic cat who attends the Mummy's Tomb. She's often impatient, but proves an ally to the Cybersquad. She is also very aggravating to Hacker. Binky is voiced by Bebe Neuwirth.
- Mummsy is the leader of this cybersite.
- King Dudicus (voiced by Peter Cugno) is the head of Radopolis, an extreme sports-themed cybersite, and often uses slang. In the episode Totally Rad, The Hacker attempts to dethrone him. The king decides to resolve the problem according to the customs of Radopolis: by a skate-off contest.
- Slider (voiced by Tim Hamaguchi) is a serious and James Dean-style 13-year-old skateboarder in Radopolis who builds and repairs skateboards and bikes. Since season three, he has been a recurring character in the series. His father Coop had abandoned him when he was younger because The Hacker had hunted Coop for many years. However, in the episode "Measure for Measure", Slider finds out that his father abandoned him to protect him. He can be somewhat touchy about the subject of his father, to the extent that he raised his voice at Jackie in the episode "Past Perfect Prediction" for trying to give him unwanted comfort. Throughout the remainder of the series, Jackie and Inez seem to have a crush on him, which embarrasses him. He has neck-length brown hair and black eyes. He wears a red short-sleeved sweat-shirt with a yellow spot on it with a long-sleeved white shirt underneath.
- Coop (voiced by legendary skateboarder Tony Hawk) is the father of Slider. For several years, The Hacker had hunted Coop in order to find his transformation machine. After Coop refused to hand it over, The Hacker infected him with a dose of magnetite which prematurely aged him. Since then, he hid from Hacker, leaving Slider to fend on his own. Coop was reunited with Slider in episode #405. He is also in episode #502, but has a slightly different appearance, suggesting that he found a cure for the magnetite.
R Fair City
- Lucky is the manager of R Fair City and speaks with a Brooklyn accent. She helps the Cybersquad when Hacker poses a threat to her amusement park. Lucky is voiced by Linda Kash.
- Grubby is a man who lives in R Fair City. He is very funny and wears a garbage can for clothing. He runs a game stand at R Fair City called "Grubby's Whacky Worms".
- Cy Clone is a clone catcher who looks like a cowboy. He was asked by Lucky and the Cybersquad to capture several clones of Delete bumbling around in R Fair City.
- Glowla is a bird who looks similar to Digit and is only seen once. She is a famous performer and is voiced by Stephanie Morgenstern.
- Spout is a whale who was made by Glowla to help her in performances.
Sensible Flats
- Judge Trudy (voiced by Carolyn Scott) and Sheriff Judy (also voiced by Scott) are the leaders of Sensible Flats. They are often seen together, usually investigating criminals, especially Hacker. Their names are parodies of Judge Judy.
- Rudy (voiced by Dwayne Hill) is the cousin of Trudy and Judy and manages the Sensible Flats reservoir. He plays the harmonica, and keeps records of the water supply in town.
- Deke is an old hermit who lives by Lost Lake and plays the banjo. Trudy, Judy and Rudy have never heard of him. During especially dry times, he and the fish will do a rain dance in attempt to bring the rain. He uses a line graph to keep track of the water level of the lake changes over time and to predict the future water level.
- Chef Foody is a chef that is seen in 601 and 1002. In 601 he made one of his famous chocolate sculptures for Digit's birthday. He states that the chocolate must be kept at a certain temperature or it will melt. IN episode 1002, he appears as one of the judges in the cookoff between Hacker and Digit. He speaks with a french accent. Voiced by Dwayne Hill.
- Master Pi (voiced by Geoffrey Holder) is the reigning leader of Shangri-La, an East Asian-themed Cybersite, and is dressed in a blue robe and holds a rod with a ball with the symbol Pi. Master Pi can move around by simply appearing and disappearing. He often gives words of wisdom. Also, he only provides hospitality to those who understand the rules of politeness. Hacker sometimes calls him Pi-Face and Buzz sometimes calls him Pi-Man.
