List of female sculptors
This is a list of female sculptors or sculptresses - notable women who are known for their three-dimensional artistic creations (this can include artists who use sound and light).
- This list is incomplete. You can help by expanding it.
- Magdalena Abakanowicz (b. 1930) Poland
- Tamar Abakelia (1905–1953) Georgia
- Elfriede Abbe (1919–2012) United States
- Pablita Abeyta (b. 1953) United States
- Alice Adams (b. 1930) United States
- Grimanesa Amorós (b. 1962, Peru) United States
- Janine Antoni (b. 1964) United States
- Ruth Asawa (1926–2013) United States
- C.C. van Asch van Wijck (1900–1932) Netherlands
- Alice Aycock (b. 1946) United States

Caroline Shawk Brooks, The Dreaming Iolanthe, (1876), butter sculpture exhibited at 1876 Centennial Exposition
- Frances Bagley (b. 1946) United States
- Fiona Banner (b. 1966) United Kingdom
- Frida Baranek (b. 1961) Brazil
- Emilia Bayer (b. 1934) Bulgaria
- Carolina Benedicks-Bruce (1856–1935) Sweden
- Lynda Benglis (b. 1941) United States
- Lía Bermúdez (b. 1930) Venezuela
- Electra Waggoner Biggs (1912–2001) United States
- Camille Billops (b. 1933) United States
- Marguerite Louis Blasingame (1906–1947) United States
- Lucienne Bloch (1909–1999) United States
- Frida Blumenberg (b. 1935) South Africa
- Delphine Boël (b. 1968) Belgium
- Lee Bontecou (b. 1931) United States
- Chakaia Booker (b. 1953) United States
- Isabelle de Borchgrave (b. 1946) Belgium
- Christine Borland (b. 1965) United Kingdom
- Madeleine Boschan (b. 1979) Germany
- Louise Bourgeois (1911–2010) France/United States
- Paige Bradley (b. circa 1975) United States
- Marianne Brandt (1893–1983) Germany
- Bessie Marsh Brewer (1884–1952) United States
- María Brito (b. 1947, Cuba)
- Caroline Shawk Brooks (1840–1913) United States
- Deborah Brown (b. 1927) United Kingdom
- Emilie Benes Brzezinski (b. 1932) Switzerland
- Heidi Bucher (1926–1993) Switzerland
- Hede Bühl (b. 1940) Germany
- Selma Burke (1900–1995) United States
- Edith Woodman Burroughs (1871–1916) United States
- Deborah Butterfield (b. 1949) United States

