List of Emily Dickinson poems

This is a list of Emily Dickinson poems. In addition to the list of first lines which link to the poems' texts, the table notes each poem's publication in several of the most significant editions of Dickinson's poetry—the "manuscript books" created by Dickinson herself but not published as such until 1981; the seven volumes of poetry published posthumously from 1890 to 1945; the cumulative collections of 1924, 1930, and 1937; and the scholarly editions of 1955 and 1998. The entire table is sortable by clicking on the icons following the column headings.
Important publications which are not represented in the table include the 10 poems published (anonymously) during Dickinson's lifetime;[1] and editions of her letters, published from 1894 on, which include some poems within their texts. In all these cases, the poem itself occurs in the list, but these specific publications of the poem are not noted.
- Rows
A row in the table below is defined as any set of lines that is categorized either by Johnson (1955) or by Franklin (1998)—or, in the vast majority of cases, by both—as a poem written by Emily Dickinson. Johnson recognizes 1775 poems, and Franklin 1789; however each, in a handful of cases, categorizes as multiple poems lines which the other categorizes as a single poem. This mutual splitting results in a table of 1799 rows.
- Columns
- First Line: Most of the first lines link to the poem's text (usually its first publication) at Wikisource. For Wikipedia articles on the poems, see Category:Poetry by Emily Dickinson or the navigation box at the bottom of the article. Poems are alphabetized by their first line. Punctuation, capitalization and even wording of the first lines may vary depending on the edition of each poem's text used.
- F/S: Position in Fascicles or Sets. Dickinson preserved about 2/3 of her poems in "manuscript books" or "packets" of two types. Fascicles are composed of sheets folded in half (yielding one signature of 2 leaves and 4 pages), laid on top of each other (not nested), and bound with string. Other poems are preserved in what R. W. Franklin calls Sets which are groups of folded signatures appropriate for, and possibly intended for, similar binding, but never actually bound. The code in the table below indicates "F" for fascicle or "S" for set, then the fascicle number 01-40 or set number 01-15, then the order of the 4-page signature (or occasionally unfolded 1-leaf 2-page sheet), finally the order of the poem within the fascicle or set. An asterisk indicates that this poem, or part of this poem, occurs elsewhere in the fascicles or sets but its subsequent occurrences are not noted. Thus "F01.03.016*" indicates the 16th poem within fascicle #1, which occurs on the 3rd signature or sheet bound in that fascicle; and that this poem (or part of it) also recurs elsewhere in the fascicles or sets.
- 1st: First publication of the poem within the Todd & Bianchi volumes of 1890-1945 (see References). This does not account for the handful of poems published during Emily Dickinson's lifetime, nor poems which first appeared within published letters.
- 1stS.P: Section and Poem number (both converted to Arabic numerals, and separated by a period) of the poem in its 1st publication as noted above. Poems in the volumes of 1929 and 1935 are not numbered, so page numbers are given in place of poem numbers. An asterisk indicates that this poem, or part of this poem, occurs elsewhere in the Todd & Bianchi volumes but its subsequent occurrences are not noted.
- Collect: Section and Poem number (both converted to Arabic numerals, and separated by a period) in the Bianchi collections of 1924-1937 (see References).
- J#: Number assigned by Thomas H. Johnson in his variorum edition of 1955. Numbering represents Johnson's judgment of chronology.
- Fr#: Number assigned by R. W. Franklin in his variorum edition of 1998. Numbering represents Franklin's judgment of chronology.
First Line (often used as title) | F/S[2] | 1st | 1stS.P | Collect | J#[3] | Fr#[4] |
A Bee his burnished Carriage | S13.01.002 | 1945 | 1.127 | 1339 | 1351 | |
A Bird came down the Walk | F17.05.013 | 1891 | 3.023 | 2.023 | 328 | 359 |
A brief but patient illness | F01.01.002 | 1891 | 3.047 | 2.047 | 18 | 22 |
A Burdock — clawed my Gown | S06b.04.016 | 1945 | 1.135 | 229 | 289 | |
A Cap of Lead across the sky | 1914 | 2.054 | 5.054 | 1649 | 1735 | |
A Charm invests a face | F15.03.008 | 1891 | 2.010 | 3.028 | 421 | 430 |
A chastened Grace is twice a Grace | 1676 | |||||
A chilly Peace infests the Grass | 1945 | 1.071 | 1443 | 1469 | ||
A Clock stopped | F11.03.006 | 1896 | 4.053 | 4.135 | 287 | 259 |
A Cloud withdrew from the Sky | S06b.07.025 | 1945 | 1.015 | 895 | 1077 | |
A Coffin — is a small Domain | S03.01.001 | 1945 | 1.386 | 943 | 890 | |
A Counterfeit — a Plated Person | 1453 | 1514 | ||||
A curious Cloud surprised the Sky | F24.01.004 | 1945 | 1.016 | 1710 | 509 | |
A darting fear — a pomp — a tear | 87 | A13-6 | ||||
A Day! Help! Help! Another Day! | F02.04.017 | 1945 | 1.004 | 42 | 58 | |
A Death blow is a Life blow to Some | S07.07.033 | 1891 | 4.006 | 4.046 | 816 | 966 |
A Deed knocks first at Thought | 1891 | 1.041 | 1.067 | 1216 | 1294 | |
A Dew sufficed itself | S14.01.001 | 1896 | 3.017 | 2.099 | 1437 | 1372 |
A Diamond on the Hand | 1108 | 1131 | ||||
A Dimple in the Tomb | 1489 | 1522 | ||||
A Door just opened on a street | S05.04.019 | 1896 | 1.028 | 1.111 | 953 | 914 |
A doubt if it be Us | S05.02.005 | 1945 | 1.510 | 859 | 903 | |
A Drop Fell on the Apple Tree | F38.01.001 | 1890 | 3.011 | 2.062 | 794 | 846 |
A Drunkard cannot meet a Cork | 1945 | 1.192 | 1628 | 1630 | ||
A Dying Tiger — moaned for Drink | F28.02.005 | 1945 | 1.347 | 566 | 529 | |
A face devoid of love or grace | 1896 | 1.018 | 1.101 | 1711 | 1774 | |
A faded Boy — in sallow Clothes | 1945 | 1.239 | 1524 | 1549 | ||
A feather from the Whippoorwill | F12.01.002 | 1929 | A.199 | A.002 | 161 | 208 |
A Field of Stubble, lying sere | 1407 | 1419 | ||||
A first Mute Coming | F35.06.020 | 1935 | 4.139 | 7.121 | 702 | 732 |
A Flower will not trouble her, it has so small a Foot, | 1621 | 1648 | ||||
A full fed Rose on meals of Tint | 1154 | 1141 | ||||
A fuzzy fellow, without feet | F08.03.010 | 1929 | 3.062 | 6.054 | 173 | 171 |
A great Hope fell | 1945 | 1.206 | 1123 | 1187 | ||
A happy lip — breaks sudden | F12.08.026 | 1935 | 4.123 | 7.106 | 353 | 335 |
A House upon the Height | F27.03.009 | 1945 | 1.556 | 399 | 555 | |
A Lady red — amid the Hill | F06.01.002 | 1896 | 3.004 | 2.086 | 74 | 137 |
A lane of Yellow led the eye | 1650 | 1741 | ||||
A Letter is a joy of Earth | 1639 | 1672 | ||||
A Light exists in Spring | S07.06.028 | 1896 | 3.003 | 2.085 | 812 | 962 |
A little bread — a crust — a crumb | F10.03.012 | 1896 | 1.051 | 1.134 | 159 | 135 |
A little Dog that wags his tail | S10.03.008 | 1945 | 1.157 | 1185 | 1236 | |
A little East of Jordan | F07.01.001 | 1914 | 4.103 | 5.105 | 59 | 145 |
A little Madness in the Spring | 1914 | 2.038 | 5.038 | 1333 | 1356 | |
A little overflowing word | 5.136 | 1467 | 1501 | |||
A little Road — not made of Man | F34.01.003 | 1890 | 3.010 | 2.061 | 647 | 758 |
A little Snow was here and there | 1945 | 1.252 | 1444 | 1480 | ||
A long — long Sleep — A famous — Sleep | F22.03.008 | 1896 | 4.057 | 4.139 | 654 | 463 |
A loss of something ever felt I | S06b.06.020 | 1945 | 1.180 | 959 | 1072 | |
A Man may make a Remark | S05.04.018 | 1945 | 1.448 | 952 | 913 | |
A Mien to move a Queen | F11.01.001 | 1935 | 2.041 | 7.034 | 283 | 254 |
A Mine there is no Man would own | 1117 | 1162 | ||||
A Moth the hue of this | S07.02.009 | 1945 | 1.133 | 841 | 944 | |
A Murmur in the Trees — to note | F15.05.011 | 1896 | 3.008 | 2.090 | 416 | 433 |
A narrow Fellow in the Grass | S06c.03.009 | 1891 | 3.024 | 2.024 | 986 | 1096 |
A nearness to Tremendousness | F40.02.005 | 1935 | 4.148 | 7.130 | 963 | 824 |
A Night — there lay the Days between | F26.06.021 | 1945 | 1.048 | 471 | 609 | |
A not admitting of the wound | 1945 | 1.206 | 1123 | 1188 | ||
A Pang is more conspicuous in Spring | 1945 | 1.475 | 1530 | 1545 | ||
A Pit — but Heaven over it | F24.01.003* | 1945 | 1.532 | 1712 | 508 | |
A Planted Life — diversified | F38.06.019 | 1935 | 2.080 | 7.071 | 806 | 864 |
A poor — torn heart — a tattered heart | F06.03.013 | 1891 | 1.023 | 1.049 | 78 | 125 |
A precious — mouldering pleasure — 'tis | F25.01.001 | 1890 | 1.010 | 1.010 | 371 | 569 |
A Prison gets to be a friend | F22.01.001 | 1929 | 1.021 | 6.019 | 652 | 456 |
A prompt — executive Bird is the Jay | S07.20.097* | 1914 | 2.066 | 5.066 | 1177 | 1022 |
A Rat surrendered here | S14.02.006 | 1945 | 1.119 | 1340 | 1377 | |
A Route of Evanescence | 1891 | 3.015 | 2.015 | 1463 | 1489 | |
A Saucer holds a Cup | 1945 | 1.145 | 1374 | 1407 | ||
A science — so the Savants say | F07.01.003 | 1929 | 1.026 | 6.023 | 100 | 147 |
A Secret told | F31.04.014 | 1929 | 1.029 | 6.026 | 381 | 643 |
A sepal, petal, and a thorn | F01.01.005 | 1896 | 3.011 | 2.093 | 19 | 25 |
A Shade upon the mind there passes | S06a.02.007 | 1945 | 1.397 | 882 | 1114 | |
A shady friend — for Torrid days | F14.01.004 | 1891 | 1.034 | 1.060 | 278 | 306 |
A Sickness of this World it most occasions | S07.13.063 | 1896 | 4.033 | 4.115 | 1044 | 993 |
A single Clover Plank | 1945 | 1.124 | 1343 | 1297 | ||
A single Screw of Flesh | F12.02.009 | 1935 | 3.107 | 7.092 | 263 | 293 |
A slash of Blue | F09.07.026 | 1935 | 2.046 | 7.038 | 204 | 233 |
A Sloop of Amber slips away | 1896 | 3.026 | 2.108 | 1622 | 1599 | |
A soft Sea washed around the House | 1945 | 1.057 | 1198 | 1199 | ||
A solemn thing — it was — I said | F14.02.005 | 1896 | 2.022 | 3.056 | 271 | 307 |
A Solemn thing within the Soul | F22.04.012 | 1945 | 1.472 | 483 | 467 | |
A something in a summer's Day | F05.04.020 | 1890 | 3.012 | 2.063 | 122 | 104 |
A South Wind — has a pathos | F39.04.014 | 1945 | 1.017 | 719 | 883 | |
A Sparrow took a Slice of Twig | 1945 | 1.113 | 1211 | 1257 | ||
A Spider sewed at Night | 1891 | 3.027 | 2.027 | 1138 | 1163 | |
A stagnant pleasure like a Pool | 1945 | 1.503 | 1281 | 1258 | ||
A still — Volcano — Life | F24.03.012 | 1929 | 1.036 | 6.033 | 601 | 517 |
A Thought went up my mind today | F35.05.018 | 1891 | 1.020 | 1.046 | 701 | 731 |
A throe upon the features | F05.04.021 | 1891 | 4.038 | 4.078 | 71 | 105 |
A Toad, can die of Light | F14.05.015 | 1896 | 4.055 | 4.137 | 583 | 419 |
A Tongue — to tell Him I am true! | S01.01.001 | 1945 | 1.270 | 400 | 673 | |
A Tooth upon Our Peace | F32.04.015 | 1935 | 1.011 | 7.009 | 459 | 694 |
A train went through a burial gate | F20.01.002 | 1890 | 4.009 | 4.009 | 1761 | 397 |
A transport one cannot contain | F12.01.006 | 1935 | 3.084 | 7.073 | 184 | 212 |
A Visitor in Marl | F27.04.012 | 1935 | 2.047 | 7.039 | 391 | 558 |
A Weight with Needles on the pounds | F12.02.010 | 1935 | 1.018 | 7.016 | 264 | 294 |
A Wife — at daybreak I shall be | F32.06.018 | 1929 | 6.190 | 6.172 | 461 | 185 |
A wild Blue sky abreast of Winds | 1945 | 1.019 | 1415 | 1418 | ||
A Wind that rose | S08a.12.012 | 1259 | 1216 | |||
A winged spark doth soar about | 1945 | 1.043 | 1468 | 1502 | ||
A Word dropped careless on a Page | 1261 | 1268 | ||||
A word is dead | 1896 | 1.006 | 1.089 | 1212 | 278 | |
A Word made Flesh is seldom | 1651 | 1715 | ||||
A World made penniless by that departure | 1945 | 1.284 | 1623 | 1642 | ||
A wounded Deer — leaps highest | F08.01.001 | 1890 | 1.008 | 1.008 | 165 | 181 |
Above Oblivion's Tide there is a Pier | 1945 | 2.615 | 1531 | 1552 | ||
Abraham to kill him | 1945 | 1.160 | 1317 | 1332 | ||
Absence disembodies — so does Death | S05.02.006 | 1945 | 1.489 | 860 | 904 | |
Absent Place — an April Day | S07.05.023 | 1945 | 1.079 | 927 | 958 | |
Adrift! A little boat adrift! | F01.04.021 | 1896 | 4.047 | 4.129 | 30 | 6 |
Advance is Life's condition | 1652 | 1736 | ||||
Afraid! Of whom am I afraid? | F16.05.011 | 1890 | 4.024 | 4.024 | 608 | 345 |
After a hundred years | 1891 | 4.041 | 4.081 | 1147 | 1149 | |
After all Birds have been investigated and laid aside | S14.05.012 | 1945 | 1.108 | 1395 | 1383 | |
After great pain, a formal feeling comes | F18.04.011 | 1929 | 6.175 | 6.158 | 341 | 372 |
After the Sun comes out | 1148 | 1127 | ||||
Again — his voice is at the door | 1945 | 1.259 | 663 | 274 | ||
Ah Teneriffe! | F36.05.019 | 1914 | 2.035 | 5.035 | 666 | 752 |
Ah, Moon — and Star! | F11.06.011* | 1935 | 3.094 | 7.081 | 240 | 262 |
Ah, Necromancy Sweet! | F08.04.015 | 1929 | 6.155 | 6.139 | 177 | 168 |
Air has no Residence, no Neighbor | S07.12.058 | 1945 | 1.562 | 1060 | 989 | |
All but Death, can be Adjusted | F37.05.017 | 1929 | 4.089 | 6.079 | 749 | 789 |
All Circumstances are the Frame | S06a.02.006 | 1914 | 5.141 | 5.145 | 820 | 1113 |
All forgot for recollecting | F40.03.008 | 1929 | 6.149 | 6.134 | 966 | 827 |
All I may, if small | S05.09.039 | 1914 | 5.113 | 5.115 | 819 | 799 |
All men for Honor hardest work | 1945 | 1.463 | 1193 | 1205 | ||
All overgrown by cunning moss | F07.01.002 | 1896 | 4.054 | 4.136 | 148 | 146 |
All that I do | 1945 | 1.257 | 1496 | 1529 | ||
All the letters I can write | F19.01.002 | 1929 | 3.080 | 6.072 | 334 | 380 |
All these my banners be | F01.01.009 | 1945 | 1.075 | 22 | 29 | |
All things swept sole away | 1512 | 1548 | ||||
Alone and in a Circumstance | 1945 | 1.181 | 1167 | 1174 | ||
Alone, I cannot be | F12.05.020 | 298 | 303 | |||
Alter! When the Hills do | F36.06.022 | 1890 | 2.003 | 3.003 | 729 | 755 |
Although I put away his life | F20.03.010 | 1929 | 6.160 | 6.143 | 366 | 405 |
Always Mine! | S07.02.007 | 1945 | 1.255 | 839 | 942 | |
Ambition cannot find him. | F05.01.006 | 1914 | 4.105 | 5.107 | 68 | 115 |
Ample make this Bed | S06a.03.012 | 1891 | 4.023 | 4.063 | 829 | 804 |
An altered look about the hills | F04.02.008 | 1891 | 3.009 | 2.009 | 140 | 90 |
An antiquated Grace | 1945 | 1.251 | 1345 | 1367 | ||
An Antiquated Tree | 1945 | 1.143 | 1514 | 1544 | ||
An awful Tempest mashed the air — | F09.06.020 | 1891 | 3.021 | 2.021 | 198 | 224 |
An Everywhere of Silver | S05.10.041 | 1891 | 3.022 | 2.022 | 884 | 931 |
An honest Tear | S10.01.004 | 1945 | 1.517 | 1192 | 1232 | |
An Hour is a Sea | 825 | 898 | ||||
An ignorance a Sunset | F30.06.018 | 1935 | 2.050 | 7.042 | 552 | 669 |
And this of all my Hopes | S07.09.043 | 1929 | 6.187 | 6.169 | 913 | 975 |
And with what body do they come? | 1492 | 1537 | ||||
Angels, in the early morning | F03.02.007 | 1890 | 3.018 | 2.069 | 94 | 73 |
Answer July | F30.05.016 | 1935 | 2.055 | 7.046 | 386 | 667 |
Apology for Her | S07.05.024 | 1945 | 2.645 | 852 | 959 | |
Apparently with no surprise | 1890 | 3.025 | 2.076 | 1624 | 1668 | |
Arcturus is his other name | F05.03.015 | 1891 | 3.020 | 2.020 | 70 | 117 |
Are Friends Delight or Pain? | S08b.08.008 | 1896 | 1.029 | 1.112 | 1199 | 1224 |
Arrows enamored of his Heart | 1945 | 2.606 | 1629 | 1635 | ||
Art thou the thing I wanted? | 1945 | 1.213 | 1282 | 1311 | ||
Artists wrestled here! | F05.01.002 | 1945 | 1.085 | 110 | 111 | |
As by the dead we love to sit | F03.02.012 | 1891 | 4.012 | 4.052 | 88 | 78 |
As Children bid the Guest Good Night | F06.04.015 | 1890 | 3.017 | 2.068 | 133 | 127 |
As far from pity, as complaint | F18.01.003 | 1896 | 4.017 | 4.099 | 496 | 364 |
As from the earth the light Balloon | 1945 | 1.597 | 1630 | 1651 | ||
As Frost is best conceived | S05.04.016 | 1945 | 1.512 | 951 | 911 | |
As if I asked a common Alms | F01.02.014 | 323 | 14 | |||
As if some little Arctic flower | F08.05.020 | 1890 | 2.010 | 3.010 | 180 | 177 |
As if the Sea should part | F35.02.006 | 1929 | 6.192 | 6.174 | 695 | 720 |
As imperceptibly as Grief | S05.11.045 | 1891 | 3.045 | 2.045 | 1540 | 935 |
As old as Woe | 1945 | 1.583 | 1168 | 1259 | ||
As One does Sickness over | S05.05.022 | 1945 | 1.477 | 957 | 917 | |
As plan for Noon and plan for Night | S06b.06.023 | 1945 | 1.380 | 960 | 1075 | |
As Sleigh Bells seem in summer | 1945 | 1.367 | 981 | 801 | ||
As subtle as tomorrow | 1945 | 1.590 | 1713 | 1748 | ||
As Summer into Autumn slips | 1346 | 1341 | ||||
As the Starved Maelstrom laps the Navies | S06b.03.010 | 1945 | 1.185 | 872 | 1064 | |
As Watchers hang upon the East | F05.03.018 | 1945 | 1.411 | 121 | 120 | |
As we pass Houses musing slow | 1653 | 1723 | ||||
As willing lid o'er weary eye | S05.11.046 | 1945 | 1.037 | 1050 | 936 | |
Ashes denote that Fire was | S06c.03.010 | 1896 | 1.030 | 1.113 | 1063 | 1097 |
At Half past Three, a single Bird | S06c.04.012 | 1891 | 3.003 | 2.003 | 1084 | 1099 |
At last, to be identified! | F08.03.011* | 1890 | 4.029 | 4.029 | 174 | 172 |
At least — to pray — is left — is left | F18.06.017 | 1891 | 4.003 | 4.043 | 502 | 377 |
At leisure is the Soul | F32.01.004 | 1929 | 6.185 | 6.167 | 618 | 683 |
