List of compositions by Erich Wolfgang Korngold

Erich Wolfgang Korngold
This is a list of compositions by Erich Wolfgang Korngold.
By genre
Operas and stage works
- Der Schneemann (A Pantomime) (Composed and first performed 1910)
- Der Ring des Polykrates, Op. 7, opera buffa in one act (1913-1914)
- Violanta, Op. 8, opera in one act (1914-1915)
- Die tote Stadt, Op. 12, opera in three acts (1920)
- Das Wunder der Heliane, Op. 20, opera in three acts (1927)
- Die Kathrin, Op. 28, opera in three acts (1939)
- Die stumme Serenade, Op. 36, operetta (1946-1950)
Orchestral works
- Märchenbilder ("Fairy Tale Pictures"), Op. 3 (1911) (second movement "The Princess & the Pea" presumed lost)
- Schauspiel-Ouvertüre ("Overture to a Play"), Op. 4 (1911)
- Sinfonietta in B major, Op. 5 (1911-1912)
- Militär-Marsch in B ("Military March in B major") (1917)
- Viel Lärmen um Nichts ("Much Ado about Nothing"), Op. 11, suite for orchestra (1918-1919)
- Sursum Corda, Op. 13 (1919)
- Klavierkonzert in Cis (Piano Concerto in C-sharp major for piano left hand), Op. 17 (1923) (composed for Paul Wittgenstein)
- Geschichten von Strauss ("Tales from Strauss"), Op. 21 (1931)
- Baby-Serenade, Op. 24 (1928-1929)
- Violin Concerto in D major, Op. 35 (1937-1939, revised in 1945)
- Cello Concerto in C major, Op. 37 (1946) (expanded from a work written for the 1946 film Deception)
- Symphonic Serenade in B-flat major, Op. 39, for string orchestra (1947-1948)
- Symphony in F-sharp major, Op. 40 (1947-1952)
- Theme and Variations, Op. 42 (1953)
- Straussiana (1953)
- Der Sturm (The Tempest) for chorus and orchestra, after Heinrich Heine (1913)
- Passover Psalm, Op. 30, hymn for solo voice, chorus and orchestra (1941)
- Prayer, Op. 32, for tenor, women's choir and organ (1941)
- Tomorrow, Op. 33, tone poem for mezzo-soprano, women's choir and orchestra, from the movie The Constant Nymph (1944)
Chamber music
- Piano Trio in D major, Op. 1 (1909-1910)
- Violin Sonata in G major, Op. 6 (1912-1913)
- String Sextet in D major, Op. 10 (1914-1916)
- Piano Quintet in E major, Op. 15 (1921-1922)
- Viel Lärmen um Nichts ("Much Ado about Nothing"), Op. 11, four movement suite for violin and piano (1918-1919)
- String Quartet No. 1 in A major, Op. 16 (1920-1923)
- Suite for two violins, cello and piano left hand, Op. 23 (1930)
- String Quartet No. 2 in E-flat major, Op. 26 (1933)
- String Quartet No. 3 in D major, Op. 33 (1944-1945)
- Romance-Impromptu, for cello and piano (1946)
Piano music
- Piano Sonata No. 1 in D minor (1908-1909)
- Don Quixote, six pieces for piano (1909)
- Was der Wald erzählt ("What the Forest Tells"), suite for piano (1909)
- Märchenbilder ("Fairy Tale Pictures"), Op. 3 for piano solo (also orchestrated) (1910)
- Piano Sonata No. 2 in E major, Op. 2 (1910)
- Vier Kleine Fröhliche Walzer ("Four Little Cheerful Waltzes") (1912)
- Vier kleine Karikaturen für Kinder ("Four Little Caricatures for Children"), Op. 19 (1926)
- Geschichten von Strauss ("Tales from Strauss"), Op. 21 (also orchestrated) (1927)
- Piano Sonata No. 3 in C major, Op. 25 (1931)
- Vespers (1911)
- Eichendorff Lieder (1911)
- (Sechs) Einfache Lieder ("Six Simple Songs"), Op. 7 (1911)
- Nachts ("At night") (1913)
- Gansleber (1919)
- (Vier) Lieder des Abschieds ("Four Songs of Farewell"), Op. 14 (1920-1921)
- Drei Gesänge ("Three Songs"), Op. 18 (1924)
- Drei Lieder' ("Three Songs"), Op. 22 (1928-1929)
- Unvergänglichkeit ("Immortality"), Op. 27 (1933)
- Narrenlieder ("Songs of the Clown"), Op. 29 (1937)
- Vier Shakespeare-Lieder ("Four Shakespeare Songs"), Op. 31 (1937-1941)
- Fünf Lieder ("Five Songs"), Op. 38 (1948)
- Sonett für Wien ("Sonnet for Vienna"), Op. 41 (1953)
Film scores
- A Midsummer Night's Dream (1935) (a re-orchestration of music composed by Felix Mendelssohn)
- Captain Blood (1935)
- Give Us This Night (1936)
- Hearts Divided (1936)
- The Green Pastures (1936)
- Anthony Adverse (1936) - Academy Award winner for Best Original Score (awarded to the head of the studio's music department)
