List of SS personnel
Between 1925 and 1945, the German Schutzstaffel (SS) grew from eight members to over a quarter of a million Waffen-SS and over a million Allgemeine-SS members. Other members included the SS-Totenkopfverbände (SS-TV), which ran the Nazi concentration and extermination camps. The following list of SS personnel gives the names of notable persons who are counted among the organization's most famous, influential or notorious members.
Führer (Adolf Hitler)

Prior to 1934 the SS were nominally under the command of the Sturmabteilung[1] and so it could be said that both Adolf Hitler as Oberster SA-Führer and Ernst Röhm as Stabschef SA outranked the most senior SS position of Reichsführer-SS. Following the Night of the Long Knives Hitler "raised the SS, hitherto subordinate to the SA, to the rank of an independent organisation".[2] Hitler also was considered SS Member No. 1, Emil Maurice (considered the founder of the SS) was member No. 2, while Himmler was SS member No. 168. Based on the seniority system of SS membership number, this made Hitler senior in the SS to all other members even if not by rank.
After the Night of the Long Knives, when the SS became independent from the SA, Hitler was listed on SS officer rolls as member No. 1 and considered supreme commander of the entire SS (Oberste Führer der Schutzstaffel: Literally, "Supreme Leader of the SS") by virtue of his position as the Führer of Germany. There is no photographic record of Hitler ever wearing an actual SS uniform nor was there a special SS insignia for Hitler above that worn by Himmler.
SS Generals
Following is the list of persons holding the title positions as well as actual highest ranks of the Schutzstaffel (SS) since the earliest inception of the armed SS units in Nazi Germany. The ranks include distinctive insignia designs worn on the collar points by all officers.
Name | Position | SS number | Joined SS | Party number |
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Julius Schreck | First Reichsführer-SS 1925–1926. Hitler's chauffeur Later held the ranks of SS-Standartenführer and SS-Oberführer Posthumously awarded the ranks SS-Brigadeführer and SS-Ehrenführer of the SS Regiment Munich |
5 | Leader of the Stoßtrupp-Hitler, forerunner of the SS (1923); officially joined SS (1925) | 53 |
Joseph Berchtold | Second Reichsführer-SS 1926–1927 |
Co-leader of the Stoßtrupp-Hitler; forerunner of the SS (1923) | 750 | |
Erhard Heiden | Third Reichsführer-SS 1927–1929 |
Member of the Stoßtrupp-Hitler, forerunner of the SS (1923); officially joined SS (1925) | 74 | |
Heinrich Himmler | Reichsführer-SS 1929–1945 Chief of German Police Minister of the Interior Chief of the replacement Army |
168 | 2 August 1925 | 14303 |
Karl Hanke | Final Reichsführer-SS 1945 |
203013 | 15 February 1934 | 102606 |
Oberst-Gruppenführer (Colonel General)
Name | Position | SS number | Joined SS | Party number |
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Kurt Daluege | Commander of the Ordnungspolizei (Orpo-Order Police) | 1119 | 1928 | 31981 |
Sepp Dietrich | Original commander of the Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler (LSSAH) and later commander of the 6th SS Panzer Army | 1177 | 5 May 1928 | 89015 |
Paul Hausser | Commander of the II SS Panzer Corps | 239795 | February 1934 | 4158779 |
Franz Xaver Schwarz | NSDAP Treasurer | 38500 | 16 September 1931 | 6 |
Obergruppenführer (General)
Name | Position | SS number | Joined SS | Party number |
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Friedrich Alpers | Staatssekretär / SS-Obergruppenführer /Staatsrat / Generalforstmeister /Major der Reserve (Luftwaffe) | 6427 | March 1931 | 132812 |
Max Amann | Honorary SS Member. Party leader for the Reich of the Department Press | 53143 | 3 | |
Erich von dem Bach-Zelewski | Higher SS and Police Leader of Central Russia | 9831 | 15 February 1931 | 489101 |
Herbert Backe | Minister of Agriculture 1944–1945 | 22766 | 1 October 1933 | 87882 |
Gottlob Berger | Commander of the SS-Hauptamt | 275991 | 1936 | 426875 |
Werner Best | Reich Plenipotentiary of Denmark | 23377 | 1931 | 341338 |
Wilhelm Bittrich | Waffen-SS combat commander, II SS Panzerkorps | 39177 | 1934 | 829700 |
Ernst Wilhelm Bohle | Leader of the National Socialist German Workers' Party Foreign Organization | 276915 | 13 September 1933 | 999185 |
Martin Bormann | Secretary of Hitler/Party leader for the Reich in charge of the NSDAP Chancellery | 555 | September 1929 | 60508 |
Philipp Bouhler | Head of the Action T4/Party Leader for the Reich in charge of the Hitler's Chancellery (Kanzlei des Führers) | 54932 | 20 April 1933 | 12 |
Walter Braemer | born 7 January 1883. Involved in War Crimes in Poland; captured 2 May 1945-released October 1947; 1945 request for extradition to war crimes in Poland were refused by the United Kingdom government September 1950. Died 13 June 1955 |
223.910 | 1 October 1935 | 4.012.32 |
Franz Breithaupt | Commanding general of the SS and Police Courts | 39719 | 1 December 1932 | 602663 |
Walter Buch | Party Leader for the Reich as Chairman of the Inquiry and Mediation Board | 81353 | 1 July 1933 | 7733 |
Leonardo Conti | State Secretary for heath matters | 3.982 | 72.225 | |
Richard Walther Darré | First Director of the Race and Settlement Office ('Rasse- und Siedlungshauptamt' or RuSHA), and Minister of the Reich for Food and Agriculture | 6882 | July 1930 | 248156 |
Karl-Maria Demelhuber | Commanded the SS-Standarte Germania, 6. SS-Gebirgs-Division Nord, XII. SS-Armeekorps and XVI. SS-Armeekorps. | 252392 | 15 March 1935 | 4439 |
Otto Dietrich | Party Leader for the Reich as NSDAP Press Chief Honorary rank |
101349 | 1932 | 126727 |
Karl von Eberstein | Early member of the Nazi Party, the SA, the SS, Reichstag delegate, an HSSPF and SS-Oberabschnitt Führer, head of the Munich Police in World War II | 1386 | 1 April 1929 | 15067 |
Joachim Albrecht Eggeling | Gauleiter of Saxony and Anhalt High President of Merseburg |
186155 | 1935 | 11579 |
Theodor Eicke | First chief of the Inspektion der Konzentrationslager (Concentration Camps Inspectorate) and commander of the SS Totenkopf Division | 2921 | August 1930 | 114901 |
Karl Fiehler | Lord mayor of Munich/Party Leader of the Reich in charge of the communal policy | 91724 | 31 July 1933 | 37 |
Albert Forster | Gauleiter of Danzig | 158 | 12 June 1926 | 1924 |
Hans Frank | General Governor of Poland 1939 1945 | |||
Karl Hermann Frank | Higher SS and Police Leader of Bohemia and Moravia.
State Minister of the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia 1943 - 1945 |
310466 | 6600002 | |
August Frank | Frank became SS Administrative Officer of the Special Purpose Troops (SS-Verfügungstruppe) and of the concentration camp guards, the SS Death's Head units (SS-Totenkopfverbände or SS-TV), although the presence of a bureaucratic rival somewhat limited his authority in the second capacity. In February 1940, Frank became chief supply officer of the Waffen-SS and SS-TV units under Pohl. | 5669 | 8 April 1932 | 1471185 |
Herbert Otto Gille | Waffen-SS commander | 39854 | December 1931 | 537337 |
Curt von Gottberg | Also General der Waffen-SS | 45923 | September 1932 | 948753 |
Ernst-Robert Grawitz | Also General of Waffen-SS; Reichsarzt SS and Polizei; Head of German Red Cross; son in law of SS-Obergruppenführer und General der Waffen-SS Siegfried Taubert | 27.483 | November 1931 | 1.102.844 |
Ulrich Greifelt | Held the rank of major general by 1941, and then being appointed as "Chief of SS German Nationhood Staff", a position he held from November 1941 through his arrest by the Allied forces in May 1945. | 72909 | 1667407 | |
Arthur Greiser | Gauleiter of Reichsgau Wartheland | 10795 | 1929 | 166635 |
August Heissmeyer | Commander of the SS Education Main Office | 4370 | 21573 | |
Wolf-Heinrich Graf von Helldorf | He wore the uniform of an General der Polizei uniform in his capacity as Polizeipresident Berlin
SA Obergruppenführer |
None | ||
Rudolf Hess | Also Deputy-Führer of the NSDAP until 11 May 1941 | 50 | 1 November 1925 | 16 |
Konrad Henlein | Gauleiter of the Sudetenland | 310307 | 6600001 | |
Maximilian von Herff | Commander of the SS Personnel Main Office | 405894 | 1 April 1942 | 8858661 |
Reinhard Heydrich | Chief of the RSHA; President of Interpol; chaired the 1942 Wannsee Conference; Deputy Reich-Protector of Bohemia and Moravia | 10120 | 14 July 1931 | 544916 |
Friedrich Hildebrandt | ||||
Richard Hildebrandt | Led the SS-Rasse- und Siedlungshauptamt | 7088 | 89221 | |
Hermann Höfle | Higher SS and Police Leader in Slovakia | 463903 | 3924970 | |
Friedrich Jeckeln | Higher SS and Police Leader of Eastern Russia | 4367 | 12 January 1930 | 163348 |
Hans Jüttner | Commander of the SS-Führungshauptamt | 264497 | 541163 | |
Ernst Kaltenbrunner | Second Chief of the RSHA after Heydrich's assassination | 13039 | 300179 | |
Hans Kammler | Head of V-2 program | 113619 | 20 May 1933 | 1011855 |
Georg Keppler | Keppler commanded the 2. SS-Division Das Reich, 3. SS-Division Totenkopf, I. SS-Panzerkorps, III.(germanische) SS-Panzerkorps and the XVIII.SS-Armee-Korps. | 273799 | 10 October 1935 | 338211 |
Wilhelm Karl Keppler | Secretary of state in Foreign Office; founder of the Freundeskreis der Wirtschaft | 50816 | August 1932 | 62424 |
Matthias Kleinheisterkamp | Waffen-SS Divisional and Corps Commander | 132399 | 8 January 1934 | 4158838 |
Wilhelm Koppe | Höhere SS und Polizei Führer, HSSP in Wartheland | 25955 | 2 January 1932 | 305584 |
Friedrich-Wilhelm Krüger | Higher SS and Police Leader of Poland | 6123 | 16 March 1931 | 3995130 |
Walter Krüger | Commander of : 4th SS Polizei Panzer Division 2nd SS Panzer Division Das Reich IV SS Panzer Corps VI SS Panzer Corps |
266184 | 3991530 | |
Hans Lammers | Minister of the Reich/Head of the Reich Chancellery Honorary rank |
118404 | 1010355 | |
Hartmann Lauterbacher | Gauleiter und Reichsstatthalter / Oberpräsident / SS-Obergruppenführer /M.d.R. / Preußischen Staatsrat | 382406 | 9 November 1940 | 86837 |
Werner Lorenz | Commander of the Main Office of Ethnic Germanization (Hauptamt Volkdeutsche Mittelstelle) | 6636 | 1931 | 337994 |
Benno Martin | SS-Obergruppenführer, General of the Waffen-SS and Police and Higher SS leader (Polizei und Höherer SS) in Nuremberg. | 187117 | 10 April 1934 | 2714474 |