Aurora is the effort | S07.15.074 | 1945 | 1.423 | 1002 | 1002 | |
Autumn — overlooked my Knitting | F37.04.014 | 1929 | 3.083 | 6.075 | 748 | 786 |
Awake ye muses nine, sing me a strain divine | 1 | 1 | ||||
Away from Home are some and I | S06b.04.015 | 821 | 807 | |||
Back from the cordial Grave I drag thee | 1945 | 1.384 | 1625 | 1649 | ||
Baffled for just a day or two | F02.05.025 | 1945 | 1.081 | 17 | 66 | |
Banish Air from Air | S07.06.029 | 1945 | 1.561 | 854 | 963 | |
Be Mine the Doom | S05.06.025* | 1945 | 2.646 | 845 | 919 | |
Beauty — be not caused — It Is | F30.01.002 | 1929 | 3.057 | 6.049 | 516 | 654 |
Beauty crowds me till I die | 1914 | 2.043 | 5.043 | 1654 | 1687 | |
Because 'twas Riches I could own | S07.26.128 | 1935 | 4.120 | 7.103 | 1093 | 1053 |
Because He loves Her | S08a.05.005 | 1945 | 1.249 | 1229 | 1183 | |
Because I could not stop for Death | F23.01.001 | 1890 | 4.027 | 4.027 | 712 | 479 |
Because my Brook is fluent | S10.02.007 | 1945 | 1.444 | 1200 | 1235 | |
Because that you are going | 1945 | 1.282 | 1260 | 1314 | ||
Because the Bee may blameless hum | S05.03.013 | 1945 | 1.274 | 869 | 909 | |
Bee! I'm expecting you! | S07.11.052 | 1945 | 1.121 | 1035 | 983 | |
Bees are Black, with Gilt Surcingles | 1945 | 1.122 | 1405 | 1426 | ||
Before He comes we weigh the Time! | S07.03.014 | 834 | 949 | |||
Before I got my eye put out | F16.01.001 | 1891 | 1.036 | 1.062 | 327 | 336 |
Before the ice is in the pools | F02.01.005 | 1896 | 4.045 | 4.127 | 37 | 46 |
Before you thought of Spring | 1891 | 3.008 | 2.008 | 1465 | 1484 | |
Behind Me — dips Eternity | F36.03.008 | 1929 | 6.191 | 6.173 | 721 | 743 |
Behold this little Bane | 1945 | 1.567 | 1438 | 1464 | ||
Belshazzar had a Letter | 1890 | 1.025 | 1.025 | 1459 | 1487 | |
Bereaved of all, I went abroad | F39.05.018 | 1896 | 4.029 | 4.111 | 784 | 886 |
Bereavement in their death to feel | F34.01.001 | 1935 | 4.118 | 7.101 | 645 | 756 |
Besides the Autumn poets sing | F06.03.011 | 1891 | 3.049 | 2.049 | 131 | 123 |
Besides this May | S07.09.045 | 1945 | 1.427 | 977 | 976 | |
Best Gains — must have the Losses' Test | 684 | 499 | ||||
Best Things dwell out of Sight | S07.17.086 | 1945 | 1.543 | 998 | 1012 | |
Best Witchcraft is Geometry | 1158 | 1158 | ||||
Betrothed to Righteousness might be | 1945 | 2.647 | 1641 | 1657 | ||
Better — than Music! For I — who heard it | F18.07.018 | 1945 | 1.454 | 503 | 378 | |
Between My Country — and the Others | F40.03.011 | 1935 | 4.137 | 7.119 | 905 | 829 |
Between the form of Life and Life | 1945 | 1.528 | 1101 | 1123 | ||
Bind me — I still can sing | S07.15.077 | 1945 | 1.272 | 1005 | 1005 | |
Birthday of but a single pang | 1488 | 1541 | ||||
Blazing in Gold and quenching in Purple | F13.04.011 | 1891 | 3.043 | 2.043 | 228 | 321 |
Bless God, he went as soldiers | F02.02.009 | 1896 | 4.020 | 4.102 | 147 | 52 |
Bliss is the plaything of the child | 1945 | 1.497 | 1553 | 1583 | ||
Bloom — is Result — to meet a Flower | S07.23.113 | 1945 | 1.078 | 1058 | 1038 | |
Bloom upon the Mountain — stated | F37.05.015 | 1914 | 2.047 | 5.047 | 667 | 787 |
Blossoms will run away | 1578 | 1614 | ||||
Bound — a trouble | F09.01.004* | 1935 | 1.022 | 7.020 | 269 | 240 |
Bring me the sunset in a cup | F06.02.005 | 1891 | 3.039 | 2.039 | 128 | 140 |
Brother of Ingots — Ah Peru | 1945 | 2.648 | 1366 | 1462 | ||
But little Carmine hath her face | F27.06.020 | 1935 | 2.062 | 7.053 | 558 | 566 |
But that defeated accent | 1660 | |||||
By a departing light | 1945 | 1.545 | 1714 | 1749 | ||
By a flower — By a letter | F07.04.019 | 109 | 163 | |||
By Chivalries as tiny | F03.04.024 | 1945 | 2.644 | 55 | 37 | |
By homely gift and hindered Words | 1563 | 1611 | ||||
By my Window have I for Scenery | F38.02.004 | 1929 | 3.065 | 6.057 | 797 | 849 |
By such and such an offering | F02.01.006 | 1945 | 2.649 | 38 | 47 | |
Candor — my tepid friend | 1914 | 4.107 | 5.109 | 1537 | 1608 | |
Circumference thou Bride of Awe | 1945 | 1.577 | 1620 | 1636 | ||
Civilization — spurns — the Leopard! | 1945 | 1.540 | 492 | 276 | ||
Climbing to reach the costly Hearts | 1566 | 1626 | ||||
Cocoon above! Cocoon below! | F06.02.007 | 1935 | 2.057 | 7.048 | 129 | 142 |
Color — Caste — Denomination | F40.06.018 | 1929 | 1.010 | 6.008 | 970 | 836 |
Come show thy Durham Breast | 1542 | 1572 | ||||
Come slowly — Eden! | F10.03.014 | 1890 | 2.018 | 3.018 | 211 | 205 |
Conferring with myself | 1655 | 1739 | ||||
Confirming All who analyze | 1268 | 1303 | ||||
Conjecturing a Climate | F27.02.005 | 1929 | 3.086 | 6.078 | 562 | 551 |
Conscious am I in my Chamber | F37.01.001 | 1929 | 5.117 | 6.104 | 679 | 773 |
Consulting summer's clock | 1945 | 1.217 | 1715 | 1750 | ||
Contained in this short Life | 1945 | 1.519 | 1165 | 1175 | ||
Cosmopolities without a plea | 1945 | 1.105 | 1589 | 1592 | ||
Could — I do more — for Thee | F21.02.004 | 1929 | 3.073 | 6.065 | 447 | 443 |
Could Hope inspect her Basis | 1945 | 1.469 | 1283 | 1282 | ||
Could I — then — shut the door | 220 | 188 | ||||
Could I but ride indefinite | S06b.01.001 | 1896 | 3.020 | 2.102 | 661 | 1056 |
Could live — did live | F02.04.018 | 1945 | 1.359 | 43 | 59 | |
Could mortal lip divine | 1896 | 1.012 | 1.095 | 1409 | 1456 | |
Could that sweet Darkness where they dwell | 1493 | 1524 | ||||
Count not that far that can be had | 1074 | 1124 | ||||
Crisis is a Hair | S06b.04.013 | 1945 | 1.353 | 889 | 1067 | |
Crisis is sweet and yet the Heart | 1914 | 5.121 | 5.123 | 1416 | 1365 | |
Crumbling is not an instant's Act | S07.17.084 | 1945 | 1.509 | 997 | 1010 | |
Dare you see a Soul at the White Heat? | F20.02.006 | 1891 | 1.007 | 1.033 | 365 | 401 |
Dear March — Come in | 1896 | 3.005 | 2.087 | 1320 | 1320 | |
Death is a Dialogue between | S07.08.041 | 1890 | 4.031 | 4.031 | 976 | 973 |
Death is like the insect | 1896 | 4.013 | 4.095 | 1716 | 1783 | |
Death is potential to that Man | F31.06.021 | 1945 | 1.371 | 548 | 650 | |
Death is the supple Suitor | 1945 | 1.374 | 1445 | 1470 | ||
Death leaves Us homesick, who behind | S06b.03.012 | 1945 | 1.370 | 935 | 1066 | |
Death sets a Thing significant | F31.03.011 | 1891 | 4.013 | 4.053 | 360 | 640 |
Death warrants are supposed to be | 1945 | 1.355 | 1375 | 1409 | ||
Death's Waylaying not the sharpest | 1945 | 1.486 | 1296 | 1315 | ||
Declaiming Waters none may dread | 1595 | 1638 | ||||
Defrauded I a Butterfly | F38.02.005 | 1929 | 3.072 | 6.064 | 730 | 850 |
Delayed till she had ceased to know | F03.01.001 | 1890 | 4.002 | 4.002 | 58 | 67 |
Delight — becomes pictorial | F28.05.016 | 1891 | 1.019 | 1.045 | 572 | 539 |
Delight is as the flight | F13.03.007 | 1929 | 3.077 | 6.069 | 257 | 317 |
Delight's Despair at setting | S14.02.004 | 1945 | 1.500 | 1299 | 1375 | |
Denial — is the only fact | F40.02.007 | 1929 | 6.165 | 6.147 | 965 | 826 |
Departed — to the Judgment | F20.01.004 | 1890 | 4.003 | 4.003 | 524 | 399 |
Deprived of other Banquet | F39.02.003 | 1945 | 1.224 | 773 | 872 | |
Despair's advantage is achieved | F38.03.009 | 1935 | 4.144 | 7.126 | 799 | 854 |
Dew — is the Freshet in the Grass | S06c.05.015 | 1914 | 2.044 | 5.044 | 1097 | 1102 |
Did life's penurious length | 1945 | 1.522 | 1717 | 1751 | ||
Did Our Best Moment last | F27.05.014 | 1935 | 1.020 | 7.018 | 393 | 560 |
Did the Harebell loose her girdle | 1891 | 2.009 | 3.027 | 213 | 134 | |
Did We abolish Frost | S07.20.099 | 1945 | 1.063 | 1014 | 1024 | |
Did we disobey Him? | F12.03.016 | 1945 | 1.298 | 267 | 299 | |
Did you ever stand in a Cavern's Mouth | F29.03.010 | 1935 | 1.007 | 7.005 | 590 | 619 |
Distance — is not the Realm of Fox | 1914 | 5.118 | 5.120 | 1155 | 1128 | |
Distrustful of the Gentian | F01.01.006 | 1945 | 2.638 | 20 | 26 | |
Do People moulder equally | F19.04.012 | 1945 | 1.392 | 432 | 390 | |
Dominion lasts until obtained | 1945 | 2.650 | 1257 | 1299 | ||
Don't put up my Thread and Needle | F32.01.002 | 1929 | 4.103 | 6.092 | 617 | 681 |
Doom is the House without the Door | F33.04.011 | 1929 | 1.017 | 6.015 | 475 | 710 |
Doubt Me! My Dim Companion! | F12.07.023 | 1890 | 2.005* | 3.005 | 275 | 332 |
Down Time's quaint stream | 1914 | 1.029 | 5.029 | 1656 | 1721 | |
Drab Habitation of Whom? | S05.05.021 | 1896 | 3.025 | 2.107 | 893 | 916 |
Drama's Vitallest Expression is the Common Day | F37.02.004 | 1929 | 1.028 | 6.025 | 741 | 776 |
Dreams — are well — but Waking's better | F21.03.010 | 1935 | 2.077 | 7.068 | 450 | 449 |
Dreams are the subtle Dower | 1945 | 1.478 | 1376 | 1401 | ||
Dropped into the Ether Acre | F36.05.018 | 1914 | 3.073 | 5.073 | 665 | 286 |
Drowning is not so pitiful | 1896 | 1.009 | 1.092 | 1718 | 1542 | |
Dust is the only Secret | F08.04.013 | 1914 | 4.104 | 5.106 | 153 | 166 |
Dying at my music! | S07.15.075 | 1945 | 1.453 | 1003 | 1003 | |
Dying! Dying in the night! | F09.06.018 | 1945 | 2.642 | 158 | 222 | |
Dying! To be afraid of thee | S07.03.011 | 1945 | 1.360 | 831 | 946 | |
Each Life Converges to some Centre | F35.03.010 | 1891 | 1.035 | 1.061 | 680 | 724 |
Each Scar I'll keep for Him | S05.06.026 | 1945 | 2.607 | 877 | 920 | |
Each Second is the last | S05.09.036 | 1945 | 1.343 | 879 | 927 | |
Each that we lose takes part of us; | 1896 | 4.015 | 4.097 | 1605 | 1634 | |
Eden is that old-fashioned House | 1914 | 4.106 | 5.108 | 1657 | 1734 | |
Elijah's Wagon knew no thill | 1914 | 4.095 | 5.095 | 1254 | 1288 | |
Elizabeth told Essex | 1945 | 1.235 | 1321 | 1336 | ||
Elysium is as far as to | 1890 | 2.004 | 3.004 | 1760 | 1590 | |
Embarrassment of one another | S06b.01.002 | 1945 | 1.485 | 662 | 1057 | |
Empty my Heart, of Thee | F19.06.015 | 1929 | 6.146 | 6.131 | 587 | 393 |
Endanger it, and the Demand | 1658 | 1688 | ||||
Ended, ere it begun | S07.25.123 | 1088 | 1048 | |||
Endow the Living — with the Tears | F30.02.006 | 1945 | 1.368 | 521 | 657 | |
Escape is such a thankful Word | 1945 | 1.220 | 1347 | 1364 | ||
Escaping backward to perceive | S07.07.036 | 1945 | 1.221 | 867 | 969 | |
Essential Oils — are wrung | F34.06.018 | 1891 | 4.025 | 4.065 | 675 | 772 |
Estranged from Beauty — none can be | 1945 | 1.446 | 1474 | 1515 | ||
Except the Heaven had come so near | F33.01.003 | 1891 | 1.031 | 1.057 | 472 | 702 |
Except the smaller size | F26.06.018 | 1914 | 1.003 | 5.003 | 1067 | 606 |
Except to Heaven, she is nought. | F08.05.016 | 1890 | 4.030 | 4.030 | 154 | 173 |
Exhilaration — is within | F31.05.016 | 1935 | 1.021 | 7.019 | 383 | 645 |
Exhilaration is the Breeze | 1914 | 1.011 | 5.011 | 1118 | 1157 | |
Expanse cannot be lost | 1584 | 1625 | ||||
Expectation — is Contentment | F38.06.020 | 1929 | 1.031 | 6.028 | 807 | 865 |
Experience is the Angled Road | S05.01.001 | 1929 | 1.018 | 6.016 | 910 | 899 |
Experiment escorts us last | 1945 | 1.573 | 1770 | 1181 | ||
Experiment to me | S06b.08.029 | 1891 | 1.028 | 1.054 | 1073 | 1081 |
Extol thee — could I? Then I will | 1945 | 1.322 | 1643 | 1682 | ||
Exultation is the going | F06.02.008 | 1890 | 4.007 | 4.007 | 76 | 143 |
Facts by our side are never sudden | 1945 | 1.508* | 1497 | 1530 | ||
Fairer through Fading — as the Day | S02.01.003 | 1945 | 1.038 | 938 | 868 | |
Faith — is the Pierless Bridge | S07.10.047 | 1929 | 5.129 | 6.116 | 915 | 978 |
Faith is a fine invention | F10.02.009* | 1891 | 1.030 | 1.056 | 185 | 202 |
Faithful to the end Amended | 1945 | 1.516 | 1357 | 1386 | ||
Falsehood of Thee could I suppose | S07.15.079 | 1945 | 1.269 | 1007 | 1007 | |
Fame is a bee. | 1763 | 1788 | ||||
Fame is a fickle food | 1914 | 1.004 | 5.004 | 1659 | 1702 | |
Fame is the one that does not stay | 1945 | 1.457 | 1475 | 1507 | ||
Fame is the tint that Scholars leave | S07.07.035 | 1945 | 1.459 | 866 | 968 | |
Fame of Myself, to justify | F23.01.003 | 1945 | 1.461 | 713 | 481 | |
Fame's Boys and Girls, who never die | 1945 | 2.636 | 1066 | 892 | ||
Far from Love the Heavenly Father | S07.21.107 | 1896 | 4.056 | 4.138 | 1021 | 1032 |
Fate slew Him, but He did not drop | S06b.08.032 | 1896 | 1.031 | 1.114 | 1031 | 1084 |
Ferocious as a Bee without a wing | 1492 | |||||
Few, yet enough | 1896 | 1.021 | 1.104 | 1596 | 1639 | |
Finding is the first Act | S05.03.014 | 1945 | 1.208 | 870 | 910 | |
Finite — to fail, but infinite to Venture | S07.04.017 | 1896 | 1.032 | 1.115 | 847 | 952 |
Fitter to see Him, I may be | F40.05.016 | 6.000 | 968 | 834 | ||
Flees so the phantom meadow | F01.01.007 | 1945 | 2.638 | 20 | 27 | |
Floss won't save you from an Abyss | 1945 | 1.572 | 1322 | 1335 | ||
Flowers — Well — if anybody | F04.01.004 | 1945 | 1.080 | 137 | 95 | |
Fly - fly - but as you fly | 1244 | |||||
Follow wise Orion | 1914 | 2.069 | 5.069 | 1538 | 1569 | |
For Death — or rather | F31.04.015 | 1914 | 3.072 | 5.072 | 382 | 644 |
For each ecstatic instant | F05.04.025 | 1891 | 1.011 | 1.037 | 125 | 109 |
For every Bird a Nest | F04.03.011 | 1929 | 3.079 | 6.071 | 143 | 86 |
For largest Woman's Hearth I knew | F28.06.020 | 309 | 542 | |||
For this — accepted Breath | F09.05.016 | 1935 | 1.027 | 7.025 | 195 | 230 |
Forbidden Fruit a flavor has | 1896 | 1.004 | 1.087 | 1377 | 1482 | |
Forever — is composed of Nows | F32.03.011 | 1929 | 1.025 | 6.022 | 624 | 690 |
Forever at His side to walk | F11.06.013 | 1929 | 6.148 | 6.133 | 246 | 264 |
Forever honored by the Tree | 1914 | 2.062 | 5.062 | 1570 | 1600 | |
Forget! The lady with the Amulet | F29.05.016 | 1935 | 3.103 | 7.089 | 438 | 625 |
Fortitude incarnate | 1945 | 1.345 | 1217 | 1255 | ||
Four Trees — upon a solitary Acre | F37.02.006 | 1945 | 1.142 | 742 | 778 | |
Frequently the woods are pink - | F01.01.004 | 1891 | 3.036 | 2.036 | 6 | 24 |
Frigid and sweet Her parting Face | S10.01.003 | 1945 | 1.361 | 1318 | 1231 | |
From all the Jails the Boys and Girls | 1896 | 1.020 | 1.103 | 1532 | 1553 | |
From Blank to Blank | F23.02.006 | 1929 | 6.182 | 6.165 | 761 | 484 |
From Cocoon forth a Butterfly | F29.01.001 | 1891 | 3.007 | 2.007 | 354 | 610 |
From his slim Palace in the Dust | 1945 | 1.134 | 1300 | 1339 | ||
From Us She wandered now a Year | S06a.03.010 | 1896 | 4.027 | 4.109 | 890 | 794 |
Funny — to be a Century | S01.02.005 | 1929 | 1.007 | 6.005 | 345 | 677 |
Further in Summer than the Birds | 1891 | 3.044 | 2.044 | 1068 | 895 | |
Garland for Queens, may be | F01.04.026 | 1945 | 1.084 | 34 | 10 | |
Gathered into the Earth | 1945 | 1.378 | 1370 | 1398 | ||
Give little Anguish | F14.06.018 | 5.142 | 310 | 422 | ||
Given in Marriage unto Thee | S05.03.015 | 1896 | 4.007 | 4.089 | 817 | 818 |
Glass was the Street — in tinsel Peril | 1945 | 1.073 | 1498 | 1518 | ||
Glee — The great storm is over | F32.02.006 | 1890 | 1.005 | 1.005 | 619 | 685 |
Glory is that bright tragic thing | 1914 | 1.020 | 5.020 | 1660 | 1700 | |
Glowing is her Bonnet | F05.04.022 | 1914 | 2.061 | 5.061 | 72 | 106 |
Go not too near a House of Rose | 1434 | 1479 | ||||
Go slow, my soul, to feed thyself | 1297 | 1322 | ||||
Go tell it — What a Message | 1945 | 1.530 | 1554 | 1584 | ||
Go thy great way! | 1638 | 1673 | ||||
Go travelling with us! | 1513 | 1561 | ||||
God gave a Loaf to every Bird | F36.04.013 | 1891 | 1.027 | 1.053 | 791 | 748 |
God is a distant — stately Lover | F29.02.006 | 1929 | A.198 | 357 | 615 | |
God is indeed a jealous God | 1945 | 1.584 | 1719 | 1752 | ||
God made a little Gentian | F24.04.015 | 1891 | 3.048 | 2.048 | 442 | 520 |
God made no act without a cause | 1163 | 1192 | ||||
God permits industrious Angels | F10.01.002 | 1890 | 4.018 | 4.018 | 231 | 245 |
Going to Heaven! | F06.04.016 | 1891 | 4.002 | 4.042 | 79 | 128 |
Going to Him! Happy letter! | 1891 | 2.005 | 3.023 | 494 | 277 | |
Good Morning — Midnight | F19.02.004 | 1929 | 6.164 | 6.146 | 425 | 382 |
Good Night! Which put the Candle out? | F13.04.012* | 1891 | 1.039 | 1.065 | 259 | 322 |
Good night, because we must | F05.02.008 | 1945 | 1.400 | 114 | 97 | |
Good to hide, and hear 'em hunt! | S07.02.010 | 1945 | 1.164 | 842 | 945 | |
Gratitude — is not the mention | S06a.04.017 | 989 | 1120 | |||
Great Caesar! Condescend | F07.01.005 | 102 | 149 | |||
Great Streets of silence led away | 1891 | 4.037 | 4.077 | 1159 | 1166 | |
Grief is a Mouse | F36.06.020 | 1945 | 1.493 | 793 | 753 | |
Growth of Man — like Growth of Nature | F37.06.018 | 1929 | 1.016 | 6.014 | 750 | 790 |
Guest am I to have | 1661 | 1717 | ||||
Had I known that the first was the last | 1945 | 1.200 | 1720 | 1753 | ||
Had I not seen the Sun | 1945 | 1.207 | 1233 | 1249 | ||
Had I not This, or This, I said | F40.03.010 | 1935 | 2.072 | 7.063 | 904 | 828 |
Had I presumed to hope | F31.02.005 | 1929 | 5.120 | 6.107 | 522 | 634 |
Had this one Day not been. | 1914 | 5.131 | 5.133 | 1253 | 1281 | |
Had we known the Ton she bore | 1945 | 1.250 | 1124 | 1185 | ||
Had we our senses | 1945 | 1.054 | 1284 | 1310 | ||
Have any like Myself | F35.03.009 | 1935 | 2.048 | 7.040 | 736 | 723 |
Have you got a Brook in your little heart | F04.01.003 | 1890 | 2.009 | 3.009 | 136 | 94 |