- The Prince and the Pauper (1937)
- Another Dawn (1937)
- The Adventures of Robin Hood (1938) - Academy Award winner for Best Original Score
- Juarez (1939)
- The Private Lives of Elizabeth and Essex (1939) - Academy Award nomination for Best Original Score
- The Sea Hawk (1940) - Academy Award nomination for Best Score
- The Sea Wolf (1941)
- King's Row (1942)
- The Constant Nymph (1943)
- Between Two Worlds (1944)
- Devotion (1946)
- Of Human Bondage (1946)
- Deception (1946)
- Escape Me Never (1947)
- Adventures of Don Juan (1948) (unused score)
- Magic Fire (1956) (after Richard Wagner)
Arrangements for operettas
- Eine Nacht in Venedig (A Night in Venice), Johann Strauss II (1923)
- Cagliostro in Wien (Cagliostro in Vienna), Johann Strauss II (1927)
- Rosen aus Florida (Roses from Florida), Leo Fall (1929)
- Die Fledermaus (The Bat), Johann Strauss II (1929)
- Walzer aus Wien (Waltzes from Vienna), Family Strauss (1930)
- Die schöne Helena (The Beautiful Helena), Jacques Offenbach (1931)
- Das Lied der Liebe (The Song of Love), Johann Strauss II (1931)
- Die geschiedene Frau (The divorced Woman), Leo Fall (1933)
- Rosalinda (= Die Fledermaus), Johann Strauss II (1942)
- Helen Goes to Troy (=La belle Hélène) Jacques Offenbach (1944)
- The Great Waltz (= Walzer aus Wien), Johann Strauss II (1949)
By opus number
- Op. 1 - Piano Trio in D major (1909-1910)
- Op. 2 - Piano Sonata No. 2 in E major (1910)
- Op. 3 - Märchenbilder ("Fairy Tale Pictures"), for piano solo (also orchestrated) (1910)
- Op. 4 - Schauspiel-Ouvertüre ("Overture to a Play") (1911)
- Op. 5 - Sinfonietta in B major (1911-1912)
- Op. 6 - Violin Sonata in G major (1912-1913)
- Op. 7 - Der Ring des Polykrates, opera buffa in one act (1913-1914)
- Op. 8 - Violanta, opera in one act (1914-1915)
- Op. 9 - (Sechs) Einfache Lieder ("Six Simple Songs") (1911)
- Op. 10 - String Sextet in D major (1914-1916)
- Op. 11 - Viel Lärmen um Nichts ("Much Ado for Nothing"), four movement suite for violin and piano (1918-1919)
- Op. 12 - Die tote Stadt, Op. 12, opera in three acts (1920)
- Op. 13 - Sursum Corda (1919)
- Op. 14 - (Vier) Lieder des Abschieds ("Four Songs of Farewell") (1920-1921)
- Op. 15 - Piano Quintet in E major (1921-1922)
- Op. 16 - String Quartet No. 1 in A major (1920-1923)
- Op. 17 - Piano Concerto in C-sharp major for piano left hand (1923) (composed for Paul Wittgenstein)
- Op. 18 - Drei Gesänge ("Three Songs"), Op. 18 (1924)
- Op. 19 - Vier kleine Karikaturen für Kinder ("Four Little Caricatures for Children") (1926)
- Op. 20 - Das Wunder der Heliane, opera in three acts (1927)
- Op. 21 - Geschichten von Strauss ("Tales from Strauss") (also orchestrated) (1927)
- Op. 22 - Drei Lieder' ("Three Songs") (1928-1929)
- Op. 23 - Suite for two violins, cello and piano left hand (1930)
- Op. 24 - Baby-Serenade (1928-1929)
- Op. 25 - Piano Sonata No. 3 in C major (1931)
- Op. 26 - String Quartet No. 2 in E-flat major (1933)
- Op. 27 - Unvergänglichkeit ("Immortality") (1933)
- Op. 28 - Die Kathrin, opera in three acts (1939)
- Op. 29 - Narrenlieder ("Songs of the Clown") (1937)
- Op. 30 - Passover Psalm, hymn for solo voice, chorus and orchestra (1941)
- Op. 31 - Vier Shakespeare-Lieder ("Four Shakespeare Songs") (1937-1941)
- Op. 32 - Prayer, for tenor, women's choir and organ (1941)
- Op. 33 - Tomorrow, tone poem for mezzo-soprano, women's choir and orchestra, from the movie The Constant Nymph (1944)
- Op. 34 - String Quartet No. 3 in D major (1944-1945)
- Op. 35 - Violin Concerto in D major (1937-1939, revised in 1945)
- Op. 36 - Die stumme Serenade, operetta (1946-1950)
- Op. 37 - Cello Concerto in C major (1946)
- Op. 38 - Fünf Lieder ("Five Songs") (1948)
- Op. 39 - Symphonic Serenade in B-flat major, for string orchestra (1947-1948)
- Op. 40 - Symphony in F-sharp major (1947-1952)
- Op. 41 - Sonett für Wien ("Sonnet for Vienna") (1953)
- Op. 42 - Theme and Variations (1953)
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