Marie-Anne Collot, Portrait of the Grand Duchess Natalya Alexeyevna, (1775)
- Claude Cahun (1894–1954) France
- Mary Callery (1903–1977) United States
- Anne Marie Carl-Nielsen (1863–1945) Denmark
- Elizabeth Catlett (1915–2012) United States
- Marie Cazin (1845–1924) France
- Vija Celmins (b. 1938) Latvia
- Amelie Chabannes (b. 1974) France
- Elisabeth Gordon Chandler (1913–2006) United States
- Cornellia Van A. Chapin (1893–1973) United States
- Judy Chicago (b. 1939) United States
- Doris Totten Chase (1923–2008) United States
- Saloua Raouda Choucair (b. 1916) Lebanon
- Anna Chromy (b. 1940) lives and works throughout Europe
- Chryssa (1933–2013) Greece
- Lygia Clark (1920–1988) Brazil
- Camille Claudel (1864–1943) France
- Shelagh Cluett (1947–2007) United Kingdom
- Mirit Cohen (1945–1990) Israel
- Nessa Cohen (1885–1976) United States
- Ola Cohn (1892–1964) Australia
- Marie-Anne Collot (1748–1821) France
- Marta Colvin (1907–1995) Chile
- Angela Conner (b. 1935) United Kingdom
- Christine Corday (b. 1970) United States
- Kate Cory (1861–1958) United States
- Petah Coyne (b. 1953) United States
- Meg Cranston (b. 1960) United States
- Cresilla ancient Greece
- Dorothy Cross (b. 1956) Ireland
- Marianne Csaky (b. 1959) Hungary
- Beth Cullen-Kerridge (b. 1970) United Kingdom
Anne Seymour Damer, Coriolanus, c.1788, bas relief
- Greta Dale (1929–1978) Canada
- Anne Seymour Damer (1749–1828) Great Britain
- Anne Davidson (1937–2008) United Kingdom
- Dorothy Dehner (1901–1994) United States
- Lesley Dill (b. 1950) United States
- Michele Oka Doner (b. 1945) United States
- Orshi Drozdik (b. 1946) Hungary
- Abastenia St. Leger Eberle (1878–1942) United States
- Annet van Egmond (b 1964) The Netherlands
- Lin Emery (b 1928) United States
- Tracey Emin (b 1963) Great Britain
- Marisol Escobar (1930-2016) active in Europe and the Americas
- Helen Escobedo (1934–2010) Mexico
Harriet Whitney Frishmuth, The Vine (1923), Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City
- Claire Falkenstein (1908–1997) United States
- Abigail Fallis (b. 1969) United Kingdom
- Bita Fayyazi (b. 1962) Iran
- Rachel Feinstein (b. 1971) United States
- Teresita Fernández (b. 1968) United States
- Jackie Ferrara (b. 1929) United States
- Carole Feuerman (b. 1945) United States
- Ailene Fields (b. 1948) United States
- Audrey Flack (b. 1931) United States
- Sylvie Fleury (b. 1961) Switzerland
- Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster (b. 1965) France
- Margaret Foley (1820–1877) United States
- Laura Ford (b. 1961) United Kingdom
- Alina Forsman (1845–1899) Finland
- Sairi Forsman (b. 1964) Mexico
- Ruth Francken (1924–2006) United States
- Jane Frank (Jane Schenthal Frank) (1918–1986) United States
- Mary Frank (b. 1933) United Kingdom
- Laura Gardin Fraser (1889–1966) United States
- Elisabeth Frink (1930–1993) United Kingdom
- Harriet Whitney Frishmuth (1880–1980) United States
- Meta Vaux Warrick Fuller (1877–1968) United States
- Victoria Fuller (b. 1953) United States
Anna Golubkina, Mist (1899)
- Anya Gallaccio (b. 1963) Scotland
- Lily Garafulic (1914–2012) Chile
- Tammy Garcia (b. 1969) United States
- Rosalie Gascoigne (1917–1999) Australia
- Marea Gazzard (1928–2013) Australia
- Gego (1912–1994) Germany
- Isa Genzken (b. 1948) Germany
- Eugenie Gershoy (1901–1983) United States
- Gerður Helgadóttir (1928–1975) Iceland
- Anna Golubkina (1864–1927) Russia
- Dora Gordine (1895–1991) United Kingdom
- Elsa Gramcko (1925–1994) Venezuela
- Mary Grant (1831–1908) Scotland
- Nancy Graves (1939–1995) United States
- Renee Green (b. 1959) United States
- Mimi Gross (b. 1940) United States
- Catrin G Grosse (b. 1964) Germany
- Sabina Grzimek (b. 1942) Germany
- Gunnfríður Jónsdóttir (1889–1968) Iceland
- Ángela Gurría (b. 1929) Mexico