He ate and drank the precious Words | 1890 | 1.021 | 1.021 | 1587 | 1593 | |
He forgot — and I — remembered | F09.07.025 | 1945 | 1.295 | 203 | 232 | |
He fought like those Who've nought to lose | F23.01.002 | 1935 | 1.006 | 7.004 | 759 | 480 |
He found my Being — set it up | F24.02.006 | 1945 | 1.279 | 603 | 511 | |
He fumbles at your Soul | F22.06.022 | 1896 | 2.012 | 3.046 | 315 | 477 |
He gave away his Life | F28.02.006 | 1935 | 1.008 | 7.006 | 567 | 530 |
He is alive, this morning | 1160 | 1173 | ||||
He lived the Life of Ambush | 1945 | 1.377 | 1525 | 1571 | ||
He outstripped Time with but a Bout | S06a.01.004 | 1945 | 1.243 | 865 | 1111 | |
He parts Himself — like Leaves | F30.01.003 | 1935 | 2.056 | 7.047 | 517 | 655 |
He preached upon Breadth till it argued him narrow | 1891 | 1.038 | 1.064 | 1207 | 1266 | |
He put the Belt around my life | F12.06.021 | 1891 | 2.014 | 3.032 | 273 | 330 |
He scanned it — staggered | S07.13.065 | 1945 | 1.346 | 1062 | 994 | |
He strained my faith | F18.02.005 | 1945 | 2.608 | 497 | 366 | |
He told a homely tale | F23.03.008 | 1945 | 1.162 | 763 | 486 | |
He touched me, so I live to know | F17.02.003 | 1896 | 2.018 | 3.052 | 506 | 349 |
He was my host — he was my guest | 1945 | 1.281 | 1721 | 1754 | ||
He was weak, and I was strong — then | F09.03.010 | 1945 | 1.263 | 190 | 221 | |
He went by sleep that drowsy route | 1662 | 1711 | ||||
He who in Himself believes | F40.05.017 | 1945 | 1.460 | 969 | 835 | |
Heart! We will forget him! | F02.05.023 | 1896 | 2.013 | 3.047 | 47 | 64 |
Heart, not so heavy as mine | F04.02.006 | 1891 | 1.046 | 1.072 | 83 | 88 |
Heaven — is what I cannot reach! | F14.02.008 | 1896 | 1.005 | 1.088 | 239 | 310 |
Heaven has different Signs — to me | F28.07.022 | 1929 | 3.055 | 6.047 | 575 | 544 |
Heaven is so far of the Mind | F20.05.018 | 1929 | 4.108 | 6.097 | 370 | 413 |
Heavenly Father — take to thee | 1914 | 4.101 | 5.102 | 1461 | 1500 | |
Her — last Poems | F26.04.012 | 1914 | 3.087 | 5.087 | 312 | 600 |
Her breast is fit for pearls | F05.03.019 | 84 | 121 | |||
Her face was in a bed of hair | 1945 | 1.245 | 1722 | 1755 | ||
Her final Summer was it | F38.01.002 | 1891 | 4.028 | 4.068 | 795 | 847 |
Her Grace is all she has | S07.04.021 | 1914 | 5.127 | 5.129 | 810 | 956 |
Her little Parasol to lift | S07.11.056 | 1945 | 2.651 | 1038 | 987 | |
Her Losses make our Gains ashamed | 1562 | 1602 | ||||
Her smile was shaped like other smiles | F12.08.026 | 1935 | 4.123 | 7.106 | 514 | 335 |
Her sovereign People | 1139 | 893 | ||||
Her spirit rose to such a height | 1486 | 1527 | ||||
Her Sweet turn to leave the Homestead | F34.02.004 | 1935 | 4.127 | 7.110 | 649 | 759 |
Her sweet Weight on my Heart a Night | F29.01.002 | 1945 | 1.482 | 518 | 611 | |
Here, where the Daisies fit my Head | S07.11.054 | 1945 | 1.087 | 1037 | 985 | |
Herein a Blossom lies | S06b.06.021 | 1945 | 1.086 | 899 | 1073 | |
High from the earth I heard a bird | 1896 | 3.012 | 2.094 | 1723 | 1778 | |
His Bill an Auger is | S07.12.060 | 1896 | 3.018 | 2.100 | 1034 | 990 |
His Bill is clasped — his Eye forsook | 1945 | 1.118 | 1102 | 1126 | ||
His Cheek is his Biographer | 1914 | 4.100 | 5.101 | 1460 | 1499 | |
His Feet are shod with Gauze | S07.10.048 | 916 | 979 | |||
His Heart was darker than the starless night | 1945 | 1.241 | 1378 | 1402 | ||
His little Hearse like Figure | 1522 | 1547 | ||||
His Mansion in the Pool | 1945 | 1.102 | 1379 | 1355 | ||
His Mind like Fabrics of the East | 1945 | 1.240 | 1446 | 1471 | ||
His mind of man, a secret makes | 1914 | 1.022 | 5.022 | 1663 | 1730 | |
His oriental heresies | 1945 | 1.129 | 1526 | 1562 | ||
His voice decrepit was with Joy | 1945 | 1.248 | 1476 | 1508 | ||
Hope is a strange invention | 1392 | 1424 | ||||
Hope is a subtle Glutton | 1896 | 1.003 | 1.086 | 1547 | 1493 | |
Hope is the thing with feathers | F13.02.004 | 1891 | 1.006 | 1.032 | 254 | 314 |
Houses — so the Wise Men tell me | F06.01.004 | 1945 | 1.414 | 127 | 139 | |
How brittle are the Piers | 1433 | 1459 | ||||
How dare the robins sing | 1896 | 4.012 | 4.094 | 1724 | 1782 | |
How destitute is he | 1914 | 5.120 | 5.122 | 1477 | 1509 | |
How far is it to Heaven? | S07.06.031 | 1945 | 1.415 | 929 | 965 | |
How firm Eternity must look | 1945 | 1.410 | 1499 | 1397 | ||
How fits his Umber Coat | 1945 | 1.144 | 1371 | 1414 | ||
How fleet — how indiscreet an one | 1945 | 1.569 | 1771 | 1557 | ||
How fortunate the Grave | S06b.07.027 | 1945 | 1.391 | 897 | 1079 | |
How good his Lava Bed | 1945 | 1.006 | 1447 | 1472 | ||
How happy I was if I could forget | S06b.07.028 | 1945 | 1.201 | 898 | 1080 | |
How happy is the little Stone | 1891 | 3.033 | 2.033 | 1510 | 1570 | |
How Human Nature dotes | 1945 | 1.525 | 1417 | 1440 | ||
How know it from a Summer's Day? | 1364 | 1412 | ||||
How lonesome the Wind must feel Nights | 1945 | 1.047 | 1418 | 1441 | ||
How many Flowers fail in Wood | F28.04.011 | 1929 | 3.082 | 6.074 | 404 | 534 |
How many schemes may die | 1945 | 1.565 | 1150 | 1326 | ||
How many times these low feet staggered | F09.01.002 | 1890 | 4.011 | 4.011 | 187 | 238 |
How much of Source escapes with thee | 1517 | 1567 | ||||
How much the present moment means | 1945 | 1.520 | 1380 | 1420 | ||
How News must feel when travelling | S14.03.008 | 1945 | 1.587 | 1319 | 1379 | |
How noteless Men, and Pleiads, stand | F16.03.007 | 1929 | 4.090 | 6.080 | 282 | 342 |
How ruthless are the gentle | 1945 | 1.554 | 1439 | 1465 | ||
How sick — to wait — in any place — but thine | F20.05.015 | 1945 | 1.290 | 368 | 410 | |
How slow the Wind | 1571 | 1607 | ||||
How soft a Caterpillar steps | 1945 | 2.603 | 1448 | 1523 | ||
How soft this Prison is | 1334 | 1352 | ||||
How still the Bells in Steeples stand | S07.15.080 | 1896 | 1.010 | 1.093 | 1008 | 1008 |
How the old Mountains drip with Sunset | F13.06.017 | 1896 | 3.028 | 2.110 | 291 | 327 |
How the Waters closed above Him | S07.01.006 | 1945 | 1.344 | 923 | 941 | |
How well I knew Her not | S05.06.027 | 837 | 813 | |||
I am afraid to own a Body | S07.26.125 | 1935 | 1.019 | 7.017 | 1090 | 1050 |
I am alive — I guess | F26.05.017 | 1945 | 1.254 | 470 | 605 | |
I am ashamed — I hide | F33.02.006 | 1929 | 6.158 | 6.142 | 473 | 705 |
I asked no other thing | F32.02.008 | 1890 | 1.012 | 1.012 | 621 | 687 |
I bet with every Wind that blew | 1914 | 1.030 | 5.030 | 1215 | 1167 | |
I breathed enough to take the Trick | F14.02.006 | 1896 | 4.041 | 4.123 | 272 | 308 |
I bring an unaccustomed wine | F06.04.014 | 1891 | 1.002 | 1.028 | 132 | 126 |
I Came to buy a smile — today | F11.02.005 | 1929 | 6.140 | 6.125 | 223 | 258 |
I can wade Grief | F13.01.002 | 1891 | 1.009 | 1.035 | 252 | 312 |
I can't tell you — but you feel it | F07.04.020 | 1914 | 2.039 | 5.039 | 65 | 164 |
I cannot be ashamed | S07.09.046 | 1929 | 6.144 | 6.129 | 914 | 977 |
I cannot buy it — 'tis not sold | S07.02.008 | 1945 | 1.188 | 840 | 943 | |
I cannot dance upon my Toes | F19.01.003 | 1929 | 1.008 | 6.006 | 326 | 381 |
I cannot live with You | F33.03.007 | 1890 | 2.012 | 3.012 | 640 | 706 |
I cannot meet the Spring unmoved | 1945 | 1.053 | 1051 | 1122 | ||
I cannot see my soul but know 'tis there | 1262 | 1276 | ||||
I cannot want it more | S09.01.002 | 1945 | 1.205 | 1301 | 1228 | |
I cautious, scanned my little life | F08.05.018 | 1929 | 1.019 | 6.017 | 178 | 175 |
I could bring You Jewels — had I a mind to | F35.04.012 | 1945 | 2.652 | 697 | 726 | |
I could die — to know | F28.05.014 | 1935 | 3.104 | 7.090 | 570 | 537 |
I could not drink it, Sweet | S05.06.029 | 818 | 816 | |||
I could not prove the Years had feet | S01.01.002 | 1945 | 1.211 | 563 | 674 | |
I could suffice for Him, I knew | F33.06.015 | 1935 | 3.095 | 7.082 | 643 | 712 |
I cried at Pity — not at Pain | F19.06.016 | 1896 | 4.028* | 4.110 | 588 | 394 |
I cross till I am weary | F30.05.015 | 1935 | 3.109 | 7.094 | 550 | 666 |
I did not reach Thee | 1914 | 5.142 | 5.146 | 1664 | 1708 | |
I died for Beauty — but was scarce | F21.03.009 | 1890 | 4.010 | 4.010 | 449 | 448 |
I do not care - why should I care | 1534 | |||||
I dreaded that first Robin, so | F17.01.001 | 1891 | 3.014 | 2.014 | 348 | 347 |
I dwell in Possibility | F22.04.011 | 1929 | 1.030 | 6.027 | 657 | 466 |
I envy Seas, whereon He rides | F18.03.007 | 1896 | 2.021 | 3.055 | 498 | 368 |
I fear a Man of frugal Speech | F30.04.012 | 1929 | 1.003 | 6.001 | 543 | 663 |
I felt a Cleaving in my Mind | S02.01.002 | 1896 | 1.023 | 1.106 | 937 | 867 |
I felt a Funeral, in my Brain | F16.02.005 | 1896 | 4.030 | 4.112 | 280 | 340 |
I felt my life with both my hands | F17.05.011 | 1945 | 1.265 | 351 | 357 | |
I fit for them | 1914 | 3.082 | 5.082 | 1109 | 1129 | |
I found the words to every thought | F15.05.014 | 1891 | 1.005 | 1.031 | 581 | 436 |
I gained it so | F31.03.010 | 1891 | 1.051 | 1.077 | 359 | 639 |
I gave myself to Him | F15.02.004 | 1891 | 2.004 | 3.022 | 580 | 426 |
I got so I could take his name | F12.02.008 | 1929 | 6.183 | 6.166 | 293 | 292 |
I groped for him before I knew | 1945 | 1.320 | 1555 | 1585 | ||
I had a daily Bliss | S07.21.104 | 1896 | 1.037 | 1.120 | 1057 | 1029 |
I had a guinea golden | F01.02.012 | 1896 | 1.019 | 1.102 | 23 | 12 |
I had been hungry, all the Years | F15.06.017 | 1891 | 1.050 | 1.076 | 579 | 439 |
I had no Cause to be awake | F30.04.011 | 1891 | 4.020 | 4.060 | 542 | 662 |
I had no time to Hate | F34.03.008 | 1890 | 1.022 | 1.022 | 478 | 763 |
I had not minded — Walls | F27.03.008 | 1929 | 6.166 | 6.148 | 398 | 554 |
I had some things that I called mine | F05.02.012 | 1945 | 1.096 | 116 | 101 | |
I had the Glory — that will do | F17.02.004 | 1945 | 1.209 | 349 | 350 | |
I have a Bird in spring | 5 | 4 | ||||
I have a King, who does not speak | F07.02.006 | 1896 | 1.034 | 1.117 | 103 | 157 |
I have never seen Volcanoes | F08.04.012 | 1945 | 1.495 | 175 | 165 | |
I have no Life but this | 1891 | 2.002 | 3.020 | 1398 | 1432 | |
I haven't told my garden yet | F03.03.017 | 1891 | 4.008 | 4.048 | 50 | 40 |
I heard a Fly buzz — when I died | F26.01.003 | 1896 | 4.046 | 4.128 | 465 | 591 |
I heard, as if I had no Ear | S07.14.067 | 1945 | 1.230 | 1039 | 996 | |
I held a Jewel in my fingers | F11.04.008 | 1891 | 2.015 | 3.033 | 245 | 261 |
I held it so tight that I lost it | 1659 | |||||
I hide myself within my flower | F03.02.014* | 1890 | 2.007 | 3.007 | 903 | 80 |
I keep my pledge. | F02.05.022 | 1945 | 2.653 | 46 | 63 | |
I knew that I had gained | S07.22.108 | 1945 | 1.212 | 1022 | 1033 | |
I know a place where Summer strives | F18.01.002 | 1891 | 3.028 | 2.028 | 337 | 363 |
I know lives, I could miss | F25.02.006 | 1929 | 6.163 | 6.145 | 372 | 574 |
I know of people in the Grave | 1665 | 1704 | ||||
I know some lonely Houses off the Road | F13.01.001 | 1890 | 1.015 | 1.015 | 289 | 311 |
I know Suspense — it steps so terse | 1945 | 1.582 | 1285 | 1283 | ||
I know that He exists. | F18.02.004 | 1891 | 1.055 | 1.081 | 338 | 365 |
I know where Wells grow — Droughtless Wells | F32.05.016 | 1935 | 2.053 | 7.044 | 460 | 695 |
I learned — at least — what Home could be | S03.01.002 | 1945 | 1.280 | 944 | 891 | |
I like a look of Agony | F16.02.004 | 1890 | 4.012 | 4.012 | 241 | 339 |
I like to see it lap the Miles | F19.02.005 | 1891 | 1.017 | 1.043 | 585 | 383 |
I live with Him — I see His face | F32.06.020 | 1896 | 2.020 | 3.054 | 463 | 698 |
I lived on Dread | F23.06.020 | 1891 | 4.026 | 4.066 | 770 | 498 |
I lost a World — the other day! | F12.01.003 | 1890 | 4.036 | 4.036 | 181 | 209 |
I made slow Riches but my Gain | S07.03.012 | 1945 | 1.187 | 843 | 947 | |
I make His Crescent fill or lack | F40.06.019 | 1929 | 6.139 | 6.124 | 909 | 837 |
I many times thought Peace had come | F35.08.026 | 1891 | 1.047 | 1.073 | 739 | 737 |
I meant to find Her when I came | F39.04.012 | 1896 | 4.031 | 4.113 | 718 | 881 |
I meant to have but modest needs | F33.05.013* | 1891 | 1.013 | 1.039 | 476 | 711 |
I measure every Grief I meet | F27.02.004 | 1896 | 1.033 | 1.116 | 561 | 550 |
I met a King this afternoon! | F08.01.003 | 1945 | 1.156 | 166 | 183 | |
I never felt at Home — Below | F15.06.015 | 1929 | 2.043 | 6.037 | 413 | 437 |
I never hear that one is dead | 1945 | 1.598 | 1323 | 1325 | ||
I never hear the word escape | F06.02.009 | 1891 | 1.010 | 1.036 | 77 | 144 |
I never lost as much but twice | F03.03.016 | 1890 | 4.040 | 4.040 | 49 | 39 |
I never saw a Moor | 1890 | 4.017 | 4.017 | 1052 | 800 | |
I never told the buried gold | F03.03.015 | 1914 | 2.045 | 5.045 | 11 | 38 |
I noticed People disappeared | 1891 | 4.019 | 4.059 | 1149 | 1154 | |
I often passed the village | F03.03.018 | 1945 | 2.643 | 51 | 41 | |
I pay — in Satin Cash | F28.01.002 | 1929 | 3.070 | 6.062 | 402 | 526 |
I play at Riches — to appease | F38.04.011 | 1935 | 2.068 | 7.059 | 801 | 856 |
I prayed, at first, a little Girl | F28.07.024 | 1929 | 2.045 | 6.039 | 576 | 546 |
I read my sentence — steadily | F15.04.010 | 1891 | 4.007 | 4.047 | 412 | 432 |
I reason, Earth is short | F20.02.008 | 1890 | 4.023 | 4.023 | 301 | 403 |
I reckon — when I count it all | F28.04.010 | 1929 | 1.011 | 6.009 | 569 | 533 |
I robbed the Woods | F02.04.016 | 1891 | 3.017 | 2.017 | 41 | 57 |
I rose — because He sank | F21.05.016 | 1929 | 4.093 | 6.149 | 616 | 454 |
I saw no Way — The Heavens were stitched | F31.01.004 | 1935 | 1.023 | 7.021 | 378 | 633 |
I saw that the Flake was on it | 1267 | 1304 | ||||
I saw the wind within her | 1502 | 1531 | ||||
I see thee better — in the Dark | F21.02.003 | 1914 | 3.079 | 5.079 | 611 | 442 |
I see thee clearer for the Grave | 1666 | 1695 | ||||
I send Two Sunsets | F27.04.011 | 1914 | 2.055 | 5.055 | 308 | 557 |
I send you a decrepit flower | 1945 | 1.094 | 1324 | 1346 | ||
I shall keep singing! | F11.08.019 | 1935 | 2.032 | 7.027 | 250 | 270 |
I shall know why — when Time is over | F09.04.013 | 1890 | 4.039 | 4.039 | 193 | 215 |
I shall not murmur if at last | 1945 | 2.641 | 1410 | 1429 | ||
I should have been too glad, I see | F33.05.012 | 1891 | 1.024 | 1.050 | 313 | 283 |
I should not dare to be so sad | S10.02.005 | 1929 | 5.132 | 6.119 | 1197 | 1233 |
I should not dare to leave my friend | F09.07.027 | 1891 | 4.036 | 4.076 | 205 | 234 |
I showed her Heights she never saw | F16.05.012 | 1914 | 5.124 | 5.126 | 446 | 346 |
I sing to use the Waiting | S07.04.020 | 1896 | 4.032 | 4.114 | 850 | 955 |
I sometimes drop it, for a Quick | F37.04.012 | 1935 | 2.079 | 7.070 | 708 | 784 |
I started Early — Took my Dog | F30.02.004 | 1891 | 3.019 | 2.019 | 520 | 656 |
I stepped from Plank to Plank | S05.08.035 | 1896 | 1.053 | 1.136 | 875 | 926 |
I stole them from a Bee | F09.06.022 | 200 | 226 | |||
I sued the News — yet feared — the News | 1360 | 1391 | ||||
I suppose the time will come | 1945 | 1.051 | 1381 | 1389 | ||
I taste a liquor never brewed | F12.01.001 | 1890 | 1.020 | 1.020 | 214 | 207 |
I tend my flowers for thee | F18.02.006 | 1929 | 6.141 | 6.126 | 339 | 367 |
I think I was enchanted | F29.06.018 | 1935 | 2.039 | 7.033 | 593 | 627 |
I think just how my shape will rise | F10.05.021 | 1891 | 4.040 | 4.080 | 237 | 252 |
I think that the Root of the Wind is Water | 1914 | 2.051 | 5.051 | 1302 | 1295 | |
I think the Hemlock likes to stand | F20.02.005 | 1890 | 3.030 | 2.081 | 525 | 400 |
I think the longest Hour of all | F26.06.019 | 1945 | 1.182 | 635 | 607 | |
I think to Live — may be a Bliss | F34.01.002 | 1935 | 3.085 | 7.074 | 646 | 757 |
I thought that nature was enough | 1945 | 1.149 | 1286 | 1269 | ||
I thought the Train would never come | 1945 | 1.258 | 1449 | 1473 | ||
I tie my Hat — I crease my Shawl | F24.05.018* | 1929 | 6.180 | 6.163 | 443 | 522 |
I took my Power in my Hand | F30.03.009 | 1891 | 1.033 | 1.059 | 540 | 660 |
I took one Draught of Life | F20.01.001 | 1929 | 6.135 | 6.120 | 1725 | 396 |
I tried to think a lonelier Thing | F25.01.002 | 1945 | 1.186 | 532 | 570 | |
I want — it pleaded — All its life | F38.02.006 | 1945 | 1.399 | 731 | 851 | |
I was a Phoebe — nothing more | S07.16.081 | 1945 | 1.112 | 1009 | 1009 | |
I was the slightest in the House | F22.05.018 | 1945 | 1.179 | 486 | 473 | |
I watched her face to see which way | 1914 | 3.077 | 5.077 | 1667 | 1710 | |
I watched the Moon around the House | F26.02.005 | 1945 | 1.044 | 629 | 593 | |
I went to Heaven | F25.03.009 | 1891 | 4.014* | 4.054 | 374 | 577 |
I went to thank Her | F31.02.008 | 1890 | 4.014 | 4.014 | 363 | 637 |
I worked for chaff and earning Wheat | S08b.01.001 | 1896 | 1.038 | 1.121 | 1269 | 1217 |
I would distil a cup | 16 | A13-8 | ||||
I would not paint — a picture | F17.01.002 | 1945 | 0.000 | 505 | 348 | |
I Years had been from Home | F21.01.001 | 1891 | 1.053 | 1.079 | 609 | 440 |
I'd rather recollect a setting | 1945 | 1.591 | 1349 | 1366 | ||
I'll clutch — and clutch | F19.03.007 | 1945 | 1.197 | 427 | 385 | |
I'll send the feather from my Hat! | 687 | 196 | ||||
