List of neuroscientists
Many famous neuroscientists are from the 20th and 21st century, as neuroscience is a fairly new science. However many anatomists, physiologists, neurologists, psychiatrists and other physicians are considered to be neuroscientists as well. This list compiles the names of all neuroscientists with a corresponding Wikipedia biographical article, and is not necessarily a reflection of their relative importance in the field.
- Edgar Douglas Adrian
- Patrick Aebischer
- George Aghajanian
- Richard W. Aldrich
- John Allman
- Nayef Al-Rodhan
- Alois Alzheimer
- David Amaral
- Per Andersen
- Richard A. Andersen
- David J. Anderson
- Pyotr Anokhin
- Julius Caesar Aranzi
- Clay Armstrong
- Richard Axel
- Julius Axelrod
- Herman S. Bachelard
- Paul Bach-y-Rita
- April A. Benasich
- Seymour Benzer
- Mayim Bialik
- Elisabeth Binder
- Ned Block
- Nathaniel A. Buchwald
- Azad Bonni
- Joseph V. Brady
- Paul Broca
- Donald Calne
- Matteo Carandini
- Arvid Carlsson
- Ben Carson
- C. Sue Carter
- Richard Caton
- Ugo Cerletti
- Carlos Chagas Filho
- Jean-Pierre Changeux
- Daniel Choquet
- Jean-Martin Charcot
- Jules Cotard
- Stanley Cohen (biochemist)
- Miguel Rolando Covian
- Hans Gerhard Creutzfeldt
- Francis Crick
- Harvey Cushing
- Henry Hallett Dale
- Antonio Damasio
- Richard Davidson
- Jean Decety
- Stanislas Dehaene
- Yves De Koninck
- Karl Deisseroth
- Richard Deth
- Adele Diamond
- Merlin Donald
- Duchenne de Boulogne
- Emil du Bois-Reymond
- Yadin Dudai
- Lillian Dyck
- David Eagleman
- John Carew Eccles
- Gerald Edelman
- Andreas K. Engel
- Erasistratus
- Joseph Erlanger
- Ulf von Euler
- Edward Evarts
- James Fallon
- Lawrence Farwell
- Michale Fee
- Eva Feldman
- Guoping Feng
- David Ferrier
- Edward Flatau
- Paul Flechsig
- Ernst von Fleischl-Marxow
- Jean Pierre Flourens
- Otfrid Foerster
- Auguste-Henri Forel
- Allan H. Frey
- Karl J. Friston
- Chris Frith
- Robert Galambos
- Franz Joseph Gall
- Luigi Galvani
- Herbert Spencer Gasser
- Henri Gastaut
- Michael Gazzaniga
- Anirvan Ghosh
- Donald A. Glaser
- Camillo Golgi
- Elizabeth Gould
- Ragnar Granit
- Ann Graybiel
- Michael E. Greenberg
- Paul Greengard
- Susan Greenfield
- Roger Guillemin
- Fred "Rusty" Gage
- Vladimir Hachinski
- Marshall Hall
- Sam Harris
- Haldan Keffer Hartline
- Demis Hassabis
- Donald Olding Hebb
- Lennart Heimer
- Martin Heisenberg
- Hermann von Helmholtz
- Walter Rudolf Hess
- Alan Lloyd Hodgkin
- Victor Horsley
- David H. Hubel
- Robert Roland Hughes
- Ashiq Hussain
- Andrew Huxley
- Jon Kaas
- Eric R. Kandel
- Nancy Kanwisher
- George Karpati
- Bernard Katz
- Lawrence C. Katz
- JacSue Kehoe
- J. A. Scott Kelso
- James S. Ketchum
- Christof Koch
- Albert von Kölliker
- Masakazu Konishi
- Jerzy Konorski
- George Koob
- Emil Kraepelin
- Stephen Kuffler
- Jan Lauwereyns
- Aristides Leão
- Joseph LeDoux
- Lars Leksell
- Jerome Lettvin
- Simon LeVay
- Rita Levi-Montalcini
- Daniel Levitin
- John C. Lilly
- Charles Limb
- Christiane Linster
- Rodolfo Llinás
- Otto Loewi
- Nikos Logothetis
- Liliana Lubinska
- Jules Bernard Luys
- William Macewen
- Roderick MacKinnon
- Eleanor Maguire
- Misha Mahowald
- Paolo Mantegazza
- Henry Markram
- Eve Marder
- Carlo Matteucci
- Humberto Maturana
- James McClelland
- James McGaugh
- James V. McConnell
- Warren McCulloch
- H. Houston Merritt
- Ladislas J. Meduna
- Gero Miesenböck
- Earl K. Miller
- Brenda Milner
- Egas Moniz
- Read Montague
- Edvard Moser
- Vernon Mountcastle
- Johannes Peter Müller
- Walle Nauta
- Charles A. Nelson III
- Helen Neville
- Miguel Nicolelis
- Franz Nissl
- Akinori Noma
- Fernando Nottebohm
- Jaak Panksepp
- James Papez
- Alvaro Pascual-Leone
- Ivan Pavlov
- Wilder Penfield
- Edward Perl
- Candace Pert
- Tomaso Poggio
- Karl Pribram
- Jan Evangelista Purkyně
- Pasko Rakic
- Patricia Goldman Rakic
- Vilayanur S. Ramachandran
- Santiago Ramón y Cajal
- Geraint Rees
- Thomas Reh
- Gustaf Retzius
- David Rioch
- Giacomo Rizzolatti
- Edmund Rolls
- Steven Rose
- Renato M. E. Sabbatini
- Oliver Sacks
- Manfred Sakel
- Anders Sandberg
- Robert Sapolsky
- Richard Scheller
- Daniela Schiller
- Francis O. Schmitt
- Erich Schröger
- Theodor Schwann
- Terrence J. Sejnowski
- Sebastian Seung
- Carla J. Shatz
- Gordon Shepherd
- Charles Scott Sherrington
- Aafia Siddiqui
- James A. Simmons
- P. J. Snow
- Solomon H. Snyder
- Roger Wolcott Sperry
- Larry Squire
- Mircea Steriade
- Thomas C. Südhof
- Nobuo Suga
- Dick Swaab
- Ichiji Tasaki
- Jill Bolte Taylor
- Sally Temple
- Johannes Thome
- Susumu Tonegawa
- Giulio Tononi
- Richard W. Tsien
- Endel Tulving
- Fred W. Turek
- Robert Turner
- Julius Wagner-Jauregg
- Kevin Warwick
- George Wald
- Heinrich Wilhelm Gottfried von Waldeyer-Hartz
- William Grey Walter
- Karl Wernicke
- Torsten Wiesel
- Samuel Williamson
- Thomas Willis
- Victor P. Whittaker
- Moshe Wolman
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