Emil Mazuw | Landeshauptmann (nominal governor) of the Province of Pomerania from 1940 to 1945. A member of the SS since 1933, he held the ranks of SS-Obergruppenführer, General of the Waffen-SS (1944), General of Police (1942) and Ostsee Higher SS and Police leader (1939–1945). He was engaged in euthanasia during the Second World War. Convicted after the war of crimes associated with abuses of political prisoners and Jews; sentenced to 16 years imprisonment. | 2556 | 7 June 1930 | 85231 |
Wilhelm Murr | ||||
Konstantin von Neurath | German Foreign Minister 1932–1938
Reich Protector of Bohemia Moravia 1939 - 1943 |
1937 | ||
Carl Oberg | Higher SS and Police Leader of France | 36075 | 7 April 1932 | 575205 |
Günther Pancke | Higher SS and Police Leader of Denmark Waffen-SS General |
10110 | 1931 | 282737 |
Karl Pfeffer-Wildenbruch | Obergruppenführer, General der Waffen-SS und der Polizei, during World War II, he commanded the 4th SS Polizei Division and the VI SS Army Corps and the IX SS Mountain Corps. | 292713 | March 1939 | 1364387 |
Artur Phleps | Commander of the 7.SS-Freiwilligen-Gebirgs-Division Prinz Eugen | 401214 | 30 June 1941 | |
Oswald Pohl | Chief of the SS Economics and Administration Office (WVHA) | 147614 | 1933 | 30842 |
Hans Prützmann | SS-Obergruppenführer und General der Polizei; General der Waffen-SS | 3002 | 142.290 | |
Rudolf Querner | From 1 May 1941 to at the end of January 1943 Querner was SS and Police Leader (HSSPF) Nordsee in Military district X, based in Hamburg. Working closely with Gauleiter Karl Kaufmann Querners had responsibility over all police matters and was also involved in the deportation of the Hamburg Jews, which began at the end of October 1941. | 308240 | 22 May 1938 | 2385386 |
Hanns Albin Rauter | SS and Police Leader in the Netherlands | 262958 | Joined Austrian Nazi Party | |
Wilhelm Rediess | SS and Police Leader in Norway | 2839 | 22 July 1930 | 25574 |
Joachim von Ribbentrop | Foreign minister 1938–1945 | 63083 | February 1938 | 1199927 |
Erwin Rösener | Higher SS and Police Leader SS-Oberabschnitt 'Alpenland' (Wehrkreis XVIII; HQ: Salzburg) 24 November 1941 – 8 May 1945 |
3575 | 1930 | 46771 |
Fritz Sauckel | Honorary rank Gauleiter of NSDAP Gau of Thuringia |
254890 | 1395 | |
Paul Scharfe | Commander of the SS Legal Main Office | 14220 | 1 October 1931 | 665697 |
Julius Schaub | Co-founder of the SS, personal assistant to Hitler | 7 | February 1925 | 81 |
Dr. Johann Friedrich Scheid[3] | Director of Hermsdorf-Schönburg GMBH. Had Honorary SS Rank. In August 1944 presided over a secret meeting with German industrialists to using assests to rebuild Germany in the postwar period.[4][5] Listed in 1944 reference[6] and 1946 reference[7] | |||
Arthur Seyss-Inquart | Leader of NS opposition in Austria prior Anschluss, Deputy governor-general of Poland then Commissaire for the Reich in Netherlands | 292771 | 6270392 | |
Felix Steiner | Commander of III (Germanic) SS Panzer Corps | 253351 | 4264295 | |
Dr. Wilhelm Stuckart | Born 16 November 1902. Reich Interior State Secretary; author of Nuremberg Race Laws of 1935; participant in Wannsee Conference in 1942. In 1949, sentenced to 4 years but released for time already served. Died in a car accident in 1953. | 280042 | 378144 | |
Fritz Wächtler
Gauleiter |
Prince Josias, Hereditary Prince of Waldeck and Pyrmont | SS-Obergruppenführer and Higher SS and Police Leader of the SS-Oberabschnitt Fulda-Werra | 2139 | 2 March 1930 | 160025 |
Fritz Weitzel | He became a member of Nazi Party in 1925 and of SS in 1926. In 1930 he was promoted to leader of SS in Rheinland and Ruhr. He became Polizeipräsident in Düsseldorf in 1933, and Höherer SS- und Polizeiführer West in 1938. | 408 | 1927 | 18833 |
Karl Wolff | Chief of staff to Heinrich Himmler and Supreme SS and Police Leader of Italy | 14235 | 7 October 1931 | 695131 |
Udo von Woyrsch | Higher SS and Police Leader in the SS-Oberabschnitt Sudost | 3689 | 162349 | |
Alfred Wünnenberg | SS-Obergruppenführer und General der Waffen SS and the commander of the 4th SS Polizei Panzer Grenadier Division
Last Commander of the Main Office for Uniformed Police forces (Ordnungspolizei) |
405898 | 2 October 1939 | 2222600 |
Gruppenführer (Lieutenant General)
Name | Position | SS number | Joined SS | Party number |
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Ludolf von Alvensleben | Held ranks of NSDAP-Reichstagsabgeordneter, SS-Gruppenführer und Generalleutnant der Waffen-SS; commander of the Selbstschutz of Reichsgau Danzig-West Prussia and Major General of the police (1943). Higher SS and Police leader in Silesia | 177002 | 149345 | |
Hans Baur | Generalleutenant der Polizei. Hitler's Pilot | 808258 | None, but received Golden Party Badge | |
Karl Brandt | Hitler's physician | 260353 | 29 July 1934 | 1009617 |
Karl-Heinrich Brenner | Gruppenführer and Generalleutnant of Polizei | 307786 | 11 September 1938 | 3460685 |
Josef Bürckel | ||||
Hermann Fegelein | SS-Cavalry General, Eva Braun's brother-in-law. Commander of the 8th SS Cavalry Division Florian Geyer | 66680 | 1931 | 1200158 |
Josef Fitzthum | SS-Gruppenführer, Generalleutnant der Waffen-SS und Polizei, politician, and Beauftragter des Reichsführer-SS Albanien (special representative of the Reichsführer SS in Albania) | 41936 | 1932 | 363169 |
Helmuth Friedrichs | born 22 Sept 1899. Office of the Deputy Fuhrer. Disappeared February 1945-fate unknown | 278.229 | 1936 | 124.214 |
Karl Gebhardt | "Reichsarzt-SS"; also a major general (Generalmajor) in the Waffen-SS | 265894 | 1935 | 1723317 |
Dr. Karl Genzken | Chief of Medical Office of the Waffen-SS. Involved in human experiments | 207954 | 5 November 1933 | 39913 |
Odilo Globocnik | Higher SS and Police Leader of the Adriatic Region; Head of Operation Reinhardas SSPF Lublin (Poland) | |||
Richard Glücks | Inspector of Concentration Camps/Amt D WVHA | 58706 | 1932 | 214805 |
Wilhelm Harster | GeneralLeutnant of Police; although unable to join post war BND recommended SS contacts to BND as potential agents | 225932 | 9 November 1933 | 3226594 |
Hans Hinkel | Journalist and commissioner at the Reich Ministry for the People's Enlightenment and Propaganda | |||
Otto Hofmann | Head of RuSHA, 1943. SS and Police Leader Southwest Germany; Wannsee Conference participant | 7646 | 1931 | 145729 |
Fritz Katzmann | Higher SS and Police Leader in Lemberg (Lwów), Galicia and Danzig-West Prussia | 3065 | 1 July 1930 | 98528 |
Wilhelm Kube | General-Kommissar for Weissruthenien (now known as Belarus) | 114771 | 1934 | 71682 |
Wilhelm Friedrich Loeper | Honorary rank; Gauleiter of the NS Gau Magdeburg Anhalt | 142592 | 6980 | |
Georg Lörner | Also Generalleutnant of the Waffen-SS; Deputy Chief of under Oswald Pohl, of the Wirtschaftsunternehmen im SS-Wirtschafts-Verwaltungshauptamt ( Main SS Economic and Administrative Department, SS WVHA), chief of Amtsgruppe B, (Division B) of the WVHA, and deputy chief of Amtsgruppe W (Division W) of the WVHA. | 37719 | July 1932 | 676772 |
Paul Moder | Senator of Altona, Hamburg; Sturmbannführer (major) in Waffen-SS; SS-und Polizeiführer {Warsaw} | 11716 | 1 September 1931 | 9425 |
Heinrich Müller | Chief of the Gestapo (Secret State Police), Amt IV (Department IV) of the RSHA; Wannsee Conference participant | 107043 | 20 April 1934 | 533199 |
Arthur Mülverstadt | SS-Gruppenführer und Generalleutnant der Polizei; Commander of 4th SS Polizei Division | 292712 | 1331860 | |
Werner Naumann | Freundeskreis der Wirtschaft & Secretary of State in Propaganda Ministry | |||
Arthur Nebe | Chief of the Kriminalpolizei (Criminal Police), Amt V (Department V) of the RSHA, Einsatzgruppe B Commander (June–November 1941) | 280152 | ||
Otto Ohlendorf | Commander of the Inland-SD, Amt III (Department III) of the RSHA | 880 | 28 May 1925 | 6531 |
Werner Ostendorff | Dual rank as SS-Gruppenführer und Generalleutnant der Waffen-SS; Commander of 17th SS Panzergrenadier Division Götz von Berlichingen and 2nd SS Panzer Division Das Reich | 257146 | 1 October 1935 | 1691488 |
Hermann Prieß | Commander of 3rd SS Division Totenkopf following the death of Theodor Eicke in February 1943. Commanding officer of the 1st SS-Panzerkorps "Leibstandarte" during the Battle of the Bulge. Hermann Prieß was convicted of war crimes because of his involvement in the Malmedy massacre and was sentenced to 20 years imprisonment. He was released in 1954. | 113258 | 1472296 | |
Johann Rattenhuber | Commander of the Reichssicherheitsdienst (RSD); (Hitler bodyguard unit) | 52877 | 1 May 1933 | 3212449 |
Eggert Reeder | Chief of the German Military Administration next to the Commander of Wehrmacht in occupied Belgium and northern France | 340776 | 1933 | 1998009 |
Heinz Reinefarth | Waffen-SS and Police General/Senior SS and Police Leader in Wartheland (former polish Posnania) | 56634 | December 1932 | 1268933 |
Karl-Gustav Sauberzweig | 2nd Commander of 13th Waffen SS Division | 1 August 1943 | ||
Walter Schimana | SS-Gruppenführer und Generalleutnant der Waffen-SS und Polizei. SSPF for Central Russia; and HSSPF for Greece; and Danube Sector | 337753 | 1934 | 49402 |
Max Simon | SS-Gruppenführer (major general) und Generalleutnant der Waffen-SS
commander of the XIII SS Army Corps |
83086 | May 1933 | 1350576 |
Jakob Sporrenberg | SS-Gruppenführer (major general) und Generalleutnant der Polizei in Minsk Russia and Lubin Poland | 3809 | 1 October 1930 | 25585 |
Bruno Streckenbach | SS-Gruppenführer und Generalleutnant der Waffen-SS. Captured by Soviets and in 1952 was sentenced to 25 years in prison but released 10 October 1955. The West German government eventually brought Streckenbach to trial in 1973 but the case was dismissed due "to the defendant's poor health". Died on 28 October 1977 | 14.713 | 1 September 1931 | 489.792 |
Jürgen Stroop | SS and Police Leader of Warsaw; later senior SS and Police leader in Greece | 44611 | 7 July 1932 | 1292297 |
Adolf von Bomhard | Also Generalleutnant of the Ordnungspolizei; Chief of the Command Office of the Uniformed Police Main Office | |||
Fritz von Scholz | Commander of 11th SS Volunteer Panzergrenadier Division Nordland | 135638 | 1937 | 1304071 |
Baron Otto Wächter | Governor of Cracow and Governor of Galicia District | 235338 | March 1935 | 301093 |