I'll tell you how the Sun rose | F10.03.011 | 1890 | 3.022 | 2.073 | 318 | 204 |
I'm ceded — I've stopped being Theirs | F17.03.007 | 1890 | 2.014 | 3.014 | 508 | 353 |
I'm Nobody! Who are you? | F11.04.007 | 1891 | 1.001 | 1.027 | 288 | 260 |
I'm saying every day | F25.03.007 | 1935 | 2.035 | 7.030 | 373 | 575 |
I'm sorry for the Dead — Today | F25.05.014 | 1896 | 4.042* | 4.124 | 529 | 582 |
I'm the little Heart's Ease! | F08.04.014 | 1929 | 3.069 | 6.061 | 176 | 167 |
I'm wife — I've finished that | F09.06.021 | 1890 | 2.016 | 3.016 | 199 | 225 |
I've dropped my Brain — My Soul is numb | S06b.09.036 | 1945 | 1.301 | 1046 | 1088 | |
I've got an arrow here. | F02.04.015 | 1896 | 2.011 | 3.045 | 1729 | 56 |
I've heard an Organ talk, sometimes | F12.01.005 | 1935 | 2.038 | 7.032 | 183 | 211 |
I've known a Heaven, like a Tent | F11.01.004 | 1929 | 1.034 | 6.031 | 243 | 257 |
I've none to tell me to but Thee | S05.09.038 | 1945 | 1.277 | 881 | 929 | |
I've nothing else — to bring, You know | F10.05.022 | 1929 | 3.068 | 6.060 | 224 | 253 |
I've seen a Dying Eye | F31.05.019 | 1890 | 4.015 | 4.015 | 547 | 648 |
Ideals are the Fairly Oil | S07.18.091 | 1945 | 1.443 | 983 | 1016 | |
If all the griefs I am to have | 1945 | 1.191 | 1726 | 1756 | ||
If any sink, assure that this, now standing | F29.02.007 | 1935 | 1.010 | 7.008 | 358 | 616 |
If anybody's friend be dead | F17.03.008 | 1891 | 4.021 | 4.061 | 509 | 354 |
If Blame be my side — forfeit Me | F39.02.005 | 1945 | 1.299 | 775 | 874 | |
If ever the lid gets off my head | F25.06.017 | 1945 | 1.437 | 1727 | 585 | |
If He dissolve — then | F10.05.020 | 1935 | 3.108 | 7.093 | 236 | 251 |
If He were living — dare I ask | F35.02.005 | 1929 | 6.173 | 6.156 | 734 | 719 |
If I can stop one Heart from breaking | S07.10.051 | 1890 | 1.006 | 1.006 | 919 | 982 |
If I could bribe them by a Rose | F08.05.019 | 1935 | 4.114 | 7.097 | 179 | 176 |
If I could tell how glad I was | 1914 | 5.126 | 5.128 | 1668 | 1725 | |
If I may have it, when it's dead | F15.04.009 | 1896 | 4.044 | 4.126 | 577 | 431 |
If I should cease to bring a Rose | F02.02.010 | 1945 | 2.000 | 56 | 53 | |
If I should die | F03.04.023 | 1891 | 4.027 | 4.067 | 54 | 36 |
If I should see a single bird | 1591 | |||||
If I shouldn't be alive | F12.01.004 | 1890 | 4.037 | 4.037 | 182 | 210 |
If I'm lost — now | F13.02.006 | 1945 | 1.304 | 256 | 316 | |
If it had no pencil | 1945 | 2.654 | 921 | 184 | ||
If my Bark sink | 1945 | 1.430 | 1234 | 1250 | ||
If Nature smiles — the Mother must | S06c.04.014 | 1929 | 3.063 | 6.055 | 1085 | 1101 |
If pain for peace prepares | F07.03.016 | 1914 | 3.081 | 5.081 | 63 | 155 |
If recollecting were forgetting | F01.04.024 | 1896 | 1.025 | 1.108 | 33 | 9 |
If she had been the Mistletoe | F02.04.019 | 44 | 60 | |||
If the foolish, call them flowers | F08.02.005 | 1896 | 1.011 | 1.094 | 168 | 179 |
If this is fading | F05.03.017 | 1945 | 2.640 | 120 | 119 | |
If those I loved were lost | F01.03.020 | 1945 | 1.215 | 29 | 20 | |
If What we could — were what we would | F28.05.017 | 1914 | 1.013 | 5.013 | 407 | 540 |
If wrecked upon the Shoal of Thought | 1945 | 1.534 | 1469 | 1503 | ||
If you were coming in the Fall | F17.04.010 | 1890 | 2.006 | 3.006 | 511 | 356 |
If your Nerve, deny you | F13.06.019 | 1935 | 1.012 | 7.010 | 292 | 329 |
Image of Light, Adieu | 1945 | 1.428 | 1556 | 1586 | ||
Immortal is an ample word | S08b.07.007 | 1896 | 4.021 | 4.103 | 1205 | 1223 |
Immured in Heaven! | 1914 | 3.088 | 5.088 | 1594 | 1628 | |
Impossibility, like Wine | S07.01.004 | 1945 | 1.550 | 838 | 939 | |
In Ebon Box, when years have flown | F08.02.006 | 1935 | 2.067 | 7.058 | 169 | 180 |
In falling Timbers buried | F21.03.008 | 1945 | 1.348 | 614 | 447 | |
In lands I never saw — they say | F05.04.024 | 1891 | 2.012 | 3.030 | 124 | 108 |
In many and reportless places | 1945 | 1.498 | 1382 | 1404 | ||
In rags mysterious as these | F05.02.013 | 1945 | 1.558 | 117 | 102 | |
In snow thou comest | 1669 | 1714 | ||||
In the name of the bee | F01.01.003 | 1891 | 3.047 | 2.047 | 18 | 23 |
In this short Life | 1945 | 1.521 | 1287 | 1292 | ||
In thy long Paradise of Light | 1945 | 1.226 | 1145 | 1145 | ||
In Winter in my Room | 1914 | 2.070 | 5.070 | 1670 | 1742 | |
Inconceivably solemn! | F14.04.010 | 1929 | 5.131 | 6.118 | 582 | 414 |
Incredible the Lodging | 1452 | |||||
Is Bliss then, such Abyss | F18.04.010 | 1896 | 1.052 | 1.135 | 340 | 371 |
Is Heaven a Physician? | 1891 | 1.021 | 1.047 | 1270 | 1260 | |
Is Immortality a bane | 1945 | 2.630 | 1728 | 1757 | ||
Is it dead — Find it | F15.05.012 | 1929 | 4.096 | 6.085 | 417 | 434 |
Is it too late to touch you, Dear? | 1637 | 1674 | ||||
Is it true, dear Sue? | 218 | 189 | ||||
It always felt to me — a wrong | F24.05.017 | 1929 | 2.046 | 6.040 | 597 | 521 |
It bloomed and dropt, a Single Noon | S04b.01.001 | 1945 | 2.602 | 978 | 843 | |
It came at last but prompter Death | S08b.05.005 | 1945 | 1.330 | 1230 | 1221 | |
It came his turn to beg | 1945 | 1.317 | 1500 | 1519 | ||
It can't be Summer! | F11.06.014 | 1891 | 3.046 | 2.046 | 221 | 265 |
It ceased to hurt me, though so slow | F14.06.017 | 1929 | 6.189 | 6.171 | 584 | 421 |
It did not surprise me | F02.02.007 | 1945 | 1.199 | 39 | 50 | |
It don't sound so terrible — quite — as it did | F19.02.006 | 1945 | 2.614 | 426 | 384 | |
It dropped so low — in my Regard | F37.04.013 | 1896 | 1.035 | 1.118 | 747 | 785 |
It feels a shame to be Alive | F24.07.022 | 1929 | 4.094 | 6.083 | 444 | 524 |
It is a lonesome Glee | F39.02.004 | 1945 | 1.103 | 774 | 873 | |
It is an honorable Thought | S06a.02.008 | 1896 | 4.010 | 4.092 | 946 | 1115 |
It is easy to work when the soul is at play | F11.05.009 | 1945 | 1.476 | 244 | 242 | |
It is the Meek that Valor wear | 1252 | |||||
It knew no lapse, nor Diminution | F27.06.022 | 1945 | 1.376 | 560 | 568 | |
It knew no Medicine | F27.06.021 | 1935 | 4.122 | 7.105 | 559 | 567 |
It makes no difference abroad | F32.02.007 | 1890 | 3.020 | 2.071 | 620 | 686 |
It might be lonelier | F28.04.012 | 1896 | 1.049* | 1.132 | 405 | 535 |
It rises — passes — on our South | S07.22.109 | 1945 | 1.041 | 1023 | 1034 | |
It sifts from Leaden Sieves | F24.01.001 | 1891 | 3.050* | 2.050 | 311 | 291 |
It sounded as if the Streets were running | 1891 | 3.034 | 2.034 | 1397 | 1454 | |
It stole along so stealthy | 1457 | 1497 | ||||
It struck me — every Day | F31.02.007 | 1896 | 4.050 | 4.132 | 362 | 636 |
It tossed — and tossed | F36.03.011 | 1891 | 1.025 | 1.051 | 723 | 746 |
It troubled me as once I was | F24.03.011 | 1945 | 1.150 | 600 | 516 | |
It was a Grave, yet bore no Stone | F38.03.007* | 1935 | 4.136 | 7.118 | 876 | 852 |
It was a quiet seeming Day | 1945 | 1.018 | 1419 | 1442 | ||
It was a quiet way | F25.02.005 | 1929 | 6.137 | 6.122 | 1053 | 573 |
It was given to me by the Gods | F21.05.017* | 1945 | 1.151 | 454 | 455 | |
It was not Death, for I stood up | F17.04.009 | 1891 | 4.035 | 4.075 | 510 | 355 |
It was not Saint — it was too large | S07.26.127 | 1929 | 5.121 | 6.108 | 1092 | 1052 |
It was too late for Man | F32.03.010 | 1890 | 4.032 | 4.032 | 623 | 689 |
It will be Summer — eventually. | F18.06.014 | 1896 | 3.001* | 2.083 | 342 | 374 |
It would have starved a Gnat | F21.02.005 | 1945 | 1.177 | 612 | 444 | |
It would never be Common — more — I said | F19.04.010 | 1935 | 3.098 | 7.085 | 430 | 388 |
It would not know if it were spurned | 1945 | 2.655 | 1579 | 1615 | ||
It's all I have to bring today | F01.03.017 | 1896 | 0.000 | 3.000 | 26 | 17 |
It's coming — the postponeless Creature | F27.04.010 | 1929 | 4.110 | 6.099 | 390 | 556 |
It's easy to invent a Life | F36.04.012 | 1929 | 2.041 | 6.035 | 724 | 747 |
It's like the Light | F12.05.019 | 1896 | 3.016 | 2.098 | 297 | 302 |
It's such a little thing to weep | F09.03.009 | 1896 | 1.008 | 1.091 | 189 | 220 |
It's thoughts — and just One Heart | F18.01.001 | 1935 | 2.033 | 7.028 | 495 | 362 |
Its Hour with itself | S08a.07.007 | 1929 | 5.124 | 6.111 | 1225 | 1211 |
Its little Ether Hood | 1945 | 1.140 | 1501 | 1490 | ||
Jesus! thy Crucifix | F12.03.015 | 1945 | 1.229 | 225 | 197 | |
Joy to have merited the Pain | F36.01.002 | 1929 | 6.178 | 6.161 | 788 | 739 |
Judgment is justest | 1671 | 1707 | ||||
Just as He spoke it from his Hands | S07.04.018 | 1945 | 1.458 | 848 | 953 | |
Just lost, when I was saved! | F10.03.013 | 1891 | 1.057 | 1.083 | 160 | 132 |
Just Once! Oh least Request! | F22.06.023 | 1929 | A.202 | A.005 | 1076 | 478 |
Just so — Jesus — raps | F11.06.012 | 1914 | 5.134 | 5.137 | 317 | 263 |
Kill your Balm — and its Odors bless you | F14.02.007 | 1945 | 1.586 | 238 | 309 | |
Knock with tremor | 1945 | 1.390 | 1325 | 1333 | ||
Knows how to forget! | F19.05.013* | 1945 | 1.210* | 433 | 391 | |
Lad of Athens, faithful be | 1768 | 1606 | ||||
Lain in Nature — so suffice us | 1945 | 1.387 | 1288 | 1309 | ||
Lay this Laurel on the One | 1891 | 4.042 | 4.082 | 1393 | 1428 | |
Least Bee that brew | F39.03.009 | 1945 | 1.128 | 676 | 878 | |
Least Rivers — docile to some sea | F10.03.015 | 1945 | 2.656 | 212 | 206 | |
Left in immortal Youth | 1945 | 1.382 | 1289 | 1289 | ||
Lest any doubt that we are glad that they were born Today | 1156 | 1191 | ||||
Lest they should come — is all my fear | 1945 | 2.632 | 1169 | 1204 | ||
Lest this be Heaven indeed | S07.14.071 | 1945 | 1.501 | 1043 | 1000 | |
Let down the Bars, Oh Death | S06a.04.013 | 1891 | 4.001 | 4.041 | 1065 | 1117 |
Let me not mar that perfect Dream | 1896 | 2.019* | 3.053 | 1335 | 1361 | |
Let me not thirst with this Hock at my Lip | 1945 | 2.626 | 1772 | excluded | ||
Let my first Knowing be of thee | 1945 | 1.264 | 1218 | 1254 | ||
Let others - show this Surry's Grace | 290 | |||||
Let Us play Yesterday | F36.06.021 | 1935 | 3.105 | 7.091 | 728 | 754 |
Lethe in my flower | F02.04.013 | 1945 | 2.657 | 1730 | 54 | |
Life — is what we make of it | F35.04.013 | 1929 | 4.106 | 6.095 | 698 | 727 |
Life is death we're lengthy at | 502 | |||||
Life, and Death, and Giants | F37.02.005 | 1896 | 1.039 | 1.122 | 706 | 777 |
Lift it — with the Feathers | 1945 | 1.450 | 1348 | 1362 | ||
Light is sufficient to itself | S05.02.008 | 1945 | 1.012 | 862 | 506 | |
Lightly stepped a yellow star | 1914 | 2.058 | 5.058 | 1672 | 1698 | |
Like Brooms of Steel | 1914 | 2.067 | 5.067 | 1252 | 1241 | |
Like eyes that looked on Wastes | F32.04.014 | 1945 | 1.198 | 458 | 693 | |
Like Flowers, that heard the news of Dews | F17.06.015 | 513 | 361 | |||
Like her the Saints retire | F07.03.011 | 60 | 150 | |||
Like Men and Women Shadows walk | S07.06.030 | 1914 | 2.041 | 5.041 | 1105 | 964 |
Like Mighty Foot Lights — burned the Red | F24.01.002 | 1891 | 3.041 | 2.041 | 595 | 507 |
Like Rain it sounded till it curved | 1945 | 1.022 | 1235 | 1245 | ||
Like Some Old fashioned Miracle | F20.04.013 | 1914 | 2.060 | 5.060 | 302 | 408 |
Like Time's insidious wrinkle | 1945 | 1.099 | 1236 | 1264 | ||
Like Trains of Cars on Tracks of Plush | S08a.09.009 | 1890 | 3.014 | 2.065 | 1224 | 1213 |
Lives he in any other world | 1945 | 1.315 | 1557 | 1587 | ||
Long Years apart — can make no | 1945 | 1.326 | 1383 | 1405 | ||
Longing is like the Seed | 1929 | 6.171 | 6.154 | 1255 | 1298 | |
Look back on Time, with kindly eyes | 1890 | 4.008 | 4.008 | 1478 | 1251 | |
Love — is anterior to Life | S07.10.049 | 1896 | 2.003 | 3.037 | 917 | 980 |
Love — is that later Thing than Death | S04a.01.001 | 1945 | 1.570 | 924 | 840 | |
Love — thou art high | F21.04.014 | 1929 | 6.145 | 6.130 | 453 | 452 |
Love can do all but raise the Dead | 1945 | 1.571 | 1731 | 1758 | ||
Love is done when Love's begun | 1485 | 1526 | ||||
Love reckons by itself — alone | 1914 | 5.114 | 5.116 | 826 | 812 | |
Love's stricken why | 1368 | 1392 | ||||
Low at my problem bending | F05.02.010 | 1914 | 3.080 | 5.080 | 69 | 99 |
Luck is not chance | 1945 | 1.566 | 1350 | 1360 | ||
Make me a picture of the sun | F09.01.003 | 1945 | 1.173 | 188 | 239 | |
Mama never forgets her birds | 1945 | 1.168 | 164 | 130 | ||
Many a phrase has the English language | F12.07.024 | 1935 | 3.089 | 7.077 | 276 | 333 |
Many cross the Rhine | F05.04.023 | 1945 | 2.658 | 123 | 107 | |
March is the Month of Expectation. | 1914 | 2.048 | 5.048 | 1404 | 1422 | |
Me — come! My dazzled face | F19.04.011 | 1896 | 4.026 | 4.108 | 431 | 389 |
Me from Myself — to banish | F33.04.010 | 1929 | 5.123 | 6.110 | 642 | 709 |
Me prove it now — Whoever doubt | F31.01.002 | 1935 | 3.110 | 7.095 | 537 | 631 |
Me, change! Me, alter! | 1945 | 1.268 | 268 | 281 | ||
Meeting by Accident | 1945 | 1.288 | 1548 | 1578 | ||
Midsummer, was it, when They died | F40.01.003 | 1929 | 4.097 | 6.086 | 962 | 822 |
Mine — by the Right of the White Election! | F20.05.016 | 1890 | 2.001 | 3.001 | 528 | 411 |
Mine Enemy is growing old | 1891 | 1.042 | 1.068 | 1509 | 1539 | |
More Life — went out — when He went | F14.04.011 | 1935 | 1.004 | 7.002 | 422 | 415 |
More than the Grave is closed to me | 1945 | 1.385 | 1503 | 1532 | ||
Morning — is the place for Dew | F09.06.019 | 1896 | 3.009 | 2.091 | 197 | 223 |
Morning — means Milking — to the Farmer | F30.02.005 | 1914 | 2.037 | 5.037 | 300 | 191 |
Morning is due to all | 1577 | 1621 | ||||
Morning that comes but once | 1945 | 1.008 | 1610 | 1645 | ||
Morns like these — we parted | F01.03.018 | 1891 | 4.005 | 4.045 | 27 | 18 |
Most she touched me by her muteness | F23.02.005 | 1929 | 3.081 | 6.073 | 760 | 483 |
Much Madness is divinest Sense | F29.03.011 | 1890 | 1.011 | 1.011 | 435 | 620 |
Musicians wrestle everywhere | F09.05.015 | 1891 | 1.056 | 1.082 | 157 | 229 |
Must be a Woe | F28.05.015 | 1935 | 1.025 | 7.023 | 571 | 538 |
Mute thy Coronation | 1945 | 1.324 | 151 | 133 | ||
My best Acquaintances are those | S06b.02.008 | 1945 | 1.225 | 932 | 1062 | |
My Cocoon tightens — Colors tease | S06c.06.020 | 1890 | 4.006 | 4.006 | 1099 | 1107 |
My country need not change her gown | 1891 | 1.029 | 1.055 | 1511 | 1540 | |
My Eye is fuller than my vase | F09.06.024 | 1945 | 1.271 | 202 | 228 | |
My Faith is larger than the Hills | F23.04.011 | 1929 | 3.058 | 6.050 | 766 | 489 |
My first well Day — since many ill | F28.06.019 | 1935 | 2.043 | 7.036 | 574 | 288 |
My friend attacks my friend! | F05.02.014 | 1945 | 1.223 | 118 | 103 | |
My friend must be a Bird | F03.01.005 | 1896 | 2.017 | 3.051 | 92 | 71 |
My Garden — like the Beach | F22.04.014 | 1935 | 2.059 | 7.050 | 484 | 469 |
My God — He sees thee | 1178 | 1168 | ||||
My Heart ran so to thee | 1945 | 1.314 | 1237 | 1331 | ||
My Heart upon a little Plate | S07.23.114 | 1945 | 2.659 | 1027 | 1039 | |
My life closed twice before its close | 1896 | 1.013 | 1.096 | 1732 | 1773 | |
My Life had stood — a Loaded Gun | F34.04.009 | 1929 | 6.143 | 6.128 | 754 | 764 |
My Maker — let me be | 1403 | 1463 | ||||
My nosegays are for Captives | F03.02.008 | 1891 | 0.000 | 2.000 | 95 | 74 |
My period had come for Prayer | F28.01.001 | 1929 | 2.047 | 6.041 | 564 | 525 |
My Portion is Defeat — today | F33.02.005 | 1929 | 5.126 | 6.113 | 639 | 704 |
My Reward for Being, was This. | F18.06.015* | 1945 | 2.619 | 343 | 375 | |
My River runs to thee | F09.03.008 | 1890 | 2.011 | 3.011 | 162 | 219 |
My Season's furthest Flower | S07.21.105 | 1945 | 2.660 | 1019 | 1030 | |
My Soul — accused me — And I quailed | F37.06.021 | 1929 | 5.122 | 6.109 | 753 | 793 |
My Triumph lasted till the Drums | S08a.08.008 | 1935 | 1.003 | 7.001 | 1227 | 1212 |
My Wars are laid away in Books | 1945 | 1.227 | 1549 | 1579 | ||
My wheel is in the dark! | F02.05.020 | 1914 | 1.017 | 5.017 | 10 | 61 |
My Worthiness is all my Doubt | F37.06.019 | 1896 | 2.002 | 3.036 | 751 | 791 |
Myself can read the Telegrams | S07.25.124 | 1945 | 1.183 | 1089 | 1049 | |
Myself was formed — a Carpenter | F22.06.020 | 1935 | 2.071 | 7.062 | 488 | 475 |
Nature — sometimes sears a Sapling | F22.01.002 | 1945 | 1.474 | 314 | 457 | |
Nature — the Gentlest Mother is | F36.02.005 | 1891 | 3.001 | 2.001 | 790 | 741 |
Nature affects to be sedate | 1945 | 1.089 | 1170 | 1176 | ||
Nature and God — I neither knew | S05.06.024 | 835 | 803 | |||
Nature assigns the Sun | 1336 | 1371 | ||||
Nature can do no more | 1673 | 1722 | ||||
Nature is what we see | F35.02.007 | 1914 | 2.034 | 5.034 | 668 | 721 |
Nature rarer uses Yellow | S06b.09.034 | 1891 | 3.031 | 2.031 | 1045 | 1086 |
Never for Society | F37.04.011 | 1935 | 2.037 | 7.031 | 746 | 783 |
New feet within my garden go | F03.02.013 | 1890 | 3.001 | 2.052 | 99 | 79 |
No Autumn's intercepting Chill | 1914 | 5.116 | 5.118 | 1516 | 1563 | |
No Bobolink — reverse His Singing | F34.04.011 | 1945 | 1.109 | 755 | 766 | |
No Brigadier throughout the Year | 1891 | 3.051 | 2.051 | 1561 | 1596 | |
No Crowd that has occurred | F30.01.001 | 1929 | 4.111 | 6.100 | 515 | 653 |
No ladder needs the bird but skies | 1574 | 1605 | ||||
