List of butterflies of China (Pieridae)

Palearctic Colias figured in Seitz Die Großschmetterlinge der Erde (1900-1909)


This is a list of the butterflies of China belonging to the family Pieridae and an index to the species articles. This forms part of the full list of butterflies of China.438 species or subspecies of Pieridae are recorded from China.[1]


genus: Anthocharis
A. c. alexandra (Hemming, 1933) Tian-Shan
A. c. koreana Matsumura, 1937 Amur, Ussuri
A. b. tsangpoana (Riley, 1928) Tsangpo
genus: Aporia
A. c. tianschanica Rühl, [1893] Tian Shan
A. c. pseudohippia Verity, 1911 Tibet
A. c. ussurica Kardakoff, 1928 Amur, Ussuri
  • Aporia howarthi Bernardi, 1961 Tibet, Lilung Valley
  • Aporia bieti (Oberthür, 1884)
A. b. bieti (Oberthür, 1884) West China, Tibet
A. b. gregoryi Watkins, 1927 Yunnan
A. b. transiens Alphéraky, 1897 Tibet
A. h. hippia (Bremer, 1861) Amur, Ussuri
A. h. thibetana Grum-Grshimailo, 1893 Manchuria
  • Aporia procris Leech, 1890
A. p. procris Leech, 1890 North Yunnan, Sichuan
A. p. draesekei (Bang-Haas, 1927) Yunnan
A. p. sinensis (Bang-Haas, 1927) Kansu
A. p. nyanchuensis Yoshino, 1998 Tibet
A. l. illumina (Grum-Grshimailo, 1890) Tian Shan
  • Aporia martineti (Oberthür, 1884)
A. m. martineti (Oberthür, 1884) Yunnan, Sichuan
A. m. konbogyandaensis Yoshino, 1998 Tibet
  • Aporia intercostata Bang-Haas, 1927 North China
  • Aporia potanini Alphéraky, 1892 West China
  • Aporia lhamo (Oberthür, 1893) Yunnan
  • Aporia goutellei (Oberthür, 1886)
A. g. tsinglingica Verity, 1911 Yunnan
A. g. extrema South, 1913 Tibet
  • Aporia genestieri (Oberthür, 1902) Yunnan
  • Aporia delavayi (Oberthür, 1890)
A. d. delavayi (Oberthür, 1890) North Yunnan, Sichuan, East Tibet
A. d. minschani Bang-Haas, 1933
A. d. dayiensis Yoshino, 1998 Sichuan
  • Aporia larraldei (Oberthür, 1876)
A. l. larraldei (Oberthür, 1876) Sichuan
A. l. nutans (Oberthür, 1892) Yunnan
A. l. melania (Oberthür, 1892) Sichuan
  • Aporia kaolinkonensis Yoshino, 1997
  • Aporia gigantea Koiwaya, 1993 Sichuan
  • Aporia acraea (Oberthür, 1885)
A. a. lotis (Leech, 1890) Sichuan
A. a. wolongensis Yoshino, 1995 Sichuan
  • Aporia tayiensis Yoshino, 1995 Sichuan
  • Aporia largeteaui (Oberthür, 1881)
A. l. kuangtungensis Mell, 1935 China
A. l. pacifica (Mell, 1943) South China
A. l. schmackeri (Mell, 1943) South China
  • Aporia oberthuri (Leech, 1890) China
  • Aporia hastata (Oberthür, 1892) Yunnan
  • Aporia joubini (Oberthür, 1913) China
  • Aporia monbeigi (Oberthür, 1917)
A. m. monbeigi (Oberthür, 1917) North Yunnan (Weixi)
A. m. meiliensis Yoshino, 1995 North Yunnan (Dequin)
A. h. baileyi South, 1913 North Yunnan
A. a. agathon (Gray, 1831) Southwest China
A. a. lemoulti Bernardi, 1945 Sichuan
A. a. bifurcata Tytler, 1939 Yunnan
A. a. omotoi Yoshino, 2003 North Yunnan
  • Aporia nishimurai Koiwaya, 1989 Sichuan
  • Aporia shinnooka Yoshino, 2001 Hupei
genus: Catopsilia
genus: Colias
C. h. alta Staudinger, 1886 Tian-Shan
C. h. novasinensis Reissinger, 1989 Gansu
C. e. amdensis Verity, 1911 Qinghai, Gansu, Sichuan
C. e. sinensis Verity, 1911 Yunnan, Manchuria
C. e. poliographus Motschulsky, 1860 Amur, Ussuri, Sakhalin, Tian Shan
C. p. orientalis Staudinger, 1892 Amur
C. m. viridis Bang-Haas, 1915 Qinghai
C. m. longto Evans, 1924 Tibet
C. m. fasciata Kocman, 1999 Qinghai
C. s. sifanica Grum-Grshimailo, 1891 Amdo, Qinghai, Gansu
C. s. herculeana Bollow, 1930 Gansu
  • Colias aegidii Verhulst, 1990 Gansu, Qinghai
  • Colias nebulosa Oberthür, 1894
C. n. nebulosa Oberthür, 1894 Sichuan
C. n. karoensis Hoshiai & Rose, 1998 Tibet
C. n. niveata Verity, [1909] Qinghai