Dr. Richard Wendler | Born Oberdorf in Allgau 22.1.1898 Joined the army 2.10.1916 Beim Nachrichten-Ersatz-Abt Munchen to 3.4.1917 Beim A-Fernsprechung in Nach Abt 121 to 4.1919. Member of 1919 Freikorps Epp; member of Zeitfreiwilligenbataillon "von Krauss" (Einsatz im Ruhrgebiet) 1920. Awarded a Doctorate in law Jan 1922. He joined the Nazi Party 1.7.28; joined the SA 1.7.28. Transferred to the SS as Strumbannführer 1.4.1933. Beim SD to 1945. Oberburgermeister von Hof-an-der-Saale 1933 – 24.1.42. Gen Maj der Polizei 27.9.41; mdud Gen Lt der Polizei 21.6.43. Stadtkommissar von Kielce 14.9.39 – 6.6.40; Stadthauptmann in Distrikt Radom to 4.8.41; SSPF Stanislau-Rostow und SS Standortkommandant to 27.1.42; SSPF Rostow-Awdejewka to 27.5.42; i.V Gouverneur von Lublin 15.2.42 – 27.2.41; MWGB Gouverneur Krakau to 25.5.43; Gouverneur Lublin 26.5.43 – 22.7.44; Involved with the Czestochowa Ghetto. He was sentenced in 1949 to 3 years working camp, from 1955 he worked as a lawyer in Munich. He died Prien Bavaria on 24.8.72 {His sister was married to Gebhard Himmler - brother of Heinrich Himmler} | 36050 | 1 April 1933 | 93116 |
Brigadeführer (Major General)
Name | Position | SS number | Joined SS | Party number |
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Otto Abetz | German ambassador to Vichy France; sentenced to 20 years in 1949 for war crimes; released 1954. Died 1958 | 253.314 | 1 August 1935 | 7.011.453 |
Franz Augsberger | Also Generalmajor der Waffen-SS-20th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS (1st Estonian) | 139 528 | 20 April 1932 | 360 700 |
Lothar Beutel | Born 6 May 1902 in Leipzig. Einsatzgruppen IV commander 1939. Died 16 May 1986 in Berlin-Steglitz | 2422 | 1930 | 135.238 |
Walther Bierkamp | Born 17.12.1901 in Hamburg; SS-Brigadeführer and major of the police; SD Düsseldorf,Einsatzgruppe D,SD Krakau;-suicide 15.05.1945 | |||
Gottfried Graf von Bismarck-Schönhausen | Member of the Reichstag; chairman of the regional council (Regierungspräsident) for Stettin, and later also for Potsdam. | |||
Hugo Blaschke | Hitler's dentist. Brigadeführer und Generalmajor der Waffen-SS | 256882 | 2 May 1935 | 452082 |
Josef Bühler | Deputy governor Central Government on Kraków; attended Wannsee Conference 20 January 1942 | |||
Ernst Damzog | b. 30 October 1882, Strassburg {France}-d.July 1945 Helle. Involved with the Einsatzgruppen in killing Jews and Poles; also involved in KZ Chelmo killings as well | 36.157 | 15 June 1933 | 5.081.001 |
Léon Degrelle | Promoted by Himmler to this rank on 2 May 1945 (unofficial)/Commander of the Waffen SS division "Wallonie" | None | 1 June 1943 | |
Anton Dunckern | Born 29 June 1905. Commander of the Security Police (SiPo) and SD in Occupied Lorraine (Metz); also a Generalmajor der Polizei. From 31 May to 1 July 1953, Dunckern was tried as a war criminal before the Military Court of the 6th Region in Metz; sentenced to 20 years at hard labor. In June 1954, he was granted an early release from a prison; died 9 December 1985. | 3526 | 315601 | |
Ernst Fick | SS-Brigadefürer und Generalmajor der Waffen-SS | 2853 | 124.087 | |
Hans Fischböck | Involved in Final Solution in the Netherlands
Secretary of State for economics matters next to the Reich Commissar in the Netherlands |
367799 | ||
Karl Genzken | Chief of Medical Office of the Waffen-SS | 207954 | 5 November 1933 | 39913 |
Ulrich Graf | Hitler's Bodyguard | 26 | 8 | |
Wilhelm von Grolman | SS-Brigadeführer und Generalmajor der Polizei | 4130 | 352.864 | |
Desiderius Hampel | Brigadeführer and Generalmajor der Waffen SS | |||
Franz Hayler | Born 29 August 1900 in Schwarzenfeld and died 11 September 1972 in Aschau im Chiemgau. He was a German self-employed salesman who rose during the Third Reich to State Secretary and acting Reich Economics Minister as a member of the NSDAP and the SS. | 64697 | 23 March 1934 | 754133 |
Franz Josef Huber | Served as chief of the State Police (SiPo) and Gestapo for Vienna, the "Lower Danube" and "Upper Danube" regions; also a Generalmajor der Polizei | 107099 | 4583151 | |
Heinz Jost | born 9 July 1904. SD officer and original Chief of the Ausland-SD, Amt VI (Department VI) of the RSHA & Commander of Einsatzkommando A (29 March – 2 September 1942). Tried in Einsatzgruppen Trial of 1947-1948. In 1951, Jost was released from Landsberg prison. He then worked in Düsseldorf as a real estate agent. He died on 12 November 1964 at Bensheim. | 36243 | 25 July 1934 | 75946 |
Bronislaw Kaminski | Commander of Kaminski Brigade | |||
Dr. Adolf Katz | SS-Brigadeführer und Generalmajor der Waffen-SS | 3199 | 149.075 | |
Fritz Kranefuss | Head of Financial Department under Himmler | 53092 | 964992 | |
Christian Peder Kryssing | Commander of Frikorps Danmark and SS-Kampfgruppe Kueste | |||
Franz Kutschera | SS General and Gauleiter of Carinthia. SS and Police Leader of the Poland's Warsaw district, and a Generalmajor der Polizei. | 19659 | 1 November 1931 | 363031 |
Gustav Lombard | SS-Brigadeführer und Generalmajor der Waffen-SS | 185.023 | May 1933 | 2.649.630 |
Kurt "Panzermeyer" Meyer | Noted for his command of 1st SS Reconnaissance Battalion (LSSAH) and later as the Waffen-SS division commander of 12th SS Panzer Division Hitlerjugend. | 17 559 | 15 October 1931 | 316 714 |
Wilhelm Mohnke | Waffen-SS divisional commander of the LSSAH and (Kommandant) Battle Commander for the defence of the central government district (Zitadelle sector) that included the Reich Chancellery and Führerbunker during the Battle of Berlin | 15541 | 1 September 1931 | 649984 |
Erich Naumann | SS-Brigadeführer und Generalmajor der Polizei; commander of Einsatzgruppe B (November 1941 – March 1943) | 170257 | ||
Hans Nieland | Lord Mayor of Dresden | 61702 | 33333 | |
Karl Pflomm | SS-Brigadeführer und Generalmajor der Polizei | 2913 | 304.896 | |
Hans Plesch | SS-Brigadeführer und Generalmajor der Polizei | 4339 | 347.695 | |
Anton Reinthaller | 292775 | December 1938 | ||
Joachim Rumohr | Brigadeführer und Generalmajor of the Waffen-SS | 7450 | 1933 | 216161 |
Walter Schellenberg | SD officer and second Chief of the Ausland-SD, Amt VI (Department VI) of the RSHA | 124.817 | 10 January 1934 | 3.504.508 |
Gustav Adolf Scheel | Police Major General; Leader of the National Socialist Students' Federation, Superior SS and Police Leader in Salzburg, Gauleiter in Salzburg. Leader of the Berlin SD School; Inspector of the Security Police (SiPo) and the SD in Stuttgart; Leader of the Nazi Old Gentlemen's Federation; Chairman of the Reich Student Works; President of the German Study Works for Foreigners; Member of the Reich Labour Chamber and the Reichstag; commander of the SiPo and the SD under Chief of the civil administration in Alsace; Leader of the SD Upper Division South (Munich); Inspector of the SiPo and the SD under the higher SS and Police leaders South and Main; Higher SS and Police leader; Leader of the SS Upper Division Alpenland (Salzburg); Volkssturm Leader | 107189 | 1 October 1931 | 391 271 |
August Schmidthuber | CO of the 7th SS Volunteer Mountain Division Prinz Eugen from 20 January 1944 to 8 May 1945, and the 21st Waffen Mountain Division of the SS Skanderbeg (1st Albanian) from May 1944 onwards. | 266450 | 17 May 1935 | |
Karl Eberhard Schöngarth | Commander of an Einsatzgruppen; perpetrated the Massacre of Lviv professors, among other atrocities; Wannsee Conference participant | |||
Walther Schröder | b. 26 November 1902. PolizeiPraesdent in Lubeck; SS and Police fuhrer in Lettland; involved in killing of Jews in Reichskommissariat Ostland. d.31 October 1973 | 290.797 | 20 April 1938 | 6288 |
Hinrich Schuldt | Awarded Knight's Cross with oak Leaves and Swords | |||
Erwin Schulz | Born 27 November 1900, Berlin. Chief of Einsatzkommando 5 In May 1941. Sentenced to 20 years in Einsatzgruppen Trial; commuted to 15 years January 1951-released 9 January 1954. Died 11 November 1981. | 1935 | ||
Hendrik Seyffardt | Founder of the SS Dutch Legion | |||
Franz Six | Chief of Amt VII (Department VII) of the RSHA; charged with creation of Chief of Einsatzgruppen for England Vorkommando of Moscow of Einsatzgruppe B |
107480 | 1935 | 245679 |
Hyacinth Graf Strachwitz von Groß-Zauche und Camminetz | Heer panzer general | 82857 | 1405562 | |
Bruno Streckenbach | Born 7 February 1902. Awarded 30 January 1939 Golden Party Badge; Chief of Amt I (Department I), Administration and Personal of the RSHA; and Einsatzgruppen Commander, 8th SS Cavalry Division Florian Geyer. Died 28 October 1977 | 14713 | 1 September 1931 | 489972 |
Otto Steinbrinck | Freundeskreis der Reichsführer SS | 63084 | 30 May 1933 | 2638206 |
Wilhelm Trabandt | Colonel of 1 SS Infantry Brigade Commander of 18th SS Volunteer Panzer Grenadier Division Horst Wessel |
218.852 | May 1936 | 7035171 |
Friedrich Uebelhoer | born 25 Sept 1893. Governor of the Lodz ghetto until December 1942. Disappeared 1945-fate unknown. | 209059 | 11707 | |
Edmund Veesenmayer | Special Representative of the Reich in various South East countries. Involved in the Final Solution in Croatia, Serbia and Hungary | |||
Wilhelm Fritz von Roettig | Also Generalmajor der Ordnungspolizei. | |||
Jürgen Wagner | Commander of 23rd SS Volunteer Panzer Grenadier Division Nederland 4th SS Polizei Division |
23 692 | 15 June 1931 | 707279 |
Friedrich Weber | Commander of the NSDAP Old Guard | 265902 | July 1934 | 15 |
Karl Maria Wiligut | Section VIII (Archives) RUSHA Himmler's Personal Staff |
September 1933 | ||
Theodor Wisch | SS-Brigadeführer und Generalmajor der Waffen-SS | 4759 | 369.050 | |
Fritz Witt | First commander of the 12th SS Panzer Division Hitlerjugend. Awarded the Knight's Cross on 4 September 1940. He was killed by an allied naval barrage in 1944 | 21518 | 1 December 1931 | 816769 |
SS Officers
Oberführer (Senior Colonel)
Name | Position | SS number | Joined SS | Party number |
![]() | ||||
Dr. Humbert Achamer-Pifrader | Born 21 November 1900 in Teplitz-Schönau, Married Maria Hauser in 1929, Joined NSDAP on 10 November 1931, SS-Oberführer und Oberst der Polizei, Einsatzgruppe A Commander (10 September 1942 – 4 September 1943), head of the Gestapo in Darmstadt in 1940, Inspector of the SiPo and SD in Wiesbaden July 1942, Inspector of the SiPo and SD in Berlin September 1943. Died 25 April 1945 in Linz | 275750 | September 1935 | 614104 |
Josef Altstötter | Member of Reich Ministry of Justice; member of SA # 31; tried 1947 in Judges' Trial-released 1950-died 1979 | 289.254 | 15 May 1937 | 5.823.836 |
Adolf Ax | Waffen-SS commander.
