Marie Curie Alumni Association

Marie Curie Alumni Association (MCAA)
The Marie Curie Alumni Association (MCAA) is an association of researchers who have benefitted or are benefiting from a Marie Curie Action (recently renamed “Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions” under the “Excellent Science” pillar of EU’s Horizon 2020 Programme for Research). Researchers on the verge of working on a Marie Curie project are also eligible to join. The main objective of the association is to provide its members with a space where they can share experiences and interests.
Not to be confused with Marie Curie Fellowship Association (MCFA), MCAA is a new association backed by the European Commission[1] whereas MCFA is supported exclusively by the membership fees from its members. MCFA had been consulted during the MCAA starting phase and has shared experiences of setting up a researcher interaction platform.[2]
The Association was created at the General Assembly of 23 November 2013 in Brussels, Belgium, with the support of the European Commission’s Directorate General for Education and Culture (DG EAC).
The MCAA’s legal status is Association Internationale Sans But Lucratif (AISBL) – a non-profit international association. The Office is registered at Avenue des Arts 24 in Brussels, Belgium.
The MCAA comprises three management bodies:
- MCAA General Assembly
- MCAA Board
- MCAA Executive Committee
The Board was elected at the General Assembly. Its members are: a Chair, two Vice-Chairs, a Treasurer, a Secretary and six Ordinary Board Members.
MCAA Working Groups
The MCAA has five working groups:
Communication; Events and Networking; Grants and Awards; Information and Data Access; Policy on Successful Researchers.
MCAA Chapters
The MCAA has eight Chapters:
- Austrian Chapter;
- BeNeLux Chapter;
- Croatian Chapter;
- Israeli Chapter;
- Balears Chapter;
- Paris & Île-de-France Chapter;
- Sicily Chapter;
- United Kingdom Chapter.
External links
- Official website
- Marie Curie Actions
- Horizon 2020 Programme
- Directorate General for Education and Culture – European Commission
- wbc – - Marie Curie Alumni Association to be created
- Chinese Advanced Materials Society - The CAMS president interviewed by Marie Curie Alumni Association
- AeroTraNet - AeroTraNet 2 ESR meet at the MCAA first general assembly