Lviv Cheese and Wine Festival

Lviv Cheese and Wine Festival - main autumn gastronomic Festival in Ukraine and a good opportunity to learn about the culture and tradition of both cheese and wine making in Lviv, visit fairs, concerts, contests, music band concerts and certainly taste good cheese and good wine.
About festival
Four centuries ago the climate in Lviv was so warm that the vineyards on the southern slopes of the High Castle, Lychakov Street and in the hills Kayzervald up to Vynnyky produce annually more than a hundred barrels of wine. In addition, Lviv enjoyed delicious Italian, Cretan, Spanish and Hungarian wine, as Lviv was a big trade center.
Festival aim
- Create a specialized forum of wine and cheese making experts. - Implementation a tradition to organize fairs of two complementary products. - Involve consumers of different ages, that can due to stylized entertainment program could find and buy products from different producers. - Dissemination and development culture of wine and cheese consumption.
I Cheese and Wine Festival
I Cheese and Wine Festival was held on the 8th -10 October in the City Hall yard On the first day to the guests was presented the performance "Cellophane" about women's life. The second day of the Cheese and Wine Holiday wa Beatles was dedicated to 70th anniversary of John Lennon and on that day Lviv's band performed music of Beatles. The third day of the guests of holiday was surprised with a special culinary master class in cooking cheese dishes. Also, on the 1st day of the Holiday Lviv Winemakers Brotherhood presented wine of 2008 harvest specifically released for the holiday and it was a real "Limited Editition".
El Festival de Queso y Vino es una celebración de los mejores de Gran Bretaña de productos éticos y artesanal. Aquí, en la sede, estamos en una misión para traer la deliciosa comida y bebida para todos. No esnobismo del vino. No jerigonza. Sólo emocionantes nuevos sabores para explorar. Datos fascinantes por descubrir. Gente apasionada foodie a cumplir. Y nos atrevemos a decirlo ... divertido.