Chief of Staff of the Commander of the Waffen-SS in The Netherlands 1942 1944 |
3848 | 1 December 1930 | 378043 |
Werner Blankenburg | born 19 June 1905 in Caputh. Involved in Nazism "Euthanasia"-program Action T4, the annihilation of the Polish Jews in the "Aktion Reinhard", and the experiments with castration by X-Rays in KZ Auschwitz-Birkenau. Officially declared dead 31 December 1945 in 1956 ironically he actually died under alias Werner Bieleke 28 November 1957 | 124744 | ||
Friedrich-Wilhelm Bock | He was born 6 May 1897. His military service; 2 August 1914 to 1 February 1919 F.A.R 31.; Alleged to have been member of Freikorps. 10 July 1924....Leutnant {police}; 1 April 1928...Oberleutnant {police}; 1 January 1934...Hauptmann {police}; 1 April 1936...Major {police}; 1 November 1941...Sturmbannführer (Joined SS at this rank); 5 January 1942...Obersturmbannführer; Einsatzgruppe B, Sonderkommando 7c Commander (June 1942); 9 November 1943...Standartenführer; 1 August 1944...Oberführer. Commander of 9.SS-Panzer-Division Hohenstaufen, 4.SS-Polizei-Panzergrenadier-Division, 19.Waffen-Grenadier-Division der SS. Died 11 March 1978 Hanover Germany | 405821 | 2223186 | |
Karl-Heinz Bürger | Also a police colonel | 156 309 | 30 January 1933 | 68 902 |
Alfred Buntru | Also a hydraulic engineer and informant for the Sicherheitsdienst (SD) | 1937 | ||
Prince Christoph of Hesse | born 14 May 1901. Killed in airplane accident. 7 Oct 1943. Also Hauptmann d.R.;b. Stab RFSS;Luftwaffe Major | 35903 | February 1933 | 1 498 608 or 696 176 |
Karl Diebitsch | Artist and soldier responsible for much of the Third Reich SS regalia. Prof. Diebitsch worked with graphic designer Walter Heck to design the all-black SS uniform. Also with his business partner Industrialist Franz Nagy, Diebitsch began the production of art porcelain at the porcelain factory Porzellan Manufaktur Allach. | 141990 | 1 May 1920 November 1933. |
1,436 {membership lapsed}, 4,690,956 reinstated. |
Rudolf Diels | First commander of the Gestapo until April 1934; later Chief of the Regional Gouvernement (Regierungsprasident) of Köln | 187116 | April 1934 | 3955308 |
Dr. Eduard Deisenhofer | Waffen-SS combat commander | |||
Dr. Oskar Dirlewanger | born 26 Sept 1895; Leader of Dirlewanger Brigade; died 7 June 1945 | 357267 | 1,098,716 | |
Wilhelm Fuchs | born 1 September 1898 in Mannheim. SS-Oberführer und Oberst der Polizei, Leader of Einsatzgruppe "Serbien" from April 1941 to January 1942 and Befehlshaber der Sicherheitspolizei und des SD (BdS) {Serbia}, Kommandeur of Sicherheitspolizei and des SD in Litauen, BdS Ostland in Riga and from 15 September 1943 to 27 May 1944 Leader of Einsatzkommandos 3 {USSR}. Died 24 January 1947 Belgrade. | 62.760 | 1 December 1932 | 1.038.061 |
Fridolin Glass | Born 1910. Commander of SS Regiment 89 before outbreak of World War II. Killed in action 1943 | 155.767 | April 1934 | 440.452 |
Karl Höfer | Oldest member of SS – born 29 December 1862 | 276338 | ||
Hubert Klausner | Gauleiter of Carinthia | |||
Martin Kohlroser | ||||
Erhard Kroeger | Former leader of the National Socialist Group in Estonia. Commander of Einsatzkommando 6/Einsatzgruppe C | 357243 | 23 October 1938 | 7 675 747 |
Hans Loritz | KZ commander Esterwegen concentration camp | 4.165 | 1 August 1930 | 298.668 |
Emil Maurice | SS Member No. 2, credited with founding the SS | 2 | February 1925 | 39 |
Thomas Müller | Waffen-SS combat commander | |||
Erich Neumann (politician) | Born 31 May 1892. Participant Wannsee Conference. Arrested after World War II but released because of poor health. Died 23 March 1951 | 222.014 | August 1934 | 2.645.024 |
Ferdinand Porsche | He made contributions to advanced German tank designs: Tiger I, Tiger II, and the Elefant, as well as the super-heavy Panzer VIII Maus tank, which was never put into production. He also made contributions in aircraft design, including the Junkers Ju 88, and the Focke-Wulf Ta 152. Additionally, he helped develop and manufacture retaliatory weapons (Vergeltungswaffen), such as the V-1 flying bombs (Fi 103 flying bombs). | None | 5643287 | |
Emanuel Schafer | Einsatzkommando/SD/Himmler's personal staff | 280018 | 4659879 | |
Julian Scherner | SS and Police Leader of Kraków | |||
Julius Schreck | First Reichsführer-SS | 5 | February 1925 | 53 |
Emil Sembach | SS headquarters in Silesia killed during the Long knives night in 1934. | 6.640 | 1 April 1932 | 3.575 |
Otto Steinhäusl | Police President of Vienna and Leader of Interpol. | 292773 | 1938 | |
Benno von Arent | born in Görlitz, Prussia, on 19 July 1898. His uncle was Benno von Arent (Generalleutnant). Member of the Freikorps. Joined the Nazi Party in 1932 he was one of the founders of the "Bund nationalsozialistischer Bühnen- und Filmkünstler" ("Union of national-socialist stage and movie artists"), which was renamed "Kameradschaft deutscher Künstler" ("fellowship of German artists") after Hitler's rise to power in 1933. Arent was appointed "Reichsbühnenbildner" ("Reich stage designer") in 1936 and "Reichsbeauftragter für die Mode" ("Reich agent for fashion") in 1939. He designed the diplomatic uniform of the Nazi diplomatic service. In 1944, he was given the rank of SS-Oberführer. Died 14 October 1956 | 1931 | ||
Ferdinand von Sammern-Frankenegg | Born 17.3.1897 Grieskirchen. Stub: 9.11.37; Staff : 17.3.38; Fuhrer 37 SS – Standarte (Linz) : 12.3 – 31.12.1938; Reichstag deputy 1938-1944; b. Stab SS – Oberabschnitt Nordost : 1.1 – 7.2.1939; m.d.F. SS – Abschnitt IX : 1.3 – 1.7.1939; Stabsfuhrer SS – Oberabschnitt Main : 1.7 – 1.9.1939; Fuhrer SS – Abschnitt IX (Wurzburg) : 1.9.1939 – 15.5.1942; Oberf : 30.1.41; SSPF Warschau : 15.5.1942 – 19.4.1943; b.m. SS – Abschnitt IX : 1.6 – 1.7.1943; Fuhrer b. Stab RFSS : 1.7.1943 –;Polizeigebietsfuhrer Esseg : 15.7.1943 – 20.9.1944; Brif u. Gen.Mjr d. Pol: 20.4.1944; killed 20.9.1944 b. Banja Luka. | 292 792 | 1 459 955 | |
Gustav Adolf Wiemann | Waffen-SS Officer and son-in-law of SS-Oberstgruppenführer Paul Hausser | 1938 | ||
Arpad Wigand | SS and Police leader (SS-und Polizeiführer (SSPF)) in Warsaw from 4 August 1941 until 23 April 1943. Aide to Erich von dem Bach Zelewski. In 1981, Wigand was found guilty in Hamburg for war crimes and was sentenced to 12.5 years. | 2999 | 30682 | |
Standartenführer (Colonel)
Name | Position | SS number | Joined SS | Party number |
![]() | ||||
Humbert Achamer-Pifrader | Born 21 November 1900 Bohemia. Served In Austrian Army in World War I. In 1935 Head of Gestapo in Darmstadt. By July 1942, he was Chief of Security Police and SD in Wiesbaden. In September 1942 he became, in succession to Walter Stahlecker and Heinz Jost, commander of Einsatzgruppen A, which was responsible for the mass murder of civilians (mostly Jewish). In addition, he was commander of the Security Police (Sipo) in Riga for sometime. On 31 August 1943, awarded with the Iron Cross 2nd Class award. In 1944 he returned to the Reich Security Main Office in Berlin and took over as Chief of Security Police in the field units of the Unit IV B. Killed in air raid 21 April 1945 | 275.750 | September 1935 | 614.104 |
Gunter d'Alquen | Born 24 October 1910. Chief of Propaganda OKW; Editor of Das Schwarze Korps;Commander of the SS-Standarte Kurt Eggers. Died 15 May 1988. | 8452 | 1931 | 66.689 |
Emil Augsburg | Born 1 May 1904. AMT VI of the RSHA; Vorkommando Moskau of SS officer Franz Six; postwar worked for American Intelligence and for the Gehlen Organization from 1949 to 1966. Reported died 1981 | 307,925 | 11 September 1938 | 5,518,743 |
Paul Blobel | Born 13 August 1894. Einsatzgruppe C, Einsatzkommando 4a Commander (June 1941 – 13 January 1942). executed 7 June 1951 | 29100 | January 1932 | 844662 |
Hans Collani | born February 13, 1908 in Stettin, died July 29, 1944 at Narva(suicide)) Waffen-SS Officer | |||
Max de Crinis | Born 29 May 1889. psychiatric director of the Clinic "La charité" of Berlin. Also worked with RuSHA/Action T-4. Committed suicide 2 May 1945 | 276 171 | 1936 | 688 247 |
Erich Ehrlinger | Born 14 October 1910. Einsatzkommando commander. After the end of the war Ehrlinger went into hiding in Schleswig-Holstein under the alias of Erich Fröscher. In October 1945 he went to Roth, near Nuremberg. In 1950, he moved with his family to Konstanz and worked under a false name as a host in the local casino. In 1952, he married for the second time, and started using his real name, and by 1954 worked as a foreman in Volkswagen in Karlsruhe. In December 1958, he was arrested. Two years later Ehrlinger was sentenced by the State Court of Karlsruhe (Landsgericht Karlsruhe) to twelve years imprisonment. The case was appealed and eventually returned to the public prosecutor's office. Due to disability, his sentence was officially remitted in 1969, four years after he was released from prison. Died 31 July 2004 | 107493 | May 1935 | 541195 |
Waldemar Fegelein | born 9 January 1912. Commander of 2nd SS Cavalry Regiment; 8th SS Cavalry Division Florian Geyer; 37th SS Volunteer Cavalry Division Lützow. Brother of Hermann Fegelein. died 20 November 2000 |
229780 | 2942829 | |
Hermann Florstedt | born 18 February 1895. Commandant of Majdanek Concentration Camp. executed 15 April 1945 | 8660 | 1931 | 488 573 |
Karl Gesele | born 15 August 1912. With 16th SS Panzergrenadier Division Reichsführer-SS and 37th SS Volunteer Cavalry Division Lützow. died 8 April 1968 | 10,596 | August 1931 | |
Hans Friedemann Götze | Born 3 November 1897. Son of SS Brigadefuhrer Friedemann Götze. Commander of SS Heimwehr Danzig KIA 3 May 1940 | |||
Jakob Grimminger | born 25 April 1892. Member of SS-Standarte 1 and bearer of the Blutfahne. Died 28 January 1969 | 135 | 25 February 1926 | 759 |
Kurt Gruber | born 21 October 1904 in Syrau, Vogtland – died 24 December 1943 in Dresden) was a Nazi politician and from 1926 to 1931 the first chairman of the Hitler Youth (Hitler-Jugend or HJ). | 7.270. | ||
Max Hansen | born 31 July 1908. Commander of the 1st SS Panzer Grenadier Regiment in the Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler. Died 7 March 1990 | 27813 | 1931 | 478376 |
Gebhard Ludwig Himmler | born 29 July 1898. Died 1982. Brother of Heinrich Himmler | 214.049 | 30 January 1944 | 1.117.822 |
Peter Högl | Member of SS-Begleitkommando des Führers | 249998 | 3289992 | |
Walter Huppenkothen | b. 31 December 1907-d.5 April 1978 | 1 MAy 1933 | ||
Karl Jäger | Commander of Einsatzkommando 3/Einsatzgruppe A. Author of the infamous Jäger Report. | 62823 | 1932 | 359269 |
Rudolf Lange | SD Commander of Latvia, Commander Einsatzkommando A-2. Wannsee Conference participant | 93501 | 1 March 1933 | 1159583 |
Michael Lippert | Killed SA leader Ernest Rohm July 1934
SS-Totenkopf Officer then Commander of the NCO School of the Waffen-SS in Arnhem (the Netherlands) |
2 968 | 10 March 1931 | 246 989 |
Enno Lolling | Concentration Camps Inspectorate; Physician with Amt D III of the SS-Wirtschafts-Verwaltungshauptamt for Medical Services and Camp Hygiene, with headquarters at Oranienburg | 179,765 | 28 August 1933 | 4,691,483 |
Josef Albert Meisinger | The Butcher of Warsaw as Commander of the Security Police and SD | 36134 | 5 March 1933 | 3201697 |
Rudolf Mildner | b.7 July 1902. The chief of the Gestapo at Katowice and who was the head of the political department at Auschwitz, conducting "third degree" methods of interrogation from March 1941 until September 1943. As such, he frequently sent prisoners to Auschwitz for incarceration or execution. He visited Auschwitz on several occasions. In December 1944, he was appointed chief of the SiPo, Gestapo and SD in Vienna. After the war, Mildner testified at the Nuremberg Trials and remained in custody until released in 1949. Postwar fate unknown | 275.741 | 1935 | 614.080 |
Erich Mix | Born 27 June 1898 Trzcińsk. Served in World War I {4 credits} and World War II {8 to 13 credits}.ALso Mayor of Settina and Wiesbaden. Died 9 April 1971 | 132400 | 1 September 1933 | 1.334.064 |
Professor Dr. Wilhelm Pfannenstiel | SS physician at Bełżec and Auschwitz | 273083 | 1934 | 2828629 |
Joachim Peiper | Waffen-SS Commander of LSSAH Kampfgruppe Peiper (the unit involved in the Malmedy massacre) (branch: Panzertruppe) | 132496 | 16 Oct 1933 | |
Heinrich Petersen | Commander of 18th SS Volunteer Panzer Grenadier Division Horst Wessel | 134.299 | 964.574 | |