No Life can pompless pass away | 1891 | 4.018 | 4.058 | 1626 | 1594 | |
No Man can compass a Despair | F33.06.017 | 1935 | 4.141 | 7.123 | 477 | 714 |
No man saw awe, nor to his house | 1945 | 1.563 | 1733 | 1342 | ||
No matter — now — Sweet | F35.06.022* | 1945 | 1.294 | 704 | 734 | |
No matter where the Saints abide | 1914 | 5.128 | 5.130 | 1541 | 1576 | |
No Notice gave She, but a Change | F38.05.015 | 1935 | 4.124 | 7.107 | 804 | 860 |
No Other can reduce | F36.01.001* | 1914 | 1.015 | 5.015 | 982 | 738 |
No Passenger was known to flee | 1945 | 1.537 | 1406 | 1451 | ||
No Prisoner be | F36.02.006 | 720 | 742 | |||
No Rack can torture me | F31.06.020 | 1890 | 4.035 | 4.035 | 384 | 649 |
No Romance sold unto | F26.01.002 | 1914 | 1.012 | 5.012 | 669 | 590 |
No Rose, yet felt myself a'bloom | 190 | |||||
Nobody knows this little Rose | F01.04.027 | 1945 | 1.083 | 35 | 11 | |
None can experience sting | F39.01.001 | 1945 | 1.592 | 771 | 870 | |
None who saw it ever told it | 1945 | 1.479 | 1110 | 1135 | ||
Noon — is the Hinge of Day | S06b.02.006 | 1945 | 1.013 | 931 | 1060 | |
Nor Mountain hinder Me | S07.23.116 | 1945 | 1.308 | 1029 | 1041 | |
Not all die early, dying young | S05.11.047 | 990 | 937 | |||
Not any higher stands the Grave | S08a.10.010 | 1896 | 4.016 | 4.098 | 1256 | 1214 |
Not any more to be lacked | S14.04.011 | 1929 | 4.092 | 6.082 | 1344 | 1382 |
Not any sunny tone | 1914 | 3.071 | 5.071 | 1674 | 1738 | |
Not at Home to Callers | 1590 | 1604 | ||||
Not in this World to see his face | F15.05.013 | 1890 | 4.021 | 4.021 | 418 | 435 |
Not knowing when the Dawn will come | 1896 | 3.007 | 2.089 | 1619 | 1647 | |
Not One by Heaven defrauded stay | 1914 | 3.083 | 5.083 | 1303 | 1296 | |
Not probable — The barest Chance | S01.02.006 | 1935 | 3.093 | 7.080 | 346 | 678 |
Not Revelation — 'tis — that waits | 685 | 500 | ||||
Not seeing, still we know | 1518 | 1566 | ||||
Not Sickness stains the Brave | 1613 | 1661 | ||||
Not so the infinite Relations — Below | S07.14.068 | 1945 | 1.419 | 1040 | 997 | |
Not that he goes — we love him more | 1435 | 1461 | ||||
Not that We did, shall be the test | S07.08.040 | 1929 | 6.193 | 6.175 | 823 | 972 |
Not to discover weakness is | S07.17.085 | 1945 | 1.551 | 1054 | 1011 | |
Not with a Club, the Heart is broken | S12.01.002 | 1896 | 2.016 | 3.050 | 1304 | 1349 |
Now I knew I lost her | S11.02.005 | 1945 | 1.202 | 1219 | 1274 | |
Now I lay thee down to Sleep | 1539 | 1575 | ||||
Obtaining but our own Extent | 1543 | 1573 | ||||
Of all the Souls that stand create | 1891 | 2.001 | 3.019 | 664 | 279 | |
Of all the Sounds despatched abroad | F12.08.025 | 1890 | 3.024 | 2.075 | 321 | 334 |
Of Being is a Bird | F22.03.007 | 1929 | 1.020 | 6.018 | 653 | 462 |
Of Bronze — and Blaze | F13.03.009 | 1896 | 3.027 | 2.109 | 290 | 319 |
Of Brussels — it was not | F24.02.005 | 1945 | 2.661 | 602 | 510 | |
Of Consciousness, her awful Mate | S06b.07.024 | 1945 | 1.596 | 894 | 1076 | |
Of Course — I prayed | F25.04.013 | 1929 | 2.044 | 6.038 | 376 | 581 |
Of Death I try to think like this | 1945 | 1.422 | 1558 | 1588 | ||
Of Glory not a Beam is left | 1647 | 1685 | ||||
Of God we ask one favor | 1601 | 1675 | ||||
Of Life to own | 1294 | 1327 | ||||
Of Nature I shall have enough | 1945 | 1.091 | 1220 | 1170 | ||
Of nearness to her sundered Things | F16.01.002 | 1929 | 4.104 | 6.093 | 607 | 337 |
Of Paradise' existence | 1945 | 1.424 | 1411 | 1421 | ||
Of Paul and Silas it is said | S08a.01.001 | 1945 | 1.219 | 1166 | 1206 | |
Of Silken Speech and Specious Shoe | S06b.07.026 | 1945 | 1.125 | 896 | 1078 | |
Of so divine a Loss | 1914 | 5.137 | 5.140 | 1179 | 1202 | |
Of the Heart that goes in, and closes the Door | S06c.05.018 | 1945 | 1.480 | 1098 | 1105 | |
Of their peculiar light | 1362 | 1396 | ||||
Of this is Day composed | 1914 | 2.056 | 5.056 | 1675 | 1692 | |
Of Tolling Bell I ask the cause? | S05.10.043 | 1896 | 4.043 | 4.125 | 947 | 933 |
Of Tribulation, these are They | F13.06.018 | 1891 | 4.039 | 4.079 | 325 | 328 |
Of whom so dear | 1945 | 1.327 | 1504 | 1533 | ||
Of Yellow was the outer Sky | 1676 | 1733 | ||||
Oh Future! thou secreted peace | 1945 | 1.426 | 1631 | 1652 | ||
Oh give it Motion — deck it sweet | 1945 | 1.358 | 1527 | 1550 | ||
Oh Shadow on the Grass | S10.03.009 | 1929 | 3.084 | 6.076 | 1187 | 1237 |
Oh Sumptuous moment | 1945 | 1.262 | 1125 | 1186 | ||
Oh what a Grace is this | 1615 | 1669 | ||||
Oh, honey of an hour | 1945 | 1.189 | 1734 | 1477 | ||
On a Columnar Self | F36.02.004 | 1929 | 5.128 | 6.115 | 789 | 740 |
On my volcano grows the Grass | 1914 | 5.125 | 5.127 | 1677 | 1743 | |
On such a night, or such a night | F04.04.016 | 1891 | 4.024 | 4.064 | 146 | 84 |
On that dear Frame the Years had worn | S05.07.032 | 1945 | 1.366 | 940 | 924 | |
On that specific Pillow | 1945 | 1.593 | 1533 | 1554 | ||
On the World you colored | 1945 | 1.313 | 1171 | 1203 | ||
On this long storm the Rainbow rose | F09.04.014 | 1890 | 4.005 | 4.005 | 194 | 216 |
On this wondrous sea | F01.04.025 | 1896 | 4.059 | 4.141 | 4 | 3 |
Once more, my now bewildered Dove | F02.05.024 | 1945 | 1.451 | 48 | 65 | |
One and One — are One | F23.06.019 | 1929 | 6.156 | 6.140 | 769 | 497 |
One Anguish — in a Crowd | F28.01.003 | 1945 | 1.511 | 565 | 527 | |
One Blessing had I than the rest | F34.05.012 | 1896 | 2.004 | 3.038 | 756 | 767 |
One crown that no one seeks | 1945 | 1.514 | 1735 | 1759 | ||
One Crucifixion is recorded — only | F30.06.019 | 1945 | 1.513 | 553 | 670 | |
One Day is there of the Series | S06a.01.001 | 1896 | 1.054 | 1.137 | 814 | 1110 |
One dignity delays for all | F03.02.011 | 1890 | 4.001 | 4.001 | 98 | 77 |
One Joy of so much anguish | 1945 | 1.107 | 1420 | 1450 | ||
One Life of so much Consequence! | F10.04.016 | 1929 | 6.142 | 6.127 | 270 | 248 |
One need not be a Chamber — to be Haunted | F20.04.012 | 1891 | 4.029 | 4.069 | 670 | 407 |
One note from One Bird | 1478 | |||||
One of the ones that Midas touched | 1891 | 3.013 | 2.013 | 1466 | 1488 | |
One Sister have I in our house | F02.02.011* | 1914 | 0.000 | 5.000 | 14 | 5 |
One thing of it we borrow | 1464 | 1516 | ||||
One Year ago — jots what? | F12.05.018 | 1945 | 1.292 | 296 | 301 | |
Only a Shrine, but Mine | S07.10.050 | 1929 | 6.172 | 6.155 | 918 | 981 |
Only God — detect the Sorrow | F32.04.013 | 1935 | 4.149 | 7.131 | 626 | 692 |
Opinion is a flitting thing | 1455 | 1495 | ||||
Our journey had advanced | F21.05.015 | 1891 | 4.022 | 4.062 | 615 | 453 |
Our little Kinsmen — after Rain | S05.10.042 | 1945 | 1.101 | 885 | 932 | |
Our little secrets slink away | 1945 | 1.560 | 1326 | 1318 | ||
Our lives are Swiss | F06.04.017 | 1896 | 1.040 | 1.123 | 80 | 129 |
Our own possessions — though our own | 1208 | 1267 | ||||
Our share of night to bear | F05.01.007 | 1890 | 1.002 | 1.002 | 113 | 116 |
Ourselves we do inter with sweet derision. | 1144 | 1449 | ||||
Ourselves were wed one summer — dear | F26.03.008 | 1945 | 1.194 | 631 | 596 | |
Out of sight? What of that? | F35.06.021 | 1929 | 3.066 | 6.058 | 703 | 733 |
Over and over, like a Tune | F20.03.011 | 1929 | 4.112 | 6.101 | 367 | 406 |
Over the fence | F11.08.020 | 1945 | 1.161 | 251 | 271 | |
Pain — expands the Time | F40.04.015 | 1929 | 5.118 | 6.105 | 967 | 833 |
Pain — has an Element of Blank | F34.02.005 | 1890 | 1.019 | 1.019 | 650 | 760 |
Pain has but one Acquaintance | S06a.04.016 | 1945 | 1.351 | 1049 | 1119 | |
Papa above! | F07.03.012 | 1914 | 4.093 | 5.093 | 61 | 151 |
Paradise is of the option. | 1945 | 2.629 | 1069 | 1125 | ||
Paradise is that old mansion | 1945 | 2.616 | 1119 | 1144 | ||
Partake as doth the Bee | S07.13.064 | 1945 | 2.662 | 994 | 806 | |
Parting with Thee reluctantly | 1614 | 1667 | ||||
Pass to they Rendezvous of Light | 1564 | 1624 | ||||
Patience — has a quiet Outer | S04a.01.003 | 1945 | 1.492 | 926 | 842 | |
Peace is a fiction of our Faith | S07.08.038 | 1945 | 1.553 | 912 | 971 | |
Perception of an object costs | S06c.05.016 | 1914 | 1.014 | 5.014 | 1071 | 1103 |
Perhaps I asked too large | F17.05.012 | 1945 | 2.613 | 352 | 358 | |
Perhaps they do not go so far | 1399 | 1455 | ||||
Perhaps you think me stooping | S05.02.010 | 833 | 273 | |||
Perhaps you'd like to buy a flower | F04.01.001 | 1890 | 3.004 | 2.055 | 134 | 92 |
Peril as a Possession | 1914 | 1.006 | 5.006 | 1678 | 1699 | |
Pigmy seraphs — gone astray | F04.01.005 | 1891 | 3.011 | 2.011 | 138 | 96 |
Pink — small — and punctual | 1890 | 3.002 | 2.053 | 1332 | 1357 | |
Poor little Heart! | F09.04.012 | 1896 | 2.009 | 3.043 | 192 | 214 |
Portraits are to daily faces | F08.02.007* | 1891 | 1.032 | 1.058 | 170 | 174 |
Power is a familiar growth | 1945 | 1.564 | 1238 | 1287 | ||
Praise it — 'tis dead | 1945 | 1.408 | 1384 | 1406 | ||
Prayer is the little implement | F29.04.014 | 1891 | 1.054 | 1.080 | 437 | 623 |
Precious to Me — She still shall be | F36.05.017 | 1945 | 1.196 | 727 | 751 | |
Presentiment — is that long Shadow — on the Lawn | F23.03.009 | 1890 | 3.016 | 2.067 | 764 | 487 |
Promise This — When You be Dying | F34.03.007 | 1935 | 3.090 | 7.078 | 648 | 762 |
Proud of my broken heart, since thou didst break it, | 1896 | 2.001 | 3.035 | 1736 | 1760 | |
Publication — is the Auction | F37.05.016 | 1929 | 1.004 | 6.002 | 709 | 788 |
Purple — is fashionable twice | 1945 | 1.499 | 980 | 896 | ||
Pursuing you in your transitions | 1602 | 1664 | ||||
Put up my lute! | F13.04.014 | 1935 | 4.140 | 7.122 | 261 | 324 |
Quite empty, quite at rest | 1606 | 1632 | ||||
Rather arid delight | 1679 | 1718 | ||||
Read — Sweet — how others — strove | F13.04.013 | 1890 | 1.018 | 1.018 | 260 | 323 |
Rearrange a Wife's affection! | F11.07.016 | 1945 | 1.275 | 1737 | 267 | |
Recollect the Face of me | 1945 | 1.335 | 1305 | 1306 | ||
Red Sea, indeed! Talk not to me | 1945 | 1.027 | 1642 | 1681 | ||
Rehearsal to Ourselves | F30.04.013 | 1929 | 6.179 | 6.162 | 379 | 664 |
Remember me implored the Thief! | S08a.03.003 | 1914 | 4.096 | 5.096 | 1180 | 1208 |
Remembrance has a Rear and Front | S10.02.006 | 1896 | 1.041 | 1.124 | 1182 | 1234 |
Remorse — is Memory — awake | F37.03.009 | 1891 | 1.043 | 1.069 | 744 | 781 |
Removed from Accident of Loss | F14.04.013 | 1935 | 2.073 | 7.064 | 424 | 417 |
Renunciation — is a piercing Virtue | F37.03.010 | 1929 | 6.167 | 6.150 | 745 | 782 |
Reportless Subjects, to the Quick | S06a.04.014 | 1945 | 1.547 | 1048 | 1118 | |
Rest at Night | F23.04.012 | 1945 | 1.014 | 714 | 490 | |
Reverse cannot befall | F27.06.019 | 1914 | 1.008 | 5.008 | 395 | 565 |
Revolution is the Pod | S07.24.119 | 1929 | 1.033 | 6.030 | 1082 | 1044 |
Ribbons of the Year | S06b.03.011 | 1945 | 1.172 | 873 | 1065 | |
Risk is the Hair that holds the Tun | 1945 | 1.574 | 1239 | 1253 | ||
Robbed by Death — but that was easy | F40.06.020 | 1945 | 1.278 | 971 | 838 | |
Safe Despair it is that raves | 1914 | 5.135 | 5.138 | 1243 | 1196 | |
Safe in their Alabaster Chambers | F06.03.012* | 1890 | 4.004 | 4.004 | 216 | 124 |
Said Death to Passion | S07.12.057 | 1945 | 1.354 | 1033 | 988 | |
Sang from the Heart, Sire | S06b.08.031 | 1945 | 1.261 | 1059 | 1083 | |
Satisfaction — is the Agent | S07.11.053 | 1945 | 1.552 | 1036 | 984 | |
Savior! I've no one else to tell | F12.03.011 | 1896 | 2.014* | 3.048 | 217 | 295 |
Secrets is a daily word | 1945 | 1.559 | 1385 | 1494 | ||
September's Baccalaureate | S15.01.001 | 1945 | 1.062 | 1271 | 1313 | |
Severer Service of myself | F39.06.020 | 1945 | 1.283 | 786 | 887 | |
Sexton! My Master's sleeping here. | F03.02.009 | 1935 | 4.113 | 7.096 | 96 | 75 |
Shall I take thee, the Poet said | 1945 | 1.436 | 1126 | 1243 | ||
Shame is the shawl of Pink | 1945 | 1.491 | 1412 | 1437 | ||
She bore it till the simple veins | F04.04.013 | 1935 | 4.130 | 7.112 | 144 | 81 |
She could not live upon the Past | 1945 | 2.611 | 1505 | 1535 | ||
She dealt her pretty words like Blades | F22.02.003 | 1929 | 1.032 | 6.029 | 479 | 458 |
She died — this was the way she died. | F07.03.015 | 1891 | 4.030 | 4.070 | 150 | 154 |
She died at play | F06.02.006 | 1914 | 2.036 | 5.036 | 75 | 141 |
She dwelleth in the Ground | F36.03.009 | 1945 | 2.663 | 671 | 744 | |
She hideth Her the last | F27.06.018 | 1935 | 2.065 | 7.056 | 557 | 564 |
She laid her docile Crescent down | 1896 | 4.019 | 4.101 | 1396 | 1453 | |
She lay as if at play | F20.05.017 | 1935 | 4.129 | 7.111 | 369 | 412 |
She rose as high as His Occasion | S07.19.094 | 1945 | 1.404 | 1011 | 1019 | |
She rose to His Requirement — dropt | F38.04.012 | 1890 | 2.017 | 3.017 | 732 | 857 |
She sights a Bird — she chuckles | F17.02.005 | 1945 | 1.117 | 507 | 351 | |
She slept beneath a tree | F01.02.015 | 1896 | 3.002 | 2.084 | 25 | 15 |
She sped as Petals of a Rose | 991 | 897 | ||||
She staked her Feathers — Gained an Arc | F38.03.008 | 1935 | 4.133 | 7.115 | 798 | 853 |
She sweeps with many-colored Brooms | F13.03.008 | 1891 | 3.040 | 2.040 | 219 | 318 |
She went as quiet as the Dew | F07.02.008 | 1890 | 4.028 | 4.028 | 149 | 159 |
She's happy, with a new Content | F25.06.019 | 1935 | 4.132 | 7.114 | 535 | 587 |
Shells from the Coast mistaking | F35.01.002 | 1945 | 1.216 | 693 | 716 | |
Should you but fail at — Sea | 226 | 275 | ||||
Show me Eternity, and I will show you Memory | 1658 | |||||
Sic transit gloria mundi | 3 | 2 | ||||
Silence is all we dread. | 1945 | 2.631 | 1251 | 1300 | ||
Size circumscribes — it has no room | F33.03.008 | 1935 | 2.070 | 7.061 | 641 | 707 |
Sleep is supposed to be | F03.04.022 | 1890 | 4.038 | 4.038 | 13 | 35 |
Smiling back from Coronation | F31.06.022 | 1945 | 1.546 | 385 | 651 | |
Snow beneath whose chilly softness | S05.06.028 | 1945 | 1.388 | 942 | 921 | |
Snow flakes. | F02.01.004 | 1945 | 1.174 | 36 | 45 | |
So bashful when I spied her! | F03.01.004 | 1890 | 3.019 | 2.070 | 91 | 70 |
So from the mould | F05.01.001 | 1914 | 2.052 | 5.052 | 66 | 110 |
So gay a Flower | 1914 | 1.019 | 5.019 | 1456 | 1496 | |
So give me back to Death | 1945 | 1.337 | 1632 | 1653 | ||
So glad we are — a Stranger'd deem | F26.06.020 | 329 | 608 | |||
So has a Daisy vanished | F01.03.019 | 1945 | 1.364 | 28 | 19 | |
So I pull my Stockings off | S11.01.001 | 1945 | 1.158 | 1201 | 1271 | |
So large my Will | S07.22.110 | 1945 | 1.190 | 1024 | 1035 | |
So much of Heaven has gone from Earth | S10.04.012 | 1929 | 2.050* | 6.044 | 1228 | 1240 |
So much Summer | F34.02.006 | 1945 | 1.195 | 651 | 761 | |
So proud she was to die | 1896 | 4.035 | 4.117 | 1272 | 1278 | |
So set its Sun in Thee | S07.01.005 | 1914 | 5.130 | 5.132 | 808 | 940 |
So the Eyes accost — and sunder | F37.06.020 | 1929 | 6.136 | 6.121 | 752 | 792 |
So well that I can live without | F32.01.003 | 1929 | 6.168 | 6.151 | 456 | 682 |
Society for me my misery | 1945 | 2.634 | 1534 | 1195 | ||
Soft as the massacre of Suns | 1945 | 2.623 | 1127 | 1146 | ||
Softened by Time's consummate plush | 1896 | 1.055 | 1.138 | 1738 | 1772 | |
Soil of Flint, if steady tilled | F38.06.017 | 1896 | 1.027 | 1.110 | 681 | 862 |
Some — Work for Immortality | F28.04.013 | 1929 | 1.005 | 6.003 | 406 | 536 |
Some Arrows slay but whom they strike | 1565 | 1666 | ||||
Some Days retired from the rest | 1914 | 2.040 | 5.040 | 1157 | 1169 | |
Some keep the Sabbath going to Church | F09.07.029 | 1890 | 3.006 | 2.057 | 324 | 236 |
Some one prepared this mighty show | 1945 | 1.056 | 1644 | 1678 | ||
Some Rainbow — coming from the Fair! | F07.04.018 | 1890 | 3.008 | 2.059 | 64 | 162 |
Some say goodnight — at night | F25.06.018 | 1929 | 6.157 | 6.141 | 1739 | 586 |
Some such Butterfly be seen | F30.03.010 | 1935 | 2.058 | 7.049 | 541 | 661 |
Some things that fly there be | F03.01.002 | 1890 | 1.014 | 1.014 | 89 | 68 |
Some we see no more, Tenements of Wonder | S08a.06.006 | 1945 | 1.418 | 1221 | 1210 | |
Some Wretched creature, savior take | 1945 | 1.231 | 1111 | 1132 | ||
Some, too fragile for winter winds | F04.02.009 | 1891 | 4.011 | 4.051 | 141 | 91 |
Somehow myself survived the Night | S08a.04.004 | 1935 | 1.014 | 7.012 | 1194 | 1209 |
Sometimes with the Heart | 1680 | 1727 | ||||
Somewhat, to hope for | S07.14.069 | 1945 | 1.467 | 1041 | 998 | |
Somewhere upon the general Earth | S08b.10.010 | 1945 | 1.332 | 1231 | 1226 | |
Soto! Explore thyself! | S05.08.034 | 832 | 814 | |||
Soul, take thy risk. | 1945 | 2.624 | 1151 | 1136 | ||
Soul, Wilt thou toss again? | F04.02.007 | 1890 | 1.003 | 1.003 | 139 | 89 |
South Winds jostle them | F05.02.009 | 1891 | 3.038 | 2.038 | 86 | 98 |
Sown in dishonor! | F07.03.014 | 1914 | 4.098 | 5.098 | 62 | 153 |
Speech — is a prank of Parliament | 688 | 193 | ||||
Speech is one symptom of Affection | 1914 | 4.108 | 5.110 | 1681 | 1694 | |
Split the Lark — and you'll find the Music | S05.02.007 | 1896 | 2.007 | 3.041 | 861 | 905 |
Spring comes on the World | S07.14.070 | 1945 | 1.256 | 1042 | 999 | |
Spring is the Period | S07.03.013 | 1945 | 1.052 | 844 | 948 | |