C. n. pugo Evans, 1924 Tibet
C. n. sungpani Bang-Haas, 1927 Sichuan, Gansu
C. c. maja Grum-Grshimailo, 1891 Tian Shan
C. c. pljushtchi Verhulst, 2000 Tian Shan
C. t. tamerlana Staudinger, 1897 Xinjiang
  • Colias tibetana Riley, 1923 Tibet
  • Colias grumi Alpheraky, 1897
C. g. aljinshana Huang & Murayama, 1992 Xinjiang
C. n. nina Fawcett, 1904
C. n. hingstoni Riley, 1923
C. n. tsurpuana Grieshuber, 1996
C. a. arida Alphéraky, 1889
C. a. cakana Rose & Schulte, 1992
C. a. muetingi Rose & Schulte, 1992
C. a. wanda Grum-Grshimailo, 1893
C. s. stoliczkana Moore, 1878 Tibet
C. s. yangguifei Huang & Murayama, 1992 Xinjiang
C. s. emivittata Verity, 1911 Tien Shan
C. w. draconis Grum-Grshimailo, 1891 Tien Shan
C. t. urumtsiensis Verity, 1909 Tian Shan
C. f. fieldii Ménétriés, 1855 Yunnan
C. f. chinensis Verity, 1909 Ussuri
genus: Eurema
  • Eurema ada (Distant & Pryer, 1887)
  • Eurema andersoni (Moore, 1886)
E. a. sadanobui Shirôzu & Yata, 1982 Yunnan
E. b. hylama Corbet & Pendlebury Hainan
E. b. rileyi Corbet & Pendlebury South China
E. b. hainana (Moore, 1878) Hainan
E. b. rubella (Wallace, 1867) South China
E. b. yunnana (Mell, 1943) Yunnan
E. h. albina Huang, 1994 Fujian
E. l. sikkima (Moore, [1906]) Hainan
genus: Gonepteryx
G. r. tianshanica Nekrutenko, 1970 Tian Shan
G. m. alvinda (Blanchard, 1871) Tibet, Yunnan
G. m. amurensis Graeser, 1888 Amur, Ussuri
G. a. limonia Mell, 1943 Ussuri, Yunnan
G. a. thibetana Nekrutenko, 1968 Tibet
genus: Leptidea
genus: Pieris
P. b. nepalensis Gray, 1846 Yunnan
P. b. ottonis Röber, 1907 Tian Shan
P. n. cisseis Leech, 1890 Houpe, Tsekiang, Honan, Fukien, Guangxi, Guangdong, Hainan
P. n. banghaasi Sheljuzhko, 1910 Tian Shan
P. n. muchei Eitschberger, [1984] Tian Shan
P. b. bryonides Sheljuzhko, 1910 Tian Shan
  • Pieris narina Verity, 1908 Tian Shan
  • Pieris ochsenheimeri Staudinger, 1886 Tian Shan
  • Pieris dulcinea (Butler, 1882)
P. d. dulcinea (Butler, 1882) Amur, Ussuri
  • Pieris melete Ménétriés, 1857
P. m. orientis Oberthür, 1880 Ussuri
P. m. mandarina Leech, 1893 North China
P. m. melaina Röber, 1907 Tibet, South China
P. m. alpestris Verity, 1908 Sichuan
P. m. australis Verity, 1911 Yunnan
P. c. minima Verity, 1908 Tibet
P. c. mars Bang-Haas, 1927 Kansu
P. c. indica Evans, 1926 Yunnan
  • Pieris extensa Poujade, 1888 West China
P. e. latouchei Mell, 1939 Fukien
P. r. crucivora Boisduval, 1836 Amur, Ussuri
P. r. debilis Alphéraky, 1889 Tian Shan
P. r. yunnana Mell, 1943 South China
  • Pieris erutae Poujade, 1888 Yunnan
genus: Pontia
P. d. moorei (Röber, [1907]) Yunnan
P. d. amphimara (Fruhstorfer, 1908) Szetchuan
P. c. amaryllis Hemming, 1933 Tian Shan
P. c. halasia Huang & Murayama, 1992 Xinjiang
genus: Sinopieris
S. d. dubernardi (Oberthür, 1884) Yunnan, Sichuan
S. d. kozlovi (Alphéraky, 1897) Nanshan
S. d. gyantsensis (Verity, 1911) Tibet
S. d. rothschildi (Verity, 1911) Shaanxi
S. d. bromkampi (Bang-Haas, 1938) Gansu
S. d. wangi Huang, 1998 Tibet
S. d. pomiensis (Yoshino, 1998) Tibet
S. d. davidis (Oberthür, 1876) Yunnan
S. d. diluta (Verity, 1911)
  • Sinopieris stoetzneri (Draeseke, 1924) Yunnan, Sichuan
  • Sinopieris venata (Leech, 1891) Ta-chien-lu
  • Sinopieris kozlovi (Alphéraky, 1897)
S. k. kozlov i (Alphéraky, 1897) Nanshan
S. k. aljinensis (Huang & Murayama, 1992) Xinjiang
This list is incomplete; you can help by expanding it.


  1. Wu Chunsheng, 2010 China Checklist of Lepodoptera, In the Biodiversity Committee of Chinese Academy of Sciences ed., Catalogue of Life China: 2014 Annual Checklist, Science Press, Beijing, China

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