Ruediger Pipkorn | Born 19 November 1909. 1945 commander of 35th SS and Police Grenadier Division. Killed 25 April 1945 | |||
Alfons Rebane | born 24 June 1908. Awarded Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross. Nicknamed "Estonian Rommel" .Postwar worked for MI6 and involved in Operation Jungle. Died 8 March 1976. | |||
Arthur Rödl | KZ Commander -Gross-Rosen concentration camp; Buchenwald concentration camp; | 1.240 | 1928 | 98.023 |
Wolfram Sievers | Born 10 July 1905. Himmler's personnel Staff General Secretary of the Ahnenerbe Deputy of Managing Board of Directors of Reich Research Council. Executed 2 June 1948 |
275325 | 1935 | 144983 |
Josef Spacil | Born 3 January 1907. SS economist at the Higher SS and Police Leader office for southern Russia Chief of Section II RSHA |
6797 | 10 April 1931 | 1,200,941 |
Dr Rudolf Tröger | Born 23 April 1905 in Leipzig; Died 18. June 1940 in France) Jurist im Rang eines Regierungsdirektors, SS-Führer, Gestapomitarbeiter und Führer des Einsatzkommandos 16 der Einsatzgruppen der Sicherheitspolizei und des SD. | 261.192 | 1933 | 2.434.089 |
Hilmar Wäckerle | First commandant of Dachau Koncentration camp | 9.729 | 1 March 1931 | 530.715 |
Wilhelm Zander | Assistant to Martin Bormann | 27789 | 552659 | |
Obersturmbannführer (Lieutenant Colonel)
Name | Position | SS number | Joined SS | Party number |
![]() | ||||
Georg Betz | SS officer who served as Adolf Hitler's personal co-pilot and Hans Baur's substitute | 625419 | ||
Helmut Bischoff | Gestapo chief of Poznań and Magdeburg; director of security for the V-weapons program | 272403 | November, 1935 | 203122 |
Dr. Otto Bradfisch | Einsatzgruppe B, Einsatzkommando 8 commander (June 1941 – 1 April 1942) | 310810 | 26 September 1938 | 405869 |
Werner Braune | Commanded Einsatzkommando 11b/Einsatzgruppe Special Purpose Unit D. | 107,364 | November 1934 | 581,277 |
Fritz Darges | With 2nd SS Panzer Division Das Reich and 5th SS Panzer Division Wiking | 72.222 | 1 April 1933 | 4.166.936 |
Léon Degrelle | Belgian Waffen-SS Foreign Legion Commander | None | 1 June 1943 | None |
Fritz Dietrich | SS police chief (SS und PolizeiStandortführer ) in Liepāja (German:Libau), Latvia. | 280034 | May 1936 | 2674343 |
Hans Dorr | Waffen-SS officer | May 1933 | ||
Adolf Eichmann | Born 1906. Head of the Gestapo's Sub-Office of Resettlement and later head of the Office of Jewish Affairs under RSHA Amt IV Gestapo and officially known as sub-department, Referat IV B4. Tried and Hanged 1962 | 45326 | 1 April 1932 | 889895 |
Hans Fleischhacker | SS-Rasse- und Siedlungshauptamt | 307399 | 1940 | 7501920 |
Bruno Gesche | 4th Commander of the SS-Begleitkommando des Führers 1934–1945 | 1093 | 1927 | 8592 |
Fritz Hartjenstein | Commandant at Birkenau; Natzweiler concentration camp; Flossenbürg | |||
Karl Hass | born October 5, 1912. Joined SD 1934. Involved in deporation of 1,000 Jews to KZ Auschwitz; placed Princess Mafalda of Savoy in German custody. Involved in Ardeatine massacre. Postwar used by US to Spy on USSR; sentenced to life in prison in 1988; died under house arrest April 21, 2004 | 117557 | ||
Werner Haase | Born 2 August 1900. Hitler's Personal physician. Died 30 November 1950 while a POW of USSR | 254.097 | 1 April 1941 | 3.081.672 |
Fritz Hippler | Film producer of The Eternal Jew | 284122 | 10 April 1937 | 62133 |
Wilhelm Höttl | RSHA Head of Counter Intelligence for Central and Southeastern Europe; second in command to Himmler's representative in Hungary |
309510 | 1938 | 6309616 |
Rudolf Höß | Commander of Auschwitz concentration camp | 193616 | 20 September 1933 | 3240 |
Dr. Ernest Kah | born Baden-Baden Germany; became NSDAP member 1 Sept 1932 | 290543 | 1 August 1937 | 1298873 |
Vinzenz Kaiser | Born 28 February 1904 Waltersdorf, Austria. An "Old Guard" NSDAP member. Formed SA troop in 1927. 1934 fled Austria and joined SS Austrian Legion Adolf Eichmann was also a member of this unit}. 1931 member of SS with rank of Sturmführer. Member of 1st SS Panzer Division Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler. 1938 part of Anschluss-company commander in SS Regiment Der Führer later part of 2nd SS Panzer Division Das Reich. Also member of 16th SS Panzergrenadier Division Reichsführer-SS and 17th SS Panzergrenadier Division Götz von Berlichingen. Awarded Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross. Died while a POW 19/20 April 1945 | 17127 | 10 October 1931 | 54828 |
Herbert Kappler | Commander of SS and Police Forces in Rome, Italy | 55211 | 8 May 1933 | 594899 |
Erich Kempka | Hitler's chauffeur-cofounder of SS-Begleitkommando des Führers | 2803 | 1 April 1930 | 225639 |
Max Koegel | Section Commander at Auschwitz | 1254463 | 4 March 1936 | 215.123 |
Bodo Lafferentz | On staff of the SS "Race and Settlement Central Agency". Later involved in researching oil shale sites and wind power also V-2 Rocket development. Organised the Bayreuth opera "War Festival". | 347155 | 17 February 1939 | 2594441 |
Arthur Liebehenschel | Commandant of the Majdanek and Auschwitz death camps, succeeding Rudolf Höß. Served as an adjutant in the Columbia Haus and Lichtenburg camps, Inspectorate of Concentration Camps and as a senior director in the SS Economics Department. Prosecuted in the Auschwitz Trial in Kraków and executed by hanging on 28 January 1948. | 29254 | 1 February 1932 | 932760 |
Kurt Lischka | Tried 1979 with Herbert Hagen and Erich Heinrichsohn | 195590 | 1 June 1933 | |
Knud Børge Martinsen | Commander of Frikorps Danmark | |||
Gustav Adolf Nosske | born 29 December 1902. Head of Aachen Gestapo in 1935 and head of Frankfort Gestapo 1936-1941. Head of Einsatzkommando 12 from 1941-1942.In April 1942 Nosske joined the RSHA office in Berlin concerning the Occupied Eastern Territories. In 1943 he was appointed head of the "Foreigners and Enemies of the State" division of the Gestapo. He worked as a liaison between the Reich Ministry for the Occupied Eastern Territories and the RSHA. From August 1943 to September 1944 he was head of the state police in Düsseldorf. Nosske was arrested by the Allies and brought to trial at the Einsatzgruppen Trial in 1948 at Nuremberg. He was the only accused who did not seek clemency from General Lucius D. Clay in the American sector of occupation.[3] On 10 April 1948 Nosske was sentenced to life imprisonment for war crimes. In 1951 his sentence was commuted to ten years in prison. Upon returning to civilian life he became a coach in Württemberg. On 26 March 1965 he testified as a witness at the Frankfurt Auschwitz Trials. Died in 1990. | 1933 | ||
Karl Rabe | Born 11.06.1905; Muehlhausen. Became member of NSDAP 1 June 1930 | 54628 | 1 June 1932 | 259544 |
Karl Rasche | Of Dresdner Bank; sentenced 1949 in Ministries Trial to served 7 years; released 1950-died 1951 | 323.879 | May 1939 | 2.207.508 |
Harald Riipalu | Estonian member of the SS | |||
Franz Schädle | Commander of Adolf Hitler's personal bodyguard unit, (SS-Begleitkommando des Führers) | 2605 | 1 February 1930 | 73.203 |
Hermann Schaper | Commander of Kommando SS Zichenau-Schroettersburg and Einsatzgruppe B | 3484 | 105606 | |
Walter Schmidt | Waffen-SS | 311100 | 1935 | |
Heinz Schubert | Defendant in Einsatzgruppen Trial sentenced to death-commuted to 10 years | 107326 | 10 October 1934 | 3474350 |
Georg Schönberger | Waffen-SS winner of Knights Cross of the Iron Cross | 1351 | 12 February 1929 | 103004 |
Richard Schulze | b.20 Sept 1898. Chef der Gestapo in Darmstadt. 1937 wurde er Chef der Kriminalpolizei von Gleiwitz. Im September 1939 war er im Stab der Einsatzgruppe II in Polen eingesetzt, danach war er als Kripochef in Kattowitz und ab 1941 in Königsberg (Preußen) tätig. Im August 1942 amtierte er im Rang eines Oberregierungsrates als Kriminalrat und Gruppenleiter im Reichskriminalpolizeiamt. Dort führte er im Amt V die Gruppe C (Stellvertreter Kurt Amend), die unter anderem nach entflohenen Kriegsgefangenen fahndete und hatte zudem die Funktion eines Verbindungsführers des RSHA zum Chef des Kriegsgefangenenwesens inne. d.29 Dec 1969 | 1938 | 4.705.801 | |
Richard Schulze A.k.a. Richard Schulze-Kossens |
Commander of SS Officers School Bad Tolz, Bavaria | November 1934 | 264.059 | |
Johann Schwarzhuber | b.29 August 1904. Connected with KZ Dachau and KZ Auschwitz. Executed 3 May 1947 | 142.388 | 8 April 1933 | 1.929.969 |
Eduard Strauch | Commander of Einsatzkommando 2, anschliessend commander of two Nazi organizations, the Security Police (German:Sicherheitspolizei), or SiPo, and the Security Service (German:Sicherheitsdienst, or SD, first in Belarus (then called White Russia or White Ruthenia) and later in Belgium. In October 1944, he was transferred to the Waffen-SS. | 19.312 | December 1931 | 623.392 |
Dr. Ludwig Stumpfegger | Worked under Dr. Karl Gebhardt with Dr. Fritz Fischer and Dr. Herta Oberheuser in medical experiments on human subjects from Ravensbrück. Hitler's personal surgeon from 1944, forward. Some sources report that he helped Magda Goebbels kill her children as they slept in the Vorbunker on 1 May 1945. | 83.668 | 2 June 1933 | 3.616.119 |
Christian Frederik von Schalburg | Commander of Frikorps Danmark | |||
Anton Thernes | Born 8 February 1892. Commandant of KZ Majdanek. Executed 3 December 1944 | |||
Andreas Weggel | SS-Obersturmbannführer der Waffen-SS | 2345 | 59.693 | |
Martin Gottfried Weiss | Born 3 June 1905 Weiden in der Oberpfalz. Commandant at Neuengamme concentration camp and in 1945 Dachau concentration camp. Executed 29 May 1946 Landsberg Germany | 31147 | 43136 | |
Eduard Weiter | Born: 18 July 1889 in Eschwege near Kassel in Germany. Servedin World War I. Commandant of Dachau 1943-1945. Alleged to have been shot by one of his own subordinates April 1945 and died 2 May 1945 | 276877 | October 1936 | 3.958.951 |
Max Wielen | Oberregierungs- und Kriminalrat (ORuKR); Hauptmann d.R. a.D. Position: Chief, Stapoleitstelle Breslau. Involved in killing of POWS from The Great Escape; sentenced to prison 1947 but released after only serving a few years on 24 October 1952 | 128841 | 1759395 | |
Sturmbannführer (Major)
Name | Position | SS number | Joined SS | Party number |
![]() | ||||
Hans Aumeier | Deputy Commandant KZ Auschwitz | 2.700 | August 1929 | 164.755 |
Richard Baer | Commander at KZ Auschwitz I | 44225 | 1932 | 454991 |
Rudolf Batz | Born 10 November 1903. leader of Einsatzkommando 2; KdS (Kommandeur der Sicherheitspolizei) in Cracow and shortly after that became the head of the Gestapo in Hannover. Committed suicide after 1961 arrest. | 272458 | 10 December 1935 | 2955 |
Ernst Biberstein | Commander of SS action command 6/action group C [EK 6/Egr. C]. Tried 1947/1948 and sentenced to death. Sentence commuted to Life imprisonment in 1951. After 1958 prison release, reported to have been part of the Gehlen Org. Died 8 December 1986. |
272962 | 13 September 1936 | 40718 |
Karl Bömelburg | Gestapo leader in France | 35898 | 1931 | 892239 |
Anton Burger | Commandant of Theresienstadt concentration camp | |||
Joseph Darnand | French Waffen-SS Foreign Legion Commander | |||
Adolf Diekmann | Born 18 December 1914. Involved in Oradour-sur-Glane massacre. KIA 29 June 1944 | |||
Walter Drexler | Awarded Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross | 239247 | March 1938 | |
Otto Förschner | KZ Commandant | 191.554 | 5 274 260 | |
Dr. Helmut Glaser | born 27.09.1910, Gmuend Austria. Joined NSDAP 8 May 1931 | 301760 | 10 OCt 1930 | 444132 |
Dr. Herbert Grohmann | born 13.9.1908, Breslau {Wroclaw}. Doctor of Medicine. Became member of NSDAP 1 June 1931 | 51663 | 18 Jan 1932 | 544053 |
Adam Grünewald | Commandant of Herzogenbusch concentration camp | 1934 | ||
Hans Günther | Adolf Eichmann deputy; Brother of Rolf Günther | 290.129 | 1937 | 119.925 |
Rolf Günther | Adolf Eichmann deputy; Brother of Hans Günther | 290.130 | 1937 | 472.421 |
Ernst Hermann Himmler | Born 23 December 1905-killed in Battle of Berlin May 1945. Brother of Heinrich Himmler | 1933 | 676777 | |
Wilhelm Höttl | RSHA Officer | 309510 | 6309616 | |
Hermann Höfle | Deputy head of the Aktion Reinhard programme. Postwar member of Gehlen Organization | 307469 | ||
Axel Holst | Born 11 August 1891 Vallby Sweden. Immigrated to Germany and became member of SS Reiter Troop; attached to SS Oberabschnitt Nord; became a Sturmbannführer on 23 June 1934. Killed in a riding accident 26 January 1935 | 185012 | ||