Spurn the temerity | 1432 | 1485 | ||||
Step lightly on this narrow spot | S09.01.001 | 1891 | 4.004* | 4.044 | 1183 | 1227 |
Still own thee — still thou art | 1945 | 1.312 | 1633 | 1654 | ||
Strong Draughts of Their Refreshing Minds | F34.06.016 | 1929 | 1.013 | 6.011 | 711 | 770 |
Struck, was I, not yet by Lightning | S04a.01.002 | 1945 | 1.253 | 925 | 841 | |
Success is counted sweetest | F05.01.003 | 1890 | 1.001 | 1.001 | 67 | 112 |
Such are the inlets of the mind | 1945 | 1.434 | 1421 | 1431 | ||
Such is the Force of Happiness | F39.06.022 | 1945 | 1.504 | 787 | 889 | |
Summer — we all have seen | 1945 | 1.055 | 1386 | 1413 | ||
Summer begins to have the look | 1914 | 2.065 | 5.065 | 1682 | 1693 | |
Summer for thee, grant I may be | F01.04.022 | 1896 | 2.006 | 3.040 | 31 | 7 |
Summer has two Beginnings | 1945 | 1.069 | 1422 | 1457 | ||
Summer is shorter than any one | 1945 | 1.523 | 1506 | 1483 | ||
Summer laid her simple Hat | 1363 | 1411 | ||||
Sunset at Night — is natural | F15.02.005 | 1929 | 3.075 | 6.067 | 415 | 427 |
Sunset that screens, reveals | 1945 | 1.029 | 1609 | 1644 | ||
Superfluous were the Sun | S07.18.088 | 1896 | 4.034 | 4.116 | 999 | 1013 |
Superiority to Fate | S07.24.118 | 1896 | 1.002 | 1.085 | 1081 | 1043 |
Surgeons must be very careful | F07.03.017 | 1891 | 1.016 | 1.042 | 108 | 156 |
Surprise is like a thrilling — pungent | 1945 | 1.575 | 1306 | 1324 | ||
Suspense — is Hostiler than Death | F37.01.003 | 1929 | 5.127 | 6.114 | 705 | 775 |
Sweet — safe — Houses | F32.02.005 | 1945 | 1.383 | 457 | 684 | |
Sweet — You forgot — but I remembered | F31.02.006* | 1945 | 1.293 | 523 | 635 | |
Sweet hours have perished here; | 1896 | 4.025 | 4.107 | 1767 | 1785 | |
Sweet is the swamp with its secrets | 1896 | 3.019 | 2.101 | 1740 | 1780 | |
Sweet Mountains — Ye tell Me no lie | F36.03.010 | 1945 | 1.035 | 722 | 745 | |
Sweet Pirate of the heart | 1546 | 1568 | ||||
Sweet Skepticism of the Heart | 1945 | 1.502 | 1413 | 1438 | ||
Sweet, to have had them lost | S07.09.044 | 1935 | 4.142 | 7.124 | 901 | 809 |
Take all away | 1365 | 1390 | ||||
Take all away from me, but leave me Ecstasy | 1640 | 1671 | ||||
Take your Heaven further on | F30.06.021 | 1935 | 4.121 | 7.104 | 388 | 672 |
Taken from men — this morning | F03.04.021 | 1891 | 4.033 | 4.073 | 53 | 34 |
Taking up the fair Ideal | F19.03.008 | 1945 | 1.425 | 428 | 386 | |
Talk not to me of Summer Trees | 1945 | 1.483 | 1634 | 1655 | ||
Talk with prudence to a Beggar | F05.03.016 | 1891 | 1.037 | 1.063 | 119 | 118 |
Teach Him — When He makes the names | 227 | 198 | ||||
Tell all the Truth but tell it slant | 1945 | 1.449 | 1129 | 1263 | ||
Tell as a Marksman — were forgotten | 1945 | 1.234 | 1152 | 1148 | ||
Than Heaven more remote | 1436 | 1460 | ||||
That after Horror — that 'twas us | F11.05.010 | 1935 | 4.145 | 7.127 | 286 | 243 |
That Distance was between Us | S05.02.009 | 1945 | 1.203 | 863 | 906 | |
That first Day, when you praised Me, Sweet | F22.04.015 | 1935 | 3.092 | 7.079 | 659 | 470 |
That I did always love | F31.06.023 | 1890 | 2.008 | 3.008 | 549 | 652 |
That is solemn we have ended | S05.03.011 | 1896 | 4.005 | 4.087 | 934 | 907 |
That it will never come again | 1945 | 1.518 | 1741 | 1761 | ||
That Love is all there is | 1914 | 5.110 | 5.112 | 1765 | 1747 | |
That odd old man is dead a year | 1945 | 1.406 | 1130 | 1156 | ||
That sacred Closet when you sweep | S14.05.014 | 1945 | 1.535 | 1273 | 1385 | |
That she forgot me was the least | 1914 | 5.132 | 5.134 | 1683 | 1716 | |
That short — potential stir | 1890 | 4.013 | 4.013 | 1307 | 1363 | |
That Such have died enable Us | S06b.08.030 | 1896 | 4.008 | 4.090 | 1030 | 1082 |
That this should feel the need of Death | 1945 | 1.407 | 1112 | 1189 | ||
The Admirations — and Contempts — of time | F40.04.012 | 1929 | 5.119 | 6.106 | 906 | 830 |
The Angle of a Landscape | F25.04.010 | 1945 | 1.153 | 375 | 578 | |
The Auctioneer of Parting | 1945 | 1.506 | 1612 | 1646 | ||
The Bat is dun, with wrinkled Wings | 1896 | 3.022 | 2.104 | 1575 | 1408 | |
The Battle fought between the Soul | F29.06.020 | 1929 | 5.125 | 6.112 | 594 | 629 |
The Bee is not afraid of me. | F05.01.004 | 1890 | 3.007 | 2.058 | 111 | 113 |
The Beggar at the Door for Fame | 1945 | 1.455 | 1240 | 1291 | ||
The Beggar Lad — dies early | F23.06.018 | 1945 | 1.170 | 717 | 496 | |
The Bible is an antique Volume | 5.104 | 1545 | 1577 | |||
The Bird did prance — the Bee did play | 1945 | 1.010 | 1107 | 1147 | ||
The Bird her punctual music brings | 1585 | 1556 | ||||
The Bird must sing to earn the Crumb | S05.09.037 | 1945 | 1.555 | 880 | 928 | |
The Birds begun at Four o'clock | F39.05.017 | 1945 | 1.002 | 783 | 504 | |
The Birds reported from the South | F37.03.008 | 1935 | 2.049 | 7.041 | 743 | 780 |
The Black Berry — wears a Thorn in his side | F27.01.002 | 1945 | 1.159 | 554 | 548 | |
The Blood is more showy than the Breath | 1945 | 2.633 | 1558 | |||
The Blunder is in estimate. | 1914 | 1.016 | 5.016 | 1684 | 1690 | |
The Bobolink is gone | 1945 | 1.111 | 1591 | 1620 | ||
The Body grows without | F15.06.016 | 1891 | 1.044 | 1.070 | 578 | 438 |
The Bone that has no Marrow | S08b.02.002 | 1896 | 1.044 | 1.127 | 1274 | 1218 |
The Brain — is wider than the Sky | F26.03.010 | 1896 | 1.043 | 1.126 | 632 | 598 |
The Brain, within its Groove | F27.05.017 | 1890 | 1.026 | 1.026 | 556 | 563 |
The Bustle in a House | S06c.06.021 | 1890 | 4.022 | 4.022 | 1078 | 1108 |
The Butterfly in honored Dust | 1246 | 1305 | ||||
The butterfly obtains | 1914 | 2.042 | 5.042 | 1685 | 1701 | |
The Butterfly upon the Sky | 1521 | 1559 | ||||
The Butterfly's Assumption Gown | 1890 | 3.023 | 2.074 | 1244 | 1329 | |
The Butterfly's Numidian Gown | 1945 | 1.132 | 1387 | 1395 | ||
The Chemical conviction | S06b.05.018 | 1945 | 1.396 | 954 | 1070 | |
The Child's faith is new | F33.01.002 | 1929 | 1.024 | 6.021 | 637 | 701 |
The Clock strikes one that just struck two | 1569 | 1598 | ||||
The Clouds their Backs together laid | 1890 | 4.016 | 4.016 | 1172 | 1246 | |
The Clover's simple Fame | 1945 | 1.456 | 1232 | 1256 | ||
The Color of a Queen, is this | F39.02.006 | 1945 | 1.034 | 776 | 875 | |
The Color of the Grave is Green | F15.01.002 | 1935 | 4.138 | 7.120 | 411 | 424 |
The competitions of the sky | 1494 | excluded | ||||
The Court is far away | F10.05.019 | 1945 | 1.300 | 235 | 250 | |
The Crickets sang | S06c.05.017 | 1896 | 3.024 | 2.106 | 1104 | 1104 |
The Daisy follows soft the Sun | F07.02.010 | 1890 | 4.034 | 4.034 | 106 | 161 |
The Dandelion's pallid tube | 1519 | 1565 | ||||
The Day came slow — till Five o'clock | F25.02.004 | 1891 | 3.004 | 2.004 | 304 | 572 |
The Day grew small, surrounded tight | 1945 | 1.070 | 1140 | 1164 | ||
The Day she goes | 1945 | 1.193 | 1308 | 1302 | ||
The Day that I was crowned | F29.02.004 | 1935 | 3.096 | 7.083 | 356 | 613 |
The Day undressed — Herself | F23.06.017 | 1935 | 2.045 | 7.037 | 716 | 495 |
The Days that we can spare | S10.01.001 | 1945 | 1.544 | 1184 | 1229 | |
The Definition of Beauty is | S06a.04.015 | 988 | 797 | |||
The Devil — had he fidelity | 1914 | 4.092 | 5.092 | 1479 | 1510 | |
The difference between Despair | F25.03.008 | 1914 | 1.024 | 5.024 | 305 | 576 |
The distance that the dead have gone | 1896 | 4.011 | 4.093 | 1742 | 1781 | |
The Ditch is dear to the Drunken man | 1945 | 1.242 | 1645 | 1679 | ||
The Doomed — regard the Sunrise | F12.03.014 | 1929 | 4.095 | 6.084 | 294 | 298 |
The Drop, that wrestles in the Sea | F11.01.002 | 1945 | 1.266 | 284 | 255 | |
The Dust behind I strove to join | S02.01.002 | 1896 | 1.023 | 1.106 | 992 | 867 |
The duties of the Wind are few | 1914 | 2.049 | 5.049 | 1137 | 1160 | |
The Dying need but little, Dear | S07.22.112 | 1896 | 4.037 | 4.119 | 1026 | 1037 |
The earth has many keys | 1945 | 1.139 | 1775 | 895 | ||
The ecstasy to guess | 1608 | 1680 | ||||
The event was directly behind Him | 1686 | 1724 | ||||
The face I carry with me — last | F19.07.017 | 1945 | 1.333 | 336 | 395 | |
The Face in evanescence lain | 1490 | 1521 | ||||
The Face we choose to miss | 1914 | 5.136 | 5.139 | 1141 | 1293 | |
The Fact that Earth is Heaven | 1945 | 1.412 | 1408 | 1435 | ||
The fairest Home I ever knew | 1945 | 2.601 | 1423 | 1443 | ||
The farthest Thunder that I heard | 1896 | 1.026 | 1.109 | 1581 | 1665 | |
The fascinating chill that music leaves | 1945 | 1.452 | 1480 | 1511 | ||
The feet of people walking home | F01.03.016* | 1914 | 3.084 | 5.084 | 7 | 16 |
The Fingers of the Light | S07.18.090 | 1945 | 1.001 | 1000 | 1015 | |
The first Day that I was a Life | F40.02.004 | 1945 | 2.605 | 902 | 823 | |
The first Day's Night had come | F15.01.001 | 1935 | 1.013 | 7.011 | 410 | 423 |
The first We knew of Him was Death | S07.15.078 | 1945 | 1.462 | 1006 | 1006 | |
The Flake the Wind exasperate | 1361 | 1410 | ||||
The Flower must not blame the Bee | F09.07.028 | 1935 | 2.064 | 7.055 | 206 | 235 |
The Frost of Death was on the Pane | 1945 | 1.098 | 1136 | 1130 | ||
The Frost was never seen | 1945 | 1.097 | 1202 | 1190 | ||
The Future — never spoke | F31.03.009 | 1914 | 1.031 | 5.031 | 672 | 638 |
The Gentian has a parched Corolla | 1945 | 1.148 | 1424 | 1458 | ||
The Gentian weaves her fringes | F01.01.001 | 1891 | 3.047 | 2.047 | 18 | 21 |
The gleam of an heroic Act | 1914 | 1.027 | 5.027 | 1687 | 1686 | |
The going from a world we know | 1603 | 1662 | ||||
The good Will of a Flower | S07.04.019 | 1945 | 1.093 | 849 | 954 | |
The Grace — Myself — might not obtain | F37.02.007 | 1935 | 2.061 | 7.052 | 707 | 779 |
The Grass so little has to do | F19.01.001 | 1890 | 3.009 | 2.060 | 333 | 379 |
The grave my little cottage is | 1896 | 4.023 | 4.105 | 1743 | 1784 | |
The Guest is gold and crimson | F02.01.003 | 15 | 44 | |||
The hallowing of Pain | F39.01.002 | 1945 | 1.413 | 772 | 871 | |
The harm of Years is on him | S08a.11.011 | 1945 | 1.349 | 1280 | 1215 | |
The healed Heart shows its shallow scar | 1914 | 5.138 | 5.141 | 1440 | 1466 | |
The Heart asks Pleasure — first | F25.06.020 | 1890 | 1.009 | 1.009 | 536 | 588 |
The Heart has many Doors | 1567 | 1623 | ||||
The Heart has narrow Banks | S07.05.025 | 1945 | 1.481 | 928 | 960 | |
The Heart is the Capital of the Mind | S14.04.010 | 1929 | 6.138 | 6.123 | 1354 | 1381 |
The Heaven vests for Each | F35.01.003 | 1935 | 3.087 | 7.075 | 694 | 717 |
The Hills erect their Purple Heads | 1914 | 2.057 | 5.057 | 1688 | 1728 | |
The Hills in Purple syllables | S07.20.101 | 1945 | 1.166 | 1016 | 1026 | |
The Himmaleh was known to stoop | F22.02.005 | 1935 | 2.066 | 7.057 | 481 | 460 |
The Hollows round His eager Eyes | S06b.05.019 | 1945 | 1.233 | 955 | 1071 | |
The immortality she gave | 1648 | 1684 | ||||
The incidents of love | 1914 | 5.133 | 5.135 | 1248 | 1172 | |
The Infinite a sudden Guest | 1945 | 1.431 | 1309 | 1344 | ||
The inundation of the Spring | 1914 | 5.115 | 5.117 | 1425 | 1423 | |
The Jay his Castanet has struck | 1945 | 1.141 | 1635 | 1670 | ||
The joy that has no stem no core | 1945 | 1.496 | 1744 | 1762 | ||
The Judge is like the Owl | F35.04.014 | 1945 | 1.137 | 699 | 728 | |
The Juggler's Hat her Country is | 330 | 186 | ||||
The Lady feeds Her little Bird | S05.07.033 | 1945 | 1.167 | 941 | 925 | |
The Lamp burns sure — within | F10.01.004 | 1935 | 1.017 | 7.015 | 233 | 247 |
The largest Fire ever known | S07.08.042 | 1914 | 2.046 | 5.046 | 1114 | 974 |
The Lassitudes of Contemplation | 1945 | 2.621 | 1592 | 1613 | ||
The last Night that She lived | S06c.04.013 | 1890 | 4.020 | 4.020 | 1100 | 1100 |
The last of Summer is Delight | S14.04.009 | 1929 | 3.085 | 6.077 | 1353 | 1380 |
The Leaves like Women interchange | S06c.03.011 | 1891 | 3.032 | 2.032 | 987 | 1098 |
The Life that tied too tight escapes | 1945 | 1.218 | 1535 | 1555 | ||
The Life we have is very great. | 1945 | 1.465 | 1162 | 1178 | ||
The Lightning is a yellow Fork | 1945 | 1.020 | 1173 | 1140 | ||
The Lightning playeth — all the while | F26.02.007 | 1945 | 1.021 | 630 | 595 | |
The Lilac is an ancient shrub | 1945 | 1.030 | 1241 | 1261 | ||
The Loneliness One dare not sound | F39.03.008 | 1945 | 1.490 | 777 | 877 | |
The lonesome for they know not What | F13.05.016 | 1929 | 5.130 | 6.117 | 262 | 326 |
The long sigh of the Frog | 1914 | 2.053 | 5.053 | 1359 | 1394 | |
The longest day that God appoints | 1769 | 1153 | ||||
The look of thee, what is it like | 1914 | 3.091 | 5.091 | 1689 | 1731 | |
The Love a Life can show Below | F35.06.019 | 1929 | 6.147 | 6.132 | 673 | 285 |
The lovely flowers embarrass me | 808 | |||||
The Luxury to apprehend | S06a.01.002 | 1914 | 5.111 | 5.113 | 815 | 819 |
The Malay — took the Pearl | F21.04.013 | 1945 | 1.238 | 452 | 451 | |
The Manner of its Death | F26.04.014 | 1945 | 1.340 | 468 | 602 | |
The Martyr Poets — did not tell | F30.04.014 | 1935 | 1.026 | 7.024 | 544 | 665 |
The Merchant of the Picturesque | 1945 | 2.604 | 1131 | 1134 | ||
The Mind lives on the Heart | S14.05.013 | 1945 | 1.433 | 1355 | 1384 | |
The Missing All — prevented Me | S07.13.066 | 1914 | 1.021 | 5.021 | 985 | 995 |
The mob within the heart | 1945 | 1.175 | 1745 | 1763 | ||
The Months have ends — the Years — a knot | F14.04.012 | 1935 | 4.117 | 7.100 | 423 | 416 |
The Moon is distant from the Sea | F19.03.009 | 1891 | 2.013 | 3.031 | 429 | 387 |
The Moon upon her fluent Route | 1914 | 2.059 | 5.059 | 1528 | 1574 | |
The Moon was but a Chin of Gold | F35.08.024 | 1896 | 3.021 | 2.103 | 737 | 735 |
The Morning after Woe | F20.01.003 | 1935 | 4.134 | 7.116 | 364 | 398 |
The morns are meeker than they were | F03.04.019 | 1890 | 3.028 | 2.079 | 12 | 32 |
The most important population | 1945 | 1.120 | 1746 | 1764 | ||
The most pathetic thing I do | 1945 | 1.285 | 1290 | 1345 | ||
The most triumphant Bird I ever knew or met | 1265 | 1285 | ||||
The Mountain sat upon the Plain | S07.08.037 | 1890 | 3.021 | 2.072 | 975 | 970 |
The Mountains — grow unnoticed | F34.05.014 | 1929 | 3.078 | 6.070 | 757 | 768 |
The Mountains stood in Haze | S08b.09.009 | 1945 | 1.036 | 1278 | 1225 | |
The Murmur of a Bee | F09.03.006 | 1890 | 3.003 | 2.054 | 155 | 217 |
The murmuring of Bees, has ceased | 1896 | 3.029 | 2.111 | 1115 | 1142 | |
The Mushroom is the Elf of Plants | S13.01.001 | 1891 | 3.025 | 2.025 | 1298 | 1350 |
The name — of it — is Autumn | F22.03.010 | 1945 | 1.065 | 656 | 465 | |
The nearest Dream recedes — unrealized | F14.01.001 | 1891 | 1.003 | 1.029 | 319 | 304 |
The Night was wide, and furnished scant | F29.03.008 | 1891 | 2.008 | 3.026 | 589 | 617 |
The Notice that is called the Spring | 1945 | 1.050 | 1310 | 1319 | ||
The One who could repeat the Summer day | F27.01.003 | 1891 | 3.029 | 2.029 | 307 | 549 |
The ones that disappeared are back | 1914 | 2.063 | 5.063 | 1690 | 1697 | |
The only Ghost I ever saw | F12.06.022 | 1891 | 4.010 | 4.050 | 274 | 331 |
The Only News I know | F40.01.001 | 1929 | 5.115 | 6.102 | 827 | 820 |
The Opening and the Close | S06b.09.037 | 1945 | 1.381 | 1047 | 1089 | |
The Outer — from the Inner | F21.04.011 | 1935 | 2.069 | 7.060 | 451 | 450 |
The overtakelessness of those | 1914 | 3.090 | 5.090 | 1691 | 894 | |
The parasol is the umbrella's daughter | 1945 | 1.152 | 1747 | 1765 | ||
The Past is such a curious Creature | S11.01.003 | 1896 | 1.045 | 1.128 | 1203 | 1273 |
The pattern of the sun | 1945 | 1.003 | 1550 | 1580 | ||
The pedigree of Honey | 1890 | 3.005* | 2.056 | 1627 | 1650 | |
The Pile of Years is not so high | 1945 | 1.318 | 1507 | 1337 | ||
The Poets light but Lamps | S05.10.040 | 1945 | 1.432 | 883 | 930 | |
The Popular Heart is a Cannon first | S08b.04.004 | 1929 | 1.006 | 6.004 | 1226 | 1220 |
The power to be true to You | F32.06.021 | 1929 | 6.169 | 6.152 | 464 | 699 |
The pretty Rain from those sweet Eaves | 1945 | 1.247 | 1426 | 1444 | ||
The Products of my Farm are these | S07.22.111 | 1945 | 1.066 | 1025 | 1036 | |
The Props assist the House | F35.05.015 | 1914 | 1.026 | 5.026 | 1142 | 729 |
The Province of the Saved | F30.03.008 | 1935 | 4.143 | 7.125 | 539 | 659 |
The pungent atom in the Air | S08b.06.006 | 1945 | 1.064 | 1191 | 1222 | |
The rainbow never tells me | F03.02.010 | 1929 | 3.056 | 6.048 | 97 | 76 |
The Rat is the concisest Tenant. | 1891 | 3.035 | 2.035 | 1356 | 1369 | |
The Red — Blaze — is the Morning | F26.04.015 | 1945 | 1.042 | 469 | 603 | |
The reticent volcano keeps | 1896 | 1.024 | 1.107 | 1748 | 1776 | |
The Riddle we can guess | 1945 | 1.576 | 1222 | 1180 | ||
The right to perish might be thought | 1914 | 1.005 | 5.005 | 1692 | 1726 | |
The Road to Paradise is plain | 1945 | 1.405 | 1491 | 1525 | ||
The Road was lit with Moon and star | 1945 | 1.045 | 1450 | 1474 | ||
The Robin for the Crumb | S06a.01.003 | 1945 | 1.116 | 864 | 810 | |
The Robin is a Gabriel | 1945 | 1.114 | 1483 | 1520 | ||
The Robin is the One | S06c.02.005 | 1891 | 3.006 | 2.006 | 828 | 501 |
