List of Scottish poets
A list of Scottish poets in English, Scottish Gaelic, Lowland Scots, Latin, French, Old Welsh and other languages. This lists includes people living in what is now Scotland before it became so.
Sheena Blackhall
- Henry Adamson
- Hew Ainslie
- Thomas Aird
- Robert Allan
- Sandra Alland
- Robert Alves
- Alexander Anderson
- Freddie Anderson
- William Anderson
- Aneirin
- J. K. Annand
- William Anstruther
- Alexander Arbuthnot
- Arthur Argo
- John Armstrong
- John Armstrong
- Thomas Atkinson
- William Auld
- Robert Aytoun
- William Edmondstoune Aytoun
- Alexander Bald
- Alexander Balfour
- George Bannatyne
- John Barbour
- John Barclay
- Matthias Barr
- Thomas de Barry
- George Beattie
- James Beattie
- William Beattie
- Beccán mac Luigdech
- John Joy Bell
- John Bellenden
- David MacLeod Black
- Sheena Blackhall
- John Stuart Blackie
- Thomas Blacklock
- Robert Blair
- Blind Harry
- Alan Bold
- Mark Alexander Boyd
- David Boyle
- Frederick Victor Branford
- Horatio Brown
- Archibald Bruce
- Michael Bruce
- Giolla Críost Brúilingeach
- Dugald Buchanan
- George Buchanan
- Robert Williams Buchanan
- Rhoda Bulter
- Haldane Burgess
- James Drummond Burns
- Robert Burns
- John Burnside
- John Burrell
- Lord Byron
Carol Ann Duffy
- John M. Caie
- Maoilios Caimbeul
- Angus Calder
- Norman Cameron
- A. Y. Campbell
- Angus Peter Campbell
- Dorothea Primrose Campbell
- Thomas Campbell
- Sìleas na Ceapaich
- William Cleland
- W. D. Cocker
- Arthur Conan Doyle
- Dominic Cooper
- Joe Corrie
- Thomas Craig
- Robert Crawford
- Archibald Crawfurd
- Duncan MacGregor Crerar
- Iain Crichton Smith
- Allan Cunningham
- Robert Cunninghame Graham of Gartmore
- James Cuthbertson
- Ivor Cutler
- David Daiches
- Hew Dalrymple
- John Davidson
- Robert Davidson
- Thomas Davidson
- Edward Davison
- David Doig
- Rob Donn
- George Brisbane Scott Douglas
- William Drummond of Hawthornden
- William Dudgeon
- Carol Ann Duffy
- William Dunbar
- Hal Duncan
- Douglas Dunn
Statue of Robert Fergusson outside the Kirk of the Canongate, Edinburgh
- George Eglisham
- Henry Erskine
- William Falconer
- Henry Brougham Farnie
- Robert Fergusson
- John Ferriar
- Ian Hamilton Finlay
- John Finlay
- Matthew Fitt
- James Fordyce
- William Forsyth
- William Fowler
- George Sutherland Fraser
- Graham Fulton
- Robin Fulton
- Richard Gall
- Alexander Garden
- Robert Garioch
- William Gay
- Alexander Geddes
- George Gilfillan
- Robert Gilfillan
- Duncan Glen
- William Glen
- John Glenday
- Jean Glover
- Robert Gordon of Straloch
- James Graeme
- Lollie Graham
- W. S. Graham
- James Grahame
- James Grainger
- Alex Grant
- David Grant
- Joseph Grant
- Alasdair Gray
- Alexander Gray
- David Gray
- James Gray
- John Grieve
- Kris Haddow
- George Halket
- Patrick Hamilton
- Thomas Hamilton
- William Hamilton (British Army officer)
- William Hamilton (comic poet)
- William Hamilton (Jacobite poet)
- Patrick Hannay
- Scott Hastie
- Susanna Hawkins
- George Campbell Hay
- Gilbert Hay
- Hamish Henderson
- J. F. Hendry
- Robert Henryson
- Thomas Nicoll Hepburn
- W. N. Herbert
- Robert Herring
- William Maxwell Hetherington
- Robert Hetrick
- James Hogg
- Richard Holland
- John Home
- Tom Hubbard
- Huchoun
- Alexander Hume
- David Hume of Godscroft
- Patrick Hume of Polwarth
- Anne Hunter
- Pearse Hutchinson
- James Hyslop
- John Imlah
- Mick Imlah
- Iseabail Ní Mheic Cailéin
- A. B. Jackson
- Alan Jackson