Hans Hüttig | born 5 April 1894. Involved in KZ Buchenwald; KZ Sachsenhausen; KZ Flossenbürg; KZ Natzweiler-Struthof; KZ Herzogenbusch; KZ Grini; detained 1945; sentenced to death 2 July 1954; released 1956. died 23 February 1980. | March 1932 | ||
Professor Herbert Jankuhn | member of Ahnenerbe | |||
Helmut Kämpfe | SS Officer captured by the French Resistance which led to Oradour sur Glane massacre | 124.465 | 2.387.476 | |
Karl-Heinz Keitel | Kavallerie-Regiment Nord; 22nd SS Volunteer Cavalry Division Maria Theresia; 37th SS Volunteer Cavalry Division Lützow | |||
Hans Josef Kieffer | Deputy Gestapo leader in France | 280104 | 2632427 | |
Ludwig Kepplinger | He was a Sturmbannführer (Major), in the Waffen-SS during World War II | |||
Wilhelm Kment | Commander, 1st Company, 2nd SS Panzer Division Das Reich Decorated personally by Himmler |
167103 | Prior to 1935 | 4262124 |
Werner Knab | Gestapo chief in Norway Commander of the Security Police in Lyon, France |
191584 | 1935 | 3269940 |
Horst Kopkow | Born 29 November 1910 Ortelsburg East Prussia. Counterintelligence against Spy rings whuch as Red Orchestra and MI6 and SOE agents-of which he was authorized executions of said agents; Postwar employee of MI6. Died 13 October 1996. Glenskirchen Germany. | 46034 | 1931 | 607161 |
Hans Kraus | born 6.01.1904 Riga Latvia. | 357289 | 1 June 1940 | |
Bernhard Krüger | Born November 26, 1904. Leader of VI F4A (RSHA) aka Operation Bernhard. Detained by the British after the War and turned over to the French; released; acquitted at Denazilization hearing. Died 1989. | 528729 | ||
Dr. Helmut Kunz | Waffen SS medical Office | 284787 | 1936 | 5104323 |
Dr. Rudolf Lange | Einsatzgruppe A, Einsatzkommando 2 Commander (3 December 1941 – 1944) | 290308 | 1936 | |
Hans Latza | HSSP Norway | 129260 | 2180945 | |
Ernst Lerch | Operation Reinhard | 309,700 | 1 March 1934 | 1,327,396 |
Heinz Linge | Hitler's valet | 35795 | 1932 | 1.260.490 |
Hubert-Erwin Meierdress | Panzer ace with 1st and 2nd SS Divisions | 265243 | 1 August 1934 | 3601911 |
Karl Freiherr Michel von Tüßling | Born 27. July 1907 in Tüßling, Bavaria. In 1935 summoned to Berlin; from 1936, personal adjutant of Reichsleiter Philipp Bouhler, who was in charge of Hitler's Chancellery (Kanzlei des Führers) and head of the euthanasia programme Aktion T4[8] SS-Sturmbannführer: 30.01.1941[9] Provided affidavit in 1947 to exonerate war criminal Viktor Brack at the Nuremberg trials.[10] | 56074 | April 1933 | 1726624 |
Georg Konrad Morgen | SS judge and lawyer | |||
Alfred Naujocks | An SD commander, leader of the Gleiwitz incident | 624279 | 1930 or 1931 | 26246 |
Dr. Kurt Plötner | Born 19 October 1905. Involved in Human Experiments. Postwar recruited by the CIA. Died 26 February 1984. | |||
Paul Otto Radomski | born 21 September 1902. Commandant of the Syrets concentration camp and Haidari concentration camp. Relieved of command in 1944. Unknown if he survived the War. | 2.235 | 96.942 | |
Karl Rahm | Commandant of the Theresienstadt concentration camp | |||
Walter Reder | born 4 Feb 1915 Czechoslovakia. May have been involved in suppression of Warsaw Ghetto Uprising in 1943 and was definitely involved in Marzabotto massacre of 1944. Sentenced to life in prison in 1951 and released in 1985. Died 26 April 1991 | |||
Philipp Schmitt | Commandant of the concentration camp Fort Breendonk and the SS-Sammellager Mecheln | 44291 | March 1932 | 19192 |
Dr. Horst Schumann | Involved in human Experiments | 190.002 | ||
Otto Skorzeny | Waffen SS/RSHA commando leader | 295979 | ||
Walter Stamm | Born 1904. Connected with the SD and Section IV {Gestapo} Warsaw. Died 1970 | 291041 | 3472486 | |
Karl Streibel | Specialist Officer attached to Staff Oberabschnitt Ost as referent zbz in Arbeitsstab der Allgemeine SS Lublin; duty as leiter der Ausbildungslager Trawinki in stab SSPF Lublin | 60152 | 554023 | |
Dr. Carl Værnet | Involved in human experiments | |||
Wernher von Braun | Allgemeine-SS battalion officer (also SS Horseriding Club) | 185068 | 1940 | 5,738,692 |
Hans-Georg von Charpentier | Born 16 July 1902. Awarded Knights Cross of the Iron Cross. KIA 9 March 1945 | 258019 | May 1935 | 1375222 |
Johann von Leers | SS Officer and Propagandist | |||
Dr. Albert Widmann | born 1912. Chemist involved in Action T4 killings and human experiments. Arrested 1959-served 6 years. Died 1986 | 351098 | December 1939 | 5454700 |
Christian Wirth | Commandant of Bełżec extermination camp | 345.464 | April 1939 | 420.383 |
Eduard Wirths | Chief SS doctor (SS-Standortarztat) at the KZ Auschwitz | 311.594 | 1934 | |
Herbert Wölk | 15.429 | 278.643 | ||
Egon Zill | Born 28 March 1906 Plauen. Komandant of Natzweiler and Flossenburg KZ camps. In 1955 sentenced to Life inprisoment later reduced to 15 years. Died 23 October 1974 Dachau Germany | 535 | 1 August 1926 | 20.063 |
Hauptsturmführer (Captain)
Name | Position | SS Number | Joined SS | NSDAP Number |
![]() | ||||
Franz Abromeit | Born 08.08.1907, RSHA. Died 30.06.1964. | 272353 | 329305 | |
Klaus Barbie | Head of the Gestapo in Lyon, France | 272 284 | 26 September 1935 | 4.583.085. |
Bruno Beger | Racial anthropologist who worked for the Ahnenerbe. | |||
Wolfgang Birkner | KdS Warschau (Komandeur der Sicherheitspolizei); Kommando SS Bialystok | 265.793 | 3,601,309 | |
Joachim Boosfeld | 362.256 | 1939 | ||
Alois Brunner | Born 08.04.1912, Rohrbrunn, Austria. Commandant of Drancy internment camp. Adolf Eichmann's assistant. Postwar alias Dr. Georg Fischer-resident in Syria. Alleged to have been member of West German BND. In 1989 the Syrian Government declined to extradite him to Germany after the fall of the Berlin Wall. Alleged to have been alive as of 2001. Unknown if still alive. | 342767 | 10 August 1939 | 510 064 |
Karl Chmielewski | the "Devil of Gusen", Schutzhaftlagerführer at Gusen concentration camp, Commandant of Herzogenbusch concentration camp, Tried and convicted in 1961 of war crimes and crimes against humanity and sentenced to Life Imprisonment | 63935 | 1932 | 1508254 |
Douglas Berneville-Claye | British imposter/forger; member of Staff of III (Germanic) SS Panzer Corps | |||
Theodor Dannecker | born 27.03.1913 in Tübingen; SS-Hauptsturmführer, SD Belgium, Sonderkommando Eichmann in Sofia and Hungary;-suicide 10.12.1945 in Bad Tölz | |||
Heinz Drescher | Kriminalrat der Polizei, Head of Central fingerprint collection with RKPA within RSHA | 290306 | 9.11.1938 | |
Siegfried Wolfgang Fehmer | SD/Gestapo/Kriminalrat, a police investigator, and headed the infamous Abteilung IV headquartered in Victoria Terrasse, Norway | 290166 | 181345 | |
Henk Feldmeijer | Born Johannes Hendrik Feldmeijer (Assen, 30 November 1910) member of the National Socialist Movement in the Netherlands # 479. Commander of the Nederlandsche SS. Served in Waffen-SS. Member of the Sonderkommando-Feldmeijer and the killing of Dutch Resistance members in Operation Silbertanne. {Members of Sonderkommando-Feldmeijer included Heinrich Boere and Klaas Carel Faber}. Killed 22 February 1945 | |||
Henri Joseph Fenet | (11 July 1919 – 14 September 2002) was a French volunteer during World War II who was awarded both the Croix de Guerre by France, and the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross by Nazi Germany. Battle of Berlin, 28 April, one-hundred eight Soviet tanks had been destroyed in the southeast of Berlin within the S-Bahn. The French squads under the command of Fenet accounted for "about half" of the tanks.[5]For the success of the battalion during the Battle of Berlin Fenet was awarded the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross on 29 April 1945 by Wilhelm Mohnke. | |||
Horst Fischer | Born 31 December 1912. Doctor at KZ Auschwitz. Executed in East Germany 8 July 1966 | 293.397 | 1 November 1933 | 5.370.071 |
Arthur Hermann Florstedt | Born 18 February 1895; World War I veteran. Served at KZ Sachsenhausen concentration camp and was Commandant of Majdanek. Charged with embezzlement and killing prisoner witness. Shot by SS 15 April 1945 | 8.660 | May 1931 | 488.573 |
Friedrich Franz, Hereditary Grand Duke of Mecklenburg-Schwerin | Born 22 April 1910. Aide to Werner Best; also served in SS Panzer Corps. Died 31 July 2001 | May 1931 | ||
Karl Fritzsch | Member of Staff of KZ Dachau; KZ Auschwitz; KZ Flossenbürg. Introduced Zyklon B gas into Auschwitz; involved in death of Saint Maximilian Kolbe | 7287 | 1930 | 261135 |
Wilhelm Gerstenmeier | Born 1908. Involved in Harvest Festival massacre of Jews. Executed 3 December 1944 for war crimes. | 13300 | ||
Amon Göth | Commander of the Plaszow Labor Camp | 43673 | 1930 | 510764 |
Viktor Eberhard Gräbner | 9th SS Reconnaissance Battalion, 9th SS Panzer Division Hohenstaufen; awarded the Knight's Cross. KIA during Operation Market Garden, 1944 | 247812 | ||
Oskar Hans | SD-Hauptamt; 25 April 1941, from RSHA I to Norway, BdS Oslo/Leiter I, to May 1945; 25 May 1945, arrested Kristiansand; he stood trial but was released by the Supreme Court of Norway in August 1947; July-Aug 1948, tried by British Military Court in Hamburg ("Trandum Case No. 2"); sentenced to 15 years for killing of six British citizens. | 101662 | 1933 | |
Karl Hass | SD; participant in the Ardeatine Caves massacre | 1934 | ||
Walter Hauck | Born 4 June 1918. Was in German Police. Also served in the 12th SS Panzer Division Hitlerjugend. Involved in the Ascq massacre on 1 April 1944 and a massacre at Leskovice in May 1945. Judged 1949 and sentenced to death; After requests by some widows of the Ascq massacre, his sentence was converted to life imprisonment. Released in July 1957. In 1969 and 1977, Czechoslovakia asked Germany to extradite him for punishment for the second massacre, but these requests were rejected by a Stuttgart court. In 2005, the Czech Republic again asked for his extradition. Died 6 November 2006 in Germany. | 382.376 | ||
Gottlieb Hering | In Action T4 and later served as the second and last Commandant of Bełżec extermination camp during Operation Reinhard | |||
Kurt Heissmeyer | Doctor involved in "experiments" on Jewish children at Bullenhuser Damm | |||
Dr. August Hirt | Had Jews gassed for their skeletons | 100.414 | 1 April 1933 | |
Franz Hoessler | K-Z Auschwitz; KZ Bergen Belsen | 41.940 | 1931 | 1.374.713 |
Waldemar Hoven | K-Z Buchenwald physician | 244.594 | 1934 | |
Heinz Kessler[11] | 193182 | |||
Karl Kloskowski | Served in 2nd SS Panzer Division Das Reich and SS Brigade Westfalen | 1936 | ||
Franz Konrad | Acquisitions officer Warsaw Ghetto | 46204 | January 1933 | 1085499 |
Waldemar Kraft | Held Honorary rank in the SS | |||
Josef Kramer | Commandant of Bergen-Belsen concentration camp; involved with Dr. August Hirt in killing of Jews in 1943 | 32.217 | 20 June 1932 | 753.597 |
Karl Wilhelm Krause | Born 05/03/1911 Michelau, Prussia. Reichsmarine 1931-34; Hitler's Valet/Orderly 1934–to mid-September 1939; LSSAH 1934-to mid-September 1939; Kriegsmarine in late 1939-1943 and Flak-Zug,II./Pz.Rgt. 12 from Dec. 1943 to 1945. Interrend until June 1946; fined and released. Died 6 May 2001 | 236 858 | ||
Henri Lafont | Head of French Gestapo | |||
Ewald Lindloff | born 2 September 1908. Served in 1st SS Division and in LSSAH {Hitler Bodyguard Division}. Placed in charge of disposing of Hitler's remains on 30 April 1945 by Otto Günsche. KIA 2 May 1945 | 1 May 1932 | ||
Maximilian List | Commandant of Lager Sylt and Lager Norderney labour camps on Alderney | |||
Heinz Macher | Leader of the SS group ordered to blow up the castle Wewelsburg | |||
Josef Mengele | Medical officer at Auschwitz-Birkenau | 317885 | May 1938 | 5574974 |
Erich Priebke | SD and Sicherheitspolizei commander in Rome, Italy | |||
Sigmund Rascher | German SS doctor, who carried out deadly experiments on humans in the Nazi concentration camp of Dachau | 1939 | ||
Franz Karl Reichleitner | Second and last Commandant of Sobibor extermination camp | 357065 | 6369213 | |
Eduard Roschmann | Commandant of the Riga Ghetto; Kommandeur der Sicherheitspolizei und SD IV = Department 4 (Gestapo) | 152681 | 1938 | |
Bernd Rosemeyer | Stab des SS-Hauptamt; Racing car driver killed 1 January 1938 | 214952 | 1. January 1936 | |
Arthur Rudolph[11] | 193418 | |||