Barbara Hepworth, Monolith-Empyrean, 1953, Kenwood House, London

Harriet Hosmer, The Sleeping Faun (c. 1870), Cleveland Museum of Art
- Gabriela von Habsburg (b. 1956) Europe
- Maggi Hambling (b. 1945) United Kingdom
- Harmony Hammond (b. 1944) United States
- Han Sai Por (b. 1943) Singapore
- Rachel Harrison (b. 1966) United States
- Bessie Harvey (1929–1994) United States
- Mona Hatoum (1952) Lebanon
- Jann Haworth (b. 1942) United States
- Gabriel Hayes (1909–1978) Ireland
- Faye HeavyShield (b. 1953) Canada
- Mathilde ter Heijne (b. 1969) France (Germany)
- Barbara Hepworth (1903–1975) United Kingdom
- Gertrude Hermes (1901–1983) United Kingdom
- Eva Hesse (1936–1970) United States
- Nicola Hicks (b. 1960) United Kingdom
- Helena Hietanen (b. 1963) Finland
- Amelia Robertson Hill (1820–1904) Scotland
- Eila Hiltunen (1922–2003) Finland
- Margel Hinder (1906–1995) Australia
- Nicky Hirst (b. 1963) United Kingdom
- Malvina Hoffman (1885–1966) United States
- Elizabeth Bradford Holbrook (1913–2009) Canada
- Nancy Holt (1938–2014) United States
- Sara Holt (born 1946) United States, lives and works in Paris
- Jenny Holzer (b. 1950) United States
- Rebecca Horn (b. 1944) Germany
- Roni Horn (b. 1955) United States
- Harriet Hosmer (1830–1908) United States
- Shirazeh Houshiary (b. 1955) Iran
- Anita Huffington (b. 1934) United States
- Anna Hyatt Huntington (1876–1973) United States
- Leiko Ikemura (b. 1951, Japan)
- Pamela Irving (b. 1960) Australia
- Linde Ivimey (b. 1965) Australia
- Jiang Shuo (b. 1958) China
- Patricia Johanson (b. 1940) United States
- Adelaide Johnson (1859–1955) United States
- Jacobine Jones (1897–1976) United Kingdom / Canada

- Reena Saini Kallat (b. 1973) India
- Gertrude Farquharson Boyle Kanno (1876–1937) United States
- Kate Kelly (1882–1964) United States
- Rachel Khedoori (b. 1964, Australia) United States
- Bharti Kher (b. 1969) India
- Inge King (b. 1918) Australia
- Theo Alice Ruggles Kitson (1871–1932) United States
- Lorena Kloosterboer (b. 1962) the Netherlands
- Katarzyna Kobro (1898–1951) Poland
- Eva Koch (born 1953) Denmark
- Kiki Kogelnik (1935–1997) Austria
- Ida Kohlmeyer (1912–1997) United States
- Meeli Kõiva (b. 1960) Estonia
- Kristina Koljaka (1916–2005) Albania
- Käthe Kollwitz (1867–1945) Germany
- Margit Kovács (1902–1977) Hungary
- Louise Kramer (b. 1923) United States
- Yayoi Kusama (b. 1929) Japan
- Kyung-hee Hong (b. 1954) South Korea

Edmonia Lewis, Minnehaha (1868)
- Rachel Lachowicz (b. 1964) United States
- Anna Coleman Ladd (1878–1939) United States
- Marie-Jo Lafontaine (b. 1945) Belgium
- Lili Lakich (b. 1944) United States
- Sigalit Landau (b. 1969) Israel
- Abigail Lane (b. 1967) United Kingdom
- Greer Lankton (1958–1996) United States
- Liz Larner (b. 1960) United States
- Mary Lawrence (Tonetti) (1868–1945)
- Sarra Lebedeva ( 1892 – 1967) Russia
- Lee Bul (b. 1964) South Korea
- Maya Cohen Levy (b. 1955) Israel
- Edmonia Lewis (ca. 1844–1907) United States
- Jessie Lipscomb (1861–1952) United Kingdom
- Kirsten Lockenwitz (born 1932) Denmark
- Frances Loring (1887–1968) United States, Canada
- Lu Pin (b. 1972) China
- Evelyn Beatrice Longman (1874–1954) United States
- Sarah Lucas (b. 1962) United Kingdom
- Gabriele von Lutzau (b. 1954) Germany
- Norma Lyon (1929–2011) United States
Lola Mora, La Justicia, el Trabajo y la Paz (1916, replica 2014), Palacio del Congreso Nacional, Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Alice Maher (b. 1956) Ireland
- Molly Morell Macalister (1920–1969) New Zealand
- Jilma Madera (1915–2000) Cuba
- Marianne Maderna (b. 1944) Austria
- Anna Mahler (1904–1988) Austria
- Edna Manley (1900–1987) Jamaica
- Elsie March (1884–1974] United Kingdom
- Teresa Margolles (b. 1963] Mexico
- Brigitte Matschinsky-Denninghoff (1923–2011) Germany
- Monique Mayère (b. 1944) France
- Daphne Mayo (1895–1982) Australia
- Rooma Mehra (b. 1967) India
- Dina Melicov (1905–1969) United States
- Ana Mendieta (1948–1985)
- Anjolie Ela Menon (b. 1940) India
- Geneva Mercer (1889–1984) United States
- Marisa Merz (b. 1931) Italy
- Annette Messager (b. 1943) France
- Marta Minujín (b. 1943), Argentina
- Marg Moll (1884–1977) Germany
- Cathy de Monchaux (b. 1960) United Kingdom
- Lola Mora (1866–1936) Argentina
- Polly Morgan (b. 1980) United Kingdom
- Junko Mori (b. 1974) Japan
- Hilda Grossman Morris (1911–1991) United States
- Vera Mukhina (1889–1953) Soviet Union
- Ethel Myers (1881–1960) United States