The Robin's my Criterion for Tune | F11.01.003 | 1929 | 3.060 | 6.052 | 285 | 256 |
The Rose did caper on her cheek | F10.02.007 | 1891 | 2.011 | 3.029 | 208 | 200 |
The saddest noise, the sweetest noise | 1764 | 1789 | ||||
The Savior must have been | A.001 | 1487 | 1538 | |||
The Sea said Come to the Brook | S11.02.006 | 1914 | 5.112 | 5.114 | 1210 | 1275 |
The Service without Hope | F39.03.011 | 1945 | 1.471 | 779 | 880 | |
The Show is not the Show | 1891 | 1.018 | 1.044 | 1206 | 1270 | |
The Skies can't keep their secret! | F09.04.011 | 1891 | 3.016 | 2.016 | 191 | 213 |
The Sky is low — the Clouds are mean. | 1890 | 3.029 | 2.080 | 1075 | 1121 | |
The smouldering embers blush | 1945 | 1.325 | 1132 | 1143 | ||
The Snow that never drifts | 1945 | 1.049 | 1133 | 1155 | ||
The Soul has Bandaged moments | F17.06.014 | 1945 | 1.473 | 512 | 360 | |
The Soul selects her own Society | F20.04.014 | 1890 | 1.013 | 1.013 | 303 | 409 |
The Soul should always stand ajar | S07.19.092 | 1896 | 4.039 | 4.121 | 1055 | 1017 |
The Soul that hath a Guest | F26.01.004 | 1914 | 1.002 | 5.002 | 674 | 592 |
The Soul unto itself | F25.04.011 | 1891 | 1.015 | 1.041 | 683 | 579 |
The Soul's distinct connection | S05.01.003 | 1929 | 5.116 | 6.103 | 974 | 901 |
The Soul's Superior instants | F31.01.001 | 1914 | 1.033 | 5.033 | 306 | 630 |
The Spider as an Artist | S14.01.002 | 1896 | 3.013 | 2.095 | 1275 | 1373 |
The Spider holds a Silver Ball | F24.02.008 | 1945 | 1.138 | 605 | 513 | |
The Spirit is the Conscious Ear. | F35.01.004 | 1945 | 1.438 | 733 | 718 | |
The Spirit lasts — but in what mode | 1576 | 1627 | ||||
The spry Arms of the Wind | 1945 | 1.441 | 1103 | 802 | ||
The Stars are old, that stood for me | 1914 | 5.140 | 5.144 | 1249 | 1242 | |
The stem of a departed Flower | 1520 | 1543 | ||||
The Stimulus, beyond the Grave | S07.15.073 | 1896 | 4.006 | 4.088 | 1001 | 1001 |
The Suburbs of a Secret | 1914 | 1.023 | 5.023 | 1245 | 1171 | |
The Summer that we did not prize | 1945 | 1.059 | 1773 | 1622 | ||
The Sun — just touched the Morning | F10.01.003 | 1891 | 3.005 | 2.005 | 232 | 246 |
The Sun and Fog contested | 1945 | 1.011 | 1190 | 1248 | ||
The Sun and Moon must make their haste | S06b.03.009 | 1945 | 1.040 | 871 | 1063 | |
The Sun in reigning to the West | 1945 | 2.600 | 1636 | 1656 | ||
The Sun is gay or stark | S05.06.030 | 1945 | 1.466 | 878 | 922 | |
The Sun is one — and on the Tare | 1945 | 1.009 | 1372 | 1399 | ||
The Sun kept setting — setting — still | F35.01.001 | 1890 | 4.025 | 4.025 | 692 | 715 |
The Sun kept stooping — stooping — low! | F08.01.002 | 1945 | 1.031 | 152 | 182 | |
The Sun retired to a cloud | 1693 | 1709 | ||||
The Sun went down — no Man looked on | S06c.06.022 | 1929 | 3.053 | 6.045 | 1079 | 1109 |
The Sunrise runs for Both | F34.04.010 | 1929 | 6.152 | 6.136 | 710 | 765 |
The Sunset stopped on Cottages | S06a.03.011 | 1945 | 1.032 | 950 | 1116 | |
The sweetest Heresy received | F30.06.020 | 1929 | 2.042 | 6.036 | 387 | 671 |
The Sweets of Pillage, can be known | 1914 | 4.102 | 5.103 | 1470 | 1504 | |
The Symptom of the Gale | 1327 | 1328 | ||||
The Test of Love — is Death | F28.05.018 | 1935 | 4.147 | 7.129 | 573 | 541 |
The Things that never can come back, are several | 1945 | 1.529 | 1515 | 1564 | ||
The things we thought that we should do | 1293 | 1279 | ||||
The thought beneath so slight a film | F10.02.010 | 1891 | 1.014 | 1.040 | 210 | 203 |
The Thrill came slowly like a Boom for | 1945 | 1.319 | 1495 | 1528 | ||
The Tint I cannot take — is best | F32.05.017 | 1929 | 3.054 | 6.046 | 627 | 696 |
The Treason of an accent | 1914 | 5.119 | 5.121 | 1358 | 1388 | |
The Trees like Tassels — hit — and swung | F24.07.021 | 1935 | 2.051 | 7.043 | 606 | 523 |
The Truth — is stirless | F39.04.013 | 1945 | 1.447 | 780 | 882 | |
The vastest earthly Day | 1945 | 1.357 | 1328 | 1323 | ||
The Veins of other Flowers | S07.05.027 | 1945 | 1.092 | 811 | 798 | |
The Voice that stands for Floods to me | S08a.02.002 | 1945 | 1.310 | 1189 | 1207 | |
The waters chased him as he fled | 1945 | 1.342 | 1749 | 1766 | ||
The way Hope builds his House | 1945 | 1.470 | 1481 | 1512 | ||
The Way I read a Letter's — this | F33.01.001 | 1891 | 2.006 | 3.024 | 636 | 700 |
The Way to know the Bobolink | S12.01.001 | 1945 | 1.110 | 1279 | 1348 | |
The Well upon the Brook | S07.26.126 | 1945 | 1.445 | 1091 | 1051 | |
The Whole of it came not at once | F23.03.007 | 1945 | 1.507 | 762 | 485 | |
The Wind — tapped like a tired Man | F29.04.012 | 1891 | 3.030 | 2.030 | 436 | 621 |
The Wind begun to knead the Grass | 1891 | 3.037 | 2.037 | 824 | 796 | |
The Wind didn't come from the Orchard — today | F23.05.016 | 316 | 494 | |||
The wind drew off | 1914 | 2.050 | 5.050 | 1694 | 1703 | |
The Wind took up the Northern Things | 1945 | 1.023 | 1134 | 1152 | ||
The Winters are so short | F28.02.008* | 1935 | 2.042 | 7.035 | 403 | 532 |
The words the happy say | 1945 | 1.487 | 1750 | 1767 | ||
The Work of Her that went | 1143 | 1159 | ||||
The World — feels Dusty | F23.04.013 | 1929 | 4.109 | 6.098 | 715 | 491 |
The World — stands — solemner — to me | 1945 | 1.276 | 493 | 280 | ||
The worthlessness of Earthly things | 1945 | 1.100 | 1373 | 1400 | ||
The Zeroes — taught us — Phosphorous | F35.05.017 | 1929 | A.201 | A.004 | 689 | 284 |
Their Barricade against the Sky | 1945 | 1.024 | 1471 | 1505 | ||
Their dappled importunity | 1945 | 2.664 | 1611 | 1677 | ||
Their Height in Heaven comforts not | F35.04.011 | 1891 | 4.015 | 4.055 | 696 | 725 |
Themself are all I have | S07.26.129 | 1935 | 2.060 | 7.051 | 1094 | 1054 |
There are two Mays | 1618 | 1637 | ||||
There are two Ripenings — one — of sight | F14.05.016 | 1929 | A.200 | A.003 | 332 | 420 |
There came a Day at Summer's full | F13.05.015 | 1890 | 2.013 | 3.013 | 322 | 325 |
There came a Wind like a Bugle | 1891 | 3.026 | 2.026 | 1593 | 1618 | |
There comes a warning like a spy | 1945 | 1.060 | 1536 | 1560 | ||
There comes an hour when begging stops | 1945 | 1.494 | 1751 | 1768 | ||
There is a finished feeling | S06c.01.004 | 1945 | 1.394 | 856 | 1092 | |
There is a flower that Bees prefer | F31.04.013 | 1890 | 3.015 | 2.066 | 380 | 642 |
There is a June when Corn is cut | S06c.01.002 | 1945 | 1.068 | 930 | 811 | |
There is a Languor of the Life | F27.03.006 | 1929 | 6.176 | 6.159 | 396 | 552 |
There is a morn by men unseen | F01.02.013 | 1945 | 1.429 | 24 | 13 | |
There is a pain — so utter | F24.03.010 | 1929 | 6.177 | 6.160 | 599 | 515 |
There is a Shame of Nobleness | F30.05.017 | 1891 | 4.016 | 4.056 | 551 | 668 |
There is a solitude of space | 1914 | 1.025 | 5.025 | 1695 | 1696 | |
There is a word | F02.01.001 | 1896 | 2.010 | 3.044 | 8 | 42 |
There is a Zone whose even Years | S07.19.095 | 1945 | 1.417 | 1056 | 1020 | |
There is an arid Pleasure | F39.04.016 | 1945 | 1.505 | 782 | 885 | |
There is another Loneliness | 1914 | 1.018 | 5.018 | 1116 | 1138 | |
There is another sky | 2 | A13-2 | ||||
There is no Frigate like a Book | 1896 | 1.016 | 1.099 | 1263 | 1286 | |
There is no Silence in the Earth — so silent | S07.15.076 | 1945 | 1.488 | 1004 | 1004 | |
There is strength in proving that it can be borne | 1945 | 1.468 | 1113 | 1133 | ||
There's a certain Slant of light | F13.03.010 | 1890 | 3.031 | 2.082 | 258 | 320 |
There's been a Death, in the Opposite House | F27.01.001 | 1896 | 4.048 | 4.130 | 389 | 547 |
There's something quieter than sleep | F02.05.021 | 1896 | 4.038 | 4.120 | 45 | 62 |
There's the Battle of Burgoyne | 1945 | 1.026 | 1174 | 1316 | ||
These — saw Visions | F34.06.015 | 1935 | 4.125 | 7.108 | 758 | 769 |
These are the days that Reindeer love | 1914 | 2.068 | 5.068 | 1696 | 1705 | |
These are the days when Birds come back | F06.03.010 | 1890 | 3.027 | 2.078 | 130 | 122 |
These are the Nights that Beetles love | 1945 | 1.130 | 1128 | 1150 | ||
These are the Signs to Nature's Inns | S06c.06.019 | 1929 | 3.074 | 6.066 | 1077 | 1106 |
These Fevered Days — to take them to the Forest | 1945 | 1.058 | 1441 | 1467 | ||
These held their Wick above the West | 1390 | 1416 | ||||
These Strangers, in a foreign World | 1945 | 1.104 | 1096 | 805 | ||
These tested Our Horizon | S05.10.044 | 1945 | 1.403 | 886 | 934 | |
They ask but our Delight | S05.03.012 | 1945 | 1.082 | 868 | 908 | |
They called me to the Window, for | F26.01.001 | 1945 | 1.025 | 628 | 589 | |
They dropped like Flakes | F28.07.023 | 1891 | 4.009 | 4.049 | 409 | 545 |
They have a little Odor — that to me | F39.05.019 | 1945 | 1.088 | 785 | 505 | |
They have not chosen me, he said | F04.03.012 | 85 | 87 | |||
They leave us with the Infinite. | F17.02.006 | 1945 | 1.416 | 350 | 352 | |
They might not need me — yet they might | 1391 | 1425 | ||||
They put Us far apart | F33.04.009 | 1935 | 3.100 | 7.086 | 474 | 708 |
They say that Time assuages | F38.05.016 | 1896 | 4.003 | 4.085 | 686 | 861 |
They shut me up in Prose | F21.02.006 | 1935 | 2.034 | 7.029 | 613 | 445 |
They talk as slow as Legends grow | 1697 | 1732 | ||||
They won't frown always — some sweet Day | S05.07.031 | 1896 | 4.009 | 4.091 | 874 | 923 |
This — is the land — the Sunset washes | F12.03.013 | 1890 | 3.013 | 2.064 | 266 | 297 |
This Bauble was preferred of Bees | F38.06.018 | 1935 | 2.063 | 7.054 | 805 | 863 |
This Chasm, Sweet, upon my life | S06b.02.007 | 1945 | 1.306 | 858 | 1061 | |
This Consciousness that is aware | S06a.03.009 | 1914 | 1.001 | 5.001 | 822 | 817 |
This dirty — little — Heart | S14.02.007 | 1945 | 1.165 | 1311 | 1378 | |
This docile one inter | 1945 | 1.363 | 1752 | 1769 | ||
This Dust, and its Feature | S02.01.001 | 1945 | 1.420 | 936 | 866 | |
This heart that broke so long | F04.04.015 | 1935 | 4.131 | 7.113 | 145 | 83 |
This is a Blossom of the Brain | S06a.02.005 | 1945 | 1.442 | 945 | 1112 | |
This is my letter to the World | F24.04.014 | 1890 | 0.000 | 1.000 | 441 | 519 |
This is the place they hoped before | 1264 | 1284 | ||||
This Me — that walks and works — must die | 1945 | 1.228 | 1588 | 1616 | ||
This Merit hath the worst | S04b.01.002 | 1891 | 1.049 | 1.075 | 979 | 844 |
This quiet Dust was Gentleman and Ladies | S06c.01.001 | 1914 | 3.074 | 5.074 | 813 | 1090 |
This slow Day moved along | 1945 | 1.039 | 1120 | 1198 | ||
This that would greet — an hour ago | F39.03.010 | 1945 | 1.356 | 778 | 879 | |
This was a Poet — It is That | F21.03.007 | 1929 | 1.012 | 6.010 | 448 | 446 |
This was in the White of the Year | S07.18.089 | 1896 | 4.024 | 4.106 | 995 | 1014 |
This World is not Conclusion. | F18.04.012* | 1896 | 4.001* | 4.083 | 501 | 373 |
Tho' I get home how late — how late | F10.02.006 | 1891 | 1.022 | 1.048 | 207 | 199 |
Tho' my destiny be Fustian | F10.02.005 | 163 | 131 | |||
Those — dying then | 1945 | 1.599 | 1551 | 1581 | ||
Those cattle smaller than a Bee | 1945 | 1.136 | 1388 | 1393 | ||
Those fair — fictitious People | F18.03.008 | 1929 | 4.101 | 6.090 | 499 | 369 |
Those final Creatures, — who they are | 1914 | 2.064 | 5.064 | 1766 | 1746 | |
Those not live yet | 1454 | 1486 | ||||
Those who have been in the Grave the longest | S07.01.001 | 1945 | 1.338 | 922 | 938 | |
Though the great Waters sleep | 1599 | 1641 | ||||
Three times — we parted — Breath — and I | F24.03.009 | 1929 | 4.098 | 6.087 | 598 | 514 |
Three Weeks passed since I had seen Her | S07.13.062 | 1896 | 4.040 | 4.122 | 1061 | 992 |
Through lane it lay — through bramble | F02.01.002 | 5.099 | 9 | 43 | ||
Through the Dark Sod — as Education | F27.04.013 | 1929 | 3.076 | 6.068 | 392 | 559 |
Through the strait pass of suffering | F36.05.016 | 1891 | 1.012 | 1.038 | 792 | 187 |
Through those old Grounds of memory | 1945 | 1.536 | 1753 | 1770 | ||
Through what transports of Patience | 1945 | 1.323 | 1153 | 1265 | ||
Tie the Strings to my Life, My Lord | F16.02.003 | 1896 | 4.036 | 4.118 | 279 | 338 |
Till Death — is narrow Loving | F40.04.013 | 1929 | 6.186 | 6.168 | 907 | 831 |
Time does go on | 1945 | 1.515 | 1121 | 1338 | ||
Time feels so vast that were it not | F38.04.013 | 1935 | 2.031 | 7.026 | 802 | 858 |
Time's wily Chargers will not wait | 1458 | 1498 | ||||
Tis Anguish grander than Delight | S07.16.083 | 1914 | 3.089* | 5.089 | 984 | 192 |
Tis customary as we part | F29.06.019 | 1945 | 1.147 | 440 | 628 | |
Tis easier to pity those when dead | 1698 | 1719 | ||||
Tis good — the looking back on Grief | F22.05.017 | 1935 | 4.116 | 7.099 | 660 | 472 |
Tis little I — could care for Pearls | F26.03.009 | 1896 | 1.001 | 1.084 | 466 | 597 |
Tis my first night beneath the Sun | 1945 | 1.046 | 1122 | 1151 | ||
Tis not that Dying hurts us so | F28.01.004 | 1945 | 1.379 | 335 | 528 | |
Tis not the swaying frame we miss | 1597 | 1631 | ||||
Tis One by One — the Father counts | F31.05.017 | 1945 | 1.169 | 545 | 646 | |
Tis Opposites — entice | F29.01.003 | 1929 | 1.009 | 6.007 | 355 | 612 |
Tis Seasons since the Dimpled War | 1945 | 2.609 | 1529 | 1551 | ||
Tis so appalling — it exhilarates | F16.03.006 | 1935 | 4.146 | 7.128 | 281 | 341 |
Tis so much joy! 'Tis so much joy! | F08.03.009 | 1890 | 1.004 | 1.004 | 172 | 170 |
Tis Sunrise — Little Maid — Hast Thou | F40.04.014 | 1896 | 4.014 | 4.096 | 908 | 832 |
Tis true — They shut me in the Cold | F30.03.007 | 1945 | 1.176 | 538 | 658 | |
Tis whiter than an Indian Pipe | 1896 | 4.018 | 4.100 | 1482 | 1513 | |
Title divine — is mine! | 3.057 | 1072 | 194 | |||
To be alive — is Power | F39.02.007 | 1914 | 1.009 | 5.009 | 677 | 876 |
To be forgot by thee | 1945 | 1.287 | 1560 | 1601 | ||
To break so vast a Heart | 1945 | 1.329 | 1312 | 1308 | ||
To die — takes just a little while | F13.02.005 | 1935 | 4.126 | 7.109 | 255 | 315 |
To die — without the Dying | S07.20.102 | 1945 | 1.328 | 1017 | 1027 | |
To disappear enhances | S10.04.011 | 1914 | 1.028* | 5.028 | 1209 | 1239 |
To do a magnanimous thing | 1699 | 1729 | ||||
To earn it by disdaining it | 1945 | 2.620 | 1427 | 1445 | ||
To fight aloud, is very brave | F06.01.003 | 1890 | 1.016 | 1.016 | 126 | 138 |
To fill a Gap | F31.05.018 | 1929 | 4.091 | 6.081 | 546 | 647 |
To flee from memory | 1945 | 1.538 | 1242 | 1343 | ||
To hang our head — ostensibly | F07.02.009 | 1896 | 1.042 | 1.125 | 105 | 160 |
To hear an Oriole sing | F20.02.007 | 1891 | 3.012 | 2.012 | 526 | 402 |
To help our Bleaker Parts | S06b.09.035 | 1896 | 1.046 | 1.129 | 1064 | 1087 |
To her derided Home | 1945 | 1.090 | 1586 | 1617 | ||
To him who keeps an orchis' heart | F01.01.011 | 1945 | 1.077 | 22 | 31 | |
To his simplicity | 1352 | 1387 | ||||
To interrupt His Yellow Plan | F29.04.013 | 1929 | 3.064 | 6.056 | 591 | 622 |
To know just how He suffered — would be dear | F32.03.009 | 1890 | 4.019 | 4.019 | 622 | 688 |
To learn the Transport by the Pain | F08.02.004 | 1891 | 1.052 | 1.078 | 167 | 178 |
To lose if one can find again | F01.01.010 | 1945 | 1.076 | 22 | 30 | |
To lose one's faith — surpass | F31.01.003 | 1896 | 1.036 | 1.119 | 377 | 632 |
To lose thee — sweeter than to gain | 1896 | 2.008 | 3.042 | 1754 | 1777 | |
To love thee Year by Year | F29.03.009 | 1914 | 5.123 | 5.125 | 434 | 618 |
To make a prairie it takes a clover and one bee | 1896 | 3.015 | 2.097 | 1755 | 1779 | |
To make One's Toilette — after Death | F22.05.016 | 1935 | 3.101 | 7.087 | 485 | 471 |
To make Routine a Stimulus | S10.03.010 | 1929 | 1.037 | 6.034 | 1196 | 1238 |
To mend each tattered Faith | 1945 | 1.578 | 1442 | 1468 | ||
To my quick ear the Leaves — conferred | S05.04.017 | 1896 | 3.010 | 2.092 | 891 | 912 |
To my small Hearth His fire came | F33.01.004 | 638 | 703 | |||
To offer brave assistance | F23.04.014 | 1929 | 1.027 | 6.024 | 767 | 492 |
To One denied the drink | S06b.01.004 | 1945 | 1.580 | 490 | 1058 | |
To own a Susan of my own | 1401 | 1436 | ||||
To own the Art within the Soul | S06c.01.003 | 1945 | 1.595 | 855 | 1091 | |
To pile like Thunder to its close | 1914 | 5.139 | 5.143 | 1247 | 1353 | |
To put this World down, like a Bundle | F20.03.009 | 1935 | 2.078 | 7.069 | 527 | 404 |
To see her is a Picture | 1914 | 5.129 | 5.131 | 1568 | 1597 | |
To see the Summer Sky | 1945 | 1.440 | 1472 | 1491 | ||
To tell the Beauty would decrease | 1914 | 5.122 | 5.124 | 1700 | 1689 | |
To the bright east she flies | 1573 | 1603 | ||||
To the stanch Dust | 1914 | 3.086 | 5.086 | 1402 | 1434 | |
To their apartment deep | 1914 | 4.097 | 5.097 | 1701 | 1744 | |
To this World she returned. | S07.08.039 | 830 | 815 | |||
To try to speak, and miss the way | 1617 | 1629 | ||||
To undertake is to achieve | S07.12.061 | 1945 | 1.541 | 1070 | 991 | |
To venerate the simple days | F02.04.014 | 1896 | 1.007 | 1.090 | 57 | 55 |
To wait an Hour — is long | F39.04.015 | 1945 | 1.286 | 781 | 884 | |
To Whom the Mornings stand for Nights | S07.26.130 | 1935 | 1.015 | 7.013 | 1095 | 1055 |
Today or this noon | 1914 | 3.078 | 5.078 | 1702 | 1706 | |
Tomorrow — whose location | 1367 | 1417 | ||||