- James I of Scotland
- Robert William Jameson
- Robert Alan Jamieson
- Arthur Johnston
- John Johnston
- Walter Kennedy
- John Ker
- William Knox
- Frank Kuppner
- Andrew Lang
- William Lauder
- T. S. Law
- Joseph Lee
- Charlotte Lennox
- Tom Leonard
- Maurice Lindsay
- Janet Little
- Liz Lochhead
- John Logan
- Iain Lom
- John Longmuir
- Roddy Lumsden
- David Lyndsay
- John Lyon
- Henry Francis Lyte

- George MacBeth
- Norman MacCaig
- Hugh MacDiarmid
- Andrew Macdonald
- George MacDonald
- James Macfarlan
- Murdo Macfarlane
- Alasdair Alpin MacGregor
- Stuart MacGregor
- Duncan Ban MacIntyre
- James McIntyre
- John William Mackail
- Charles Mackay
- John Henry Mackay
- George Mackay Brown
- Lachlan Mackinnon
- Ewen MacLachlan
- Alasdair Maclean
- Sorley MacLean
- Aonghas MacNeacail
- Hector Macneill
- Robert Macnish
- James Macpherson
- Jamie Macpherson
- Donnchadh MacRath
- Brian McCabe
- Matthew McDiarmid
- Elvis McGonagall
- William McGonagall
- Robert Murray M'Cheyne
- Alexander McLachlan
- Robert McLellan
- Hugh McMillan
- Wes Magee
- Richard Maitland
- David Mallet
- Peter Manson
- Theodore Martin
- John Mayne
- Isabella Fyvie Mayo
- Gordon Meade
- Elizabeth Melville
- James Melville
- William Mercer
- William Meston
- William Julius Mickle
- William Miller
- Christian Milne
- Drew Milne
- Elma Mitchell
- David Macbeth Moir
- Alexander Montgomerie
- James Graham, 1st Marquess of Montrose
- Edwin Morgan
- David R. Morrison
- William Motherwell
- Edwin Muir
- John Munro
- William Murdoch
- Charles Murray
- Robert Fuller Murray
- Charles Neaves
- William Neill
- John Philip Newell
- Robert Nicoll
- William Henry Ogilvie
- Meta Orred
- George Outram
- Don Paterson
- Walter Perrie
- Robert Pollok
- Richard Price
- Thomas Pringle

Thomas Urquhart
- Walter Quin
- Seán Rafferty
- Sadi Ranson
- Alastair Reid
- Robert Rendall
- Henry Scott Riddell
- Gary Robertson
- James Robertson
- James Logie Robertson
- Robin Robertson
- John Rolland
- David Rorie
- Alexander Ross
- Alexander Scott (16th-century poet)
- Alexander Scott (20th-century poet)
- Tom Scott
- Walter Scott
- Sir William Scott of Thirlestane
- William Bell Scott
- Thomas Seget
- J. B. Selkirk
- James Sempill
- Robert Sempill
- John Campbell Shairp
- William Sharp
- Nan Shepherd
- Burns Singer
- Felicia Skene
- John Skinner
- William Henry Oliphant Smeaton
- Alexander Smith
- John Gibson Smith
- Sydney Goodsir Smith
- Walter Chalmers Smith
- Charles Sorley
- William Soutar
- Charles Spence
- Lewis Spence
- John Sterling
- Robert Louis Stevenson
- Ena Lamont Stewart
- John Stewart of Baldynneis
- John Alexander Stewart
- John Roy Stewart
- William Stewart
- William Alexander, 1st Earl of Stirling
- Thomas Tod Stoddart
- John Struthers
- Muriel Stuart
- Maud Sulter
- Margaret Tait
- Rachel Annand Taylor
- William Tennant
- William Thom
- Thomas the Rhymer
- Derick Thomson
- James Thomson
- James Thomson (weaver poet)
- James Thomson (B.V.)
- Ruthven Todd
- Gael Turnbull
- Thomas Urquhart
- Vagaland
- George Valentine
- John Veitch
- Florentius Volusenus
- Roderick Watson
- Lauchlan Watt
- James Wedderburn
- John Wellwood
- Kenneth White
- Brian Whittingham
- Christopher Whyte
- George Whyte-Melville
- William Wilkie
- John Wilson
- William Wilson
- David Wingate
- John Wright
- William Wright
- Andrew Young
- Douglas Young
- John Younger
See also
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