Elisabet Ney, Lady Macbeth (1905), Stadtmuseum Münster, Germany
- Fujiko Nakaya (b. 1933) Japan
- Marlene Neubauer-Woerner (1918–2010) Germany
- Mariele Neudecker (b. 1965, Germany) active in the United Kingdom
- Louise Nevelson (1900–1988) United States
- Avis Newman (b. 1946) United Kingdom
- Elisabet Ney (1833–1907) Germany / United States
- Ida Göthilda Nilsson (1840–1920) Sweden
- Astrid Noack (1888–1954) Denmark
- Cady Noland (b. 1956) United States
- Marina Núñez del Prado (1910–1995) Bolivia
- Lucy Orta (b. 1966) Great Britain
- Yoko Ono (b. 1933) United States
- Méret Oppenheim (1913–1985) Germany
- Chana Orloff (1888–1968) Israel
Brenda Putnam, Puck (1930-32, replica 2002), Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington, D.C.

Beverly Pepper, Longo Monolith (2006), Bad Homburg, Hesse, Germany
- Ana Maria Pacheco (b. 1943) Brazil
- Bashka Paeff (1894–1979) United States
- Marta Pan (1923–2008) France
- Cornelia Parker (b. 1956) United Kingdom
- Alicia Penalba (1913-1982) Argentina
- Beverly Pepper (b. 1922) United States
- Judy Pfaff (b. 1946) London
- Liz Phillips (b. 1951) United States
- Patricia Piccinini (b. 1965) Australia
- Rona Pondick (b. 1952) United States
- Marjetica Potrč (b. 1953) Slovenia
- Etiyé Dimma Poulsen (b. 1968) Ethiopia
- Susan Mohl Powers (b. 1944) United States
- Nancy Elizabeth Prophet (1890–1960) United States
- Brenda Putnam (1890–1975) United States

Vinnie Ream, Abraham Lincoln (1871), United States Capitol, Washington, D.C.
- Dorothee Raetsch (b. 1940) Germany
- Caroline Ramersdorfer, Austria/United States
- Antonietta Raphael (1895–1975) Italy
- Vinnie Ream (1847–1914) United States
- Frances Rich (1910–2007) United States
- Myra Reynolds Richards (1882–1934) United States
- Germaine Richier (1902–1959) France
- Linda Ridgway (b. 1947) United States
- Emy Roeder (1890–1971) Germany
- Luisa Roldán (1652–1706) Spain
- Properzia de' Rossi (c. 1490–1530)
- Julie Rotblatt-Amrany (b. 1958) United States
- Ursula von Rydingsvard (b. 1942) Germany / United States
- Rabarama (b. 1969) Italy

Emma Stebbins, Angel of the Waters (1873), Bethesda Terrace and Fountain, Central Park, New York City