Too cold is this | 1914 | 3.076 | 5.076 | 1135 | 1137 | |
Too few the mornings be | 1186 | 1201 | ||||
Too happy Time dissolves itself | 1945 | 1.585 | 1774 | 1182 | ||
Too little way the House must lie | S05.01.004 | 1935 | 4.115 | 7.098 | 911 | 902 |
Too scanty 'twas to die for you | S07.20.098 | 1945 | 1.305 | 1013 | 1023 | |
Touch lightly Nature's sweet Guitar | 1945 | 1.106 | 1389 | 1403 | ||
Tried always and Condemned by thee | 1945 | 1.316 | 1559 | 1589 | ||
Triumph — may be of several kinds | F32.01.001 | 1891 | 4.017 | 4.057 | 455 | 680 |
Trudging to Eden, looking backward | S07.21.106 | 1945 | 1.163 | 1020 | 1031 | |
Trust adjust her Peradventure | 1161 | 1177 | ||||
Trust in the Unexpected | F27.05.015 | 1935 | 2.074 | 7.065 | 555 | 561 |
Trusty as the stars | 1369 | 1415 | ||||
Truth — is as old as God | S07.07.032 | 836 | 795 | |||
Twas a long Parting — but the time | F32.04.012 | 1890 | 2.015 | 3.015 | 625 | 691 |
Twas awkward, but it fitted me | S05.01.002 | 1935 | 4.119 | 7.102 | 973 | 900 |
Twas comfort in her Dying Room | 1914 | 3.075 | 5.075 | 1703 | 1740 | |
Twas Crisis — All the length had passed | S06c.02.006 | 1945 | 1.352 | 948 | 1093 | |
Twas fighting for his Life he was | S10.01.002 | 1945 | 1.464 | 1188 | 1230 | |
Twas here my summer paused | 1945 | 1.273 | 1756 | 1771 | ||
Twas just this time, last year, I died. | F16.05.010 | 1896 | 4.058 | 4.140 | 445 | 344 |
Twas later when the summer went | 1890 | 3.026 | 2.077 | 1276 | 1312 | |
Twas like a Maelstrom, with a notch | F15.02.003 | 1945 | 1.339 | 414 | 425 | |
Twas Love — not me | F27.05.016 | 1945 | 1.297 | 394 | 562 | |
Twas my one Glory | S07.23.115 | 1945 | 1.307 | 1028 | 1040 | |
Twas such a little — little boat | F07.03.013 | 1890 | 1.023 | 1.023 | 107 | 152 |
Twas the old — road — through pain | F18.06.016 | 1929 | 4.102 | 6.091 | 344 | 376 |
Twas warm — at first — like Us | F29.02.005 | 1929 | 4.100 | 6.089 | 519 | 614 |
Twice had Summer her fair Verdure | S07.03.015 | 1945 | 1.067 | 846 | 950 | |
Two — were immortal twice | F38.03.010 | 1945 | 1.373 | 800 | 855 | |
Two butterflies went out at Noon | F25.02.003 | 1891 | 3.018* | 2.018 | 533 | 571 |
Two Lengths has every Day | 1914 | 1.032 | 5.032 | 1295 | 1354 | |
Two swimmers wrestled on the spar | F09.06.023 | 1890 | 4.026 | 4.026 | 201 | 227 |
Two Travellers perishing in Snow | S07.07.034 | 1945 | 1.350 | 933 | 967 | |
Twould ease — a Butterfly | F39.06.021 | 1945 | 1.311 | 682 | 888 | |
Unable are the Loved to die | S07.04.016 | 809 | 951 | |||
Uncertain lease — develops lustre | S06b.02.005 | 1945 | 1.524 | 857 | 1059 | |
Under the Light, yet under | S06b.04.014 | 1945 | 1.393 | 949 | 1068 | |
Undue Significance a starving man attaches | F29.05.017 | 1891 | 1.045 | 1.071 | 439 | 626 |
Unfulfilled to Observation | F40.06.021 | 1935 | 2.075 | 7.066 | 972 | 839 |
Unit, like Death, for Whom? | F28.06.021 | 1935 | 4.135 | 7.117 | 408 | 543 |
Until the Desert knows | 1945 | 1.579 | 1291 | 1262 | ||
Unto a broken heart | 1704 | 1745 | ||||
Unto like Story — Trouble has enticed me | F12.04.017 | 1935 | 1.009 | 7.007 | 295 | 300 |
Unto Me? I do not know you | F40.02.006 | 1929 | 2.049 | 6.043 | 964 | 825 |
Unto my Books — so good to turn | F24.02.007 | 1891 | 1.048 | 1.074 | 604 | 512 |
Unto the Whole — how add? | 1945 | 1.526 | 1341 | 1370 | ||
Unworthy of her Breast | 1945 | 1.246 | 1414 | 1439 | ||
Up Life's Hill with my little Bundle | S07.19.093 | 1945 | 1.184 | 1010 | 1018 | |
Upon a Lilac Sea | 1945 | 1.126 | 1337 | 1368 | ||
Upon Concluded Lives | F35.02.008 | 1945 | 1.395 | 735 | 722 | |
Upon his Saddle sprung a Bird | 1600 | 1663 | ||||
Upon the gallows hung a wretch | 1896 | 1.022 | 1.105 | 1757 | 1775 | |
Victory comes late | F34.05.013 | 1891 | 1.026 | 1.052 | 690 | 195 |
Volcanoes be in Sicily | 1914 | 5.117 | 5.119 | 1705 | 1691 | |
Wait till the Majesty of Death | F08.03.008 | 1891 | 4.031 | 4.071 | 171 | 169 |
Warm in her Hand these accents lie | 1945 | 2.665 | 1313 | 1307 | ||
Was not was all the Statement | 1945 | 1.372 | 1342 | 1277 | ||
Water makes many Beds | 1945 | 1.341 | 1428 | 1446 | ||
Water, is taught by thirst. | F04.01.002 | 1896 | 4.051 | 4.133 | 135 | 93 |
We — Bee and I — live by the quaffing | F10.01.001 | 1929 | 3.061 | 6.053 | 230 | 244 |
We can but follow to the Sun | S04b.01.003 | 920 | 845 | |||
We Cover Thee — Sweet Face | F22.02.006 | 1896 | 4.004 | 4.086 | 482 | 461 |
We do not know the time we lose | 1106 | 1139 | ||||
We do not play on Graves | F26.03.011 | 1945 | 1.171 | 467 | 599 | |
We don't cry — Tim and I | F09.05.017 | 1945 | 1.155 | 196 | 231 | |
We dream — it is good we are dreaming | F25.05.016 | 1935 | 2.076 | 7.067 | 531 | 584 |
We grow accustomed to the Dark | F15.03.006 | 1935 | 1.016 | 7.014 | 419 | 428 |
We introduce ourselves | 1945 | 1.484 | 1214 | 1184 | ||
We knew not that we were to live | 1462 | 1481 | ||||
We learn it in Retreating | S07.24.120 | 1896 | 4.002 | 4.084 | 1083 | 1045 |
We learned the Whole of Love | F28.02.007 | 1945 | 1.260 | 568 | 531 | |
We like a Hairbreadth 'scape | 1945 | 1.222 | 1175 | 1247 | ||
We like March. | 1896 | 3.006 | 2.088 | 1213 | 1194 | |
We lose — because we win | F01.01.008 | 1945 | 1.533 | 21 | 28 | |
We met as Sparks — Diverging Flints | S05.05.023 | 1945 | 1.289 | 958 | 918 | |
We miss a Kinsman more | S07.25.122 | 1929 | 1.014 | 6.012 | 1087 | 1047 |
We miss Her, not because We see | F34.06.017 | 1945 | 1.362 | 993 | 771 | |
We never know how high we are | 1896 | 1.014 | 1.097 | 1176 | 1197 | |
We never know we go when we are going | 1896 | 4.049 | 4.131 | 1523 | 1546 | |
We outgrow love, like other things | S06c.02.007 | 1896 | 2.015 | 3.049 | 887 | 1094 |
We play at Paste | 1891 | 1.004 | 1.030 | 320 | 282 | |
We pray — to Heaven | F22.06.021 | 1929 | 2.048 | 6.042 | 489 | 476 |
We see — Comparatively | F25.04.012 | 1929 | 1.035 | 6.032 | 534 | 580 |
We send the Wave to find the Wave | 1604 | 1643 | ||||
We shall find the Cube of the Rainbow. | 1484 | 1517 | ||||
We should not mind so small a flower | F04.04.014 | 1914 | 3.085 | 5.085 | 81 | 82 |
We shun because we prize her Face | 1945 | 1.244 | 1429 | 1430 | ||
We shun it ere it comes | 1580 | 1595 | ||||
We talked as Girls do | F19.06.014 | 1929 | 4.099 | 6.088 | 586 | 392 |
We talked with each other about each other | 1945 | 1.267* | 1473 | 1506 | ||
We thirst at first — 'tis Nature's Act | F36.04.015 | 1896 | 4.052 | 4.134 | 726 | 750 |
We wear our sober Dresses when we die | 1572 | 1619 | ||||
We'll pass without the parting | S07.12.059 | 996 | 503 | |||
Went up a year this evening! | F03.01.006 | 1891 | 4.032 | 4.072 | 93 | 72 |
Were it but Me that gained the Height | S07.20.100 | 1945 | 2.612 | 1015 | 1025 | |
Were it to be the last | 1164 | 1165 | ||||
Were natural mortal lady | 1762 | 1787 | ||||
Wert Thou but ill — that I might show thee | F40.01.002 | 1945 | 1.303 | 961 | 821 | |
What care the Dead, for Chanticleer | F29.05.015 | 592 | 624 | |||
What did They do since I saw Them? | S06b.06.022 | 1945 | 1.402 | 900 | 1074 | |
What I can do — I will | F31.03.012 | 1929 | 3.071 | 6.063 | 361 | 641 |
What I see not, I better see | S02.01.004 | 1945 | 1.291 | 939 | 869 | |
What if I say I shall not wait! | F14.01.002 | 1891 | 2.016 | 3.034 | 277 | 305 |
What Inn is this | F05.02.011 | 1891 | 4.034 | 4.074 | 115 | 100 |
What is — Paradise | F09.02.005 | 1945 | 1.154 | 215 | 241 | |
What mystery pervades a well! | 1896 | 3.014 | 2.096 | 1400 | 1433 | |
What shall I do — it whimpers so | F09.01.001 | 1945 | 2.639 | 186 | 237 | |
What shall I do when the Summer troubles | S05.05.020 | 1945 | 1.296 | 956 | 915 | |
What Soft — Cherubic Creatures | S01.01.003 | 1896 | 1.047 | 1.130 | 401 | 675 |
What tenements of clover | 1338 | 1358 | ||||
What Twigs We held by | S07.25.121 | 1935 | 1.024 | 7.022 | 1086 | 1046 |
What we see we know somewhat | S11.01.002 | 1945 | 1.542 | 1195 | 1272 | |
What would I give to see his face? | F11.07.015 | 1929 | 6.150 | 6.135 | 247 | 266 |
Whatever it is — she has tried it | 1945 | 1.365 | 1204 | 1200 | ||
When a Lover is a Beggar | 1945 | 1.568 | 1314 | 1330 | ||
When Bells stop ringing — Church — begins | F26.04.013 | 1945 | 1.557 | 633 | 601 | |
When Continents expire | 1321 | |||||
When Diamonds are a Legend | F27.03.007 | 1935 | 2.054 | 7.045 | 397 | 553 |
When Etna basks and purrs | 1914 | 1.007 | 5.007 | 1146 | 1161 | |
When I count the seeds | F02.02.008 | 1945 | 1.095 | 40 | 51 | |
When I have seen the Sun emerge | S06c.02.008 | 1945 | 1.005 | 888 | 1095 | |
When I hoped I feared | F26.02.006 | 1891 | 1.040 | 1.066 | 1181 | 594 |
When I hoped, I recollect | F23.05.015 | 1929 | 6.181 | 6.164 | 768 | 493 |
When I was small, a Woman died | F24.04.013 | 1890 | 4.033 | 4.033 | 596 | 518 |
When Katie walks, this simple pair accompany her side | 222 | 49 | ||||
When Memory is full | 1266 | 1301 | ||||
When Night is almost done | S01.02.007 | 1890 | 1.017 | 1.017 | 347 | 679 |
When One has given up One's life | S07.05.026 | 1945 | 1.334 | 853 | 961 | |
When Roses cease to bloom, Sir | F01.04.023 | 1896 | 2.005 | 3.039 | 32 | 8 |
When the Astronomer stops seeking | S07.04.022 | 1945 | 1.237 | 851 | 957 | |
When they come back — if Blossoms do | S07.24.117 | 1929 | 3.067 | 6.059 | 1080 | 1042 |
When we have ceased to care | 1706 | 1737 | ||||
When we stand on the tops of Things | F16.03.008* | 1945 | 1.527 | 242 | 343 | |
Where bells no more affright the morn | F05.01.005 | 1945 | 1.214 | 112 | 114 | |
Where every bird is bold to go | 1896 | 4.022 | 4.104 | 1758 | 1179 | |
Where I am not afraid to go | S07.11.055 | 1945 | 1.087 | 1037 | 986 | |
Where I have lost, I softer tread | F07.02.007 | 104 | 158 | |||
Where Roses would not dare to go | 1945 | 2.666 | 1582 | 1610 | ||
Where Ships of Purple — gently toss | F12.03.012 | 1891 | 3.042 | 2.042 | 265 | 296 |
Where Thou art — that — is Home | F36.04.014 | 1929 | 6.154 | 6.138 | 725 | 749 |
Whether my bark went down at sea | F03.04.020 | 1890 | 1.024 | 1.024 | 52 | 33 |
Whether they have forgotten | 1945 | 1.401 | 1329 | 1334 | ||
Which is best? Heaven | S07.19.096 | 1945 | 1.549 | 1012 | 1021 | |
Which is the best — the Moon or the Crescent? | S14.02.005 | 1945 | 1.548 | 1315 | 1376 | |
Which misses most | 1945 | 1.369 | 1759 | 1786 | ||
While Asters | F18.06.014 | 1896 | 3.001* | 2.083 | 331 | 374 |
While it is alive | S06b.01.003 | 1945 | 1.336 | 491 | 287 | |
While we were fearing it, it came | 1896 | 1.015 | 1.098 | 1277 | 1317 | |
White as an Indian Pipe | 1250 | 1193 | ||||
Who abdicated Ambush | 1945 | 1.377 | 1616 | 1571 | ||
Who Court obtain within Himself | F38.05.014 | 1929 | 1.023 | 6.020 | 803 | 859 |
Who Giants know, with lesser Men | F38.01.003 | 1929 | 1.015 | 6.013 | 796 | 848 |
Who goes to dine must take his Feast | S08b.03.003 | 1945 | 1.439 | 1223 | 1219 | |
Who has not found the Heaven — below | 1896 | 1.017 | 1.100 | 1544 | 1609 | |
Who is it seeks my Pillow Nights | 1914 | 4.099 | 5.100 | 1598 | 1640 | |
Who is the East? | S06b.08.033 | 1945 | 1.028 | 1032 | 1085 | |
Who never lost, are unprepared | F06.01.001 | 1891 | 1.008 | 1.034 | 73 | 136 |
Who never wanted — maddest Joy | 1896 | 1.048 | 1.131 | 1430 | 1447 | |
Who occupies this House? | S06b.05.017 | 1945 | 1.389 | 892 | 1069 | |
Who saw no Sunrise cannot say | S07.21.103 | 1945 | 1.007 | 1018 | 1028 | |
Who were the Father and the Son | 1914 | 4.109 | 5.111 | 1258 | 1280 | |
Whoever disenchants | 1945 | 1.204 | 1451 | 1475 | ||
Whole Gulfs — of Red, and Fleets — of Red | F22.04.013 | 1945 | 1.033 | 658 | 468 | |
Whose are the little beds, I asked | F04.03.010 | 1891 | 3.010 | 2.010 | 142 | 85 |
Whose cheek is this? | 82 | 48 | ||||
Whose Pink career may have a close | 1394 | 1427 | ||||
Why — do they shut Me out of Heaven? | F11.08.017 | 1929 | 6.174 | 6.157 | 248 | 268 |
Why do I love You, Sir? | F22.02.004 | 1929 | 6.153 | 6.137 | 480 | 459 |
Why make it doubt — it hurts it so | F32.06.019 | 1929 | 4.107 | 6.096 | 462 | 697 |
Why should we hurry — why indeed? | 1945 | 2.622 | 1646 | 1683 | ||
Wild Nights — Wild Nights! | F11.08.018 | 1891 | 2.007 | 3.025 | 249 | 269 |
Will there really be a Morning? | F07.01.004 | 1891 | 3.002 | 2.002 | 101 | 148 |
Winter is good — his Hoar Delights | S14.01.003 | 1945 | 1.074* | 1316 | 1374 | |
Winter under cultivation | 1707 | 1720 | ||||
Witchcraft has not a Pedigree | 1914 | 1.010 | 5.010 | 1708 | 1712 | |
Witchcraft was hung, in History | 1945 | 1.588 | 1583 | 1612 | ||
With Pinions of Disdain | 1945 | 1.375 | 1431 | 1448 | ||
With sweetness unabated | 1709 | 1713 | ||||
With thee, in the Desert | F10.02.008 | 1945 | 2.625 | 209 | 201 | |
Within my Garden, rides a Bird | F18.04.009 | 1929 | 3.059 | 6.051 | 500 | 370 |
Within my reach! | F03.01.003 | 1890 | 1.007 | 1.007 | 90 | 69 |
Within that little Hive | 1607 | 1633 | ||||
Within thy Grave! | 1945 | 1.398 | 1552 | 1582 | ||
Without a smile — Without a Throe | 1945 | 1.061 | 1330 | 1340 | ||
Without this — there is nought | F22.03.009 | 1935 | 3.097 | 7.084 | 655 | 464 |
Wolfe demanded during dying | F23.02.004 | 1945 | 1.236 | 678 | 482 | |
Wonder — is not precisely Knowing | 1945 | 1.581 | 1331 | 1347 | ||
Would you like summer? Taste of ours. | 691 | 272 | ||||
Yesterday is History | 1945 | 1.531 | 1292 | 1290 | ||
You cannot make Remembrance grow | 1945 | 1.539 | 1508 | 1536 | ||
You cannot put a Fire out | F25.05.015 | 1896 | 1.050 | 1.133 | 530 | 583 |
You cannot take itself | 1945 | 1.594 | 1351 | 1359 | ||
You constituted Time | F23.03.010 | 1945 | 1.331 | 765 | 488 | |
You know that Portrait in the Moon | S01.02.004 | 1935 | 3.088 | 7.076 | 504 | 676 |
You left me — Sire — two Legacies | F33.06.016 | 1890 | 2.002 | 3.002 | 644 | 713 |
You love me — you are sure | F09.03.007 | 1945 | 2.637 | 156 | 218 | |
You love the Lord — you cannot see | F22.05.019 | 1945 | 1.421 | 487 | 474 | |
You said that I was Great — one Day | F35.08.025 | 1945 | 1.321 | 738 | 736 | |
You see I cannot see — your lifetime | F13.02.003 | 1929 | 6.162 | 6.144 | 253 | 313 |
You taught me Waiting with Myself | F37.01.002 | 1929 | 6.170 | 6.153 | 740 | 774 |
You'll find — it when you try to die | F21.01.002 | 1929 | 4.105 | 6.094 | 610 | 441 |
You'll know Her — by Her Foot | F26.05.016 | 1945 | 1.115 | 634 | 604 | |
You'll know it — as you know 'tis Noon | F15.03.007 | 1935 | 3.083 | 7.072 | 420 | 429 |
You're right — the way is narrow | F10.04.017 | 1945 | 2.617 | 234 | 249 | |
You've seen Balloons set — Haven't You? | F35.05.016 | 1896 | 3.023 | 2.105 | 700 | 730 |
Your Riches — taught me — Poverty. | F14.05.014 | 1891 | 2.003 | 3.021 | 299 | 418 |
Your thoughts don't have words every day | 1945 | 1.435 | 1452 | 1476 |
- Todd & Bianchi volumes
- Higginson, T. W.; Todd, Mabel Loomis, eds. (1890), Poems by Emily Dickinson, Boston, MA: Roberts Brothers
- Higginson, T. W.; Todd, Mabel Loomis, eds. (1891), Poems by Emily Dickinson: Second Series, Boston, MA: Roberts Brothers
- Todd, Mabel Loomis, ed. (1896), Poems by Emily Dickinson: Third Series, Boston, MA: Roberts Brothers
- Bianchi, Martha Dickinson, ed. (1914), The Single Hound: Poems of a Lifetime, Boston, MA: Little, Brown, and Company
- Bianchi, Martha Dickinson; Hampson, Alfred Leete, eds. (1929), Further Poems of Emily Dickinson, Boston, MA: Little, Brown, and Company
- Bianchi, Martha Dickinson; Hampson, Alfred Leete, eds. (1935), Unpublished Poems of Emily Dickinson, Boston, MA: Little, Brown, and Company
- Todd, Mabel Loomis; Bingham, Millicent Todd, eds. (1945), Bolts of Melody: New Poems by Emily Dickinson, New York: Harper
- Bianchi collections
- Bianchi, Martha Dickinson, ed. (1924), The Complete Poems of Emily Dickinson, Boston, MA: Little, Brown, and Company
- Includes poems from volumes of 1890, 1891, 1896, and 1914, with some rearrangement and 3 additional poems.
- Bianchi, Martha Dickinson; Hampson, Alfred Leete, eds. (1930), The Poems of Emily Dickinson (Centenary ed.), Boston, MA: Little, Brown, and Company
- Includes contents of 1924 collection, plus the 1929 volume.
- Bianchi, Martha Dickinson; Hampson, Alfred Leete, eds. (1937), The Poems of Emily Dickinson, Boston, MA: Little, Brown, and Company
- Includes contents of 1930 collection, plus the 1935 volume.
- Scholarly editions
- Johnson, Thomas H., ed. (1955), The Poems of Emily Dickinson (Variorum ed.), Cambridge, MA: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press (3 volumes)
- Johnson, Thomas H., ed. (1960), The Complete Poems of Emily Dickinson (Reading ed.), Boston, MA: Little, Brown and Company
- Franklin, R. W., ed. (1998), The Poems of Emily Dickinson (Variorum ed.), Cambridge, MA: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press (3 volumes)
- Franklin, R. W., ed. (1999), The Poems of Emily Dickinson (Reading ed.), Cambridge, MA: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press