List of conflicts in Mexico
List of conflicts in Mexico is a timeline of events that includes Mexican Indian Wars, battles, skirmishes, and other related items that have occurred in Mexico's geographical area.
4th century

Map depicting the Maya area within the larger Mesoamerican region. View full size for details.
6th century
- 562 Sky Witness led Calakmul into a war with rival Maya city-state Tikal winning a major victory which broke Tikal's formerly extensive power in the southern Yucatán Peninsula for some decades
- April 23, 599 Yohl Ik'nal queen of the Mayan city of Palenque suffered an important defeat by Calakmul, one of the two great Maya powers of the Classic Period
7th century
- 695 Defeat of the Maya city of Calakmul by Jasaw Chan K'awiil I of Tikal
8th century
- 711 Palenque was sacked by the realm of Toniná, and the king K'inich K'an Joy Chitam II was taken prisoner
13th century
- circa 1250 — 1325 Conflict between the city-states of Tizaapan and Culhuacán ending with the Mexica driven away from Tizaapan to form Tenochtitlan in Lake Texcoco in 1325
14th century
- circa 1325 — 1426 Conflict between the alliance of Tenochtitlan and Azcapotzalco against the city-state of Texcoco, ending in victory for the Tepanec empire
- 1376 — 1395 Acamapichtli, the first tlatoani of Tenochtitlan, sent expeditions to fight for Azcapotzalco against various city states, notably Chalco, Cuahnahuac, Xochimilco
- 1396 — 1417 Huitzilihuitl, the second tlatoani of Tenochtitlan, assisted in the conquest and sacking of the cities of Tultitlan, Cuauhtitlan, Chalco, Tollantzingo, Xaltocan, Otompa and Acolman
- 1418 Tezozomoc's war with Ixtlilxochitl I of Texcoco
15th century
- 1426 Tepanec Civil War
- 1427 Maxtla, ruler of Coyoacán incited a rebellion among the nobles of Azcapotzalco and usurped the throne
- 1427 — 1440 Allying with Nezahualcoyotl of Texcoco, Itzcoatl went on to defeat Maxtla and end the Tepanec domination of central Mexico
- 1428 — 1521 Following the Tepanec Civil War, formation of the Aztec Triple Alliance and its subsequent instigation of the Flower Wars
- 1430 — 1440 Successful campaigns against Xochimilco, Mixquic, Cuitlahuac, and Tezompa would secure agricultural resources for Tenochtitlan and, along with the conquest of Culhuacan and Coyoacán, would cement the Triple Alliance's control over the southern half of the Valley of Mexico.
- 1440 — 1458 Reign of Moctezuma I
- Subjugated the Huastec people and Totonac peoples
- 1458 Moctezuma I led an expedition into Mixtec territory against the city-state of Coixtlahuaca
- Campaigns conducted against Cosamaloapan, Ahuilizapan, and Cuetlachtlan
- 1473 Axayacatl subjugated Tlatelolco
- 1481 — 1486 Tizoc, the seventh tlatoani of Tenochtitlan, put down a rebellion of the Matlatzincan peoples of the Toluca Valley
- 1486 — 1502 Ahuizotl began his reign by suppressing a Huastec rebellion, and then conquered the Mixtec and the Zapotec
- 1502 — 1520 Through warfare Moctezuma II expanded the territory of the Aztec Empire as far south as Xoconosco in Chiapas and the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, and incorporated the Zapotec and Yopi people into the empire

The maximal extent of the Aztec Empire, according to María del Carmen Solanes Carraro and Enrique Vela Ramírez.
- 1480 — 1510 Saltpeter War
16th century
- 1519 — 1521 Spanish conquest of the Aztec Empire
- The Cholula Massacre of 1519
- Siege of Tenochtitlan (May 26 - August 13, 1521)
- 1527 — 1546 Spanish conquest of Yucatán
- 1533 — 1933 Mexican Indian Wars
- 1533 Yaqui Wars
- 1540 Conquest of Cíbola
- 1540 Tiguex War
- 1540 — 1542 Mixtón War
- 1550 — 1590 Chichimeca War
- 1599 Acoma Massacre
- 1601 Acaxee Rebellion
- 1616 Tepehuán Revolt
- 1641 — 1924 Apache–Mexico Wars
- 1641 — 1864 Navajo Wars
- 1680 Pueblo Revolt
- 1751 Pima Revolt
- 1757 First Magdalena Massacre
- 1821 — 1870 Comanche–Mexico Wars
- 1847 — 1901 Caste War of Yucatán
19th century
- 1810 — 1821 Mexican War of Independence

Development of Spanish American Independence
Government under traditional Spanish law
Loyal to Supreme Central Junta or Cortes
American junta or insurrection movement
Independent state declared or established
Height of French control of the Peninsula
- 1861 — 1867 French intervention in Mexico
20th century
- 1910 — 1921 Mexican Revolution
- 1926 — 1929 Cristero War
- 1994 — 1995 Zapatista Uprising
21st century
- 1992 — present War on Drugs
- December 11, 2006 — present Mexican Drug War
- December 11, 2006 — present Operation Michoacán
- January 2, 2007 — present Operation Baja California
- 2008 — present Operation Sinaloa
- 2007 — present Joint Operation Nuevo León-Tamaulipas
- November 5, 2010 Shootout at Matamoros, 50 - 100 killed
- August 24, 2010 San Fernando massacre
- April 6, 2011 — June 7, 2011 San Fernando massacre
- August 25, 2011 Monterrey casino attack
- June 25, 2010 Nuevo León mass graves
- 2008 — present Operation Chihuahua
- February 2009 — present Operation Quintana Roo
- July 16, 2011 — August 4, 2011 Operación Lince Norte
- June 25, 2010 Nuevo León mass graves
- August 24, 2010 San Fernando massacre
- November 5, 2010 Shootout at Matamoros, 50 - 100 killed
- April 6, 2011 — June 7, 2011 San Fernando massacre
- June 3, 2011 Coahuila mass graves
- August 25, 2011 Monterrey casino attack
- August 28, 2011 — October 31, 2011 Operación Escorpión
- June 25, 2010 Nuevo León mass graves
- August 24, 2010 San Fernando massacre
- November 5, 2010 Shootout at Matamoros, 50 - 100 killed
- April 6, 2011 — June 7, 2011 San Fernando massacre
- August 25, 2011 Monterrey casino attack
- June 3, 2011 Coahuila mass graves
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