Niki de Saint-Phalle, The Golem (1971), Kiryat Hayovel, Israel
- Niki de Saint-Phalle (1930–2002) France
- Takako Saito (b. 1929) Japan
- Doris Salcedo (b. 1958) Columbia
- Augusta Savage (1892–1962) United States
- Erzsébet Schaár (1905–1975) Hungary
- Belle Kinney Scholz (1890–1959) United States
- Barbara Schwartz (1949–2006) United States
- Janet Scudder (1869–1940) United States
- Maria Serebriakova (b. 1965) Germany
- Yvonne Serruys (1873–1953) Belgium / France
- Judith Shea (b. 1948) United States
- Kathleen Shillam (1916–2002) Australia
- Siona Shimshi (b. 1939) Israel
- Raphaele Shirley (b. 1969) United States
- Alyson Shotz (b. 1964) United States
- Jiang Shuo (b. 1958) China
- Jeanne Silverthorne (b. 1950) United States
- Alice Louise Judd Simpich (1918–2006) United States
- Jane Simpson (b. 1965) United Kingdom
- Renée Sintenis (1888–1965) Germany
- Kiki Smith (b. 1954) United States
- Monika Sosnowska (b. 1972) Poland
- Pia Stadtbäumer (b. 1959) Germany
- Birgit Stauch (b. 1961) Germany
- Emma Stebbins (1815–1882)) United States
- Flora Steiger-Crawford (1899–1991) Switzerland
- Jana Sterbak (b. 1955, Czechoslovakia) Canada
- Jessica Stockholder (b. 1958) United States
- Renee Stout (b. 1959) United States
- Marjorie Strider (1931-2014)) United States
- Imogen Stuart (b. 1927) Ireland
- Michelle Stuart (b. 1933) United States
- Roxanne Swentzell (b. 1962) United States
- Sarah Sze (b. 1969) United States
- Katharina Szelinski-Singer (1918–2010) Germany
- Athena Tacha (b. 1936) Greece and United States
- Sophie Taeuber-Arp (1889–1943) Switzerland
- Dorothea Tanning (1910–2012) United States
- Waldine Tauch (1892/4–1896) United States
- Margaret Thomas (1842–1929) Australia
- Rebecca Tobey (b. 1948) United States
- Þorbjörg Pálsdóttir (1919–2009) Iceland
- Elisabeth Toubro (born 1956) Denmark
- Zoja Trofimiuk (b. 1952) Australia
- Anne Truitt (1921–2004) United States
- Su-Mei Tse (b. 1973) Luxembourg
- Susanne Tunn (b. 1958) Germany
- Alison Turnbull (b. 1956) United Kingdom
- Heather Tweed (b. 1959) United Kingdom
- Rosemarie Trockel (b. 1952) Germany
- Hema Upadhyay (b. 1972) India
- Francis Upritchard (b. 1976) United Kingdom
Bessie Potter Vonnoh, Mary and Dickon (1935), Burnett Memorial Fountain, Central Park, New York City
- Marja Vallila (1950– ) United States
- Coosje van Bruggen (1942–2009) Netherlands, United States
- Josefina de Vasconcellos (1904–2005)
- Sonja Vectomov (1957– ) Czech Republic / Finland
- Mary Vieira (1927–2001) Brazil
- Bessie Potter Vonnoh (1872–1955) United States

- Sylvia Wald (1915–2011) United States
- Nellie Walker (1874–1973) United States
- Marijke van Warmerdam (b. 1959) Netherlands
- Katharine Lane Weems (1899–1989) United States
- Clara Westhoff (1875–1954) Germany
- Rachel Whiteread (b. 1963) United Kingdom
- Anne Whitney (1821–1915) United States
- Gertrude Vanderbilt Whitney (1875–1942) United States
- Marguerite Wildenhain (1896–1985) United States
- Alison Wilding (b. 1948) United Kingdom
- Hannah Wilke (1940–1993) United States
- Anne Wilson (b. 1949) United States
- Hermione Wiltshire (b. 1963) United Kingdom
- Jacqueline Winsor (b. 1941) United States
- Elizabeth Wright (b. 1964) United Kingdom
- Patience Wright (1725–1786) United States
- Elizabeth Wyn Wood (1901–1966) Canada
- Marysole Wörner Baz (b. 1936) Mexico
- Florence Wyle (1881 – 1968) United States, Canada
- Enid Yandell (1870–1934) United States
- Melanie Yazzie (b. 1966) United States
- Daisy Youngblood (b. 1945) United States
- Paula Zima (b. 1953) United States
- Andrea Zittel (b. 1965) United States
See also
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