Mars and Venus in the Bedroom

Author John Gray
Original title Mars and Venus in the Bedroom: a Guide to Lasting Romance and Passion
Subject Relationships
Published Harper Collins
Pages 400
ISBN 0061015717

Mars and Venus in the Bedroom: A Guide to Lasting Romance and Passion is a self-help relationship based book written by John Gray, author of Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus. It is part in a series of books exploring the oft-clashing relationships between men and women.


John Gray brings his theories to enhancing the relationship in the bedroom and teaches his readers how to employ "advanced relationship skills" to create deeper intimacy while maintaining the passionate spark that was part of the couple's initial relationship. What he believes is that the first step to achieving this is an acceptance of the differences between the sexes. Once there is acceptance, it is easier for the couple to make small but significant changes in attitudes, techniques, etc. The theory is that this will then result in a rekindling of passion.


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