Hermann Schaper | Kommando SS Zichenau-Schröttersburg | 3484 | 105606 | |
Wilhelm Schröder[12] | 177382 | |||
Günther Schwägermann | Adjutant to Dr. Joseph Goebbels. | 312.231 | ||
Heinrich Schwarz | Administrative aide to Rudolf Höß; Commandant of Auschwitz III-Monowitz (1943-1945); Commandant of Natzweiler-Struthof (1945) | |||
Siegfried Seidl | Born 24 August 1911. Commandant of Theresienstadt concentration camp. Executed 4 February 1947 | 46.106 | 1932 | 300.378 |
Franz Stangl | Commandant of the Sobibor and Treblinka extermination camps | |||
Erich Steidtmann | Commander of 3rd Battalion/Police Regiment 22 during Warsaw Ghetto Uprising; member of German Police Battalion 101 during Aktion Erntefest{harvest Festival massacre} |
160 812 | ||
Karl Streibel | born 11 October 1903 Bavaria. Commander of Trawniki concentration camp. Reportedly died 1986. | 1933 | ||
Max Teichmann[12] | 177718 | 1977669 | ||
Richard Thomalla | 41.206 | 1932 | 1.238.872 | |
Eduard Paul Tratz | Zoologist and officer in the Ahnenerbe | |||
Otto Albrecht Alfred von Bolschwing | born 15 October 1909, Schoenbruch.Promoted Hstuf: 30.01.1941, (SD). SS captain and adjutant to Adolf Eichmann. After the war worked for the CIA; lost US Citizenship 1981. Died 7 March 1982 San Francisco, California | 353.603 | 1933 | 984.212 |
Rudolf von Ribbentrop | Waffen-SS Officer (branch: Panzertruppe) | |||
Walter Wache | Born 17.01.1908 Wein son of a Headmaster. He attended the Humanistische Gymnasium where he studied German and History. In 1928 he was a member of the Freikorps. He became very politically active in 1929 he became leader of the Deutschen Mittelschülerbund Österreichs which later became known as NS-Schülerbund hervorging. In 1932 he joined the NSDAP and the same year was accepted into the SS after a 6 Month course. In 1933 he graduated and became a teacher. In Austria at that time he was given a criminal record for his political activities and therefore was unable to take a job with the state as a Librarian. He therefore applied to work in Rome in a major Library but was refused because of his highly political beliefs. In 1934 he obtained a scholarship in Prague to study German Human Sciences but was arrested for spying and deported to Germany. Here he was granted German citizenship and his career began in earnest with the SS working in the RuSHA as a Historical researcher. In October 1936 he became an Assistant at the University of Köln where he became a lecturer and Professor in Middle and Modern History. Alongside this career he worked in a political capacity for the SS. He created film for the University promoting the National Socialist doctrine writing articles in “SS-Leithefte” at the same time wrote the book/pamphlet ‘Judenfibel’ as a reference to the Jews. Became a SS Untersturmführer 24.04.1937. In 1938 his work extended with the ‘Ahnenerbes'. He was awarded the EKII in 1941. Was stationed at the SS Panzergrenadier-Schule Prosetschnitz before joining Das Reich on 9.3.44.Promoted 2.2.44 to O'stuf 2SS Das Reich then again on 30.1.45 to Hauptsf. in the Waffen SS. Postwar reported to have settled in Republic of South Africa | 80401 | 1932 | 1300059 |
Bernhard Wehner | Born 15 December 1909. Led sub-department BI a2 Department V aka Reichskriminalpolizeiamt {Reich Criminal Police Department} of the RSHA under Arthur Nebe. Postwar journalist for Der Spiegel; 1954 head of Düsseldorf Criminal Police Department. Died 31 December 1995 | 414.073 | 1942 | 518.544 |
Hermann Weiser | Waffen-SS captain and recipient of Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross | 351242 | ||
Michael Wittmann | Born 22 April 1914. aka "The Black Baron". Waffen-SS Panzer ace with the LSSAH (branch: Panzertruppe) KIA 8 August 1944 | 311623 | October 1936 | |
Hans Woellke | Commander of Schutzmannschaft Batallion 118. Killed in action on 22 March 1943 | |||
Obersturmführer (First Lieutenant)
Name | Position | SS number | Joined SS | Party number |
![]() | ||||
Heinz Barth | Born 15 October 1920. Involved in Oradour-sur-Glane of 1944. Arrested 1981; tried 1983 sentenced to life; released 1997. Died 14 August 2007 | 458037 | 10 February 1943 | 7844901 |
Rolf Czurda | SD officer in Poland; portrayed in the film Schindler's List | 359504 | 1940(?) | |
Julius Dettmann | SD Officer and member of Section IV B4 of the Gestapo in Amsterdam Netherlands | 414,783 | 722,240 | |
Dr. Irmfried Eberl | Involved in T-4 Euthanasia Program and K-Z Treblinka | 687095 | ||
Paul Egger | Luftwaffe pilot and 102nd SS Heavy Panzer Battalion | |||
Heinz Felfe | Born 18.03.1918. SD Switzerland and Netherlands; postwar KGB spy in British Intelligence and the CIA-sponsored Gehlen Organization. Exposed 06.11.1961 and tried 1963; sentenced to 14 years but exchanged in 1969 for 3 German Students. Died 08.05.2008 | 286288 | 1936 | 3710348 |
Hans Fleischhacker | born 10.03.1912 Töttleben. Erfurt. Involved with SS-Rasse- und Siedlungshauptamt. In 1948 designated a Mitläufer. case brought against him for involvement in KZ Auschwitz in 1970-but dismissed in 1971 on grounds of "insufficient evidence". Died 30 January 1992 | 1937 | ||
Kurt Gerstein | born 11.08.1905. Munster, Westphalia.Germany. Member of the Institute for Hygiene of the Waffen-SS and author of the Gerstein Report. Died 25.07.1945 while a POW | 417.460 | 10 March 1941 | 2.136.174 |
Willy Hack | {SS-Oberscharführer} in SS-Panzer-Pionier-Battalion 3: Feb. 1942;SS-Obersturmführer in SS-Wirtschafts-Verwaltungshauptamt: Jan. 1945; in charge of construction site Schwalde V. {Jewish-American POWS were held here}. Hanged 1952, Dresden. | 70329 | ||
Karl-Friedrich Höcker | Adjutant at KZ Auschwitz | 182.961 | October 1933 | 4.444.757 |
Dr. Johann Paul Kremer | Born December 26, 1883. SS doctor at Auschwitz; involved in Human experiments; tried 1947 Auschwitz trial death sentence cummuted to life in prison; released 1958; died 1965 | 262703 | 1934 | 1265405 |
Bruno Lohse | Goering's Reichsleiter Rosenberg Taskforce in Paris | 1933 | ||
Dr. Franz Lucas | born 15 September 1911, in Osnabrück, Germany died 7 December 1994, in Elmshorn, Germany. Assigned to KZ Auschwitz | 350030 | 15 November 1937 | |
Ernst Misselwitz | Born 1909. Head of RSHA -Reich Main Security Office of the Paris Gestapo at 84 Avenue Foch on Avenue Foch. Misselwitz was in charge of Gestapo section that fought against the Communists and French Resistance. As senior SD officer, he was given freedom of action and autonomy to hunt anyone thought to be anti-Nazi. He became a trusted agent of the Sicherheitsdienst (SD), and led numerous operations against the French Resistance. Ernst Misselwitz ran the interrogation and torture chamber in Paris Gestapo HQ. Before working Paris Misselwitz worked shorty in the Gestapo HQ in Lyon. With the Liberation of Paris on 25 August 1944, Misselwitz move from Paris to German. In October 1945, the 36-year old Misselwitz reported to the French security services in the northwest of Berlin. But, Misselwitz was arrested and imprisoned for a short time, and offered to be a spy among his inmates, starting in early 1946. In 1952 Misselwitz was convicted in a Paris court In absentia, he was sentenced to five years imprisonment for the torture of Brossolett, but was never found or arrested, as after his release he became a secret agent for the French special services. | |||
Heinz Müller[11] | Born July 27, 1915 | 193096 | ||
Josef Oberhauser | Born 1915. Served in SS Guard Detachment at KZ Belzec. Postwar sentenced too 4.5 years in prison. Died 1979. | 288.121 | November 1935 | |
Rudolf August Oetker | born 20 September 1916 Bielefeld, Germany. Became a Ustuf:21.6.44. Died January 16, 2007 Hamburg Germany. |
Karlis Ozols | Born 1912. Commanded a Latvian/SD murder commando in Minsk Ghetto and Ghettos of Slutzk and Riga Ghetto. In August 1943 commanded 4th Company of the 282-A. Schutzmannschaft Battalion in Rīga. Transferred to the Lettische Freiwilligen Polizei Regiment 2 as the III Battalion on 4 February 1944 of the Latvian Legion. Died 2001 in Australia | |||
Friedrich Peter | Member of an Einstatzgruppe Leader of the Freedom Party of Austria (FPÖ) |
1938 | ||
Fritz Ritterbusch | Dob 11 January 1894. Served in World War I. Since the spring of 1940 to January 30, 1941 he held an unspecified role in the Division IV camp Flossenbürg KL, where then was transferred to the post of commander of one of the camp guard companies. The camp moved to the headquarters staff of KL Hinzert, where he was adjutant to the commandant of the camp, Paul Sporrenberga. On 18 June 1943 he moved to KL Lublin. In the spring of 1944 he was moved to KL Gross-Rosen where since May 1944 to 13 February 1945 he was company commander and the head of sub Parschnitz in Pozici and AL Trautenau in Trutnov in the Czech Republic. His post-war fate is unknown. | 9107 | 1931 | 317 |
Pio Filippani Ronconi | Born 10 March 1910. Volunteer for the Waffen SS. Died 11 February 2010 | |||
Hans Stern | Served in 11th SS Volunteer Panzergrenadier Division Nordland and SS Brigade Westfalen | |||
Arnold Strippel | Born 6 February 1911 Unhausen. b. III Wachtruppe Sachsen: 1.6.34-1938. b. 3 SS-TSta Thuringen: 1938-1941. Stabscharfuhrer /Kommandantur KL Natzweiler: 1941-1942.Feldfuhrer / KL Lublin u. 2 Lagerfuhrer: 6.1942- 5.7.1943. KL Ravensbruck: 7.1943. Lagerfuhrer KL Herzogenbusch: 7.43-10.44. KL Neuengamme: 10.44-5.45. {also involved with KZ Auschwitz; Sachsenburg; Buchenwald; Majanek} Involved in Bullenhuser Damm killings in 1945. Frankfurt Sentence 21x lebenslange Haft + 10 Jahre Haft 1.6.1949; released 21.4.1969. Frankfurt Sentence to the same sentence before + 121'500 Mark Busse 8.1969. Majdanek 3 Sentence 3 Jhr. + 3 Mte. Haft 30.6.1981. Died 1995 in Frankfurt-Kalbach | 236290 | 4334442 | |
Anton Thumann | Schutzhaftlagerführung Gross-Rosen concentration camp Neuengamme concentration camp | 24.444 | 1.726.633 | |
Hans Tidow | SS-Obersturmführer der Waffen-SS | 3087 | 124.424 | |
Anton von Hohberg und Buchwald | Former SS-Oberabschnittsreiterführer {regional SS Cavalry leader; reported killed by SS General Erich von dem Bach-Zelewski during Night of the Long Knives in 1934 | |||
Untersturmführer (Second Lieutenant)
Name | Position | SS number | Joined SS | Party number |
![]() | ||||
Wilhelm Boger | Police commissioner and member of the Political Department at Auschwitz; later convicted of crimes against humanity | 2779 | 1930 | 153652 |
Karl Brandt[11] | Promoted April 20, 1939 | 193764 | ||
Dr. Heinz Brücher | Born January 14, 1915. member of SS Ahnenerbe; Botanist. Died December 17, 1991 |
3498152 | ||
Prince Christoph of Hesse | Hauptmann d.R.; b. Stab RFSS; Luftwaffe Major | 35903 | 1498608 or 696176 | |
Paul Dickopf | SD; postwar president of Interpol | 337259 | 1937 | |
Dr. Hermann Gauch | Nazi Race theorist | |||
Kurt Gildisch | 3rd commander of SS-Begleitkommando des Führers 1933–1934 | |||
Maximilian Grabner | Gestapo agent and head of the Political Department at Auschwitz-infamous leader of Block 11; later executed for crimes against humanity | September 1938 | 1214137 | |
Fritz Henke | Awarded Knights Cross of the Iron Cross | |||
Wolfgang Kügler | Was an SS-Untersturmführer (Second Lieutenant) and a Teilkommandoführer (detachment leader) for Einsatzkommando 2, a subdivision of Einsatzgruppe A. Following World War II, he was tried and found guilty of war crimes before a court in West Germany. His sentence was reported to have been 8 months in prison and a fine. The most serious charge against him was that he had organized and been a commandter at the massacre of about 2,700 Jews, mostly women and children, on the beach at Liepāja, Latvia. Kügler claimed he was absent on leave in Germany when these murders occurred. | |||
Walter Kutschmann | Kriminalkommisar/Gestapo Chief in Drobohycz. After being identified as living in Argentina by Simon Wiesenthal arrested on 28 June 1975; he was later released on 29 June 1975. Kutschmann died 30 August 1986 | 404651 | 1940 | 7475729 |
Hermann Maringgele | ||||
Martin James Monti | US deserter and SS propaganda officer; member of SS-Standarte Kurt Eggers | 1945 | ||
Dr. Hans Münch | Born 14 May 1911-d.about 2001. Assigned to KZ Auschwitz. | |||
Johann Niemann | Deputy commandant of Sobibor extermination camp | 270.600 | 1934 | 753.836 |
Willem Sassen | Netherlands PK ("Propaganda Kompanie") | |||