- Olli (voiced by Robert Smith) is the head manager of Solaria and gives tours of the Cybersite. He is a sports fan with a very nervous personality. In episode 202, he is the host of the Radopolis skate-off.
- The Sedimentary Sentry (voiced by David Berni) is a talking face made out of stone. Inez, Jules, and Creech encountered him during their challenge. He is the Jam Master's cousin. He loves telling rock-related jokes.
- AVA (voiced by Jasmine Guy) is in charge of the cybersite Symmetria. She gets help from Dr. Marbles and thanks him by making miniature robots that resemble him. When Hacker attempted to destroy Symmetria, Motherboard sent the Cybersquad to stop him and help AVA. At first, AVA does not trust the children, but becomes friendly with them after seeing evidence that Motherboard sent them.
- Creech is the young Big Kahuna (ruler) of Tikiville. She became the ruler after competing in a race with other Tikiville-inhabitants and Hacker. Creech is in some ways similar to Inez, helping the two to become friends easily. Both have a fairly similar outlook: optimistic until something goes completely wrong, and they both have a large vocabulary. She also is the person in charge of Tikiville's Egg of Benedicta. She is voiced by Stephanie Beard.
- Max is Creech's father. He went to school with Hacker and always beat Hacker at everything. He only appeared once and was voiced by Matthew Broderick.
- Big Kahuna is the Big Kahuna of Tikiville in episode 305. At the end of that episode, he hands over the title to Creech.
- Deci helps around in Thornia. He wears an outfit resembling that of a military officer's and is very efficient at his job. He is voiced by Eli Jones.
Topsy-Turvy Island
- Zanko is Delete's fairy Borg father. Zanko appears to Delete when he is having a bad day and grants him nine wishes. Hacker attempts to kidnap Zanko to make his wish of taking over Cyberspace come true, but Delete and Zanko refuse to let him do so.
- Rourke is a fairy Borg agent from the Fairy Borg Father Eligibility Department. It's his job to visit applicants and inform them if they are qualified for the Fairy Borg Father program or not. He visits Hacker only to explain to him that he cannot qualify for the Fairy Borg Father Program, meaning that he will never get any wishes ever.
The Black Hole
- Bernie is the owner of the black hole. He charges disposal fees for objects dumped into the hole. Hacker intends to dispose the Encrpytor Chip with Motherboard into the black hole, but Bernie requires 10 million sneflus for the disposal, which Hacker does not have. Angered, Hacker tries to throw the chip into the hole, but it bounces back.
Movie exclusive characters
- Ollie is an explorer boy voiced by Rico Rodriguez. When Inez accidentally falls into him from the portal, she first meets him and starts to develop being in love with him.
- Abby is Ollie's mother.
Other minor recurring characters
Sam Vander Rom
Sam Vander Rom is a robotic reporter featured in the show's second season, voiced by The Today Show weatherman, Al Roker. In his first appearance in the episode "True Colors", Sam acts as a moderator during an election between Motherboard and Hacker.
Scanner is a character who is interested in his gadgets. He was slouched over and not fit, until Jackie helped him become more active.
Other "Cyberchase For Real" characters
Harley Wilson
Harley Wilson (played by Michael R. Buckley) is the cousin of Harry Wilson. He is known to pester and annoy Harry and interfere with his ideas. He used to work in Hollywood until he lost his job. He was also seen at Times Square on New Year's Eve with Harry's girlfriend.
Kareem Blackwell
Kareem Blackwell was seen only once, as the protagonist for the For Real segment of the pilot episode "The Poddleville Case," where he met with the New York cast of Stomp. Unlike in most future "For Real" segments, Kareem's one-time skit did not use the episode's theme (patterns) as a problem-solving device. Instead, the segment revolved around Stomp explaining how to use patterns in music to create enjoyable songs.
Mr. Sleazé
Mr. Sleazé (played by Matthew A. Wilson) is a scam artist. He sold Harry "Sleazy-Off" cream that didn't work. He also ran a fraudulent carnival game and a fraudulent wheel game, both of which Bianca fell victim to.
Kelly is Bianca's friend, who often helps her get out of her many problems.
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