Hanns-Martin Schleyer | Leader of board of Zentralverband der Industrie in Prague | 221714 | 30 June 1933 | |
Hans Sommer | Worked with Police in France GDR agent after the war, as a Stasi agent planted into the post-war Gehlen Organisation. |
Tscherim Soobzokov | Member of North Circassian Legion | |||
Reimond Tollenaere | Waffen SS Belgian Foreign Legion officer | |||
Lauri Törni | Finnish officer who underwent 7 weeks of training with the Waffen SS and then returned to Finland | |||
SS Non-Commissioned Officers
Hauptscharführer (Sergeant Major)
Name | Position | SS number | Joined SS | Party number |
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Lorenz Hackenholt | SS-NCO in charge of gassing at Bełżec extermination camp; declared legally dead-fate unknown | 1933 | 1727962 | |
Pieter Menten | Born 26 May 1899. Involved in 1941 Massacre of Lviv professors. Also involved in the killing of Jews. In 1949 sentenced to 8 months for working in a uniform as a Nazi Interpreter. In 1951 Dutch Govt refused his extradition to Poland. In 1980 he was sentenced to 10 years for war crimes. Died 14 November 1987 |
Otto Moll | Born 24 March 1915. KZ Auschwitz. Director and Chief Head of all crematoria. Commandant of Furstengrube and Gleiwitz I concentration camps. Executed 28 May 1946 |
267670 | 1 May 1935 | |
Detlef Nebbe | Born June 20, 1912. KZ Auschwitz personnel. Sentenced to life by Supreme National Tribunal. Released by amnesty in the mid-1950s | 1933 | ||
Martin Sommer | Hangman of KZ Buchenwald | 110035 | 15 May 1934 | 294863 |
Gustav Sorge | KZ Esterwegen concentration camp Sachsenhausen concentration camp | 1931 | ||
Erich von der Heyde | Born 1 May 1900. During 1936, von der Heyde became the advisor for nitrogen and agriculture in the Political-Economic Policy Department (WIPO, Wirtschaftspolitische Abteilung) of the I.G. in Berlin. From mid-1938 he was also the counterintelligence operative of I.G. Farben’s “NW 7” (intelligence) office, where his duties included counterintelligence and taking action against breaches of secrecy. In addition, he passed on reports from abroad that appeared to be of general interest, distributing them internally at the I.G. and sending them to the Wehrmacht. In this capacity, he was borrowed by the Reich Main Security Office (RSHA, Reichssicherheitshauptamt) and by 1940 had been promoted to Hauptscharführer. In September 1940, he was called up for service in the Wehrmacht, and until the war’s end he served in the military-economic branch of the War Economy and Armament Office (Wehrwirtschafts- und Rüstungsamt; and later the War Economy Staff, or Wehrwirtschaftsstab). Acquitted in 1948 I.G. Farben trial. Died 5 August 1984 | 1934 | ||
Gustav Franz Wagner | Starter deputy commander of the Sobibór extermination camp | 1931 | 443217 |
Oberscharführer (Senior Sergeant)
Name | Position | SS number | Joined SS | Party number |
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Ernst Barkmann | Waffen-SS tank commander | |||
Erich Bauer | In charge of gas chambers at Sobibor extermination camp; Action T4 | |||
Kurt Bolender | In charge of gas chambers at Sobibor extermination camp; Action T4 | |||
Derk-Elsko Bruins | Born 20 March 1923. Dutch Collaborator who joined the Waffen SS. Awarded the Knight's Cross Medal. Died 5 February 1986 Germany. Brother of Siert Bruins | |||
Franz Bürkl | Deputy commander and infamous executioner at Pawiak Prison, Warsaw, Poland | |||
Thomas Haller Cooper | Anglo-German ethnic. Born 1919. Served in 8th Company, Totenkopf Infantry Regiment; British Free Corps; and the Panzer and Grenadier Training Battalion of the 1st SS Panzer Division Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler; {Also alleged to have been involved in the Shoah}. In January 1946 sentenced to hang for high treason. Sentence commuted and served 7 years in prison until January 1953. Died 1987 |
Karl Frenzel | T-4 program and KZ Sobibor | 334948 | ||
Bruno Gesche | Commander of SS-Begleitkommando des Führers; demoted from Obersturmbannführer 20 December 1944 for drunkenness; member of Dirlewanger Brigade | 1093 | 8592 | |
Siegfried Graetschus | KZ Sobibor-commanded Ukrainian guard, killed in revolt | |||
Heinrich Harrer | Austrian mountaineer and explorer in Tibet | 1938 | ||
Hermann Michel | T-4; KZ Sobibor; Operation Reinhard-fate unknown-fled to Middle East? | |||
Rochus Misch | Born 29 July 1917. Hitler's telephone operator who in the last weeks of the war handled all of the direct communication in the Führerbunker. Died 5 September 2013 | 1937 | ||
Eric Muhsfeldt | Born 18 February 1913. Senior NCO of the Auschwitz Sonderkommando. Involved in Operation Harvest Festival. Hanged 28 January 1948 | |||
Josef Oberhauser | Bełżec extermination camp | 288.121 | November 1935 | |
Karl Silberbauer | b. 21 June 1911. Vienna Gestapo;SD at the Hague; Arrested Anne Frank;postwar recruited by the Federal Intelligence Service (Germany) to infiltrate neo-Nazi and pro-soviet groups. Died 2 Sept 1972 | 1943 | ||
Adolf Storms | B.28 August 1919; involved in the 29 March 1945 Deutsch Schützen massacre; indicted in 2009. died 28 June 2010 | |||
Martin Weiss | Born 21 February 1903 Karlsruhe. In spring 1941 he was drafted again. He was assigned to Einsatzkommando 3, part of Einsatzgruppe stationed in Bad Düben. In October 1941 he was assigned to work in the Office of the Commander of Security Police (Sicherheitsdienst or SD and Security Police (Sicherheitspolizei or Sipo) in Vilnius, Lithuania, then part of the Reichskommissariat Ostland. Was also de facto commander of the Vilna Ghetto. He was also the commander of the notorious Nazi-sponsored Ypatingasis būrys (Lithuanian special SD and German Security Police Squad), which was largely responsible for the Ponary massacre where up to 100,000 Jews were shot to death. In February 1950, a court in Würzburg found him guilty of war crimes and sentenced him to life imprisonment. |
1934 | ||
Scharführer (Sergeant)
Name | Position | SS number | Joined SS | Party number |
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Heinz Auerswald | b.1908. In Ordnungspolizei held the rank of Oberwachtmeister – equivalent to Scharfuehrer. He was "Kommissar für den jüdischen Wohnbezirk" ("Commissioner for the Jewish Residential District") in Warsaw Ghetto, Poland from April 1941 to November 1942. died 1970 | 216.399 | 7 June 1933 | 4.830.479 |
Erich Fuchs | Sobibor | 1934 | ||
Samuel Kunz | b.1922. Volksdeutsche who served in USSR army; captured and trained as a SS Guard at Trawniki SS training camp. Posted to KZ Belzec death camp. Arrested in Berlin Germany July 2010 charged with being involved aiding deaths of 430,000 Jews and personally killing 10 | |||
Erich Lachmann | Sobibor | |||
Heinrich Freiherr von Stackelberg | Economics Professor | 1933 | ||
Unterscharführer (Corporal)
Name | Position | SS number | Joined SS | Party number |
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Perry Broad | b. 25 April 1921. KZ Auschwitz personnel. Served a prison sentence 1965-1969. Died 28 November 1993. | 1941 | ||
Siert Bruins | Born 2 March 1921 in the Netherlands. 1943 became a German citizen. Killed a Dutchman Aldert Klaas Dijkema in September 1944. Member of Sipo in Delfzijl, the Netherlands, from 1944-1945. Lived in Germany which refused to extradite him to Netherlands. In 1980 sentenced to seven years for killing two Jewish brothers in April 1945. In 2013 age 92 tried in German Court for Dijkema killing. Died 28 September 2015. | |||
Oskar Gröning | Born 10 June 1921. Joined the SS in 1940. In Auschwitz from 1942 to 1944. Captured 1945 released 1947/1948. Tried at age 93 on 20 April 2015 charged with adding in killing of 300,000 of 425,000 Hungarian Jews. Found guilty and sentenced to 4 years in prison. | |||
Reinhold Hanning | Born 28 December 1921. Joined the Waffen SS age 18. Served two years in Auschwitz. Tried at age 94 in June 2016 charged with being an accessory to killing of 170,000. Found guilty and sentenced to 5 years in prison. | 1940 | ||
Harald Nugiseks | born 22 October 1921. Member of Estonian Legion awarded Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross. Died 2 January 2014 | |||
Pierre Paoli | b.31 December 1921; executed 15 June 1946 | |||
Franz Schönhuber | Waffen SS member; later chairman of The Republicans (Germany) political party | |||
Franz Suchomel | Treblinka | |||
Eugène Vaulot | born 1923 Paris. Served in 33rd Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS Charlemagne (1st French). Awarded Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross. KIA 2 May 1945 | |||
Ernst Zierke | born 6 May 1905. involved in Action T4 Bełżec; Dorohucza; Sobibor Camp III. Acquitted in 1964 Belzec trial and released in 1965 Sobibor trial on health grounds. Died 1972 |
Junior SS personnel
Name | Position | SS number | Joined SS | Party number |
Heinrich Barbl | Rottenführer; participated in the T-4 Euthanasia Program and later Operation Reinhardt. | |||
Josef Blösche | Rottenführer; member of SD; involved in the suppression of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising | 314655 | 6547348 | |
Erich Dinges | Sturmmann; born 20.11.1911. Assigned to KZ Auschwitz; in 1947 Auschwitz Trial sentenced to 5 years; died 23.04.1953 [13] | 1 March 1932 | ||
Alfried Krupp | born 13 August 1907. member of the Förderndes Mitglied der SS Arms/Steel industrialist/Colonel in National Socialist Flyers Corps (NSFK). Sentenced to 12 years imprisonment in 1948; pardoned by John J. McCloy in 1951. Died July 30, 1967 |
None | 1931 | 6989627 |
Erwin Lambert | born 7 December 1909, Schildow. SS rank Rottenführer; He supervised construction of the gas chambers for the Action T4 euthanasia program at Hartheim, Sonnenstein, Bernburg and Hadamar, and then at Sobibor and Treblinka extermination camps during Operation Reinhard. He specialized in building larger gas chambers that killed more people than previous efforts in the extermination program. At the conclusion of Operation Reinhard, Lambert was posted to Trieste, where he continued to participate in genocide by installing cremation facilities at the concentration camp Risiera di San Sabba. After the war, Lambert was arrested on 28 March 1962. At the First Treblinka Trial in 1965, Lambert was tried for the first time and sentenced to four years imprisonment for aiding and abetting the murder of at least 300,000 people. Having already served this time, he was allowed to live as a free man. At the Sobibor Trial in 1966, Lambert was acquitted. At the trials Lambert denied involvement in the killing operation and claimed that he merely suspected that the buildings would be used for killing. Died on 15 October 1976. | 1.491.565 | ||
Eric Pleasants | British defector and member of the SS British Free Corps | None | 1940 | None |
Horst Tappert | 1943 served with the "SS-Panzergrenadieregiment 1 Totenkopf" | |||
Erich Topp | Briefly member of Allgemeine-SS;[14] dropped active NSDAP/SS membership after becoming member of armed Forces.Commander of U-552. | 1934 | 2621078 | |
See also
- Uniforms and insignia of the Schutzstaffel
- List of former Nazi Party members
- Uniforms and insignia of the Schutzstaffel
- Orpo rank
- Glossary of Nazi Germany
- List of Nazi Party leaders and officials
- Nuremberg Trials
- RuSHA Trial
Former SS Ranks changed after 1934:
- SS rank Sturmhauptführer renamed Hauptsturmführer
- SS rank Sturmführer renamed Untersturmführer
- SS rank Truppführer renamed Oberscharführer
- SS rank Scharführer renamed Unterscharführer
- SS rank Haupttruppführer renamed Sturmscharführer
- ↑ Snyder, Dr. Louis L. Encyclopedia of the Third Reich, (1989) p, 147.
- ↑ Bullock, Alan. Hitler and Stalin: Parallel Lives, (1998) p, 374.
- ↑ 1932 Official Gazette of the United States Patent Office .p.578
- ↑ US Military Intelligence Report 27 November 1944
- ↑ Dr Scheid
- ↑ p.93
- ↑ "My Three Years with Eisenhower" .p.709
- ↑ "Nationalsozialistisches Jahrbuch 1942". Google Books (in German). 2016-07-28. Retrieved 2016-08-19.
- ↑ "Numery członków SS od 56 000 do 56 999.". DWS-XIP Druga Wojna Światowa (in Polish). Retrieved 2016-08-19.
- ↑ "Harvard Law School Library - Nuremberg Trials Project". Retrieved 2016-08-19.
- 1 2 3 4 Numery członków SS.,
- 1 2 Numery członków SS.,
- ↑ Axis History Forum
- ↑ Axis History Forum